James Hansen Wishes he Wasn’t So Right about Global Warming

Of course we can because we already have. We've been doing it for 174 years.

What is that supposed to mean? The Earth's average temperature has been increasing and it has nothing to do with any cycle. It is due to human GHG emissions.

You're babbling.

Do you live in a home with an air conditioner and a fire place or heater? Is the temperature in your home the same as the temperature outside? When the sun goes down, are you still able to see where you're going, read a book, get a snack from the refrigerator? It seems to me as if you have very little difficulty avoiding what nature is trying to do to you.
We have no power over the weather. None what so ever.

The earth’s temp is cyclical. As far as world history is concerned, we are just coming out of the last ice age.

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