Ignorant racist tee potters

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Watch How The Tea Party Talks About Obama When They Think No One Is Listening: "Foreign-Born America-Hating Communist" - Occupy Democrats

Proving once again that the right wing has lost all respect for the office of the Presidency of the United States, Republican Rep. Martha Roby (R- Alabama) failed to call out an extremist bigot who at a Tea Party meeting yesterday called Pres. Barack Obama a “Foreign-Born America-hating communist despot”.

Adding insult to injury, she laughed along with the crowd(video below) in apparent agreement with the bigoted man’s comment, thanked him for his question, and jokingly remarked, “He said it loud enough so that ya’ll heard it.” As if that wasn’t bad enough, she went on to dignify his question with a response about how seriously she takes her duty of “government oversight”.

The reason people dislike the tee potters is they're stupid and vicious and will always be stupid and vicious.
lol, Occupy democrats...respect for the office? what a joke..

screw you people...Nobody has to do shit because you say so...go clean up your garbage party and the racist and bigots in it

Rangal calling the people of this country who are in the tea party CRACKERS? go choke on your bullshit

WE LIVED through eight years of some the most disrespect for a President by you lefties with Bush
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democrats make ill with this demand PEOPLE should be called out for expressing their Freedoms of SPEECH.... especially the op who spreads some of the most disrespect for anyone not a democrat

get that title, that's some RESPECT alright..fucking losers on your knees kissing at the feet of Obama...
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Watch How The Tea Party Talks About Obama When They Think No One Is Listening: "Foreign-Born America-Hating Communist" - Occupy Democrats

Proving once again that the right wing has lost all respect for the office of the Presidency of the United States, Republican Rep. Martha Roby (R- Alabama) failed to call out an extremist bigot who at a Tea Party meeting yesterday called Pres. Barack Obama a “Foreign-Born America-hating communist despot”.

Adding insult to injury, she laughed along with the crowd(video below) in apparent agreement with the bigoted man’s comment, thanked him for his question, and jokingly remarked, “He said it loud enough so that ya’ll heard it.” As if that wasn’t bad enough, she went on to dignify his question with a response about how seriously she takes her duty of “government oversight”.

The reason people dislike the tee potters is they're stupid and vicious and will always be stupid and vicious.
The Tea Party Has not lost respect for The Office Of The President. We just have NO respect for this President. He has given us no reason to respect him. Respect is earned, It doesn't just come with the office. Want respect Mr. President? Earn it.
I need no excuse to hate that little fucker.
He's been disastrous to our Nation and has done irreparable harm to the freedoms and liberties of individuals and commerce alike.

lol, don't hold back my dear...but it's the truth..I don't have any Respect for him because he has ran around the country weekly (which it seems that is ALL he does) giving speechs that is Intended to cause division...horrible man and President..
obama is classically evil. He embodies Caligula or Jack the Ripper, or Pol Pot. He is evil for the sheer joy of evil. He is worse than the middle of the road evil of a Stalin, Hitler or Ceaucescu. They at least had an idea of some sort of stability at the end. It might have been misguided even twisted but it was something beyond an immediate enjoyment of another's pain.
I need no excuse to hate that little fucker.
He's been disastrous to our Nation and has done irreparable harm to the freedoms and liberties of individuals and commerce alike.

lol, don't hold back my dear...but it's the truth..I don't have any Respect for him because he has ran around the country weekly (which it seems that is ALL he does) giving speechs that is Intended to cause division...horrible man and President..

And I posted that SOBER.

But I'm workin' onnit. :beer:
I need no excuse to hate that little fucker.
He's been disastrous to our Nation and has done irreparable harm to the freedoms and liberties of individuals and commerce alike.

lol, don't hold back my dear...but it's the truth..I don't have any Respect for him because he has ran around the country weekly (which it seems that is ALL he does) giving speechs that is Intended to cause division...horrible man and President..

And I posted that SOBER.

But I'm workin' onnit. :beer:

either way you make sense...now me drinking... whooboy look out...the drunken sailor talk come out....lol
Nero fiddled. Obama golfs. He does not earn respect.

obama is classically evil. He embodies Caligula or Jack the Ripper, or Pol Pot. He is evil for the sheer joy of evil. He is worse than the middle of the road evil of a Stalin, Hitler or Ceaucescu. They at least had an idea of some sort of stability at the end. It might have been misguided even twisted but it was something beyond an immediate enjoyment of another's pain.

Wow. This is fucking great. I love all your hate...please dont stop. He won. Twice. He kicked your ass. But this is how you deal with it.
obama is classically evil. He embodies Caligula or Jack the Ripper, or Pol Pot. He is evil for the sheer joy of evil. He is worse than the middle of the road evil of a Stalin, Hitler or Ceaucescu. They at least had an idea of some sort of stability at the end. It might have been misguided even twisted but it was something beyond an immediate enjoyment of another's pain.

Wow. This is fucking great. I love all your hate...please dont stop. He won. Twice. He kicked your ass. But this is how you deal with it.

Remind us how you Respected Bush who won twice.
Watch How The Tea Party Talks About Obama When They Think No One Is Listening: "Foreign-Born America-Hating Communist" - Occupy Democrats

Proving once again that the right wing has lost all respect for the office of the Presidency of the United States, Republican Rep. Martha Roby (R- Alabama) failed to call out an extremist bigot who at a Tea Party meeting yesterday called Pres. Barack Obama a “Foreign-Born America-hating communist despot”.

Adding insult to injury, she laughed along with the crowd(video below) in apparent agreement with the bigoted man’s comment, thanked him for his question, and jokingly remarked, “He said it loud enough so that ya’ll heard it.” As if that wasn’t bad enough, she went on to dignify his question with a response about how seriously she takes her duty of “government oversight”.

The reason people dislike the tee potters is they're stupid and vicious and will always be stupid and vicious.

Are you saying that because Roby didn't call out a guy for giving his opinion he's a racist?

I never heard any Democrat call out those morons that called Bush a war criminal. does that make them bigots?
It was a Town Hall meeting just like all of them are having across the country.
Nothing was there in the report to call it a Tea Party. Was there any signs saying that it was a Tea Party? NO!

The left always use labels without any evidence.
Using the Tea Party label is the same at the Guy who accused Obama as being foreign born. No evidence of it in either commits.
It's always OK when the left does it, but not when the right des it.
The rest of his commit was correct.
Obama does dislike America and he is using many communist & socialist ideologies.
Watch How The Tea Party Talks About Obama When They Think No One Is Listening: "Foreign-Born America-Hating Communist" - Occupy Democrats

Proving once again that the right wing has lost all respect for the office of the Presidency of the United States, Republican Rep. Martha Roby (R- Alabama) failed to call out an extremist bigot who at a Tea Party meeting yesterday called Pres. Barack Obama a “Foreign-Born America-hating communist despot”.

Adding insult to injury, she laughed along with the crowd(video below) in apparent agreement with the bigoted man’s comment, thanked him for his question, and jokingly remarked, “He said it loud enough so that ya’ll heard it.” As if that wasn’t bad enough, she went on to dignify his question with a response about how seriously she takes her duty of “government oversight”.

The reason people dislike the tee potters is they're stupid and vicious and will always be stupid and vicious.
We respect the office of the Presidency. That's why we don't respect this President.

You will not understand this simple concept.
Watch How The Tea Party Talks About Obama When They Think No One Is Listening: "Foreign-Born America-Hating Communist" - Occupy Democrats

Proving once again that the right wing has lost all respect for the office of the Presidency of the United States, Republican Rep. Martha Roby (R- Alabama) failed to call out an extremist bigot who at a Tea Party meeting yesterday called Pres. Barack Obama a “Foreign-Born America-hating communist despot”.

Adding insult to injury, she laughed along with the crowd(video below) in apparent agreement with the bigoted man’s comment, thanked him for his question, and jokingly remarked, “He said it loud enough so that ya’ll heard it.” As if that wasn’t bad enough, she went on to dignify his question with a response about how seriously she takes her duty of “government oversight”.

The reason people dislike the tee potters is they're stupid and vicious and will always be stupid and vicious.
We respect the office of the Presidency. That's why we don't respect this President.

You will not understand this simple concept.

I give him the same respect he gives us people who didn't vote for him or bow down to his visions of transforming American...NONE
Watch How The Tea Party Talks About Obama When They Think No One Is Listening: "Foreign-Born America-Hating Communist" - Occupy Democrats

Proving once again that the right wing has lost all respect for the office of the Presidency of the United States, Republican Rep. Martha Roby (R- Alabama) failed to call out an extremist bigot who at a Tea Party meeting yesterday called Pres. Barack Obama a “Foreign-Born America-hating communist despot”.

Adding insult to injury, she laughed along with the crowd(video below) in apparent agreement with the bigoted man’s comment, thanked him for his question, and jokingly remarked, “He said it loud enough so that ya’ll heard it.” As if that wasn’t bad enough, she went on to dignify his question with a response about how seriously she takes her duty of “government oversight”.

The reason people dislike the tee potters is they're stupid and vicious and will always be stupid and vicious.

Who are the Tea Potters?

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