I'll Miss Major League Baseball. They Support Domestic Terrorist Group BLM

"Support" might be too strong of a word. My guess is that major league baseball caved into a national extortion scheme sponsored by the democrat party and the media. The sport was dying anyway and now they might have shot themselves in the foot.
Every Marine that died on a beach in the South Pacific in 1940's who never got a chance to see a ballgame because he died fighting imperialism in the Pacific day's no.
Please stipulate what rights African-Americans lack. Voting? Holding office? Employment? Residency? Buying and owning property? Schooling? What? Lay it out, so all right-thinking Americans can work on it.

Police brutality against Blacks is so rare that when it happens it is national, headline news, even when the victim is a known criminal. And there is no data anywhere indicating that Blacks are brutalized by police at a rate higher than any other demographic group, considering the actual numbers of police interactions. The police interactions track closely with manifest criminality, which among Black males is statistically horrific. 6 percent of the U.S. population - Black males - commits half of all the violent crime. That is more than eight times what one would expect with comparable criminality among demographic groups.

Here's something that would be a worthwhile protest: Take a knee until such time as every player in the NFL/NBA/MLB assumes financial responsibility for all of his biological offspring. (Encourage all the Baby-Mamas to bring in their DNA test results). Then we could know when the protests have been successful and can end. After that, we can encourage the same vow for every other American male, eh? Now THAT would be a movement worth supporting.
With Stormfront gone, people like this guy have found a home on USMB.
Stormfront gone? Well looks like Black Lives Matter is filling the void pretty good.
MLB selling shirts to raise $$$ for BLM and BLM stenciled on pitcher's mound. Makes me want to vomit. Why don't they just burn an American flag before the game and raise money for Chinese People's Army?

Dude, you're a loon. MLB doesn't need loons who call BLM a domestic terrorist group.
They'll attract two younger people for every old Trumptard loon they lose. ;)
Black Lives Matter is a terrorist group that advocates the murder of law enforcement. For every two young indoctrinated dickheads five real Americans will emerge.
MLB selling shirts to raise $$$ for BLM and BLM stenciled on pitcher's mound. Makes me want to vomit. Why don't they just burn an American flag before the game and raise money for Chinese People's Army?
Watched 4 games in last 2 days. I like the ones with the cardboard cutouts and crowd noise that is coordinated to go along with the play. Understand, if you are willing to put out the money you can be one of the cutouts, which might be kind of cool. If you are going to put on a show, SELL IT! Good marketing will out.
Not to thrilled with the kneeling BS. Should protest on their own time if they do not like the country making them rich. Saw some fat black guy (I think Giants game) trying hard honest effort, but butchering the National Anthem. Wasn't a smart ass parody thing like Rosanne pulled that time, either. You got to wonder about who picks out these singers sometimes and if they are in the right line of work.

The games with cardboard cutouts and piped in noise reminds me of British comedy shows. I only saw it on news clips.
Yes, and I chuckle at it too, but I watch more baseball in an average year than any other team sport and was missing it. The play I have seen so far looks better than usual for early season and the Covid thing will play hell with the odds makers, as not only injury list but newly infected and out for a number of weeks if they survive and come back this season at all adds uncertainty. Gutsy move getting on planes and doing all that travel in these time. Sport channels viewership is way way up since season start. America wants team sports if it can be done without killing the country.
Need to start independent minor league teams across the United States, unaffiliated with MLB. Have a clause in league charter that politics or political statement's are not allowed at the ballpark. I love " the game of baseball." I can take my grandkids to watch a ballgame in Peoria, Memphis, Syracuse, Richmond, Austin, Mobile, Albuquerque, Fresno or hundreds of other places and not give a dime to terrorist supporting MLB. Enjoy the game just as much. Boycott MLB completely.

Well then you're going to have to find an all white league and pray that they're all ignorant assholes like you because black players are going to stand up for equal rights and an end to police brutality.

Nobody is going to want to play in the Bush League either, because they ALL want to play in the Show and there will be no way to get there from the Bush League. You'll have the leftovers with no hope of getting to the majors, and only the white leftovers at that.

Yep, and no one will pay for anything related to the MLB and those "black" players will have the value of their contract cut in half (at a minimum)....but they won't care, it's all for the cause.

This will come as a HUGE shock to you but more than 60% of the American population supports Black Lives Matter, and their fight for an end to police brutality. You're on the losing end of history in this one, and it can't happen soon enough.

Idiot, you better hope that same 60% also support baseball, which I seriously doubt. That being said, which player/team islooking forward to at least a 50% pay cut.

Didn't you fools say that NASCAR would pay a price for their support for Bubba Wallace and banning the Confederate flag? Nascar has had the highest ratings in history since they did that. I'm even willing to watch NASCAR now to support them and I loathe bullring car racing because it's fucking boring.

Back in the 1940's, people said that integration would kill baseball. Nobody wants to see a bunch of black men showing up the white players. And here you are, essentially saying the same thing. You're that out of touch with reality.
NASCAR has had the lowest ratings in history and I speak as a stock car fan. What the fuck does baseball integration have to do with supporting domestic terrorist group?
it's disgusting-----a whole nation is being COERCED
into applauding barbarity and thuggery as a sublime political and social convention
it's disgusting-----a whole nation is being COERCED
into applauding barbarity and thuggery as a sublime political and social convention
Thank you Rosie. Good Americans cannot be seduced by evil.
MLB selling shirts to raise $$$ for BLM and BLM stenciled on pitcher's mound. Makes me want to vomit. Why don't they just burn an American flag before the game and raise money for Chinese People's Army?

Dude, you're a loon. MLB doesn't need loons who call BLM a domestic terrorist group.
They'll attract two younger people for every old Trumptard loon they lose. ;)
Black Lives Matter is a terrorist group that advocates the murder of law enforcement. For every two young indoctrinated dickheads five real Americans will emerge.


Increasing pay-outs by municipal governments - especially Leftist ones - is not proof of increasing police brutality, and certainly not proof of disproportionate brutality against Blacks, who - of necessity - draw a vastly disproportionate share of police attention, due to their proven criminality.
MLB selling shirts to raise $$$ for BLM and BLM stenciled on pitcher's mound. Makes me want to vomit. Why don't they just burn an American flag before the game and raise money for Chinese People's Army?

Dude, you're a loon. MLB doesn't need loons who call BLM a domestic terrorist group.
They'll attract two younger people for every old Trumptard loon they lose. ;)
Black Lives Matter is a terrorist group that advocates the murder of law enforcement. For every two young indoctrinated dickheads five real Americans will emerge.


You post a cartoon of Spiderman. You do realize he's not real right?
MLB selling shirts to raise $$$ for BLM and BLM stenciled on pitcher's mound. Makes me want to vomit. Why don't they just burn an American flag before the game and raise money for Chinese People's Army?

Dude, you're a loon. MLB doesn't need loons who call BLM a domestic terrorist group.
They'll attract two younger people for every old Trumptard loon they lose. ;)
Black Lives Matter is a terrorist group that advocates the murder of law enforcement. For every two young indoctrinated dickheads five real Americans will emerge.


You post a cartoon of Spiderman. You do realize he's not real right?

Neither is your Reality TeeVee Game Show Host. Sorry, thought you might relate.
MLB selling shirts to raise $$$ for BLM and BLM stenciled on pitcher's mound. Makes me want to vomit. Why don't they just burn an American flag before the game and raise money for Chinese People's Army?


View attachment 367206
It's very telling how trump cultists can't even tolerate others being for Black Lives....can't tolerate others being against police sanctioned murders of black people.
MLB selling shirts to raise $$$ for BLM and BLM stenciled on pitcher's mound. Makes me want to vomit. Why don't they just burn an American flag before the game and raise money for Chinese People's Army?

Dude, you're a loon. MLB doesn't need loons who call BLM a domestic terrorist group.
They'll attract two younger people for every old Trumptard loon they lose. ;)
Black Lives Matter is a terrorist group that advocates the murder of law enforcement. For every two young indoctrinated dickheads five real Americans will emerge.


You post a cartoon of Spiderman. You do realize he's not real right?
Congratulations on finally figuring that out.
MLB selling shirts to raise $$$ for BLM and BLM stenciled on pitcher's mound. Makes me want to vomit. Why don't they just burn an American flag before the game and raise money for Chinese People's Army?
Watched 4 games in last 2 days. I like the ones with the cardboard cutouts and crowd noise that is coordinated to go along with the play. Understand, if you are willing to put out the money you can be one of the cutouts, which might be kind of cool. If you are going to put on a show, SELL IT! Good marketing will out.
Not to thrilled with the kneeling BS. Should protest on their own time if they do not like the country making them rich. Saw some fat black guy (I think Giants game) trying hard honest effort, but butchering the National Anthem. Wasn't a smart ass parody thing like Rosanne pulled that time, either. You got to wonder about who picks out these singers sometimes and if they are in the right line of work.

The games with cardboard cutouts and piped in noise reminds me of British comedy shows. I only saw it on news clips.
All American sports like Baseball are too real American for Trumplers. Plus they are brainwashed into thinking BLM stands for terrorist groups.

Black lives matter is a marxist group, they are by definition a terrorist group.
MLB selling shirts to raise $$$ for BLM and BLM stenciled on pitcher's mound. Makes me want to vomit. Why don't they just burn an American flag before the game and raise money for Chinese People's Army?


View attachment 367206
It's very telling how trump cultists can't even tolerate others being for Black Lives....can't tolerate others being against police sanctioned murders of black people.

Sell that crap to the democrats, they are the only ones stupid enough to believe it......here on U.S. messageboard the conservatives and libertarians know what a moron you are.....
My days of watching sports on TV are over. ... :cool:
Just about the same for me. Waiting to see if the KC Chiefs are going to act like idiots or not.

I am on their official sites and they are getting a BIG ASS WARNING from fans on their sites. Everyone asking if we are going to get football or an agenda. They can surely see what the MLB is doing and the reactions to it.
Balls in their end zone now.

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