Illegal alien children surge across border at highest rate since last summer's peak


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
3,000 unaccompanied children leaving their own country and crossing the border illegally into the United States.

And those are only the ones the authorities have actually caught.

Estimate range from ten illegals crossing for every one caught, to even higher numbers.

They are fully qualified to be "undocumented Democrats" - they are breaking the law, have no respect for U.S. laws or societies, and they want things for free. Clearly the Obama administration is uninterested in stemming the flow of lawbreakers into this country... contrary to their campaign promises and their oath of office.

Is this the group we want to have as America's next citizens?


Illegal immigrant children surge across border at highest rate since last summer s peak - Washington Times

Illegal immigrant children surge across border at highest rate since last summer’s peak

by Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Monday, April 6, 2015

The second wave of unaccompanied illegal immigrant children has begun, with more than 3,000 of them surging across the Mexican border into the U.S. last month — the highest rate since the peak of last summer’s crisis and a warning that another rough season could be ahead.

Immigration officials warned that they expected another surge as the weather improved. Although the numbers are down some 40 percent compared with last year’s frenetic pace that sparked a political crisis for the Obama administration, fiscal year 2015 is shaping up to mark the second-biggest surge on record.

Authorities report having captured 15,647 children traveling without parents who tried to jump the border in the first six months of the fiscal year. Through this point in 2014, they had apprehended 28,579.

Just as worrisome is the rate of whole families — usually mothers with young children — who are crossing. So far this fiscal year, authorities have captured 13,911 “family units,” down 30 percent from last year.

“These statistics show that the surge of illegal arrivals from Central America was never really over,” said Jessica Vaughan, policy studies director at the Center for Immigration Studies.

She said the Obama administration and Congress have not taken steps to end the “pull factors.”
We are sending planes to get them from central America to the US. Incredible.
They're coming for you republicans!!! Run! :eek:

These children varmints carry Dengue fever, Ebola, fleas, and rabies. Every time some white kid anywhere in America gets sick, you can be sure it will be the fault of these refugees subhumans. These minors invaders will steal white collar jobs and collect food stamps. They will join our military and carry out a coup to ensure Obama is set up as a dictator.

You want to believe this, so you know it is all true.
I hear most of them are gay...that's why you'll get no complaint from the LIBTARDS.
Third World Misery here we come. Yay Obama! Also makes you think, is your Government really concerned with Terrorism? A Government so concerned with Terrorism, yet it leaves its Border wide open? Hmm? Something to ponder i guess.
Social cons: contact your nearest Homeland Department field office so you can adopt an illegal alien child.
This thread was started last year, and the OP's statistics are from then.

Fast forward to this year. The surge is growing even greater, with the number of illegal border crossers nearly doubling over the already-high rates of last year.

The leftist fanatics are delighted, of course. The more undocumented Democrats the better, eh?


Number of illegal immigrant families at southern border surging, data shows | Fox News

Number of illegal immigrant families at southern border surging, data shows

Published May 05, 2016

The number of illegal immigrant families and unaccomanpied minors apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border has soared in recent months, according to statistics released Wednesday by the federal government.

According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), 27,754 unaccompanied children were taken into custody by border officials during the six months ending March 31 — the first six months of fiscal year 2016. That's a 78 percent increase from the 15,616 apprehended in the corresponding time frame last year.

Similarly, CBP reported that 32,117 family units — defined as at least one child traveling with at least one adult — were apprehended in the first six months of fiscal year 2016, a 131 percent increase over the 13,913 family units caught in fiscal year 2015.

The CBP statistics were first reported by The Hill.

The numbers have raised the specter of another border surge similar to the summer of 2014, when thousands of unaccompanied minors swarmed the border, overwhelming law enforcement and humanitarian workers alike.
Nothing from the liberal fanatics except the usual hysterical ranting.

Looks like this is yet another subject they don't want to talk about.
..... The more undocumented Democrats the better, eh?......

Regardless of what democrats might want, how can they be democrats if they are both minors and non-citizens? If democrats really do envision all these people becoming citizens one day, that day is not at all near and there is no guarantee that all these folks from very traditional cultures would become democrats if they were to become citizens one day in the distant future.
If these numbers really are growing, someone needs to have a talk with Mexico, because we have given them a lot of $$$$ for their 'Southern Strategy' to stem the tide before it gets to the US/Mexico border.

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