ILLEGAL Alien out on bond kills store clerk for cigaretettes...

There are thousands more just like him so get used to it. They get released as soon as they are arrested.
That one was released twice...had felony charges reduced.

We can thank Obama for waving them over in droves...ignoring our immigration laws. You gotta expect a significant percentage of them to be thugs and miscreants. This one should have been treated as the thug he was and sent back to wherever the fuck he came from. Now that he truly deserves penalty of death, the lizards will slither out of the woodwork to defend his actions and claim his civil rights may have been violated. He was a fucking victim!

Not only can you safely bet that others like him are already here, others like him (and worse) are coming every day. Obama hasn't the guts or the good sense to CLOSE THE BORDER! Talk about assimilating those already here some time in the future...after you cut off the fucking invasion. He wants nothing but votes! Fuck America's laws! It's HIS way or a veto!

AND we can thank Obama for the upcoming terrorist attacks on America, too. May you all in target big cities, survive. :eusa_pray:
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And notice, there is never any outrage. Every thread like this that comes along, gets a few posts and that's about it.
And it's the same every time.

Conservatives - outraged there are criminal illegal aliens running free in our country.

Progtards - defend criminal illegal aliens running free in our country.

Why do progs defend the criminal illegal aliens? Because it's their messiah that set them free, and they will blindly, unquestioning, without thought, defend their messiah.

For starters, libs have this weakness commonly known as the "bleeding heart". They think as long as there is one person on the planet who didn't go to bed with a full stomach, then they should be able to come here without any regulations.
Next of course, they know once these people become citizens they will obviously be Dimocrats and forever be voting for government handouts.
You hit on the BIGGEST reason, DD.... VOTES.

If the democrap party didn't have a permanent sec of dependent sheeple, they'd never win an election, period.

And he's bringing in more as he appeals to his voting base with minorities with classless photo-ops such as these:

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There are thousands more just like him so get used to it. They get released as soon as they are arrested.
That one was released twice...had felony charges reduced.

We can thank Obama for waving them over in droves...ignoring our immigration laws. You gotta expect a significant percentage of them to be thugs and miscreants. This one should have been treated as the thug he was and sent back to wherever the fuck he came from. Now that he truly deserves penalty of death, the lizards will slither out of the woodwork to defend his actions and claim his civil rights may have been violated. He was a fucking victim!

Not only can you safely bet that others like him are already here, others like him (and worse) are coming every day. Obama hasn't the guts or the good sense to CLOSE THE BORDER! Talk about assimilating those already here some time in the future...after you cut off the fucking invasion. He wants nothing but votes! Fuck America's laws! It's HIS way or a veto!

AND we can thank Obama for the upcoming terrorist attacks on America, too. May you all in target big cities, survive. :eusa_pray:
When the anarchy starts, you make a B-line for my fort, sweety. I'll make sure you're safe...
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The illegal already had a criminal history and should have been deported. If our government had done it's job a 23 year old would be breathing today! Wake up and smell the coffee. Your government cares more about illegals than they do the American citizen!
There are thousands more just like him so get used to it. They get released as soon as they are arrested.
That one was released twice...had felony charges reduced.

We can thank Obama for waving them over in droves...ignoring our immigration laws. You gotta expect a significant percentage of them to be thugs and miscreants. This one should have been treated as the thug he was and sent back to wherever the fuck he came from. Now that he truly deserves penalty of death, the lizards will slither out of the woodwork to defend his actions and claim his civil rights may have been violated. He was a fucking victim!

Not only can you safely bet that others like him are already here, others like him (and worse) are coming every day. Obama hasn't the guts or the good sense to CLOSE THE BORDER! Talk about assimilating those already here some time in the future...after you cut off the fucking invasion. He wants nothing but votes! Fuck America's laws! It's HIS way or a veto!

AND we can thank Obama for the upcoming terrorist attacks on America, too. May you all in target big cities, survive. :eusa_pray:
When the anarchy starts, you make a B-line for my fort, sweety. I'll make sure you're safe...

I can honestly say, you would be the one I would head for. No kidding!!!! You're a man of grit. You are no liberal; no sitting duck! We share the same motto, only we REALLY mean it: LIVE FREE OR DIE! :FIREdevil:
Actually....this did not do I know....non citizens can't get guns in this country...rightt? So there is no way he had a gun and if he didn't have a gun he couldn't have shot the clerk......
Now I know this didn't says in the link he was prohibited from possessing, much less carrying a this obviously did not happen....we have laws that say that criminals can't have guns......
There are thousands more just like him so get used to it. They get released as soon as they are arrested.
That one was released twice...had felony charges reduced.

We can thank Obama for waving them over in droves...ignoring our immigration laws. You gotta expect a significant percentage of them to be thugs and miscreants. This one should have been treated as the thug he was and sent back to wherever the fuck he came from. Now that he truly deserves penalty of death, the lizards will slither out of the woodwork to defend his actions and claim his civil rights may have been violated. He was a fucking victim!

Not only can you safely bet that others like him are already here, others like him (and worse) are coming every day. Obama hasn't the guts or the good sense to CLOSE THE BORDER! Talk about assimilating those already here some time in the future...after you cut off the fucking invasion. He wants nothing but votes! Fuck America's laws! It's HIS way or a veto!

AND we can thank Obama for the upcoming terrorist attacks on America, too. May you all in target big cities, survive. :eusa_pray:

Yep while America is policing the entire world, our own country is left for dead. You could drive a fucking train through our open border. And since our agents are stationed 20 miles off the border, it's like a bear shitting in the woods.
There are thousands more just like him so get used to it. They get released as soon as they are arrested.
That one was released twice...had felony charges reduced.

We can thank Obama for waving them over in droves...ignoring our immigration laws. You gotta expect a significant percentage of them to be thugs and miscreants. This one should have been treated as the thug he was and sent back to wherever the fuck he came from. Now that he truly deserves penalty of death, the lizards will slither out of the woodwork to defend his actions and claim his civil rights may have been violated. He was a fucking victim!

Not only can you safely bet that others like him are already here, others like him (and worse) are coming every day. Obama hasn't the guts or the good sense to CLOSE THE BORDER! Talk about assimilating those already here some time in the future...after you cut off the fucking invasion. He wants nothing but votes! Fuck America's laws! It's HIS way or a veto!

AND we can thank Obama for the upcoming terrorist attacks on America, too. May you all in target big cities, survive. :eusa_pray:

Yep while America is policing the entire world, our own country is left for dead. You could drive a fucking train through our open border. And since our agents are stationed 20 miles off the border, it's like a bear shitting in the woods.

Are you really so uniformed that you don't know that the border checks 20 miles from the border is a second level of enforcement, whose job it is to apprehend those that made it past the first level of enforcement?
Are you really so uniformed that you don't know that the border checks 20 miles from the border is a second level of enforcement, whose job it is to apprehend those that made it past the first level of enforcement?

Oh is that what it is?:laugh:

And Obama is known as the deportation president too right?

How come others from the great state of Arizona can identify the problem? Many have to defend their property from these illegal invaders.
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Are you really so uniformed that you don't know that the border checks 20 miles from the border is a second level of enforcement, whose job it is to apprehend those that made it past the first level of enforcement?

Oh is that what it is?:laugh:

And Obama is known as the deportation president too right?

How come others from the great state of Arizona can identify the problem? Many have to defend their property from these illegal invaders.

Oh really? I live 30 miles from the border, and I have never had to defend my property from anyone. How many, exactly have had to do that? Obviously, you and I run around with a different crowd.

Oh, and yes. More illegals have been deported in the Obama administration than any other administration.

Why Has President Obama Deported More Immigrants Than Any President in US History The Nation

But keep digging that hole that you are standing in:

Obama Administration Deported Record 1.5 Million People It s All Politics NPR
Are you really so uniformed that you don't know that the border checks 20 miles from the border is a second level of enforcement, whose job it is to apprehend those that made it past the first level of enforcement?

Oh is that what it is?:laugh:

And Obama is known as the deportation president too right?

How come others from the great state of Arizona can identify the problem? Many have to defend their property from these illegal invaders.

Oh really? I live 30 miles from the border, and I have never had to defend my property from anyone. How many, exactly have had to do that? Obviously, you and I run around with a different crowd.

Oh, and yes. More illegals have been deported in the Obama administration than any other administration.

Why Has President Obama Deported More Immigrants Than Any President in US History The Nation

But keep digging that hole that you are standing in:

Obama Administration Deported Record 1.5 Million People It s All Politics NPR

Delusional! Our country has been bum rushed under this corrupt administration. Where did those Obumble deportation numbers come from? Did the NPR toss them out themselves, or some other media outlet that's in the tank for this guy?
="asaratis, post: 10632474, member: 19762"wmurderers from the White House on this? Perhaps after the official recognition of Bergdahl as a traitor? Is Obama going to offer free cigarettes to illegal aliens to curb the violence and recognize them as victims of addiction to nicotine?

Arizona is a death penalty state. If Holder gets involved, he'll move the trail to Michigan because Arizona borders Mexico.

TRAGIC Illegal Alien With Criminal Record Kills AZ Clerk Over a Pack of Cigarettes

Professional race hustler Al Sharpton won’t be causing race riots over the following story. Likewise, Obama won’t be announcing that the 21-year-old victim could have been his son, as he announced during the Trayvon Martin case. Nor will leftist billionaire George Soros be contributing funds to groups lobbying to secure the U.S. border to keep tragedies like the following from happening. Furthermore, the case will unlikely be noticed by Obama Attorney General, Eric Holder.

What? You mean that besides there being American murderers nd LEGAL immigrant murderers....sometimes criminals are ILLEGAL immigrants?
No, Julio. This one wouldn't have happened had our laws been enforced instead of relaxed.
Straw man fallacy – or post hoc fallacy, take your pick.

Straw man: no laws were 'relaxed,' the notion is ignorant idiocy.

Post hoc: there's no evidence at all that any aspect of immigration laws or policy contributed to the crime.

Consequently the moronic premise of your thread fails.
Are you really so uniformed that you don't know that the border checks 20 miles from the border is a second level of enforcement, whose job it is to apprehend those that made it past the first level of enforcement?

Oh is that what it is?:laugh:

And Obama is known as the deportation president too right?

How come others from the great state of Arizona can identify the problem? Many have to defend their property from these illegal invaders.

Oh really? I live 30 miles from the border, and I have never had to defend my property from anyone. How many, exactly have had to do that? Obviously, you and I run around with a different crowd.

Oh, and yes. More illegals have been deported in the Obama administration than any other administration.

Why Has President Obama Deported More Immigrants Than Any President in US History The Nation

But keep digging that hole that you are standing in:

Obama Administration Deported Record 1.5 Million People It s All Politics NPR

Delusional! Our country has been bum rushed under this corrupt administration. Where did those Obumble deportation numbers come from? Did the NPR toss them out themselves, or some other media outlet that's in the tank for this guy?

Well, like so many on the Right, you seem to be totally unimpressed by facts, and prefer bumper sticker philosophy garnered from AM radio shows. Consequently, I recommend that you cancel all news papers and news magazines, and just set your TV to Fox news 24/7, so that your paranoid delusions can be fed non stop.
="asaratis, post: 10632474, member: 19762"wmurderers from the White House on this? Perhaps after the official recognition of Bergdahl as a traitor? Is Obama going to offer free cigarettes to illegal aliens to curb the violence and recognize them as victims of addiction to nicotine?

Arizona is a death penalty state. If Holder gets involved, he'll move the trail to Michigan because Arizona borders Mexico.

TRAGIC Illegal Alien With Criminal Record Kills AZ Clerk Over a Pack of Cigarettes

Professional race hustler Al Sharpton won’t be causing race riots over the following story. Likewise, Obama won’t be announcing that the 21-year-old victim could have been his son, as he announced during the Trayvon Martin case. Nor will leftist billionaire George Soros be contributing funds to groups lobbying to secure the U.S. border to keep tragedies like the following from happening. Furthermore, the case will unlikely be noticed by Obama Attorney General, Eric Holder.

What? You mean that besides there being American murderers nd LEGAL immigrant murderers....sometimes criminals are ILLEGAL immigrants?
No, Julio. This one wouldn't have happened had our laws been enforced instead of relaxed.
Straw man fallacy – or post hoc fallacy, take your pick.

Straw man: no laws were 'relaxed,' the notion is ignorant idiocy.

Post hoc: there's no evidence at all that any aspect of immigration laws or policy contributed to the crime.

Consequently the moronic premise of your thread fails.

There is nothing but evidence that immigration laws contributed. Should an illegal alien be released onto our streets on bond? That alone is breaking a law of this country.

Whether you like it or not, there are laws in this nation, ones this president took an oath to uphold. Can you sit there, being intellectually honest, and tell me he is enforcing those laws?
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