More Blood On Joe's Hands: Illegal Alien Gang Member Arrested For Rape/Murder Of 20yo Maryland Woman w/Autism

Sure but Rump didn't get the job done. But then your orange douchebag is a loser, isn't he? My sympathies. :itsok:

460 miles of wall is quite an accomplishment in the short time he was able to get it built. As a typical leftist, you're trying to blame him for the actions of your fellow Communists.

Dementia said that Trump was a failure and should step down when we hit the 200,000 American covid deaths. In the end, more people died of covid under his watch with three vaccines than under Trump with no vaccines. Your former hero told us that his healthcare plan would make sure everybody was insured with quality plans. An utter failure since all his promises never came through, and we paid over a trillion dollars for that lie.

If you want to talk about real failures, I suggest you look in the mirror first. They had all the time in the world to make their plans come true, and they failed miserably. At least Trump's promises showed great improvement until Dementia reversed all his successful policies.
"The Biden Regime’s open borders agenda continues to have dire consequences for law-abiding Americans. Aberdeen, Maryland police on Thursday arrested a 17-year-old illegal alien with Malva Salvatrucha 13 (MS-13) ties for allegedly raping and murdering an autistic woman back in July."

It is a shame victims or the surviving family members of victims of Illegal aliens can not sue Joe Biden personally because of his failed, national security / American citizen threatening, Pro-Illegal Alien Open Border policy that has let more than 5 MILLION illegals into the US in 2 years.

Biden has let in thieves, sexual predators, rapists, pedophiles, physical assaulters, murderers, human / drug / child / sex traffickers, violent gang members, and terrorists with no thought or concern for the safety of Americans he swore an oath to protect and who are paying the price for violations of Constitution and law.

This is EXACTLY why Americans should be allowed to personally sue Biden - so he will finally be forced to take responsibility for what he has done and finally feel a small measure of pain he has inflicted on Americans with his pro-illegal alien open border policy!

That's why none of these frauds running around claiming criminal illegal aliens are just hard wokers n stuff never step up and sponsor any; they know they're liars, and that a significant percentage of them are feral animals with violent criminal records. Many think they're all just staying in Texas or other Red States and Democrats will get them to the polls n stuff. Since Abbott started shipping them to blue state, all of sudden they hypocrites are sniveling about being 'overwhelmed n stuff'. Truly sick frauds. Instead of busses, Texas needs to be herding them into tractor trailers and railroad cars; there are literally millions of the vermin answering the Democrats call to swarm into the U.S. The PArty should be charged and fined to pay for this fiasco they deliberately created.
My response was a proverbial kick to your junk, after which you started spinning, twisting, squirming...and at that point I just laughed and you and walked away because you are wasting my and everyone else's time with this attempted childish banter.
You can't sponsor an illegal alien.

You can sponsor any immigrant, which is what your commie buddies call them. They can sponsor any of those being detained while waiting for their fake 'refugee' claims to be processed. Idiots like you wouldn't be caught dead being personally responsible fo rthier silly policies they promote. That's why you're here trolling.
Biden has let in thieves, sexual predators, rapists, pedophiles, physical assaulters, murderers, human / drug / child / sex traffickers, violent gang members, and terrorists with no thought or concern for the safety of Americans he swore an oath to protect and who are paying the price for violations of Constitution and law.

The DemoKKKrats call them "dreamers".
Since we are assigning blame, does your orange douchebag bear any responsibility? The loser was supposed to build a huuuuge beautiful wall, with Mexico footing the bill, no less.
You are such a class-A jerk. Trump WAS building the wall until BIDEN shut it down. The reason there is no wall is due to BIDEN's stupidity. The wall is needed, who gives a crap who pays for it. FJB
Since we are assigning blame, does your orange douchebag bear any responsibility? The loser was supposed to build a huuuuge beautiful wall, with Mexico footing the bill, no less.
Maybe you should blame the fuckin Dems for that! Why don’t you post how many times they were hauled into Court by the DEMOCRAPS to stop ✋ buildup it? Why did cognitive impaired BRANDON put a stop to it? Why is he forbidding the border control to do their job?
Since we are assigning blame, does your orange douchebag bear any responsibility? The loser was supposed to build a huuuuge beautiful wall, with Mexico footing the bill, no less.
no, you really can’t. You should probably bother to take the time to find out what the hell you’re talking about before you post as if you were speaking from authority.

Yes you really can. There is even a website that tells you how, and about 100 fed subsidized La Raza offices to help them find one as well. the fact is you frauds wouldn't be caught dead putting your money where your mouths are. Your Uncle Bernie could put up a few hundred by himself, so could Obama and the Biden family. Pelosi has a big house in SF and another big one or two elsewhere.

You don't know any of this because you're just a liar and a fraud, and have never tried to help these poor fake 'refugees' you're in here shilling for. Not that anybody wants you and your ilk anywhere near kids.

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