Illegal aliens already being released into a neighborhood near you


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
You've probably already heard about the "Notice to Appear", which is what the illegals get when they cross the border in large numbers and the Customs and Border Patrol can't house them all. It's a piece of paper telling them to come back in a month or two and attend their deportation hearing. They are given that piece of paper, and then are released into the general public.

To no one's surprise (except liberals), they don't do what the paper tells them. Some of them laughingly refer to it as a "Notice to Disappear", and that's what they promptly do.

You probably thought that was too crazy a story to possibly be true.

Guess again. It's happening. Now.


Illegal immigrants already being released to neighborhood near you | Fox News

Illegal immigrants already being released to neighborhood near you

by Tori Richards
Published July 01, 2014

Tens of thousands of immigrants who illegally crossed the Mexico border into Texas are the the process of being released into communities throughout the nation rather than being indefinitely detained or immediately deported, a congressman told

The releases have already started and the Border Patrol did not disclose how many. At least 60,000 Central Americans have entered the country illegally this year, though some news reports say the figure is as high as 170,000. An effort is under way to place children in foster homes or with relatives already living in the U.S., said Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas.

The adults are being given a “notice to appear,” something like to a traffic ticket that requires they show up for a deportation hearing. Following that notice, they are simply being released. Those who return for the hearing will face a federal immigration judge to determine their fate.

“You know good and well they won’t show up and we won’t go looking for them,” Gohmert said. “When they get their piece of paper saying report back on such a day at such a time, they take that as their legal permit to stay in the country and they go do what they want.”

A senior Los Angeles County Sheriff’s detective who routinely deals with illegal immigrants said a “massive number – 80 to 90 percent” do not show up for deportation hearings.
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What's next? Catching a guy robbing a bank, handing him a piece of paper telling to appear in a certain courtroom on a certain date, and letting him go again?
I got news for YOU, you are little late sounding the alarm. 20 years too late. They're here...
The illegals call the Notices "Permisos". They view them as permission slips to stay here.
This is why you need Concealed Carry or just Open Carry for that matter. Illegals don't normally carry guns but most of them DO have some sort of knife. Big knives too.

Which begs the question: Why don't YOU at least carry a knife? I carried a knife in High School because it was in a shitty section of Long Beach California. Thankfully I never had to use it.

You don't need a special folding blade or whatever. Just carry something you have in the kitchen.

Just a thought. Just putting that out there.

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