Illegal Aliens Flood Across Border: “Where do I go for my amnesty?”


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Posted 12/04/2013 by sfcmac
The ‘undocumented Democrats’ take advantage of Obama’s fatuous disregard for our immigration laws.

Officials say the number of people entering the U.S. illegally is way up and, tragically, the number of undocumented immigrants who have been found dead in the unforgiving Texas Brush Country is way up, and is on path this year to beat last year’s record for the number of people found dead in the ranch country.

Read more @ Illegal Aliens Flood Across Border: ?Where do I go for my amnesty?? | The Foxhole

Did we expect anything different?

I cannot believe this is really happening. Now I know how the natives felt in 1492. They say history repeats itself?

Comprehensive immigration reform amnesty is leading to history repeating itself. Now I know how the Native Americans must have felt about the 1492 European invasion. Comprehensive immigration reform amnesty is a repeat of the 1492 invasion of the Americas. Latino invaders are already flooding the border again and bringing the same destruction 1492 European invasion brought to the Native Americans and the land. And we as the Natives were, helpless to stop it.
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Maybe they heard that Obama is such a fan of Reagan that another amnesty is coming?

Not satisfied along his path to tripling the national debt creating a bogus economy that halfwits - including the young Paul Krugman - took to be real because Friedman said it was, Reagan stabbed blue collar labor in the back by granting official amnesty to about four million illegal aliens, but the effect was to give cover to another four million by reducing scrutiny of all foreigners.

Yep. One imagines the word is out that those who can get here are likely to be pardoned. The danger is that countries like El Salvadore become destabilized due to lack of peasants.

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