Illegal Cloning?


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2021
Cloning wild sheep?
Big Horn Sheep hunting is popular but expensive. Not a lot of people do it because of the licensing and it's physically demanding to get within range of these critters. But...a few do it and get the trophy and meat. (Meat is supposed to be sweet by comparison of other game meats).

So then there's this:

Cloning wild sheep?
Big Horn Sheep hunting is popular but expensive. Not a lot of people do it because of the licensing and it's physically demanding to get within range of these critters. But...a few do it and get the trophy and meat. (Meat is supposed to be sweet by comparison of other game meats).
A genius .
Why aren't we doing this with all the animal types we use as food ?
Guess it would have to be done with compliance of all existing regulations plus added new protocols as necessary .
If these safe to eat mutants then produce 40% more meat , say , the advantages are self evident .
Lefties would cry like babies .


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