Illegal immigrant, 18, who was deported two years ago, 'shot and killed a Texas store clerk

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Damn, just how many people will it take getting killed by illegals before action is really enacted?

Jose Bonilla-Ortiz was arrested Saturday for the November 10 murder of Bangladeshi-immigrant Faruk Bhuiya at Metro Food Mart in Houston Bonilla-Ortiz was identified as one of two hooded men seen on shop CCTV video Bhuiya's widow said she forgives the teen suspect but wants justice to be served Bonilla-Ortiz is being held on $250K bond is set to appear in court on Monday Jail records show Immigration and Customs Enforcement placed a detainer on the 18-year-old because he is not believed to be a US citizen He was deported from the US in 2016, but it is unclear where he is originally from

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Damn, just how many people will it take getting killed by illegals before action is really enacted?

Jose Bonilla-Ortiz was arrested Saturday for the November 10 murder of Bangladeshi-immigrant Faruk Bhuiya at Metro Food Mart in Houston Bonilla-Ortiz was identified as one of two hooded men seen on shop CCTV video Bhuiya's widow said she forgives the teen suspect but wants justice to be served Bonilla-Ortiz is being held on $250K bond is set to appear in court on Monday Jail records show Immigration and Customs Enforcement placed a detainer on the 18-year-old because he is not believed to be a US citizen He was deported from the US in 2016, but it is unclear where he is originally from

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She forgives the suspect but wants to see justice served? Me thinks she is a little fuzzy on what forgiveness is.

Me? I want to see him executed.
need to HAMMER this crap
super tough immigration/SECURITY laws
remember 9-11 where more Americans were murdered than at Pearl Harbor
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Too bad this news has to come to us from the UK but once more it shows the need to gain control over the border.
How many innocent people must die before we care? If only scumbag leftists cared a tenth as much for innocent American lives as they do for residents of sanctuary cities and states.

But they don't, and that's why they insist on ignoring federal immigration law. What dicks!
Liberals will claim that he was just a misguided "Dreamer" who became a victim of American racism. .... :cool:
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All the more reason I would love to see an H-bomb's colorful, curling, swirling mushroom cloud sledgehammering its way into existence over Mexico City. That kind of warning would convince these central American crime-saturated vermin NOT to find the United States attractive as a target for freeloading.

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