Illegal immigrants, refugees or human traffickers?


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
I cannot help but wonder how many of those being called Haitians recently were actually Nigerians after seeing this.

Worth taking the time to watch. Human traffickers are some of the most disgusting animals on earth.

I also question why were they so hyped on getting rid of Gaddafi when as top world leaders they would have had to know or have a clue this was going on?

Nigeria would lose a good portion of its economy if it stopped it at its roots? How about every country with human traffickers lose every bit of foreign assistance until they at least puts forth a very good effort to stop its role in human trafficking?

Listen carefully to the guys being interviewed because if you just read what he is saying you may miss the part about the Imam as those bits are left out by whoever wrote the caption script. Also ask yourself about these so call religions of brother (hoods) being operated by disgusting deviants.

Denying access to our country to deviants no matter who they are is not racist but it sure does give these deviants a platform when the gullible and ignorant can be made to believe its all about race. Race baiters will use them like the useful idiots that they are if someone doesn't take a stand to educate them.
I cannot help but wonder how many of those being called Haitians recently were actually Nigerians after seeing this.

Worth taking the time to watch. Human traffickers are some of the most disgusting animals on earth.

I also question why were they so hyped on getting rid of Gaddafi when as top world leaders they would have had to know or have a clue this was going on?

Nigeria would lose a good portion of its economy if it stopped it at its roots? How about every country with human traffickers lose every bit of foreign assistance until they at least puts forth a very good effort to stop its role in human trafficking?

I think we should declare war on Mexico. That's where they're all coming thru.
Yes, Mexico is the funnel which all these vile terrorists, murderers, rapists, drug dealers, and pedophiles are coming through. They are coming from all over the world now, up through Mexico!!

Things MUST change, and change in a DRASTIC way!!

Any American company doing business in Mexico needs to be paying HEFTY fines and taxes for doing so....until they remove their business from Mexico or remove themselves from American soil......make THEM pay for the hoards of invaders coming here!
The borders need to be SEALED SHUT, with the presence military bases being built ALL along the border.
Trespassers MUST be shot dead, PERIOD. This will deter 90% of the invaders from coming here illegally.
Those already here, that have not become citizens, MUST be expunged from this country for all eternity, never to be able to return ever again....and branded the criminal vermin they are.
ALL new coming immigrants that NEVER went through the LEGAL way of getting into this country or to get their citizenship WILL be denied ALL government benefits, welfare, and care for as long as they remain here.....having to WORK to pay for every little thing they want, and paying EXTRA taxes to repay the American citizens THEIR tax dollars that have been wasted on fighting this for so many decades.
ALL new coming immigrants that NEVER went through the LEGAL way of getting into this country or to get their citizenship WILL be denied protection of any kind......and if they so much as run a red light, they are expunged from this country for all eternity, with NO MEANS of EVER being able to return.

If you make it DIFFICULT on them, they will leave.
If you MAKE THEM PAY for coming here, they will leave.
If you SHOOT them for jumping the border, they will leave.
If you TAKE AWAY what they come here to take from us............THEY WILL LEAVE!!!!
I think we should declare war on Mexico. That's where they're all coming thru.

Yes, Mexico is the funnel which all these vile terrorists, murderers, rapists, drug dealers, and pedophiles are coming through. They are coming from all over the world now, up through Mexico!!

Things MUST change, and change in a DRASTIC way!!

Any American company doing business in Mexico needs to be paying HEFTY fines and taxes for doing so....until they remove their business from Mexico or remove themselves from American soil......make THEM pay for the hoards of invaders coming here!
The borders need to be SEALED SHUT, with the presence military bases being built ALL along the border.
Trespassers MUST be shot dead, PERIOD. This will deter 90% of the invaders from coming here illegally.
Those already here, that have not become citizens, MUST be expunged from this country for all eternity, never to be able to return ever again....and branded the criminal vermin they are.
ALL new coming immigrants that NEVER went through the LEGAL way of getting into this country or to get their citizenship WILL be denied ALL government benefits, welfare, and care for as long as they remain here.....having to WORK to pay for every little thing they want, and paying EXTRA taxes to repay the American citizens THEIR tax dollars that have been wasted on fighting this for so many decades.
ALL new coming immigrants that NEVER went through the LEGAL way of getting into this country or to get their citizenship WILL be denied protection of any kind......and if they so much as run a red light, they are expunged from this country for all eternity, with NO MEANS of EVER being able to return.

If you make it DIFFICULT on them, they will leave.
If you MAKE THEM PAY for coming here, they will leave.
If you SHOOT them for jumping the border, they will leave.
If you TAKE AWAY what they come here to take from us............THEY WILL LEAVE!!!!
Thank you both for your thoughts on the matter.
I cannot help but wonder how many of those being called Haitians recently were actually Nigerians after seeing this.

Worth taking the time to watch. Human traffickers are some of the most disgusting animals on earth.

I also question why were they so hyped on getting rid of Gaddafi when as top world leaders they would have had to know or have a clue this was going on?

Nigeria would lose a good portion of its economy if it stopped it at its roots? How about every country with human traffickers lose every bit of foreign assistance until they at least puts forth a very good effort to stop its role in human trafficking?

Just kill them all. Let god or allah sort them out.

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