Illegal kills 14-year-old girl, causes black panthers to join conservatives


Republic of Texas
May 13, 2009
HOUSTON, TX – Houston political circles are buzzing with the development this week that Black community activists are joining conservatives in calling for an end to illegal immigration. The case of a girl who was gunned down outside her home has caused of firestorm of anger over violent acts by illegal aliens in Houston. HPD officer Rodney Johnson was shot 5 times by an illegal alien who had been deported several times, including for crimes against a 12-year-old girl, before killing the officer with a gun hidden in his pants while he sat in the backseat of a patrol car, handcuffed. Another case that created an uproar was that of HPD officer Rick Salter, shot in the face and partially paralyzed while serving a warrant on a Mexican narcotrafficker.

NewsRadio 740 - KTRH
This must not be a real problem in America or the Federal government would begin to do their job and be more in control of the border. Seems like more and more every day illegal aliens from Mexico are welcomed into the country. They have even began to stop calling them the criminal illegal aliens that they are and now would rather call them "potential Democrats".
HOUSTON, TX – Houston political circles are buzzing with the development this week that Black community activists are joining conservatives in calling for an end to illegal immigration. The case of a girl who was gunned down outside her home has caused of firestorm of anger over violent acts by illegal aliens in Houston. HPD officer Rodney Johnson was shot 5 times by an illegal alien who had been deported several times, including for crimes against a 12-year-old girl, before killing the officer with a gun hidden in his pants while he sat in the backseat of a patrol car, handcuffed. Another case that created an uproar was that of HPD officer Rick Salter, shot in the face and partially paralyzed while serving a warrant on a Mexican narcotrafficker.

NewsRadio 740 - KTRH

About time the Black community wakes up. Illegal immigration hits they very hard with increased crime, increased gang activity, less medical services (since illegal get care that is taken away from the local black patients), worst schooling (illegal children require more attention) and less jobs (illegal take jobs that blacks would do)!
It's sad that such a travesty has to take place before people are willing to work together. It boggles the mind with the Fed Government's stance is on illegal immigration! Attacking States that want to enforce laws against these people but turning a blind eye on those who offer sanctuary to these criminals. Is the "change" Obama promised his constituants?
The cop, unfortunately, did a poor job of frisking the suspect. Very sad.

I agree, illegal immigrants add to crowding and crime in poor communities, often shared by native born Blacks.
Down with the democratic party! Down with the bleeding hearts who want the USA to turn the other cheeck when it comes to the crimes committed by illegals. Stop the madness!!!
So what if a bunch of kids and cops get injured or killed, the democrats need them here to help keep themselves in power, and that's the important thing........
The incidents are piling up and people are finally starting to pay attention to things that seriously effect them. This is a natural alliance between conservatives and the black community. It is not the only thing they agree on. Maybe if they start talking they will both find that out.
The incidents are piling up and people are finally starting to pay attention to things that seriously effect them. This is a natural alliance between conservatives and the black community. It is not the only thing they agree on. Maybe if they start talking they will both find that out.

contrary to the lies you libturds spread around like manure there are many blacks in the Republican party, and they get treated like shit by the DemonRat racist.
Americans have to call their politicians and complain loud and clear! Call Now!

Contact Elected Officials: And give them a piece of your mind.


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The incidents are piling up and people are finally starting to pay attention to things that seriously effect them. This is a natural alliance between conservatives and the black community. It is not the only thing they agree on. Maybe if they start talking they will both find that out.

Most conservatives already know that they agree on many issues with the 'black community'. It's the lies of the left that keep blacks from talking to conservatives.

For the record, the phrase 'black community' irritates the crap out of me. There is no 'black community'.... they are Americans, just like the rest of us... except for the illegals.

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