Illegal mass murderer up for parole he only killed 25 people but he was a hard worker


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
IN my opinion, he lived in CA. he was from Mexico!

Calif. man who killed 25 farmworkers up for parole

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — A California man who once was the nation's worst known serial killer is up for parole, four decades after the mutilated bodies of 25 farmworkers were unearthed in orchards north of Sacramento.

Juan Corona, 77, and has been diagnosed with dementia and mental illness. He is making his seventh bid for parole from Corcoran State Prison in the southern Central Valley.


Juan Corona murdered at least twenty-five migrant workers during a bloodstained six week period in 1971.

Corona (born 1934) had arrived in Yuba City, California in the 1950s as a Mexican migrant worker. By the early 1970s, he'd moved up the pecking order and was a labor contractor; he hired itinerants to pick fruit on behalf of local farmers (for minimal pay) around the Yuba area.

Corona was outwardly a macho man with a wife and children; Corona was a predatory homosexual and a brutal sadist. His murder victims were all male and all were sexually assaulted before being killed.

At least one other member of the Corona Family had a history of sexually motivated violence; in 1970, Juan’s half-brother Natividad, who owned the “Guadalajara” cafe in nearby Marysville, Ca., had molested and beaten a young man in the washroom at his place of business. The victim was discovered bleeding by other customers; when he sued Natividad for $250,000.00. The pervert fled back to Mexico. LINK
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On May 19, 1971 a Japanese fruit farmer noticed a large hole seven feet long and three and a half feet deep that had been scooped out of his land in a peach orchard. The next night he went to the same spot and saw that the earth had been packed back into the hole. He called the police who dug into what was a fresh grave. Inside of it was Kenneth Whitacre, a vagrant who had homosexual pornography in his back pocket. He had been sexually assaulted and then stabbed to death - somebody had chopped his head open with a machete.

Another farmer noticed what appeared to be a freshly dug grave on his land and police began digging again; this time finding an elderly man - Charles Fleming, known to be a drifter. More graves in this area yielded more men, all of them sodomized, stabbed (one was shot) and mutilated viciously about the head with a machete. The killer had followed a similar pattern in every case; each of the victims bore a deep puncture to the chest followed by two slashes across the back of the head in the shape of a cross. All had been buried face up, arms stretched above their heads, shirts pulled up over their faces. Some had their lower garments lewdly pulled down. In one grave police found the body of Melford Sample and a meat market receipt made out to "Juan V. Corona." LINK
His victims:

Kenneth Whitacre
Charles Fleming
Melford Sample
Donald Smith
John J. Haluka
Warren Kelley
Sigurd Beierman
William Emery Kamp
Clarence Hocking
James W. Howard
Jonah R. Smallwood
Elbert T. Riley
Paul B. Allen
Edward Martin Cupp
Albert Hayes
Raymond Muchache
John H. Jackson
Lloyd Wallace Wenzel
Mark Beverly Shields
Sam Bonafide (also known as Joe Carriveau)
Joseph Maczak
plus four men who remained unidentified.
Yea....Charlie Manson comes up for parole too

Juan Corona was an illegal alien and he made Charles Manson look like a school girl. There are probably a lot more people dead and placed in shallow graves in Mexico and America that were killed by Juan the horny illegal alien monster.
Yea....Charlie Manson comes up for parole too

Juan Corona was an illegal alien and he made Charles Manson look like a school girl. There are probably a lot more people dead and placed in shallow graves in Mexico and America that were killed by Juan the horny illegal alien monster.

Juan is in jail and will die there

So will Charlie
Yea....Charlie Manson comes up for parole too

Juan Corona was an illegal alien and he made Charles Manson look like a school girl. There are probably a lot more people dead and placed in shallow graves in Mexico and America that were killed by Juan the horny illegal alien monster.

Juan is in jail and will die there

So will Charlie

Although Charlie was a notable monster he does not belong in the Immigration/Illegal Immigration forum because he wasn’t an illegal alien whereas Juan Corona was an illegal alien.

Too bad we don’t have Juan’s brother locked up too but he ran off to his homeland to rape, rob, sodomize and murder there. Who knows he might have come back with a new identity, they often do. He probably has been in the country for the last 25 years, and had a family, and is line for Newt Gingrinchs “Amnesty Program.” I wouldn’t be a bit surprised.
Juan Corona was an illegal alien and he made Charles Manson look like a school girl. There are probably a lot more people dead and placed in shallow graves in Mexico and America that were killed by Juan the horny illegal alien monster.

Juan is in jail and will die there

So will Charlie

Although Charlie was a notable monster he does not belong in the Immigration/Illegal Immigration forum because he wasn’t an illegal alien whereas Juan Corona was an illegal alien.

Too bad we don’t have Juan’s brother locked up too but he ran off to his homeland to rape, rob, sodomize and murder there. Who knows he might have come back with a new identity, they often do. He probably has been in the country for the last 25 years, and had a family, and is line for Newt Gingrinchs “Amnesty Program.” I wouldn’t be a bit surprised.

I hope I don't get reported for a posting violation
Juan is in jail and will die there

So will Charlie

Although Charlie was a notable monster he does not belong in the Immigration/Illegal Immigration forum because he wasn’t an illegal alien whereas Juan Corona was an illegal alien.

Too bad we don’t have Juan’s brother locked up too but he ran off to his homeland to rape, rob, sodomize and murder there. Who knows he might have come back with a new identity, they often do. He probably has been in the country for the last 25 years, and had a family, and is line for Newt Gingrinchs “Amnesty Program.” I wouldn’t be a bit surprised.

I hope I don't get reported for a posting violation

I don’t suppose you will be reported. I hope no one thinks that by pointing out crimes committed by an American posted in an illegal alien thread lessen the crime of the illegal alien.

Not saying that you are a pro-illegal alien supporter. They're some people, who are pro-illegal aliens supporters who like to say things like, “See the Americans are just as bad as the illegal aliens. So let’s call it even because it’s not that bad.” Then they proceed on blaming the American victim(s). It’s a pattern the pro-illegal alien supporters have. Just sayin’
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Although Charlie was a notable monster he does not belong in the Immigration/Illegal Immigration forum because he wasn’t an illegal alien whereas Juan Corona was an illegal alien.

Too bad we don’t have Juan’s brother locked up too but he ran off to his homeland to rape, rob, sodomize and murder there. Who knows he might have come back with a new identity, they often do. He probably has been in the country for the last 25 years, and had a family, and is line for Newt Gingrinchs “Amnesty Program.” I wouldn’t be a bit surprised.

I hope I don't get reported for a posting violation

I don’t suppose you will be reported. I hope no one thinks that by pointing out crimes committed by an American posted in an illegal alien thread lessen the crime of the illegal alien.

Not saying that you are an illegal alien supporter. They're some people, who are illegal aliens supporters like to say things like, “See the Americans are just as bad as the illegal aliens so let’s call it even because it’s not that bad.” Then they proceed on blaming the victim(s). It’s a pattern the pro-illegal alien supporters have. Just sayin’

The victims are just as dead
I hope I don't get reported for a posting violation

I don’t suppose you will be reported. I hope no one thinks that by pointing out crimes committed by an American posted in an illegal alien thread lessen the crime of the illegal alien.

Not saying that you are an illegal alien supporter. They're some people, who are illegal aliens supporters like to say things like, “See the Americans are just as bad as the illegal aliens so let’s call it even because it’s not that bad.” Then they proceed on blaming the victim(s). It’s a pattern the pro-illegal alien supporters have. Just sayin’

The victims are just as dead

$3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.

$200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.

Every day 12 Americans are murdered by illegal aliens. Another 13 Americans are killed by uninsured drunk illegal aliens and 8 American Children are victims of a sex crime committed by illegal aliens each and every day.

There’s a difference between the two sets of victims. Charles Manson was a legal American Citizen and he belonged in this country. Juan Corona was an illegal alien and did not belong in this country and was breaking the laws by being here and should have been deported.

The 25 American men that Juan Corona killed would still be alive if the Southern border was closed and guarded. He wouldn’t have had the chance to get into America to commit those 25 murders and those men would still be living. That’s the big difference and many more Americans across this nation would still be alive if the the Southern border was closed and their killers couldn't have gotten into America to kill them.

If the Southern border was closed and guarded that would stop the violent illegal aliens from entering into America and we would be a much better country because the border was closed. So, lets close the border!

It’s just not worth it to let cheap labor in the country for the benefit of big business when the illegal aliens cause so much death, destruction and heartache on the American society.

When, you think of the costs, every time that an illegal alien commits a crime. It’s the taxpayers who end up paying for the illegal aliens every move and every cost.

We pay for the police, jails, investigations, court and lawyer fees and then the cost to incarcerate them in prisons. Then after they have served their time we pay to have them deported. Or worse yet we let them back out on the streets in America to commit more crimes and start the costs all over again. It’s a proven fact that the illegal aliens are repeat offenders.

Whenever the illegal aliens are deported most of time they come back with new aliases, multiple times and commit more crimes. The U.S. taxpayers pick up the tab for all of these heavy duty costs.

All we have to do to cure the problem is to close and secure the Southern border and guard it and then start deporting the illegal aliens.

Why don’t we add all those costs to a head of lettuce and see what we’re really paying! When you think of it this way there is NO advantage to cheap foreign labor. Big businesses cheap labor is very expensive in dollars and human life and is upsetting our civilized society.

How can anyone say that the illegal aliens are good for America when they cause so much heartache and wreak so much havoc on the American people? They overcrowd the jails, prisons and schools; they bankrupt the hospitals and they drain the social services dry. How can this be good?

We have enough criminals of our own in America and we don’t need to import 20 million new criminals. I say deport illegal aliens now, and close and secure our Southern border ASAP!

The illegal aliens are taking jobs away from Americans and driving down wages and they murder people left and right. No one in their right mind would think illegal aliens are good and are keeping produce and product prices low. Not when you add in the REAL Costs of the illegal aliens to each and every American taxpayer, we’re probably paying over a hundred dollars for one of head lettuce.
It's cheaper and more effective to go after those who employ illegals

Throw some employers in jail and watch the jobs dry up
It's cheaper and more effective to go after those who employ illegals

Throw some employers in jail and watch the jobs dry up

In my opinion, I'm not saying that you are a pro-illegal alien supporter. Can you imagine the crime that would occur if the illegal aliens didn't have jobs? We have to deport them to keep America safe from harm.

Now, you see that’s what someone who was batting for the other team would say. They would say let the illegal aliens off scot-free and arrest and punish the Americans.

Well, if you’re going down that road, then why don’t we punish the politicians who are allowing the illegal aliens in the country in the first place?

Why not deport the illegal aliens and heavily fine the employers who are hiring the illegal aliens and throw the politicians out of office that created this whole mess. I think we should do all three.

We should throw the politicians out of political power one way or another. (By voting of course) The American people should take themselves to the poles and vote all incumbents out of office, ASAP. (Americans don’t think about it, just do it, no one else is going to do it for you. It’s time for all Americans to stand up and be counted for the good of your nation we are on the edge of brink! We need your help to whip this illegal immigration problem before it gets to out-of-control-status.)

All the American politicians have to be voted out of office. The illegal alien issue and the illegal immigration issue are just a few more reasons why ALL the politicians have to be voted out. To let the politicians stay in office is like letting a fuck-up employee have another chance after a long history of fuck ups. How many times do the Americans have to be hit in the head with a hammer before they realize it’s them, who have to act to cure this problem? We have got to do something and it has to be done.

1. Vote out all the current politicians (the incumbents) that are in office now, and NEVER let any politician have more than one term in office. The longer any politician stays in office the more corrupt they become.

2. Enforce the existing immigration laws that are already on the books.

3. Close the Southern border and guard the ports and the border with enough agents to secure the ports and border to stop the illegal foreign invaders.

4. Start Mass Deportation of every man, woman and child that are illegally in the country. The illegal alien children should not be left behind they need to be with their illegal alien parents in their countries of origin.

5. Put the under aged Anchor Babies in state run orphanages or in loving Foster care homes and teach them citizenship.

6. Take the money printing machine away from Obama and never allow any President to print money that can’t be backed with U.S. assets.

7. Stop borrowing money from foreign countries and balance the budget and live with our means as a country!

8. Get rid of ALL forms of Lobbyists that bribe our politicians.

“Team Illegal” wants to let the illegal aliens break all the rules and the laws and not have to face the consequences or be punished for their actions. They have an ulterior motive of taking over America and kicking the Americans to the curb.

“Team Illegal” wants to REWARD the illegal aliens for breaking the laws by giving them the ultimate prize which is ‘American citizenship’. Once they’re U.S. citizens then they can legally use any social service benefit and jump on welfare and unemployment. The illegal aliens would drive down prevailing wages by working cheaper than Americans because they live 20 to a household.

The big bonus for “Team Illegal” would be by legalizing the illegal aliens they would be given the right to vote. They would step up their birth rates and would be a majority of the population in no time. At that point they will vote into office their own politicians and take America over from within. They will change the laws to suit their own needs and desires. What they really want is to see the Americans down on their knees begging them for mercy.

Once the pro-illegal alien supporters get the majority of the vote the rest will be a piece of cake. The Southern border will swing wide open and more illegal aliens will stampede into America. Of course their compadres (friends) in political power will give all them amnesty.

If the illegal aliens are given amnesty, America the country will falter. The Americans will rebel and you will see politicians murdered, and civil war in the city streets and women and children slaughtered even worse than we’re seeing them slaughtered now by the illegal aliens. Local neighborhoods would turn into war zones with the illegal aliens fighting for territory and the unarmed American's will be S.O.L.

Legalizing 20 million illegal aliens will do nothing to improve or advance U.S. society or the economy. It will advance the destruction and begin decomposition of the orderly and civilized American society. It will turn America into a free-for-all cesspool of mini tyrants carrying machine gun pistols and AK-47’s. You might ask yourself who will stop them when they have your car boxed in OR when they have your house surrounded?

When, we run out of welfare money those illegal aliens will be in the streets burning cars and setting businesses on fire and luting everyone. They will demand that the American taxpayer's give them more money and more benefits for free OR ELSE!

The destruction of America could happen within the next 20 years if we allow the WRONG chain of events to happen. If you plan on being alive for the next 20 years, I would suggest that you vote and make the RIGHT decisions and hold on to America’s sovereignty as tightly as you can.

Close the Southern border and deport ALL illegal aliens whether they be a man, woman or child from America ASAP! "When it comes to thee or me it’s going to be me and to Hell with thee."

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The illegal aliens and their supporters take NO responsibility for the fact that they have broken many laws. They just have their hands out wanting something that is not theirs to have. They all need to be deported back to their countries of origin and then they can file the proper paperwork to come to America the right way. Can you imagine what a relief that would be on the welfare system, we would save so much money kicking them off that!

There would be about 8 million jobs that would open up for Americans too! If Obama was smart he would start deporting the illegal aliens ASAP and he would be able to raise his jobs creation percentage number overnight.

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