illegal rapist trys to cross border he raped in Butler County, Ohio, agrravated felon


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
Rapist try's to revisit America the land of the easy prey.

Convicted Felon Arrested in Southern Arizona

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Tucson, Arizona – In my opinion, Jose Rosa-Torres, 26 an illegal alien from Mexico was arrested on Wednesday evening 11/30/11 by the Nogales BP agents. It was discovered through the Border Patrol’s awesome finger print program called the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System that Rosa-Torres was a convicted rapist. That’s worse than being a racist! Maybe, he was a racist-rapist, as most people from south of the border do not like Americans! Of course he could have been an equal opportunity rapist.

Rose-Torres had raped someone in Butler County, Ohio 7 years ago in 2004 and he is an aggravated felon which means he can NEVER come back into the United States as long as he lives. I wouldn’t doubt that Ole Jose has been skipping back and forth across the border for years. He probably has a family in Mexico and a family in America too. I’m sure they’re going to miss him when he goes to jail.

“Federal prosecutors said Thursday that Rosa-Torres will be prosecuted for re-entry of an aggravated felon. It's unclear whether he has legal representation yet.”

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