Illegal sodomizes boy, 6 repeatedly for months, boy tells mom.


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
An illegal alien hard at work sodomizing a 6-year-old in his off time. They're hard workers.

Sunday, August 8, 2012

MARTINEZ, CALIFORNIA – Oscar Juarez, 28, an illegal alien from Mexico is guilty of two felony counts of sodomy of a child age 10 or younger, and three counts of attempted sodomy of a child age 10 or younger. Juarez will be sentenced Sept. 21st (tomorrow) he faces 57 years to life in state prison.

Oscar Juarez came from Mexico illegally and was living and working in Walnut Creek. He was staying with relatives and he began sodomizing their 6 year-old-son. The child told his mother and the mother took the boy to the hospital probably because his anus was bleeding. The rapes happened for several months before being discovered.

It seems that when these hard working illegal aliens aren’t working hard, they’re hard at work raping children! They never stop.


Mexican national convicted of sexually abusing young boy in Walnut Creek

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