Illegals fight each other with Mexican flags at ghetto anti Trump riot


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Illegals Fight Each Other With Mexican Flags at Ghetto Anti-Trump Riot


Isn't it so exciting, aren't you trendy's so glad you support bringing in all these different cultures from many third world nations, lmao you all ain't seen nothing yet.
25 June 2012 U.S. Supreme Court accepted the provision that allows the state and local police to question individuals about their immigration status. (Arizona)
Verkhovnyi sud SShA prinial polozhenie, pozvoliaiushchee gosudarstvu i mestnoi politsiei litsam vopros o ikh immigratsionnogo statusa. (Arizona)
25 June 2012 U.S. Supreme Court accepted the provision that allows the state and local police to question individuals about their immigration status. (Arizona)
Verkhovnyi sud SShA prinial polozhenie, pozvoliaiushchee gosudarstvu i mestnoi politsiei litsam vopros o ikh immigratsionnogo statusa. (Arizona)

ah, russian
The same scenario is occurring in Wisconsin.
Tot zhe tsenarii proiskhodit v shtate Viskonsin.

13 Feb 2017, Journal Sentinel, Thousands Mark 'Day Without Latinos'
13 Fevralia 2017 goda, Zhurnal Dozhornyi, Tysiachi mark 'Den bez Latinos.'
English 'mark' is problematic. Is this event the founding one? Otherwise, to distinguish for purposes of identification, the Russian term would be metka 'mark.'

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