Illegals lining up for drivers license goes viral

Voter participation will go up by the approximate number of licenses issued to illegals in NYS. Guaranteed.

And what do you need to register to vote in New York?

Well, you need a ID Number from your NYS Driver License, Permit or Non-Driver ID, a Document Number from your NYS Driver License, Permit or Non-Driver ID, and the last four digits of your social security number. A couple other bits of information, then you click on a box to agree with this statement:

I AGREE, and it is my intent, to sign this document and affirmation by clicking the box marked "I AGREE", and by electronically submitting this document to the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles. I understand that my signing and submitting this registration document in this fashion is the legal equivalent of having placed my handwritten signature on the submitted document and this affirmation. I understand and agree that by electronically signing and submitting this document in this fashion I am attesting to the truth of the information contained herein.
You'll notice there's no language in there attesting that you're legally allowed to vote.

"But you have to put in part of your SSN!", you say?

Well, that doesn't actually mean anything.

Last 4 digits of SSN. Enter the last four digits of your Social Security Number. This information will be used only to help identify you for the transaction. See the Privacy and Security Statement.
New York State is intentionally setting up the system so non-citizens can vote.
There are at least 4 million known abusers via the IRS and Social Security Administration alone.......

Would take an army to round all them up. They KNOW they are using Fake SSN's....and Fraudulent I-9's..........All hells gonna break loose if there is a major crack down on those........and I do believe the stepped up audits are a part of it.

They are playing hard ball now.........and the left isn't going to like it much.

I totally agree. To say Trump is not doing anything about it is ridiculous. But he has a lot of limitations thanks to the commies in Congress and these anti-American judges who stop him every time he puts forth a plan to stop these people and get rid of the ones here.

Illegal Immigration largely started with Reagan's Amnesty as a major issue.
He gave the wrong message there.

Of course this was to appease the Republican Capitalists, like the Chamber of Commerce, or Agriculture, and Construction firms who tend to hire illegals in mass.

Republicans like all Individualists seem to be very shortsighted, and ONLY seemed to have changed their tune, because many Illegals vote Democrat, and increase the tax-load.

On the inverse Democrats who are also individualists, seem to also be very shortsighted, having supported Illegals for votes in the long-term, even if it turns the United States into a penniless, gang infest sh(thole.

Illegals are not voting. Sheesh
Over 4 million of them are confirmed by the IRS and Social Security Administration to be working here with Fake id's..............

They are forging SSN's and picture ids...........filing taxes ..........and getting billions in Tax Credits EVERY YEAR.

But they can't vote...........LOL............sell your snake oil somewhere else.

If they are confirmed and nothing is being done who is allowing them to get away with it?
There are at least 4 million known abusers via the IRS and Social Security Administration alone.......

Would take an army to round all them up. They KNOW they are using Fake SSN's....and Fraudulent I-9's..........All hells gonna break loose if there is a major crack down on those........and I do believe the stepped up audits are a part of it.

They are playing hard ball now.........and the left isn't going to like it much.

I totally agree. To say Trump is not doing anything about it is ridiculous. But he has a lot of limitations thanks to the commies in Congress and these anti-American judges who stop him every time he puts forth a plan to stop these people and get rid of the ones here.

Illegal Immigration largely started with Reagan's Amnesty as a major issue.
He gave the wrong message there.

Of course this was to appease the Republican Capitalists, like the Chamber of Commerce, or Agriculture, and Construction firms who tend to hire illegals in mass.

Republicans like all Individualists seem to be very shortsighted, and ONLY seemed to have changed their tune, because many Illegals vote Democrat, and increase the tax-load.

On the inverse Democrats who are also individualists, seem to also be very shortsighted, having supported Illegals for votes in the long-term, even if it turns the United States into a penniless, gang infest sh(thole.

Illegals are not voting. Sheesh

Illegals have children who tend to vote Democrat overall, that helps Democrats with votes more & more all the time.

Besides, there does appear to be some Illegal Immigrant voter fraud.

The only voter fraud uncovered was by the Republicans in North Carolina. You might find an odd exception here or there but it won't stop people from making the claims obviously.

Do you blame the children of immigrants (illegal or otherwise) from voting the way they do considering the name calling that comes from the right?
I think it has more to do with the free shit Democrats promise illegals.
There are at least 4 million known abusers via the IRS and Social Security Administration alone.......

Would take an army to round all them up. They KNOW they are using Fake SSN's....and Fraudulent I-9's..........All hells gonna break loose if there is a major crack down on those........and I do believe the stepped up audits are a part of it.

They are playing hard ball now.........and the left isn't going to like it much.

I totally agree. To say Trump is not doing anything about it is ridiculous. But he has a lot of limitations thanks to the commies in Congress and these anti-American judges who stop him every time he puts forth a plan to stop these people and get rid of the ones here.

Illegal Immigration largely started with Reagan's Amnesty as a major issue.
He gave the wrong message there.

Of course this was to appease the Republican Capitalists, like the Chamber of Commerce, or Agriculture, and Construction firms who tend to hire illegals in mass.

Republicans like all Individualists seem to be very shortsighted, and ONLY seemed to have changed their tune, because many Illegals vote Democrat, and increase the tax-load.

On the inverse Democrats who are also individualists, seem to also be very shortsighted, having supported Illegals for votes in the long-term, even if it turns the United States into a penniless, gang infest sh(thole.
Reagan did not know that this country would allow a network of FORGERY to get around the I-9 forms..........There is a network of Fake Id groups all across this country.........and ICE finds Forged Ids on almost EVERY RAID..............EVERY RAID......

The law passed under Reagan would work IF ENFORCED PROPERLY........and we SHUT DOWN the Forgery groups across this country.

It's Trump's job to enforce it. Why arent people insisting he do that?
I understand you are a troll.............and I understand why trolls ask stupid spin away little troll..........

We know exactly what is going on.........and I hope the hell ICE starts ripping businesses a new one here............Just give me the popcorn.

So do I. I have been calling for that for a long time. I'm only different in that I won't make excuses for the ones that are failing in doing that.
to see all these savages lining up for drivers licence.....makes me sick

who will they kill next?

sick sick sick!

New York has become a disgrace....and a very dangerous place to live. Sad.

Not really, New York's suburbs & exhurbs are among the safest places in the entire USA.

Most Illegal Immigrants at least here are pretty harmless, I'm far more scared of Blacks, by a long shot, and even many White trash types.

With that said, many Illegals are still pretty annoying, they hang out on the street corners too much, they ogle (Whistle) at women, and stare at people too much here. They are also very clannish not associating too well with Americans.

They also undercut wages, cut people out of jobs, pay less taxes into the system, and put pressures on schools & other amenities.
There are at least 4 million known abusers via the IRS and Social Security Administration alone.......

Would take an army to round all them up. They KNOW they are using Fake SSN's....and Fraudulent I-9's..........All hells gonna break loose if there is a major crack down on those........and I do believe the stepped up audits are a part of it.

They are playing hard ball now.........and the left isn't going to like it much.

I totally agree. To say Trump is not doing anything about it is ridiculous. But he has a lot of limitations thanks to the commies in Congress and these anti-American judges who stop him every time he puts forth a plan to stop these people and get rid of the ones here.

Illegal Immigration largely started with Reagan's Amnesty as a major issue.
He gave the wrong message there.

Of course this was to appease the Republican Capitalists, like the Chamber of Commerce, or Agriculture, and Construction firms who tend to hire illegals in mass.

Republicans like all Individualists seem to be very shortsighted, and ONLY seemed to have changed their tune, because many Illegals vote Democrat, and increase the tax-load.

On the inverse Democrats who are also individualists, seem to also be very shortsighted, having supported Illegals for votes in the long-term, even if it turns the United States into a penniless, gang infest sh(thole.

Illegals are not voting. Sheesh
Over 4 million of them are confirmed by the IRS and Social Security Administration to be working here with Fake id's..............

They are forging SSN's and picture ids...........filing taxes ..........and getting billions in Tax Credits EVERY YEAR.

But they can't vote...........LOL............sell your snake oil somewhere else.

If they are confirmed and nothing is being done who is allowing them to get away with it?
The stinking politicians dummy..........I've already told you that the Chamber who pads their campaigns with money want the cheap labor.......and they line the pockets of both parties........

Trump is changing that.........because he ordered stepped up enforcement and pissing off the establishment.
I totally agree. To say Trump is not doing anything about it is ridiculous. But he has a lot of limitations thanks to the commies in Congress and these anti-American judges who stop him every time he puts forth a plan to stop these people and get rid of the ones here.

Illegal Immigration largely started with Reagan's Amnesty as a major issue.
He gave the wrong message there.

Of course this was to appease the Republican Capitalists, like the Chamber of Commerce, or Agriculture, and Construction firms who tend to hire illegals in mass.

Republicans like all Individualists seem to be very shortsighted, and ONLY seemed to have changed their tune, because many Illegals vote Democrat, and increase the tax-load.

On the inverse Democrats who are also individualists, seem to also be very shortsighted, having supported Illegals for votes in the long-term, even if it turns the United States into a penniless, gang infest sh(thole.

Illegals are not voting. Sheesh

Illegals have children who tend to vote Democrat overall, that helps Democrats with votes more & more all the time.

Besides, there does appear to be some Illegal Immigrant voter fraud.

The only voter fraud uncovered was by the Republicans in North Carolina. You might find an odd exception here or there but it won't stop people from making the claims obviously.

Do you blame the children of immigrants (illegal or otherwise) from voting the way they do considering the name calling that comes from the right?

I think it has more to do with the free shit Democrats promise illegals.

That's right, what else? :thup:

It's sick!
I totally agree. To say Trump is not doing anything about it is ridiculous. But he has a lot of limitations thanks to the commies in Congress and these anti-American judges who stop him every time he puts forth a plan to stop these people and get rid of the ones here.

Illegal Immigration largely started with Reagan's Amnesty as a major issue.
He gave the wrong message there.

Of course this was to appease the Republican Capitalists, like the Chamber of Commerce, or Agriculture, and Construction firms who tend to hire illegals in mass.

Republicans like all Individualists seem to be very shortsighted, and ONLY seemed to have changed their tune, because many Illegals vote Democrat, and increase the tax-load.

On the inverse Democrats who are also individualists, seem to also be very shortsighted, having supported Illegals for votes in the long-term, even if it turns the United States into a penniless, gang infest sh(thole.
Reagan did not know that this country would allow a network of FORGERY to get around the I-9 forms..........There is a network of Fake Id groups all across this country.........and ICE finds Forged Ids on almost EVERY RAID..............EVERY RAID......

The law passed under Reagan would work IF ENFORCED PROPERLY........and we SHUT DOWN the Forgery groups across this country.

It's Trump's job to enforce it. Why arent people insisting he do that?
I understand you are a troll.............and I understand why trolls ask stupid spin away little troll..........

We know exactly what is going on.........and I hope the hell ICE starts ripping businesses a new one here............Just give me the popcorn.

So do I. I have been calling for that for a long time. I'm only different in that I won't make excuses for the ones that are failing in doing that.
Excuses..........BS...........our side have been trying to throw out establishment types for a about you.

We know they are crooked...........and we know they don't get into the millionaires club by accident.

If they wanted the illegal immigrant problem to go would already be done.

If you WANT TO STOP illegals from working here......and STEALING SSN'S..........then you would welcome ICE raiding the living hell out of business and mass deportations........aka you would support Trump policy.
AILA - Announcements of ICE Enforcement Actions

A lawyer firm for illegals........LOL

Tracking the audits of ICE..........LOL

With not a single employer arrested.
You are a troll.......if you had knowledge you would know why...........

The employer goes.........look he had a SSN and paid taxes....had a valid drivers license..........his I-9 form looked correct to me...........and then if anything he gets the fine..........and no jail time...........because he uses the loop hole from Illegal FORGED ID'S to cover his butt.
I totally agree. To say Trump is not doing anything about it is ridiculous. But he has a lot of limitations thanks to the commies in Congress and these anti-American judges who stop him every time he puts forth a plan to stop these people and get rid of the ones here.

Illegal Immigration largely started with Reagan's Amnesty as a major issue.
He gave the wrong message there.

Of course this was to appease the Republican Capitalists, like the Chamber of Commerce, or Agriculture, and Construction firms who tend to hire illegals in mass.

Republicans like all Individualists seem to be very shortsighted, and ONLY seemed to have changed their tune, because many Illegals vote Democrat, and increase the tax-load.

On the inverse Democrats who are also individualists, seem to also be very shortsighted, having supported Illegals for votes in the long-term, even if it turns the United States into a penniless, gang infest sh(thole.

Illegals are not voting. Sheesh
Over 4 million of them are confirmed by the IRS and Social Security Administration to be working here with Fake id's..............

They are forging SSN's and picture ids...........filing taxes ..........and getting billions in Tax Credits EVERY YEAR.

But they can't vote...........LOL............sell your snake oil somewhere else.

If they are confirmed and nothing is being done who is allowing them to get away with it?
The stinking politicians dummy..........I've already told you that the Chamber who pads their campaigns with money want the cheap labor.......and they line the pockets of both parties........

Trump is changing that.........because he ordered stepped up enforcement and pissing off the establishment.

No he hasn't. You've been lied to.
Illegal Immigration largely started with Reagan's Amnesty as a major issue.
He gave the wrong message there.

Of course this was to appease the Republican Capitalists, like the Chamber of Commerce, or Agriculture, and Construction firms who tend to hire illegals in mass.

Republicans like all Individualists seem to be very shortsighted, and ONLY seemed to have changed their tune, because many Illegals vote Democrat, and increase the tax-load.

On the inverse Democrats who are also individualists, seem to also be very shortsighted, having supported Illegals for votes in the long-term, even if it turns the United States into a penniless, gang infest sh(thole.
Reagan did not know that this country would allow a network of FORGERY to get around the I-9 forms..........There is a network of Fake Id groups all across this country.........and ICE finds Forged Ids on almost EVERY RAID..............EVERY RAID......

The law passed under Reagan would work IF ENFORCED PROPERLY........and we SHUT DOWN the Forgery groups across this country.

It's Trump's job to enforce it. Why arent people insisting he do that?
I understand you are a troll.............and I understand why trolls ask stupid spin away little troll..........

We know exactly what is going on.........and I hope the hell ICE starts ripping businesses a new one here............Just give me the popcorn.

So do I. I have been calling for that for a long time. I'm only different in that I won't make excuses for the ones that are failing in doing that.
Excuses..........BS...........our side have been trying to throw out establishment types for a about you.

We know they are crooked...........and we know they don't get into the millionaires club by accident.

If they wanted the illegal immigrant problem to go would already be done.

If you WANT TO STOP illegals from working here......and STEALING SSN'S..........then you would welcome ICE raiding the living hell out of business and mass deportations........aka you would support Trump policy.

Trump is a liar. Three years and not a single employer has been arrested.
There are at least 4 million known abusers via the IRS and Social Security Administration alone.......

Would take an army to round all them up. They KNOW they are using Fake SSN's....and Fraudulent I-9's..........All hells gonna break loose if there is a major crack down on those........and I do believe the stepped up audits are a part of it.

They are playing hard ball now.........and the left isn't going to like it much.

I totally agree. To say Trump is not doing anything about it is ridiculous. But he has a lot of limitations thanks to the commies in Congress and these anti-American judges who stop him every time he puts forth a plan to stop these people and get rid of the ones here.

Illegal Immigration largely started with Reagan's Amnesty as a major issue.
He gave the wrong message there.

Of course this was to appease the Republican Capitalists, like the Chamber of Commerce, or Agriculture, and Construction firms who tend to hire illegals in mass.

Republicans like all Individualists seem to be very shortsighted, and ONLY seemed to have changed their tune, because many Illegals vote Democrat, and increase the tax-load.

On the inverse Democrats who are also individualists, seem to also be very shortsighted, having supported Illegals for votes in the long-term, even if it turns the United States into a penniless, gang infest sh(thole.

Illegals are not voting. Sheesh

Illegals have children who tend to vote Democrat overall, that helps Democrats with votes more & more all the time.

Besides, there does appear to be some Illegal Immigrant voter fraud.

Democrats will never admit to that though. They say we need to let people in to pick lettuce and out of compassion of where they live.

However, if these people were renown to be conservative, the Democrats would have had a 50' wall all across the country with a moat loaded with alligators in it.
AILA - Announcements of ICE Enforcement Actions

A lawyer firm for illegals........LOL

Tracking the audits of ICE..........LOL

With not a single employer arrested.
You are a troll.......if you had knowledge you would know why...........

The employer goes.........look he had a SSN and paid taxes....had a valid drivers license..........his I-9 form looked correct to me...........and then if anything he gets the fine..........and no jail time...........because he uses the loop hole from Illegal FORGED ID'S to cover his butt.

Wal Mart was busted. They were busted because their contractor used illegal help.

And even then the only way that could work is if the government looks the other way. Trump's government.
Illegal Immigration largely started with Reagan's Amnesty as a major issue.
He gave the wrong message there.

Of course this was to appease the Republican Capitalists, like the Chamber of Commerce, or Agriculture, and Construction firms who tend to hire illegals in mass.

Republicans like all Individualists seem to be very shortsighted, and ONLY seemed to have changed their tune, because many Illegals vote Democrat, and increase the tax-load.

On the inverse Democrats who are also individualists, seem to also be very shortsighted, having supported Illegals for votes in the long-term, even if it turns the United States into a penniless, gang infest sh(thole.

Illegals are not voting. Sheesh
Over 4 million of them are confirmed by the IRS and Social Security Administration to be working here with Fake id's..............

They are forging SSN's and picture ids...........filing taxes ..........and getting billions in Tax Credits EVERY YEAR.

But they can't vote...........LOL............sell your snake oil somewhere else.

If they are confirmed and nothing is being done who is allowing them to get away with it?
The stinking politicians dummy..........I've already told you that the Chamber who pads their campaigns with money want the cheap labor.......and they line the pockets of both parties........

Trump is changing that.........because he ordered stepped up enforcement and pissing off the establishment.

No he hasn't. You've been lied to.
I get my information from ICE and Border Patrol ..............I've shown the audits of the i-9s........I didn't get that from Trump.

I want to see a whole bunch of them audits and deportations...........that is a wish.......but we'll see.....if they are auditing the ones from the IRS and Social Security admin list............gonna get fun.
Would you rather they not learn to drive by our rules?

Personally, since I grew up here and learning to drive is a way of life where I come from, I detest having to have someone who didn't/hasn't gotten even half of my time behind the steering wheel judging my skills for gov't approval- I see driving as a right, not a privilege granted, since in many parts of the country it's a prerequisite to the pursuit of anything, Happiness included, which just happens to be a part of our Founding-

They can't abide by our immigration laws
and you think they'll follow the rules of the road
Illegals are not voting. Sheesh
Over 4 million of them are confirmed by the IRS and Social Security Administration to be working here with Fake id's..............

They are forging SSN's and picture ids...........filing taxes ..........and getting billions in Tax Credits EVERY YEAR.

But they can't vote...........LOL............sell your snake oil somewhere else.

If they are confirmed and nothing is being done who is allowing them to get away with it?
The stinking politicians dummy..........I've already told you that the Chamber who pads their campaigns with money want the cheap labor.......and they line the pockets of both parties........

Trump is changing that.........because he ordered stepped up enforcement and pissing off the establishment.

No he hasn't. You've been lied to.
I get my information from ICE and Border Patrol ..............I've shown the audits of the i-9s........I didn't get that from Trump.

I want to see a whole bunch of them audits and deportations...........that is a wish.......but we'll see.....if they are auditing the ones from the IRS and Social Security admin list............gonna get fun.

Not going to happen. Heck, Trump used to hire them himself.
AILA - Announcements of ICE Enforcement Actions

A lawyer firm for illegals........LOL

Tracking the audits of ICE..........LOL

With not a single employer arrested.
You are a troll.......if you had knowledge you would know why...........

The employer goes.........look he had a SSN and paid taxes....had a valid drivers license..........his I-9 form looked correct to me...........and then if anything he gets the fine..........and no jail time...........because he uses the loop hole from Illegal FORGED ID'S to cover his butt.

Wal Mart was busted. They were busted because their contractor used illegal help.

And even then the only way that could work is if the government looks the other way. Trump's government.
The Federal Employees are NOT TRUMP GOVERNMENT......they have been there for decades and they ARE THE SWAMP..

A bunch of Swamp Creatures came out for this Impeachment BS........same with Mueller.........

You just don't get it troll....................and your trolling is only leading to more facts about what is going on.........

If you want this ended.........why aren't you supporting Trump's policies of Zero Tolerance then.......hmmm

and why do you go on threads supporting BS ILLEGAL LAWs in California..............which will take up to 9 months to overturn.
AILA - Announcements of ICE Enforcement Actions

A lawyer firm for illegals........LOL

Tracking the audits of ICE..........LOL

With not a single employer arrested.
You are a troll.......if you had knowledge you would know why...........

The employer goes.........look he had a SSN and paid taxes....had a valid drivers license..........his I-9 form looked correct to me...........and then if anything he gets the fine..........and no jail time...........because he uses the loop hole from Illegal FORGED ID'S to cover his butt.

Wal Mart was busted. They were busted because their contractor used illegal help.

And even then the only way that could work is if the government looks the other way. Trump's government.
The Federal Employees are NOT TRUMP GOVERNMENT......they have been there for decades and they ARE THE SWAMP..

A bunch of Swamp Creatures came out for this Impeachment BS........same with Mueller.........

You just don't get it troll....................and your trolling is only leading to more facts about what is going on.........

If you want this ended.........why aren't you supporting Trump's policies of Zero Tolerance then.......hmmm

and why do you go on threads supporting BS ILLEGAL LAWs in California..............which will take up to 9 months to overturn.

I've stated why. Trump is lying. That's what he does. Nothing is stopping him from going after the employers. Nothing.

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