Illegals lining up for drivers license goes viral

If they are going to drive to work, people want to make sure they know the laws. Makes sense.

It makes sense to make the lives of illegals more comfortable? That makes zero sense to me.

I'm more comfortable when I know those leaving the second shift at the processing plants know the rules of the road.

Let me tell you, I'm a retired truck driver. The worst drivers we have on the road are foreigners. They can't read English, and are swerving all over the highway in a 75,000 lbs vehicle to be in the proper exit lane because they can't read our road signs.

No, giving them a license is the worst thing we could do. Because if they are driving without a license and get caught, they go to jail, have their vehicle towed, and likely won't have the money for bail.

This isn't a New York thing, it's a country thing. Because those NY licensed drivers could drive in any state in this country. I don't want them around me. I want them busted, and sent back to their country. And I want to make their life here a living hell, not a comfortable one.

Too bad. You aren't getting what you want because you refuse to hold those you elect for their lies.

So this is what we get. The first step to legalizing them.

With Trump we are getting the exact opposite. It's Democrats who are the problem, not Republicans. So the real solution is to remove as many Democrats out of power as possible, get some honest American judges in our court so they don't stop our efforts, and perhaps a Congress that will change support a crackdown of illegal immigration.

Blah blah blah. Rinse and repeat.
How would a wall keep them in? Do you think our border people would stop a southern immigrant from going back to their own country? Trump did want to get rid of as many as possible. However with backed up courts, and Democrats not helping in that regard, it's impossible to get rid of all of them even with the addition of judges Trump put in to get closer to that goal.

They are working, making decent money, their kids are going to good schools, they are just going to leave?
Well when ICE gets there.........and finds their Fake Id's.......and SSN's.......well yeah they are going to leave.

ICE isn't going to get there.
Well according to ICE ............they are scheduling 5400 audits of businesses..........and cracking down on Fraudulent I-9 forms.....

And the raids to business is stepping ........they are starting to get there.

They said that a good while ago and did nothing. You were lied to again.
They are doubling the audits and raids............I quoted directly from the Gov't site.

Which part of that stepped up enforcement don't you get.............The Dems Judicial Activism can't stop them from enforcing the law............Fake ids and forged I-9's are against the law.

And now there is a SCOTUS coming up for the UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAWS of California............threatening business with 10000 fines if they don't twart ICE and the audits.

Caliifornia actually telling employers to VIOLATE the LAWS OF THIS COUNTRY with a State Law..........Gonna get slapped down hard ....and California is BLATANTLY VIOLATING FEDERAL LAW HERE.
China and the drug lords process and create phony identifications for these illegals. It's very difficult to detect if somebody is legal or not. So it's quite possible while an employer has suspicions, there is little they can do in the way of proof. I mean....if you are a prosecutor, how would you prove what somebody knew at the time they hired an employee?

The onus should not be on the employer, it should be on the government keeping them out. It's like an illegal conversation I had about a year ago with somebody here saying that landlords should be criminally charged if they rent an apartment or house to an illegal. I'm a landlord, how would I know if I am renting to an illegal or not? All I do is check references, do a background check, and of course, get identification.

Court Rules Illegal Aliens Can Sue over “Discriminatory Employment Policy” Requiring Green Cards - Judicial Watch

Fake ID market bypasses anti-fraud measures | TechRadar

All lies. This has been covered many times but you know this. You can not get away with stolen S.S. numbers.

Why not? Stolen identities is one of the biggest criminal industries in this country. Of course they get away with it. And even if busted, just get another identity.

How can they do that if they were busted? People do steal identities. Not to work though.

A clandestine lab in Oregon churned out over 10,000 fake Social Security cards, drivers' licenses, and immigration documents

Web of illegal immigration, fake IDs unraveled for workers at Amish-area chicken plant in Ohio

Fake immigration ID sellers unfazed by threats
There are at least 4 million known abusers via the IRS and Social Security Administration alone.......

Would take an army to round all them up. They KNOW they are using Fake SSN's....and Fraudulent I-9's..........All hells gonna break loose if there is a major crack down on those........and I do believe the stepped up audits are a part of it.

They are playing hard ball now.........and the left isn't going to like it much.

If they know it and allow it they are complicitous. Why do you not demand that change?
All lies. This has been covered many times but you know this. You can not get away with stolen S.S. numbers.

Why not? Stolen identities is one of the biggest criminal industries in this country. Of course they get away with it. And even if busted, just get another identity.

How can they do that if they were busted? People do steal identities. Not to work though.

A clandestine lab in Oregon churned out over 10,000 fake Social Security cards, drivers' licenses, and immigration documents

Web of illegal immigration, fake IDs unraveled for workers at Amish-area chicken plant in Ohio

Fake immigration ID sellers unfazed by threats
There are at least 4 million known abusers via the IRS and Social Security Administration alone.......

Would take an army to round all them up. They KNOW they are using Fake SSN's....and Fraudulent I-9's..........All hells gonna break loose if there is a major crack down on those........and I do believe the stepped up audits are a part of it.

They are playing hard ball now.........and the left isn't going to like it much.

If they know it and allow it they are complicitous. Why do you not demand that change?
You are an idiot.............the people have demanded change.........and Dems used to run on WELL FIX THIS for the votes.........But they are a bunch of Lying SOB's..........and the Establishment Republicans are a bunch of Lying SOBs...........because they get political money from the Chamber of Commerce who don't want this fixed. They want the cheap labor.
All lies. This has been covered many times but you know this. You can not get away with stolen S.S. numbers.

Why not? Stolen identities is one of the biggest criminal industries in this country. Of course they get away with it. And even if busted, just get another identity.

How can they do that if they were busted? People do steal identities. Not to work though.

A clandestine lab in Oregon churned out over 10,000 fake Social Security cards, drivers' licenses, and immigration documents

Web of illegal immigration, fake IDs unraveled for workers at Amish-area chicken plant in Ohio

Fake immigration ID sellers unfazed by threats
There are at least 4 million known abusers via the IRS and Social Security Administration alone.......

Would take an army to round all them up. They KNOW they are using Fake SSN's....and Fraudulent I-9's..........All hells gonna break loose if there is a major crack down on those........and I do believe the stepped up audits are a part of it.

They are playing hard ball now.........and the left isn't going to like it much.

I totally agree. To say Trump is not doing anything about it is ridiculous. But he has a lot of limitations thanks to the commies in Congress and these anti-American judges who stop him every time he puts forth a plan to stop these people and get rid of the ones here.

Illegal Immigration largely started with Reagan's Amnesty as a major issue.
He gave the wrong message there.

Of course this was to appease the Republican Capitalists, like the Chamber of Commerce, or Agriculture, and Construction firms who tend to hire illegals in mass.

Republicans like all Individualists seem to be very shortsighted, and ONLY seemed to have changed their tune, because many Illegals vote Democrat, and increase the tax-load.

On the inverse Democrats who are also individualists, seem to also be very shortsighted, having supported Illegals for votes in the long-term, even if it turns the United States into a penniless, gang infest sh(thole.
They are working, making decent money, their kids are going to good schools, they are just going to leave?
Well when ICE gets there.........and finds their Fake Id's.......and SSN's.......well yeah they are going to leave.

ICE isn't going to get there.
Well according to ICE ............they are scheduling 5400 audits of businesses..........and cracking down on Fraudulent I-9 forms.....

And the raids to business is stepping ........they are starting to get there.

They said that a good while ago and did nothing. You were lied to again.
They are doubling the audits and raids............I quoted directly from the Gov't site.

Which part of that stepped up enforcement don't you get.............The Dems Judicial Activism can't stop them from enforcing the law............Fake ids and forged I-9's are against the law.

And now there is a SCOTUS coming up for the UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAWS of California............threatening business with 10000 fines if they don't twart ICE and the audits.

Caliifornia actually telling employers to VIOLATE the LAWS OF THIS COUNTRY with a State Law..........Gonna get slapped down hard ....and California is BLATANTLY VIOLATING FEDERAL LAW HERE.

They are not doubling anything.......well, maybe they will do six raids this year as opposed to three.
Why not? Stolen identities is one of the biggest criminal industries in this country. Of course they get away with it. And even if busted, just get another identity.

How can they do that if they were busted? People do steal identities. Not to work though.

A clandestine lab in Oregon churned out over 10,000 fake Social Security cards, drivers' licenses, and immigration documents

Web of illegal immigration, fake IDs unraveled for workers at Amish-area chicken plant in Ohio

Fake immigration ID sellers unfazed by threats
There are at least 4 million known abusers via the IRS and Social Security Administration alone.......

Would take an army to round all them up. They KNOW they are using Fake SSN's....and Fraudulent I-9's..........All hells gonna break loose if there is a major crack down on those........and I do believe the stepped up audits are a part of it.

They are playing hard ball now.........and the left isn't going to like it much.

If they know it and allow it they are complicitous. Why do you not demand that change?
You are an idiot.............the people have demanded change.........and Dems used to run on WELL FIX THIS for the votes.........But they are a bunch of Lying SOB's..........and the Establishment Republicans are a bunch of Lying SOBs...........because they get political money from the Chamber of Commerce who don't want this fixed. They want the cheap labor.

Only Trump can enforce immigration laws. He is not. Your words ring hollow.
to see all these savages lining up for drivers licence.....makes me sick

who will they kill next?

sick sick sick!

New York has become a disgrace....and a very dangerous place to live. Sad.
Why not? Stolen identities is one of the biggest criminal industries in this country. Of course they get away with it. And even if busted, just get another identity.

How can they do that if they were busted? People do steal identities. Not to work though.

A clandestine lab in Oregon churned out over 10,000 fake Social Security cards, drivers' licenses, and immigration documents

Web of illegal immigration, fake IDs unraveled for workers at Amish-area chicken plant in Ohio

Fake immigration ID sellers unfazed by threats
There are at least 4 million known abusers via the IRS and Social Security Administration alone.......

Would take an army to round all them up. They KNOW they are using Fake SSN's....and Fraudulent I-9's..........All hells gonna break loose if there is a major crack down on those........and I do believe the stepped up audits are a part of it.

They are playing hard ball now.........and the left isn't going to like it much.

I totally agree. To say Trump is not doing anything about it is ridiculous. But he has a lot of limitations thanks to the commies in Congress and these anti-American judges who stop him every time he puts forth a plan to stop these people and get rid of the ones here.

Illegal Immigration largely started with Reagan's Amnesty as a major issue.
He gave the wrong message there.

Of course this was to appease the Republican Capitalists, like the Chamber of Commerce, or Agriculture, and Construction firms who tend to hire illegals in mass.

Republicans like all Individualists seem to be very shortsighted, and ONLY seemed to have changed their tune, because many Illegals vote Democrat, and increase the tax-load.

On the inverse Democrats who are also individualists, seem to also be very shortsighted, having supported Illegals for votes in the long-term, even if it turns the United States into a penniless, gang infest sh(thole.

Illegals are not voting. Sheesh
Why not? Stolen identities is one of the biggest criminal industries in this country. Of course they get away with it. And even if busted, just get another identity.

How can they do that if they were busted? People do steal identities. Not to work though.

A clandestine lab in Oregon churned out over 10,000 fake Social Security cards, drivers' licenses, and immigration documents

Web of illegal immigration, fake IDs unraveled for workers at Amish-area chicken plant in Ohio

Fake immigration ID sellers unfazed by threats
There are at least 4 million known abusers via the IRS and Social Security Administration alone.......

Would take an army to round all them up. They KNOW they are using Fake SSN's....and Fraudulent I-9's..........All hells gonna break loose if there is a major crack down on those........and I do believe the stepped up audits are a part of it.

They are playing hard ball now.........and the left isn't going to like it much.

I totally agree. To say Trump is not doing anything about it is ridiculous. But he has a lot of limitations thanks to the commies in Congress and these anti-American judges who stop him every time he puts forth a plan to stop these people and get rid of the ones here.

Illegal Immigration largely started with Reagan's Amnesty as a major issue.
He gave the wrong message there.

Of course this was to appease the Republican Capitalists, like the Chamber of Commerce, or Agriculture, and Construction firms who tend to hire illegals in mass.

Republicans like all Individualists seem to be very shortsighted, and ONLY seemed to have changed their tune, because many Illegals vote Democrat, and increase the tax-load.

On the inverse Democrats who are also individualists, seem to also be very shortsighted, having supported Illegals for votes in the long-term, even if it turns the United States into a penniless, gang infest sh(thole.
Reagan did not know that this country would allow a network of FORGERY to get around the I-9 forms..........There is a network of Fake Id groups all across this country.........and ICE finds Forged Ids on almost EVERY RAID..............EVERY RAID......

The law passed under Reagan would work IF ENFORCED PROPERLY........and we SHUT DOWN the Forgery groups across this country.
There are at least 4 million known abusers via the IRS and Social Security Administration alone.......

Would take an army to round all them up. They KNOW they are using Fake SSN's....and Fraudulent I-9's..........All hells gonna break loose if there is a major crack down on those........and I do believe the stepped up audits are a part of it.

They are playing hard ball now.........and the left isn't going to like it much.

I totally agree. To say Trump is not doing anything about it is ridiculous. But he has a lot of limitations thanks to the commies in Congress and these anti-American judges who stop him every time he puts forth a plan to stop these people and get rid of the ones here.

Illegal Immigration largely started with Reagan's Amnesty as a major issue.
He gave the wrong message there.

Of course this was to appease the Republican Capitalists, like the Chamber of Commerce, or Agriculture, and Construction firms who tend to hire illegals in mass.

Republicans like all Individualists seem to be very shortsighted, and ONLY seemed to have changed their tune, because many Illegals vote Democrat, and increase the tax-load.

On the inverse Democrats who are also individualists, seem to also be very shortsighted, having supported Illegals for votes in the long-term, even if it turns the United States into a penniless, gang infest sh(thole.

Illegals are not voting. Sheesh

but they are driving

and killing
There are at least 4 million known abusers via the IRS and Social Security Administration alone.......

Would take an army to round all them up. They KNOW they are using Fake SSN's....and Fraudulent I-9's..........All hells gonna break loose if there is a major crack down on those........and I do believe the stepped up audits are a part of it.

They are playing hard ball now.........and the left isn't going to like it much.

I totally agree. To say Trump is not doing anything about it is ridiculous. But he has a lot of limitations thanks to the commies in Congress and these anti-American judges who stop him every time he puts forth a plan to stop these people and get rid of the ones here.

Illegal Immigration largely started with Reagan's Amnesty as a major issue.
He gave the wrong message there.

Of course this was to appease the Republican Capitalists, like the Chamber of Commerce, or Agriculture, and Construction firms who tend to hire illegals in mass.

Republicans like all Individualists seem to be very shortsighted, and ONLY seemed to have changed their tune, because many Illegals vote Democrat, and increase the tax-load.

On the inverse Democrats who are also individualists, seem to also be very shortsighted, having supported Illegals for votes in the long-term, even if it turns the United States into a penniless, gang infest sh(thole.

Illegals are not voting. Sheesh

Illegals have children who tend to vote Democrat overall, that helps Democrats with votes more & more all the time.

Besides, there does appear to be some Illegal Immigrant voter fraud.
There are at least 4 million known abusers via the IRS and Social Security Administration alone.......

Would take an army to round all them up. They KNOW they are using Fake SSN's....and Fraudulent I-9's..........All hells gonna break loose if there is a major crack down on those........and I do believe the stepped up audits are a part of it.

They are playing hard ball now.........and the left isn't going to like it much.

I totally agree. To say Trump is not doing anything about it is ridiculous. But he has a lot of limitations thanks to the commies in Congress and these anti-American judges who stop him every time he puts forth a plan to stop these people and get rid of the ones here.

Illegal Immigration largely started with Reagan's Amnesty as a major issue.
He gave the wrong message there.

Of course this was to appease the Republican Capitalists, like the Chamber of Commerce, or Agriculture, and Construction firms who tend to hire illegals in mass.

Republicans like all Individualists seem to be very shortsighted, and ONLY seemed to have changed their tune, because many Illegals vote Democrat, and increase the tax-load.

On the inverse Democrats who are also individualists, seem to also be very shortsighted, having supported Illegals for votes in the long-term, even if it turns the United States into a penniless, gang infest sh(thole.

Illegals are not voting. Sheesh
Over 4 million of them are confirmed by the IRS and Social Security Administration to be working here with Fake id's..............

They are forging SSN's and picture ids...........filing taxes ..........and getting billions in Tax Credits EVERY YEAR.

But they can't vote...........LOL............sell your snake oil somewhere else.
There are at least 4 million known abusers via the IRS and Social Security Administration alone.......

Would take an army to round all them up. They KNOW they are using Fake SSN's....and Fraudulent I-9's..........All hells gonna break loose if there is a major crack down on those........and I do believe the stepped up audits are a part of it.

They are playing hard ball now.........and the left isn't going to like it much.

I totally agree. To say Trump is not doing anything about it is ridiculous. But he has a lot of limitations thanks to the commies in Congress and these anti-American judges who stop him every time he puts forth a plan to stop these people and get rid of the ones here.

Illegal Immigration largely started with Reagan's Amnesty as a major issue.
He gave the wrong message there.

Of course this was to appease the Republican Capitalists, like the Chamber of Commerce, or Agriculture, and Construction firms who tend to hire illegals in mass.

Republicans like all Individualists seem to be very shortsighted, and ONLY seemed to have changed their tune, because many Illegals vote Democrat, and increase the tax-load.

On the inverse Democrats who are also individualists, seem to also be very shortsighted, having supported Illegals for votes in the long-term, even if it turns the United States into a penniless, gang infest sh(thole.
Reagan did not know that this country would allow a network of FORGERY to get around the I-9 forms..........There is a network of Fake Id groups all across this country.........and ICE finds Forged Ids on almost EVERY RAID..............EVERY RAID......

The law passed under Reagan would work IF ENFORCED PROPERLY........and we SHUT DOWN the Forgery groups across this country.

It's Trump's job to enforce it. Why arent people insisting he do that?
There are at least 4 million known abusers via the IRS and Social Security Administration alone.......

Would take an army to round all them up. They KNOW they are using Fake SSN's....and Fraudulent I-9's..........All hells gonna break loose if there is a major crack down on those........and I do believe the stepped up audits are a part of it.

They are playing hard ball now.........and the left isn't going to like it much.

I totally agree. To say Trump is not doing anything about it is ridiculous. But he has a lot of limitations thanks to the commies in Congress and these anti-American judges who stop him every time he puts forth a plan to stop these people and get rid of the ones here.

Illegal Immigration largely started with Reagan's Amnesty as a major issue.
He gave the wrong message there.

Of course this was to appease the Republican Capitalists, like the Chamber of Commerce, or Agriculture, and Construction firms who tend to hire illegals in mass.

Republicans like all Individualists seem to be very shortsighted, and ONLY seemed to have changed their tune, because many Illegals vote Democrat, and increase the tax-load.

On the inverse Democrats who are also individualists, seem to also be very shortsighted, having supported Illegals for votes in the long-term, even if it turns the United States into a penniless, gang infest sh(thole.

Illegals are not voting. Sheesh

but they are driving

and killing

It's why people want them tested.
There are at least 4 million known abusers via the IRS and Social Security Administration alone.......

Would take an army to round all them up. They KNOW they are using Fake SSN's....and Fraudulent I-9's..........All hells gonna break loose if there is a major crack down on those........and I do believe the stepped up audits are a part of it.

They are playing hard ball now.........and the left isn't going to like it much.

I totally agree. To say Trump is not doing anything about it is ridiculous. But he has a lot of limitations thanks to the commies in Congress and these anti-American judges who stop him every time he puts forth a plan to stop these people and get rid of the ones here.

Illegal Immigration largely started with Reagan's Amnesty as a major issue.
He gave the wrong message there.

Of course this was to appease the Republican Capitalists, like the Chamber of Commerce, or Agriculture, and Construction firms who tend to hire illegals in mass.

Republicans like all Individualists seem to be very shortsighted, and ONLY seemed to have changed their tune, because many Illegals vote Democrat, and increase the tax-load.

On the inverse Democrats who are also individualists, seem to also be very shortsighted, having supported Illegals for votes in the long-term, even if it turns the United States into a penniless, gang infest sh(thole.

Illegals are not voting. Sheesh

Illegals have children who tend to vote Democrat overall, that helps Democrat with votes more & more all the time.
A recent article showed Hispanics being registered to vote at 34 million...............which is 25% of all the votes for President in the last election..........

They have HALF THE VOTES the Dems got..............HALF........

That is why the Dems want open borders....and pass laws to get them ids...........It's not this BS story of SAFETY for drivers license..............They don't care if illegals are getting Fake Ids.........working here.......they only care about power and the votes.........

They tried to hide it for decades but we all knew the truth........we've always known it........but now with Trump trolling their butts............They have finally showed their True colors on it.
There are at least 4 million known abusers via the IRS and Social Security Administration alone.......

Would take an army to round all them up. They KNOW they are using Fake SSN's....and Fraudulent I-9's..........All hells gonna break loose if there is a major crack down on those........and I do believe the stepped up audits are a part of it.

They are playing hard ball now.........and the left isn't going to like it much.

I totally agree. To say Trump is not doing anything about it is ridiculous. But he has a lot of limitations thanks to the commies in Congress and these anti-American judges who stop him every time he puts forth a plan to stop these people and get rid of the ones here.

Illegal Immigration largely started with Reagan's Amnesty as a major issue.
He gave the wrong message there.

Of course this was to appease the Republican Capitalists, like the Chamber of Commerce, or Agriculture, and Construction firms who tend to hire illegals in mass.

Republicans like all Individualists seem to be very shortsighted, and ONLY seemed to have changed their tune, because many Illegals vote Democrat, and increase the tax-load.

On the inverse Democrats who are also individualists, seem to also be very shortsighted, having supported Illegals for votes in the long-term, even if it turns the United States into a penniless, gang infest sh(thole.

Illegals are not voting. Sheesh

but they are driving

and killing

It's why people want them tested.

NO ILLEGALS~!!!!!!!!!!!!!


There are at least 4 million known abusers via the IRS and Social Security Administration alone.......

Would take an army to round all them up. They KNOW they are using Fake SSN's....and Fraudulent I-9's..........All hells gonna break loose if there is a major crack down on those........and I do believe the stepped up audits are a part of it.

They are playing hard ball now.........and the left isn't going to like it much.

I totally agree. To say Trump is not doing anything about it is ridiculous. But he has a lot of limitations thanks to the commies in Congress and these anti-American judges who stop him every time he puts forth a plan to stop these people and get rid of the ones here.

Illegal Immigration largely started with Reagan's Amnesty as a major issue.
He gave the wrong message there.

Of course this was to appease the Republican Capitalists, like the Chamber of Commerce, or Agriculture, and Construction firms who tend to hire illegals in mass.

Republicans like all Individualists seem to be very shortsighted, and ONLY seemed to have changed their tune, because many Illegals vote Democrat, and increase the tax-load.

On the inverse Democrats who are also individualists, seem to also be very shortsighted, having supported Illegals for votes in the long-term, even if it turns the United States into a penniless, gang infest sh(thole.
Reagan did not know that this country would allow a network of FORGERY to get around the I-9 forms..........There is a network of Fake Id groups all across this country.........and ICE finds Forged Ids on almost EVERY RAID..............EVERY RAID......

The law passed under Reagan would work IF ENFORCED PROPERLY........and we SHUT DOWN the Forgery groups across this country.

It's Trump's job to enforce it. Why arent people insisting he do that?
I understand you are a troll.............and I understand why trolls ask stupid spin away little troll..........

We know exactly what is going on.........and I hope the hell ICE starts ripping businesses a new one here............Just give me the popcorn.
There are at least 4 million known abusers via the IRS and Social Security Administration alone.......

Would take an army to round all them up. They KNOW they are using Fake SSN's....and Fraudulent I-9's..........All hells gonna break loose if there is a major crack down on those........and I do believe the stepped up audits are a part of it.

They are playing hard ball now.........and the left isn't going to like it much.

I totally agree. To say Trump is not doing anything about it is ridiculous. But he has a lot of limitations thanks to the commies in Congress and these anti-American judges who stop him every time he puts forth a plan to stop these people and get rid of the ones here.

Illegal Immigration largely started with Reagan's Amnesty as a major issue.
He gave the wrong message there.

Of course this was to appease the Republican Capitalists, like the Chamber of Commerce, or Agriculture, and Construction firms who tend to hire illegals in mass.

Republicans like all Individualists seem to be very shortsighted, and ONLY seemed to have changed their tune, because many Illegals vote Democrat, and increase the tax-load.

On the inverse Democrats who are also individualists, seem to also be very shortsighted, having supported Illegals for votes in the long-term, even if it turns the United States into a penniless, gang infest sh(thole.

Illegals are not voting. Sheesh

Illegals have children who tend to vote Democrat overall, that helps Democrats with votes more & more all the time.

Besides, there does appear to be some Illegal Immigrant voter fraud.

The only voter fraud uncovered was by the Republicans in North Carolina. You might find an odd exception here or there but it won't stop people from making the claims obviously.

Do you blame the children of immigrants (illegal or otherwise) from voting the way they do considering the name calling that comes from the right?

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