Illegals Rape 12 Year Old American


Big D

Three Bend men from Mexico have been arrested on rape and other charges in connection with “numerous” alleged assaults on a 12-year-old Bend girl. The trio, two of whom are brothers, face likely deportation by federal authorities, police said Monday.^3Far_id^3D16009.htm
Originally posted by Big D
Three Bend men from Mexico have been arrested on rape and other charges in connection with “numerous” alleged assaults on a 12-year-old Bend girl. The trio, two of whom are brothers, face likely deportation by federal authorities, police said Monday.^3Far_id^3D16009.htm

and you were off to the side:wank: :wank: :wank: :wank:

Originally posted by nycflasher
and you were off to the side:wank: :wank: :wank: :wank:


totally uncalled for when it concerns the rape of a 12 year old. :wtf:
Flasher/Chippewa you are really showing your true self tonight. That of a mentally deranged and twisted sick fuck. Do us all a favor and leave, would ya?
If this had been two white guys who did this to an illegal mexican girl, it would be international news.

I don't agree with Big d on everything. but I know this country is fucked up when it comes to race issues. Because of liberals.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
If this had been two white guys who did this to an illegal mexican girl, it would be international news.

I don't agree with Big d on everything. but I know this country is fucked up when it comes to race issues. Because of the lack of liberal support.

made your correction for you RWA. :D
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
made your correction for you RWA. :D

That's wrong. I'm talking about shit like how police don't do shit when white people or non minorites get victimized. We're just supposed to accept that "that's just the world we live in." Liberals propagate this double standard. You can live with your head up your ass forever if you wish.
Originally posted by nycflasher
and you were off to the side:wank: :wank: :wank: :wank:


Hoooooly shit man...... you're loosing ground fast..... you act like there's a contest on for BIGGEST DICK, and you want to win.
Originally posted by nycflasher
I'm just dismissing a racist, you guys make of it what you will...

But you did so in very poor taste, thus the point of your post was less heard than the manner of which you choose to say it. And yeah it made you look like a dick.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Maybe so, but it was still wrong to go about it that way!

Well I apologize.
While D hasn't shown himself to be violent, To me he is on a similar level to sex offenders.

I mean, the fact that he disseminates his views to his own kids is scary... not even giving them a chance.
Originally posted by nycflasher
and you were off to the side:wank: :wank: :wank: :wank:


I take serious, and I DO MEAN SERIOUS offense to this.

I have nothing more to say to you or about this.
I'm talking about shit like how police don't do shit when white people or non minorites get victimized.

AMEN RWA.:clap:
Originally posted by nycflasher
Well I apologize.
While D hasn't shown himself to be violent, To me he is on a similar level to sex offenders.

where do you get the proof to this? ARe you a social worker or psychologist who has training in identifying the personalities of sex offenders, so that by someone's opinions, no matter what they may be, you can pick them out on the internet?

Big D has a similar personality to my grandfather, and he isn't a sex offender. he's far from it. you can make any assumption that you want, but all you do is make an ASS out of yourself because you have no basis for this. Big D, while sometimes SOUNDING racist, makes some valid points that I give him SOME credit for pointing out stuff and not caring that people call him racist for doing so. All he is doing is listing stories that don't get reported BECAUSE it is a bad story about minorities.

What I haven't seen BIG D do is advocate that we make these minorities aware of the issue within their communities and reinforce to them that they need to start helping themselves and taking responsibility for their problems within their race instead of blaming whitey. The only way they can become aware is to have it pointed out, but when someone who is not of that race does so, they are accused of being racist. This is like an abused (mental, physical, etc.) woman who doesn't see that she is being abused because she has lived with it for so long. It usually takes an outside person to point out that the abuse is going on.

People of difference races, who are good of character and conscience do not like to see the people of another race suffer from such tragedies as Big D sometimes posts. But it is hard to point this stuff out to maybe make people aware of the problem, when you are fearful of being accused of being racist.
Originally posted by fuzzykitten99
where do you get the proof to this? ARe you a social worker or psychologist who has training in identifying the personalities of sex offenders, so that by someone's opinions, no matter what they may be, you can pick them out on the internet?

Big D has a similar personality to my grandfather, and he isn't a sex offender. he's far from it. you can make any assumption that you want, but all you do is make an ASS out of yourself because you have no basis for this. Big D, while sometimes SOUNDING racist, makes some valid points that I give him SOME credit for pointing out stuff and not caring that people call him racist for doing so. All he is doing is listing stories that don't get reported BECAUSE it is a bad story about minorities.

What I haven't seen BIG D do is advocate that we make these minorities aware of the issue within their communities and reinforce to them that they need to start helping themselves and taking responsibility for their problems within their race instead of blaming whitey. The only way they can become aware is to have it pointed out, but when someone who is not of that race does so, they are accused of being racist. This is like an abused (mental, physical, etc.) woman who doesn't see that she is being abused because she has lived with it for so long. It usually takes an outside person to point out that the abuse is going on.

People of difference races, who are good of character and conscience do not like to see the people of another race suffer from such tragedies as Big D sometimes posts. But it is hard to point this stuff out to maybe make people aware of the problem, when you are fearful of being accused of being racist.

Well, I just dismiss racists. There are way too many cool people in this life to spend anytime with someone who judges people based on their skin color.

That is, unless you can educate them but D is obviously incorrigible.

The fact that you all take offense to my post is REDICULOUS.
I suggested that D was jacking off at the site of this story he posted. So the fuck what?
Kitten its not the fact that Big D posts these stories its that he goes 1 step further into the ridiculous realm when he claims intellectual inferiority and advocates genocide relating to Blacks and Hispanics. If you've missed those posts believe me they are there you just have to do some searching for them. Believe me there is no doubt, and it is not a false accusation that Big D is a racist. I think most here would agree with that assessment.
Originally posted by fuzzykitten99
All he is doing is listing stories that don't get reported BECAUSE it is a bad story about minorities.

Every story he posts WAS reported it. He is just alerting YOU to it.
Anyone can probably Google "black + rape + 2004" and find a story about a black guy raping someone.

If that's your fetish:rolleyes: .

Here you go, I did it for you:

Was the Conviction of an 18 Year Old Black Kid for Rape Racist?
By James E. McWilliams
Mr. McWilliams teaches history at Texas State University -- San Marcos and a writer for the History News Service.

The story of Marcus Dixon isn't the only newsworthy court case to be stranded by higher-profile events. But it may be the most tragic.

Dixon is an 18-year-old man who's been sentenced by a Georgia state court to 10 years in prison after having sex with a girl who was a few months shy of her 16th birthday. Dixon, who claimed the sex was consensual, is black. The girl, who claimed she was raped, is white. The jury convicted Dixon of "statutory rape and aggravated child molestation." The relevant statute, clearly designed to prosecute adult molesters of small children, had never before been applied to teenagers less than three years apart in age.

Americans -- especially white Americans -- like to think that racism is dead and justice is blind. The Dixon case warns us otherwise. We'll never know exactly what happened between these teenagers. We do know, however, that the Rome, Ga., district attorney, Leigh E. Patterson, summed up Dixon's conviction with a description that taps a loaded historical stereotype. "This is not about race," she insisted. "This is about a sexual predator."

A sexual predator? Did public opinion label the late Strom Thurmond a sexual predator upon discovering that, as a twenty-five-year- old, he had impregnated his family's sixteen-year-old black maid? To the contrary, most accounts of Essie Mae Washington-Williams's recent revelation about her father's relationship with her mother stressed the financial support the South Carolina senator had "magnanimously" provided. Thurmond, we're led to think, was a patriarch, Dixon a predator.

Thurmond's hush money cleared the way for the senator's notable political career. Dixon, who had a 3.96 grade point average and a football scholarship to Vanderbilt University, will likely contemplate his own future while sitting in a cell block.

Before the Civil War the stereotype of the black man as sexual predator didn't exist. Its absence may surprise us. However, not only did slave masters routinely have sex with female slaves but -- albeit less often -- white mistresses also had sex with male slaves. Southerners generally failed to distinguish between these two sexual relationships....

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