Illegals to receive Medicaid in the sewer known as California

And of course fucking traitor liberals will have no problem with this.

And by the way you politically correct pricks at the LA Times, it's "illegal" immigrants, NOT "immigrants".

Report: 125,000 immigrants given deferred action eligible for Medi-Cal

A new report shows that as many as 125,000 young California immigrants may qualify for an expansion of Medi-Cal, the state's Medicaid program.

The Affordable Care Act bars insurance subsidies and enrollment in the Medicaid expansion for undocumented immigrants, but a wrinkle in California rules does offer coverage for those with "deferred action status."

The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program was created by President Obama in 2012 to grant immigrants who came to the country illegally as children -- sometimes called Dreamers -- legal status and work authorization for two-year periods.

Laurel Lucia, a policy analyst at the UC Berkeley Labor Center and author of the report released Tuesday, said California is one of the few states that lets youth with deferred action status enroll in Medicaid.

“But the word still hasn’t been spread,” she said.

The report found that 154,000 people in California had been granted the status as of December 2013. About 81%, or 125,000, are eligible for Medi-Cal based on their annual income, which has to be less than $15,850 for an individual.

To be eligible for deferred action, immigrants had to arrive in the U.S. before they were 16, be under 31 as of June 2012 and to have continuously lived in the U.S. since 2007.

There’s no data about how many have signed up for Medi-Cal, but the fear of deportation for themselves or family members has probably kept many from enrolling, Lucia said. Federal authorities have said they will not use information provided to determine healthcare eligibility to pursue immigrants in the country illegally.

Diane Vanette, a volunteer with OneLA who screens people at Obamacare enrollment events, recently informed a couple with deferred-action status that they were both eligible for Medi-Cal.

“He was shocked, she was shocked,” Vanette said.

This issue illustrates the complexities in expanding coverage to the state’s large uninsured Latino population. About 82% of DACA-eligible Californians are Latino, according to the report.

The Covered California exchange has been criticized for failing to connect with the state’s Latino population, and for not getting Latinos to sign up in greater numbers. Covered California said last week it would spend $8.2 million through March on Spanish-language advertising, up 73% from spending in fourth quarter.

Mayra Yoana Jaimes Pena, 25, was granted DACA-status last year, and signed up for Medi-Cal this month. Though her three siblings are citizens, her parents lack legal status.

She said she was wary of putting her name in the system and skeptical that she could actually qualify for a government program.

“There was this real hesitancy of what if this becomes a negative experience,” she said.

Tanya Broder, a senior attorney with the National Immigration Law Center, said that as the gaps in coverage become more clear as Obamacare shakes out, more states could adopt policies like California's in the future.

"All states are going to have to look at the people who remain uninsured or uncovered after the Affordable Care Act is fully implemented," she said. "Providing only emergency care is not the best way."

Experts predict that between 3 million and 4 million people will remain uninsured in California in 2019.

State Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens) introduced legislation this month that would extend state-funded Medi-Cal coverage to low-income immigrants who are in California without legal status. They are now eligible only for emergency and pregnancy coverage.

Report: 125,000 immigrants given deferred action eligible for Medi-Cal -

another correction please..,
it's "illegal" ALIENS
Uh, its just a little late for this pretend indignation from the right.

They've been getting free health care for a couple of generations now. You can thank your hero for that.

(Reagan, socialist EMTALA)

Reagan indeed not only opened the floodgate by giving amnesty to millions of illegals, he also created the laws that force hospital emergency rooms to serve illegals. I think he mostly meant the hospital treatment to be for American citizens, but nonetheless, he is the one that started all this bullshit.

This latest Medicaid loophole is totally on the back of Obama, and of course floated by all liberals with their bleeding-heart stupidness.

Huh, you're saying conservatives think Reagan's #1 fuck-up was EMTALA?

Except for one person that said s/he hated Reagan for tripling the national debt on his watch, most conservatives that hate Reagan say, what they hate most about Reagan is; he raised taxes 11 times...

11 times, and still-----and still managed to triple the debt.

Well yabut, in his defense he needed that money to illegally fund terrorists all over the world. Nicaragua, Saddam Hussein, the Taliban ...

Its hard to say which of his many fiascoes was his "#1 fuck-up".
So the People's Democratic Soviet Socialist Republic of Kalipornia is gonna give free medical care to 100K+ Illegal Aliens?

Big surprise.

I wonder if it's possible to force Kalipornia to pick up the entire tab for those 100K+, rather than taking some portion of the funding from the Federal Golden Goose, so that the rest of us aren't picking up the tab for Kalipornia's bad decisions?

California is more responsible for encouraging illegal immigration than any other state by far. It's unfortunate the taxpayers of the state put up with it.

It's unfortunate we all put up with it.

really?....California is?.....Mexicans have been coming here and to ALL the other border States for decades.....and the FEDERAL Govt. does not do a dam thing about it nor do any of the other border States or any other State for that matter......dont blame one State when there are others guilty of the same thing....including the Feds....
So the People's Democratic Soviet Socialist Republic of Kalipornia is gonna give free medical care to 100K+ Illegal Aliens?

Big surprise.

I wonder if it's possible to force Kalipornia to pick up the entire tab for those 100K+, rather than taking some portion of the funding from the Federal Golden Goose, so that the rest of us aren't picking up the tab for Kalipornia's bad decisions?

You've been picking up the tab for free health care to illegals throughout the US all these years and you're just now getting your back up?

You're still paying the bill but suddenly, its the Dem's fault?

What really cracks me up is that so many of you are anti-abortion and anti-"anchor baby" but you willingly pay for illegals to have both.

WTH is wrong with you people? How did you get to be so ignorant? And so incredibly hypocritical.
So the People's Democratic Soviet Socialist Republic of Kalipornia is gonna give free medical care to 100K+ Illegal Aliens?

Big surprise.

I wonder if it's possible to force Kalipornia to pick up the entire tab for those 100K+, rather than taking some portion of the funding from the Federal Golden Goose, so that the rest of us aren't picking up the tab for Kalipornia's bad decisions?

California is more responsible for encouraging illegal immigration than any other state by far. It's unfortunate the taxpayers of the state put up with it.

It's unfortunate we all put up with it.

really?....California is?.....Mexicans have been coming here and to ALL the other border States for decades.....and the FEDERAL Govt. does not do a dam thing about it nor do any of the other border States or any other State for that matter......dont blame one State when there are others guilty of the same thing....including the Feds....

C'mon Harry, you know better than that.

Its true that illegals go to almost all our states to take the jobs offered to them. But its not true that the feds (President Obama) does nothing.

President Obama has deported more than any other president. He has funded that damn stupid ineffectual fence as well as putting more Border Patrol on our southern border.

The very few Mexicans who still come here for the jobs offered to them are no longer the problem and like it or not, you can thank Obama for that.
So the People's Democratic Soviet Socialist Republic of Kalipornia is gonna give free medical care to 100K+ Illegal Aliens?

Big surprise.

I wonder if it's possible to force Kalipornia to pick up the entire tab for those 100K+, rather than taking some portion of the funding from the Federal Golden Goose, so that the rest of us aren't picking up the tab for Kalipornia's bad decisions?

California is more responsible for encouraging illegal immigration than any other state by far. It's unfortunate the taxpayers of the state put up with it.

It's unfortunate we all put up with it.

really?....California is?.....Mexicans have been coming here and to ALL the other border States for decades.....and the FEDERAL Govt. does not do a dam thing about it nor do any of the other border States or any other State for that matter......dont blame one State when there are others guilty of the same thing....including the Feds....
Point taken. California however has attracted the most, and it's because of illegal alien friendly programs like this that keep them coming.
Go outside. Take a DEEP breath of some fresh air. Think about the blessings in your life for a few minutes. Then walk back to your computer.

Okay, now what ?

I still think this is bullshit, and I still think American liberals are slime for pushing shit like this on to the back of LEGAL Americans !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you're a legal American then count yourself amongst the luckiest people on Earth.

125,000 young people might get medicaid? From the 12th largest economy in the world? I hope they make the best of it.

It should have been the 42 million working poor that Obama claimed needed the ACA. But oh hell no. The working poor AMERICANS can afford to pay $500 a month for a policy that has an $11,000 deductible. :rolleyes:
Reagan indeed not only opened the floodgate by giving amnesty to millions of illegals, he also created the laws that force hospital emergency rooms to serve illegals. I think he mostly meant the hospital treatment to be for American citizens, but nonetheless, he is the one that started all this bullshit.

This latest Medicaid loophole is totally on the back of Obama, and of course floated by all liberals with their bleeding-heart stupidness.


But, "on the back of Obama" is that ObamaCare does not allow them to buy cheaper health care insurance through the exchanges.

YOU fools voted for free health care for illegals and yes, of course, Ronnie Ray-Gun knew. Its just idiotic to say what he "mostly" meant.


You won't find too many conservatives that approved of Reagans #1 fuck-up. Of course it pleased asshole bleeding heart liberals who believe legal Americans should foot the bill for anyone who sneaks into the country.

that would be be his #2 fuck up !!

his #1 fuck up was banning the sale of newly made select fire rifles. In 1986 Ronald Reagan signed the executive order that no military style firearms could be imported into the US, and that full automatic weapons produced from the day of signing this order could not be sold to civilians.

a "pre-ban" class III weapon (e.g., AR-15) today will cost anywhere from $12,000.00 to $25,000.00.., most of us gun people can not afford such luxuries, and the libertraitors probably love the high prices caused by this #1 FUCK UP !!
So the People's Democratic Soviet Socialist Republic of Kalipornia is gonna give free medical care to 100K+ Illegal Aliens?

Big surprise.

I wonder if it's possible to force Kalipornia to pick up the entire tab for those 100K+, rather than taking some portion of the funding from the Federal Golden Goose, so that the rest of us aren't picking up the tab for Kalipornia's bad decisions?

You've been picking up the tab for free health care to illegals throughout the US all these years and you're just now getting your back up?

But every large-scale bloc of them that pops-up on the Public Radar is comment-worthy.

"...You're still paying the bill but suddenly, its the Dem's fault?..."

Both parties are to blame, and both are full of shit on the subject, for their own reasons.

It's just that the People's Democratic Soviet Socialst Republic of Kalipornia seems to do such things far more often (makes social serivces -type accommodations for Illegal Aliens) on a larger and more frequent and more noticeable scale than the rest of the country.

"...What really cracks me up is that so many of you are anti-abortion and anti-"anchor baby" but you willingly pay for illegals to have both..."
I have no idea who 'you' is.

Personally, I am anti-abortion, but also respect the right-to-choose. I am definitely anti-Anchor Baby. I am also definitely UNwilling to pay for Illegal Aliens for anything, other than a bus ticket back to the border.

"...WTH is wrong with you people? How did you get to be so ignorant? And so incredibly hypocritical."
Done yet - insulting people whose ideas don't precisely align with your own?
Last edited:
State Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens) introduced legislation this month that would extend state-funded Medi-Cal coverage to low-income immigrants who are in California without legal status. They are now eligible only for emergency and pregnancy coverage.
I do have a problem when we are offering Medicaid to illegals given that there are millions of Americans who have no coverage.

Millions of Americans who had coverage now have no coverage, you can thank the stupid democrats for that too and remember that on your way to the polls.
So the People's Democratic Soviet Socialist Republic of Kalipornia is gonna give free medical care to 100K+ Illegal Aliens?

Big surprise.

I wonder if it's possible to force Kalipornia to pick up the entire tab for those 100K+, rather than taking some portion of the funding from the Federal Golden Goose, so that the rest of us aren't picking up the tab for Kalipornia's bad decisions?

California is more responsible for encouraging illegal immigration than any other state by far. It's unfortunate the taxpayers of the state put up with it.

It's unfortunate we all put up with it.

really?....California is?.....Mexicans have been coming here and to ALL the other border States for decades.....and the FEDERAL Govt. does not do a dam thing about it nor do any of the other border States or any other State for that matter......dont blame one State when there are others guilty of the same thing....including the Feds....

Harry Harry Harry, California has declared it's self a sanctuary state and have refused to cooperate with the Feds regarding illegals. That's the truth.
If California was cooperating with federal law they'd restrict medical care to that outlined in the law not expanding it to full coverage. The proof is in the pudding.
California has been giving free medical care to illegals for decades. Nothing has changed except who the hospital sends the bill to.
California is more responsible for encouraging illegal immigration than any other state by far. It's unfortunate the taxpayers of the state put up with it.

It's unfortunate we all put up with it.

really?....California is?.....Mexicans have been coming here and to ALL the other border States for decades.....and the FEDERAL Govt. does not do a dam thing about it nor do any of the other border States or any other State for that matter......dont blame one State when there are others guilty of the same thing....including the Feds....

Harry Harry Harry, California has declared it's self a sanctuary state and have refused to cooperate with the Feds regarding illegals. That's the truth.

no they havent is not a Sanctuary State....LA and Frisco made that announcement not the State.....and how can they co-operate with the Feds when they dont do a dam thing about this?.....
really?....California is?.....Mexicans have been coming here and to ALL the other border States for decades.....and the FEDERAL Govt. does not do a dam thing about it nor do any of the other border States or any other State for that matter......dont blame one State when there are others guilty of the same thing....including the Feds....

Harry Harry Harry, California has declared it's self a sanctuary state and have refused to cooperate with the Feds regarding illegals. That's the truth.

no they havent is not a Sanctuary State....LA and Frisco made that announcement not the State.....and how can they co-operate with the Feds when they dont do a dam thing about this?.....

Harry, San Fran, LA, San Diego are all sanctuary cities, that's pretty much the state. What is the ratio of liberal to conservative now? My brother is leaving mid march will become a fla. Resident.
California is more responsible for encouraging illegal immigration than any other state by far. It's unfortunate the taxpayers of the state put up with it.

It's unfortunate we all put up with it.

really?....California is?.....Mexicans have been coming here and to ALL the other border States for decades.....and the FEDERAL Govt. does not do a dam thing about it nor do any of the other border States or any other State for that matter......dont blame one State when there are others guilty of the same thing....including the Feds....

C'mon Harry, you know better than that.

Its true that illegals go to almost all our states to take the jobs offered to them. But its not true that the feds (President Obama) does nothing.

President Obama has deported more than any other president. He has funded that damn stupid ineffectual fence as well as putting more Border Patrol on our southern border.

The very few Mexicans who still come here for the jobs offered to them are no longer the problem and like it or not, you can thank Obama for that. he deports a hundred and a hundred more come in....and dont tell me that aint happening....there is a thread around here somewhere with a few links backing that up....we had a news piece here a week ago on the 5 o clock news saying border crossings have been increasing steadily since no,i cant thank Obama....
really?....California is?.....Mexicans have been coming here and to ALL the other border States for decades.....and the FEDERAL Govt. does not do a dam thing about it nor do any of the other border States or any other State for that matter......dont blame one State when there are others guilty of the same thing....including the Feds....

C'mon Harry, you know better than that.

Its true that illegals go to almost all our states to take the jobs offered to them. But its not true that the feds (President Obama) does nothing.

President Obama has deported more than any other president. He has funded that damn stupid ineffectual fence as well as putting more Border Patrol on our southern border.

The very few Mexicans who still come here for the jobs offered to them are no longer the problem and like it or not, you can thank Obama for that. he deports a hundred and a hundred more come in....and dont tell me that aint happening....there is a thread around here somewhere with a few links backing that up....we had a news piece here a week ago on the 5 o clock news saying border crossings have been increasing steadily since no,i cant thank Obama....

And this explains California's decision to expand full coverage to illegals how? You gonna try to blame that on the Feds?
California is more responsible for encouraging illegal immigration than any other state by far. It's unfortunate the taxpayers of the state put up with it.

It's unfortunate we all put up with it.

really?....California is?.....Mexicans have been coming here and to ALL the other border States for decades.....and the FEDERAL Govt. does not do a dam thing about it nor do any of the other border States or any other State for that matter......dont blame one State when there are others guilty of the same thing....including the Feds....
Point taken. California however has attracted the most, and it's because of illegal alien friendly programs like this that keep them coming.

i wont argue that....but try and do something about it and the Far Left Activists start the racism bullshit and everyone backs down.....the harshest critics i have heard about illegals comes from the American born Mexicans,but you wont hear many of them because they are getting pissed at the way the far right has made it racial.....and i have seen posts in here backing that up.....especially the ones who dont even separate the illegals and legals....its just Mexican are all lowlifes....fucking lowlife herself Katz had one just the other day....
Harry Harry Harry, California has declared it's self a sanctuary state and have refused to cooperate with the Feds regarding illegals. That's the truth.

no they havent is not a Sanctuary State....LA and Frisco made that announcement not the State.....and how can they co-operate with the Feds when they dont do a dam thing about this?.....

Harry, San Fran, LA, San Diego are all sanctuary cities, that's pretty much the state. What is the ratio of liberal to conservative now? My brother is leaving mid march will become a fla. Resident.

now you are back tracking.....the State still did not proclaim that......i will be leaving myself pretty soon.....unless you are wealthy or have one hell of a retirement income its to hard financially to retire here.....

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