Illinois Democrats Unveil Budget Only Minutes Before Votes


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
I am at my desk here on the floor of the IL Senate. We are in the midst of voting on FY2012 Budget Bills. You may ask yourselves how I have time to make this post when I perhaps should be weighing the merits of the facts contained within the individual bills so that I can make thoughtful, educated votes, for you, the taxpayers for whom I work. And you would be wise to ask that question. And I have the answer for you: I have NO BILL LANGUAGE TO READ!!!!! You are reading correctly. The bills we are voting on are AMENDMENTS to previously filed bills (many of which are SHELL Bills to begin with).
The Amendments become the Bills themselves. And it was JUST MINUTES ago that the Chicago Democratic Machine-controlled Democrat Caucus came out of a back room filing these bills AND immediately calling them for votes. Not only has there NOT been a week or three days or 24 hours or even one hour of SUNLIGHT on any of this budget language, there has not even been one minute. NOT ONE MINUTE!!!! They not only have not had time to print it out, it DOES NOT EVEN EXIST IN THE ELECTRONIC RECORD. Not only can I not pull up the language or any analysis on my “special Senate computer”, there is nothing on the IL General Assembly website.
» Illinois Democrats Unveil Budget Only Minutes Before Votes - Big Government
Typical Illinois pollitics.
They passed the tax increase during the wee wee hours (that's what they do do).
Mayor Daley bulldozed Megs Field in Chicago over night...

Same ol'.
Typical Illinois pollitics.
They passed the tax increase during the wee wee hours (that's what they do do).
Mayor Daley bulldozed Megs Field in Chicago over night...

Same ol'.

Hard to say IL senate, since the vast vast majority of the senate seats are in Chicago and the underlining Chicago suburbs.

This is how Gov Quinn works. He is a douche bag and glup worse than even Blago!
I am at my desk here on the floor of the IL Senate. We are in the midst of voting on FY2012 Budget Bills. You may ask yourselves how I have time to make this post when I perhaps should be weighing the merits of the facts contained within the individual bills so that I can make thoughtful, educated votes, for you, the taxpayers for whom I work. And you would be wise to ask that question. And I have the answer for you: I have NO BILL LANGUAGE TO READ!!!!! You are reading correctly. The bills we are voting on are AMENDMENTS to previously filed bills (many of which are SHELL Bills to begin with).
The Amendments become the Bills themselves. And it was JUST MINUTES ago that the Chicago Democratic Machine-controlled Democrat Caucus came out of a back room filing these bills AND immediately calling them for votes. Not only has there NOT been a week or three days or 24 hours or even one hour of SUNLIGHT on any of this budget language, there has not even been one minute. NOT ONE MINUTE!!!! They not only have not had time to print it out, it DOES NOT EVEN EXIST IN THE ELECTRONIC RECORD. Not only can I not pull up the language or any analysis on my “special Senate computer”, there is nothing on the IL General Assembly website.
» Illinois Democrats Unveil Budget Only Minutes Before Votes - Big Government

Gotta vote for it before you can find out what's in it. The Governor learned well from the former Speaker, didn't he?
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