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Illinois governor strikes blow for taxapyers...q

Incidently, here's some figures on the average salary of a police officer....

(So it was the police union you couldn't get into, Spoon?)

Police Patrol Officer Salary - Salary.com

The median expected salary for a typical Police Patrol Officer in the United States is $50,348. This basic market pricing report was prepared using our Certified Compensation Professionals' analysis of survey data collected from thousands of HR departments at employers of all sizes, industries and geographies.

Wow, sorry, I don't think 50K on average is an obscene salary.

What I find amusing is that the 120K salaries you bitch about are communities where lots of rich assholes live. And they get faster response time when the maid is caught stealing the silver...
Incidently, here's some figures on the average salary of a police officer....

(So it was the police union you couldn't get into, Spoon?)

Police Patrol Officer Salary - Salary.com

The median expected salary for a typical Police Patrol Officer in the United States is $50,348. This basic market pricing report was prepared using our Certified Compensation Professionals' analysis of survey data collected from thousands of HR departments at employers of all sizes, industries and geographies.

Wow, sorry, I don't think 50K on average is an obscene salary.

What I find amusing is that the 120K salaries you bitch about are communities where lots of rich assholes live. And they get faster response time when the maid is caught stealing the silver...
You know Joe, the rich are not responsible for your failures.
I see you are not in touch. These wages are not sustainable. Look at the taxes!! The homeowners are being taxed out of their homes. I guess that matters not to you.
You obviously do not understand the meaning of balance.
Oh, stop with the nonsense about CEO's and such. They are PRIVATE SECTOR. No one is forced to pay the wages of the private sector. We simply take our business elsewhere. The only escape from the compensation of public employees is to leave the area where those exist.

If we taxed the wealthy at Pre-Reagan levels, they'd be sustainable.

Everything else you say is "blah, blah, blah" it's so unfair some working people haven't bent over yet."

Who is THEY?
Balance. Balance between the employees and those who pay them. That is the point.
Right now the scales are tipped heavily in favor of unionized public employees.
The ones paying the bill by the way, do not get a seat at the bargaining table. Why is it you find that to be just?
Yup, how dare those state workers keep their middle class lifestyle when the private sector didn't.

I am always amused how conservatives vilify unions.

Let's be honest what happened here. Once upon a time, the private sector had good wages because of unionization or the threat of unionization. The Wealthy paid a healthy share of the taxes, as they should. There were tariffs in place that protected our industries (vital to our national defense and economy) from unfair foreign competition. You had a vibrant middle class, Mom could stay home with the kids while Dad worked, people could enjoy vacations.

Then these idiots went along with the Plutocrat's oky-dokes.

"Give up your unions, and your right to collectively bargain. We’ll recognize you for your hard work and merit. We’ll use nice sounding terms like ‘right to work’ and ‘At Will employment’ to describe this."

"Dooooooy, Oky-doke!" said the middle class.

So they find themselves working harder for less money, and eventually get put out on the street at 50 because the company can always find someone younger who'll work cheaper.

“Give up your Union Medical Plans, and go with these company Medical Plans instead!”

“Dooooy, Oky-doke”

They find themselves paying more every year for plans that cover less and less. HMO stands for Horrible Medical Options. And if they got too sick, they found they were usually the first to be let go during a downsizing.

"Give up your pensions, we'll let you get in on the Wall Street fun with something called a 401K. Then you can borrow against the value of a home you already paid off! Trust us!"

"Dooooy, Oky-Doke"

Now they find themselves with a busted 401K, an underwater mortgage in foreclosure AND no hope of ever actually retiring. Meanwhile the fat cats on Wall Street and the banks got a government bailout they paid for, and paid themselves bonuses out of it.

"Hey, hey, you know, we can get more business opportunities if we sign this free trade bill with third world rat-holes that don't have the safety, environmental and work rules we have."

"Doooooy, Oky-Doke"

And they act all surprise when the manufacturing jobs go to China, and the Customer Service jobs go to India, and when their POS Chinese made computer breaks down, they can call to Pradip… er, “Bobby” about how to fix it, but he doesn't understand English.

"Hey, let's give tax cuts to rich people!"

"Doooy, Oky-Doke!"

Oh, that means we increase taxes on working people. SUCKERS!!!

And of course, if someone might actually figure out that they’ve been had, we can distract them by talking about gay marriage, abortion, guns or some other issue that gets their blood boiling for no good reason.

The ironic thing is that the GOP has engaged in this obscene transfer of wealth, but instead of being angry at the people who perpetrated it, we are angry at the people in the unions who DIDN'T FALL FOR IT.

In short, someone burns down your house, and instead of wanting to punish the arsonist, you want them to burn down your neighbor's house instead.

"DOOOOOY, Oky-doke"

Yup, how dare those state workers keep their middle class lifestyle when the private sector didn't.

put the bong down and step away....:lol: whos's taken the huge brunt of layoffs, lack of real income gains etc?
I see you are not in touch. These wages are not sustainable. Look at the taxes!! The homeowners are being taxed out of their homes. I guess that matters not to you.
You obviously do not understand the meaning of balance.
Oh, stop with the nonsense about CEO's and such. They are PRIVATE SECTOR. No one is forced to pay the wages of the private sector. We simply take our business elsewhere. The only escape from the compensation of public employees is to leave the area where those exist.

If we taxed the wealthy at Pre-Reagan levels, they'd be sustainable.

Everything else you say is "blah, blah, blah" it's so unfair some working people haven't bent over yet."
I f taxes were increased would then expect fiscal responsibility on the part of politicians? No.
Wealthy people as you libs conveniently like to forget already do pay the vast majority of taxes collected.
There is not a revenue problem...It is a SPENDING problem.
So are all the unions heading to Illinois to protest? I wonder how the unions handle a democratic governor busting them.
Incidently, here's some figures on the average salary of a police officer....

(So it was the police union you couldn't get into, Spoon?)

Police Patrol Officer Salary - Salary.com

The median expected salary for a typical Police Patrol Officer in the United States is $50,348. This basic market pricing report was prepared using our Certified Compensation Professionals' analysis of survey data collected from thousands of HR departments at employers of all sizes, industries and geographies.

Wow, sorry, I don't think 50K on average is an obscene salary.

What I find amusing is that the 120K salaries you bitch about are communities where lots of rich assholes live. And they get faster response time when the maid is caught stealing the silver...
Ok..I love this shit.. I give you the exact wage figures from public information sources and you come back with data from a survey site. REALLY?!!!!
Tell me, does this site exclude all non union police positions?
Oh so it's "rich assholes"...Gee, with your vitriol toward anyone who dares to accumulate more wealth than makes you comfortable, I would expect you to say they don't deserve police protection.
Listen fuck wad. You are all over the place. You don't have an argument.
The deal is done. The taxpayers in Illinois have finally gotten someone willing to take on these powerful unions.
Hey, fugnut... I don't have a contract. In fact, very specifically. they state "this is not a contract".

You guys claimed that if we just let the rich do whatever the fuck they wanted, we'd get prosperity.

Instead, they ran the country into the ground.

Time for show trials.

Right. You had no contract. Therefore your employment was "at will"..Why are you complaining about "promises" that never existed?
Illinois..humm lets see;

January 13, 2011

Illinois Braces for Tax Increases


The new income-tax rate would add about $1,040 to the tax bill of a family of four earning $60,000 a year, and the new corporate rate would move the state into the top 10 among corporate taxers nationally.


The tax increases will begin to close a projected budget gap now estimated at $13 billion and expected to grow to $17 billion in fiscal 2012.

But the failure in the legislature of a proposed $8.75 billion restructuring bond means the state won't immediately be able to start paying off its backlog of about $6 billion in unpaid bills. That leaves hundreds of state vendors, including hospitals, sch

more at-

Illinois's Tax Increase Has Business Fuming, Neighbors Courting - WSJ.com

Updated August 29, 2012, 6:55 p.m. ET

A Downgrade for Illinois
The worst credit rating aside from California.

On Tuesday, Standard & Poor's downgraded Illinois bonds to A from A-plus, with a continuing negative outlook. The credit rating agency singled out five years of budget deficits ranging from bad to worse to way worse. It now stands at $44 billion—another national record. S&P was also more troubled than the Springfield political class about $83 billion in unfunded pension liabilities. The legislature ended a special session on pension reform this week without, well, passing any reform.

more at-
Review & Outlook: A Downgrade for Illinois - WSJ.com

November 22, 2012, 5:32 p.m. ET

Illinois the 'Unfixable'
Squeezy the Pension Python to the rescue. Or not.


Here's some food for thought. The state estimates its unfunded pension liabilities at around $95 billion. But that rosy scenario is based on the assumption that pension investments earn some 8% a year. In fiscal 2012, the Teachers Retirement System had a 0.76% return, the State Employees Retirement System 0.05%, and the General Assembly Retirement System a negative 0.14%.

In July, Moody's MCO +2.01% proposed revising how pension funds calculate their discount rates, with the target for fiscal 2012 at a more realistic 4.1%. Under those assumptions, the gap is even wider than Illinois acknowledges. Meanwhile, the state's annual pension liabilities for 2013 are $5.9 billion, up from $1.6 billion a decade ago.

more at-
Review & Outlook: Illinois the 'Unfixable' - WSJ.com


June 22, 2012 12:03 PM

Illinois Budget Crisis Worst In Nation, Auditor Finds

Illinois budget deficit skyrocketed to almost $44 billion, by far the worst in the nation, the state’s auditor said in report released this week.

The latest audit looked at the 2011 fiscal year, which ended last June. The deficit has more than doubled to $43.8 billion in four years. It stood at just over $20.8 billion in 2007, according to a report filed by auditor William Holland.

Looking at just the fund for general expenses, the state was $8.1 billion in the red in the red in 2011. Illinois ended the year with more the $4 billion in unpaid bills.

more at-
Illinois Budget Crisis Worst In Nation, Auditor Finds « CBS Chicago

man those tax increases and progressive fiscal mgt. has really turned them around....:clap2::lol:

Next stop- Kalifornia.....
Illinois..humm lets see;

January 13, 2011

Illinois Braces for Tax Increases


The new income-tax rate would add about $1,040 to the tax bill of a family of four earning $60,000 a year, and the new corporate rate would move the state into the top 10 among corporate taxers nationally.


The tax increases will begin to close a projected budget gap now estimated at $13 billion and expected to grow to $17 billion in fiscal 2012.

But the failure in the legislature of a proposed $8.75 billion restructuring bond means the state won't immediately be able to start paying off its backlog of about $6 billion in unpaid bills. That leaves hundreds of state vendors, including hospitals, sch

more at-

Illinois's Tax Increase Has Business Fuming, Neighbors Courting - WSJ.com

Updated August 29, 2012, 6:55 p.m. ET

A Downgrade for Illinois
The worst credit rating aside from California.

On Tuesday, Standard & Poor's downgraded Illinois bonds to A from A-plus, with a continuing negative outlook. The credit rating agency singled out five years of budget deficits ranging from bad to worse to way worse. It now stands at $44 billion—another national record. S&P was also more troubled than the Springfield political class about $83 billion in unfunded pension liabilities. The legislature ended a special session on pension reform this week without, well, passing any reform.

more at-
Review & Outlook: A Downgrade for Illinois - WSJ.com

November 22, 2012, 5:32 p.m. ET

Illinois the 'Unfixable'
Squeezy the Pension Python to the rescue. Or not.


Here's some food for thought. The state estimates its unfunded pension liabilities at around $95 billion. But that rosy scenario is based on the assumption that pension investments earn some 8% a year. In fiscal 2012, the Teachers Retirement System had a 0.76% return, the State Employees Retirement System 0.05%, and the General Assembly Retirement System a negative 0.14%.

In July, Moody's MCO +2.01% proposed revising how pension funds calculate their discount rates, with the target for fiscal 2012 at a more realistic 4.1%. Under those assumptions, the gap is even wider than Illinois acknowledges. Meanwhile, the state's annual pension liabilities for 2013 are $5.9 billion, up from $1.6 billion a decade ago.

more at-
Review & Outlook: Illinois the 'Unfixable' - WSJ.com


June 22, 2012 12:03 PM

Illinois Budget Crisis Worst In Nation, Auditor Finds

Illinois budget deficit skyrocketed to almost $44 billion, by far the worst in the nation, the state’s auditor said in report released this week.

The latest audit looked at the 2011 fiscal year, which ended last June. The deficit has more than doubled to $43.8 billion in four years. It stood at just over $20.8 billion in 2007, according to a report filed by auditor William Holland.

Looking at just the fund for general expenses, the state was $8.1 billion in the red in the red in 2011. Illinois ended the year with more the $4 billion in unpaid bills.

more at-
Illinois Budget Crisis Worst In Nation, Auditor Finds « CBS Chicago

man those tax increases and progressive fiscal mgt. has really turned them around....:clap2::lol:

Next stop- Kalifornia.....
We want this! We demand that!....
Illinois..humm lets see;

January 13, 2011

Illinois Braces for Tax Increases


The new income-tax rate would add about $1,040 to the tax bill of a family of four earning $60,000 a year, and the new corporate rate would move the state into the top 10 among corporate taxers nationally.


The tax increases will begin to close a projected budget gap now estimated at $13 billion and expected to grow to $17 billion in fiscal 2012.

But the failure in the legislature of a proposed $8.75 billion restructuring bond means the state won't immediately be able to start paying off its backlog of about $6 billion in unpaid bills. That leaves hundreds of state vendors, including hospitals, sch

more at-

Illinois's Tax Increase Has Business Fuming, Neighbors Courting - WSJ.com

Updated August 29, 2012, 6:55 p.m. ET

A Downgrade for Illinois
The worst credit rating aside from California.

On Tuesday, Standard & Poor's downgraded Illinois bonds to A from A-plus, with a continuing negative outlook. The credit rating agency singled out five years of budget deficits ranging from bad to worse to way worse. It now stands at $44 billion—another national record. S&P was also more troubled than the Springfield political class about $83 billion in unfunded pension liabilities. The legislature ended a special session on pension reform this week without, well, passing any reform.

more at-
Review & Outlook: A Downgrade for Illinois - WSJ.com

November 22, 2012, 5:32 p.m. ET

Illinois the 'Unfixable'
Squeezy the Pension Python to the rescue. Or not.


Here's some food for thought. The state estimates its unfunded pension liabilities at around $95 billion. But that rosy scenario is based on the assumption that pension investments earn some 8% a year. In fiscal 2012, the Teachers Retirement System had a 0.76% return, the State Employees Retirement System 0.05%, and the General Assembly Retirement System a negative 0.14%.

In July, Moody's MCO +2.01% proposed revising how pension funds calculate their discount rates, with the target for fiscal 2012 at a more realistic 4.1%. Under those assumptions, the gap is even wider than Illinois acknowledges. Meanwhile, the state's annual pension liabilities for 2013 are $5.9 billion, up from $1.6 billion a decade ago.

more at-
Review & Outlook: Illinois the 'Unfixable' - WSJ.com


June 22, 2012 12:03 PM

Illinois Budget Crisis Worst In Nation, Auditor Finds

Illinois budget deficit skyrocketed to almost $44 billion, by far the worst in the nation, the state’s auditor said in report released this week.

The latest audit looked at the 2011 fiscal year, which ended last June. The deficit has more than doubled to $43.8 billion in four years. It stood at just over $20.8 billion in 2007, according to a report filed by auditor William Holland.

Looking at just the fund for general expenses, the state was $8.1 billion in the red in the red in 2011. Illinois ended the year with more the $4 billion in unpaid bills.

more at-
Illinois Budget Crisis Worst In Nation, Auditor Finds « CBS Chicago

man those tax increases and progressive fiscal mgt. has really turned them around....:clap2::lol:

Next stop- Kalifornia.....
We want this! We demand that!....


I f taxes were increased would then expect fiscal responsibility on the part of politicians? No.
Wealthy people as you libs conveniently like to forget already do pay the vast majority of taxes collected.
There is not a revenue problem...It is a SPENDING problem.

No, guy, it's a revenue problem.

Cops making an average of 50K a year for doing a job where people are SHOOTING AT THEM, working odd hours, etc. is not our problem.

It's the rich not paying their fair share.

If they are paying most of the taxes, it's because they have most of the wealth- AND that's the problem.
I f taxes were increased would then expect fiscal responsibility on the part of politicians? No.
Wealthy people as you libs conveniently like to forget already do pay the vast majority of taxes collected.
There is not a revenue problem...It is a SPENDING problem.

No, guy, it's a revenue problem.

Cops making an average of 50K a year for doing a job where people are SHOOTING AT THEM, working odd hours, etc. is not our problem.

It's the rich not paying their fair share.

If they are paying most of the taxes, it's because they have most of the wealth- AND that's the problem.

I f taxes were increased would then expect fiscal responsibility on the part of politicians? No.
Wealthy people as you libs conveniently like to forget already do pay the vast majority of taxes collected.
There is not a revenue problem...It is a SPENDING problem.

No, guy, it's a revenue problem.

Cops making an average of 50K a year for doing a job where people are SHOOTING AT THEM, working odd hours, etc. is not our problem.

It's the rich not paying their fair share.

If they are paying most of the taxes, it's because they have most of the wealth- AND that's the problem.


Stalin was the end result of a system where there was too much concentration of wealth at the top, until it toppled.

Simply physics... when the top is too heavy, and the bottom is too weak, things collapse.

Sorry you can't understand this, or refuse to.

Republicans have spent the last 30 years undermining the middle class through outsourcing, offshoring, union-busting, etc. And now they realized there were a few government workers who got to keep their good salaries...

Unfortunately, these are the people they'd be counting on to protect them when shit gets real.

I have a hard time imagine a cop trying to quell a riot for $50K... I could imagine he would be less eager to do it for 30K and no pension or benefits.
Illinois..humm lets see;

January 13, 2011

Illinois Braces for Tax Increases


The new income-tax rate would add about $1,040 to the tax bill of a family of four earning $60,000 a year, and the new corporate rate would move the state into the top 10 among corporate taxers nationally.


The tax increases will begin to close a projected budget gap now estimated at $13 billion and expected to grow to $17 billion in fiscal 2012.

But the failure in the legislature of a proposed $8.75 billion restructuring bond means the state won't immediately be able to start paying off its backlog of about $6 billion in unpaid bills. That leaves hundreds of state vendors, including hospitals, sch

more at-

Illinois's Tax Increase Has Business Fuming, Neighbors Courting - WSJ.com

Updated August 29, 2012, 6:55 p.m. ET

A Downgrade for Illinois
The worst credit rating aside from California.

On Tuesday, Standard & Poor's downgraded Illinois bonds to A from A-plus, with a continuing negative outlook. The credit rating agency singled out five years of budget deficits ranging from bad to worse to way worse. It now stands at $44 billion—another national record. S&P was also more troubled than the Springfield political class about $83 billion in unfunded pension liabilities. The legislature ended a special session on pension reform this week without, well, passing any reform.

more at-
Review & Outlook: A Downgrade for Illinois - WSJ.com

November 22, 2012, 5:32 p.m. ET

Illinois the 'Unfixable'
Squeezy the Pension Python to the rescue. Or not.


Here's some food for thought. The state estimates its unfunded pension liabilities at around $95 billion. But that rosy scenario is based on the assumption that pension investments earn some 8% a year. In fiscal 2012, the Teachers Retirement System had a 0.76% return, the State Employees Retirement System 0.05%, and the General Assembly Retirement System a negative 0.14%.

In July, Moody's MCO +2.01% proposed revising how pension funds calculate their discount rates, with the target for fiscal 2012 at a more realistic 4.1%. Under those assumptions, the gap is even wider than Illinois acknowledges. Meanwhile, the state's annual pension liabilities for 2013 are $5.9 billion, up from $1.6 billion a decade ago.

more at-
Review & Outlook: Illinois the 'Unfixable' - WSJ.com


June 22, 2012 12:03 PM

Illinois Budget Crisis Worst In Nation, Auditor Finds

Illinois budget deficit skyrocketed to almost $44 billion, by far the worst in the nation, the state’s auditor said in report released this week.

The latest audit looked at the 2011 fiscal year, which ended last June. The deficit has more than doubled to $43.8 billion in four years. It stood at just over $20.8 billion in 2007, according to a report filed by auditor William Holland.

Looking at just the fund for general expenses, the state was $8.1 billion in the red in the red in 2011. Illinois ended the year with more the $4 billion in unpaid bills.

more at-
Illinois Budget Crisis Worst In Nation, Auditor Finds « CBS Chicago

man those tax increases and progressive fiscal mgt. has really turned them around....:clap2::lol:

Next stop- Kalifornia.....
We want this! We demand that!....



I f taxes were increased would then expect fiscal responsibility on the part of politicians? No.
Wealthy people as you libs conveniently like to forget already do pay the vast majority of taxes collected.
There is not a revenue problem...It is a SPENDING problem.

No, guy, it's a revenue problem.

Cops making an average of 50K a year for doing a job where people are SHOOTING AT THEM, working odd hours, etc. is not our problem.

It's the rich not paying their fair share.

If they are paying most of the taxes, it's because they have most of the wealth- AND that's the problem.
Unreal. You have no grasp on the facts. Or you simply choose to ignore them.
The survey you posted is in no way pertinent to the issue.
Earlier, you were told the police officers in my home town have not used a weapon in over 50 years. Then adding to that, one would have to go back to the incorporation of the Borough almost 150 years ago. So please, stop with the dramatics.
Odd hours? Umm there are many occupations other than police or firefighters that work "odd" hours. In fact there are no "odd' hours. We live in a 24 hour per day society.
As a matter of fact I work in a 24 hour business. Here is the difference between those of us in the real world and you people in the plastic bubble of collectivism. We CHOSE to work in the occupations we work. We KNEW the conditions going in.
You people just whine about everything. You are unrealistic.
Listen to yourself. "Odd hours" "Forced overtime"...What the fuck is THAT..Stop your bitching ..
And we have the contradiction of the day.
The rich do not pay their fair share"...And if they are paying most of the taxes it is because they have most of the wealth"....Ok, which is it?......
Oh, there is no such thing as "the wealth"...Wealth is created. It does not exist in a static state. The "zero sum game" does not exist.
Lastly..When government takes in a dollar, knows it has but one dollar but chooses to spend one dollar and fifty cents, that is NOT a revenue problem.. That is a SPENDING problem...Denying the facts does not make them invalid. It makes the denier look like a fucking retard.

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