Illinois Meltdown: “The State Can No Longer Function”

:2up: :bang3: :boohoo: We all know about the latest debt crisis going on on Illinois. No wonder 45 Million have already fled the state since 2008/09. And yet we have all of these Liberals and Democrats still trying to convince us that they are just so much smarter than Republicans when it comes to financing/creating jobs/balancing a budget/economic growth? :laugh2:
And now they are trying to convince us that about 93 Million People are going to die under the Trump Administration? :laugh:
So what are we going to do about Illinois?
Lets see,,,,option 1....Put it on Ebay? Opening Bid......$3.00
Maybe sell it to Canada for about $250,000 ??
Why not just sell it to China or Russia and end the Misery already !!! :iagree:

Gov is REPUB.
The legislature is democrat. The Mayor of Chicago runs Illinois.....Always has. Always has been.
New Jersey has the same set up. Republican Gov. Democrat legislature. Very much corrupt and very broke.
i really feel sorry for the New GOP Governor,,,he went into Illinois,,a failing state,,,wants to fix the mess,,,but I am pretty sure small businesses arent flocking there like they are in Texas/Fla.
Illinois is run by a Republican governor.

You are attempting to mislead the people here by not telling the whole truth! What were the last 2 governors? Who runs the legislature and refuses to pass a budget? What county has the most power in the state? (county of Cook, aka Crook)

QUESTION-------------> When the previous governor ran for election, how many counties did he win?

ANSWER: 1, the county of Crook! And eventhough EVERY OTHER county voted against him, he was elected because of CROOK county! Doubt me? Look it up! That person was a DEMOCRAT, who came AFTER the DEMOCRAT who now sits in federal prison in Colorado, for trying to sell the Obama Senate seat.

This thread is a joke, because YOUR GUYS, have run the great state of Lincoln into the ground.

Want to do a useful Google search? Try asking Google how long the Democrats have controlled the state legislature of Illinois, mark the year they took over. Now ask Google to show you a graph of debt in Illinois, and LOOK WHEN IT STARTED!

You people are exceptionally pathetic, as you try and spin your screw ups, back to everyone else!
The State of Illinois is doing fine! It is the Democratic City of CHICAGO, that keeps them broke. You know, the place that gave Obama his start. The murder capital of the US. The home of Jesse Jackson and Louis Farrakhan.
The answer is for the Governor to declare Martial Law and send in the National Guard to occupy every City Office, Prosecute every city official for Corruption, and return the city to it's people.
Trump threatened to do it, but it is better done at the state level. Chicago officials need to join Blago.
:2up: :bang3: :boohoo: We all know about the latest debt crisis going on on Illinois. No wonder 45 Million have already fled the state since 2008/09. And yet we have all of these Liberals and Democrats still trying to convince us that they are just so much smarter than Republicans when it comes to financing/creating jobs/balancing a budget/economic growth? :laugh2:
And now they are trying to convince us that about 93 Million People are going to die under the Trump Administration? :laugh:
So what are we going to do about Illinois?
Lets see,,,,option 1....Put it on Ebay? Opening Bid......$3.00
Maybe sell it to Canada for about $250,000 ??
Why not just sell it to China or Russia and end the Misery already !!! :iagree:

Why would China or Russia be dumb enough to do that?
:2up: :bang3: :boohoo: We all know about the latest debt crisis going on on Illinois. No wonder 45 Million have already fled the state since 2008/09. And yet we have all of these Liberals and Democrats still trying to convince us that they are just so much smarter than Republicans when it comes to financing/creating jobs/balancing a budget/economic growth? :laugh2:
And now they are trying to convince us that about 93 Million People are going to die under the Trump Administration? :laugh:
So what are we going to do about Illinois?
Lets see,,,,option 1....Put it on Ebay? Opening Bid......$3.00
Maybe sell it to Canada for about $250,000 ??
Why not just sell it to China or Russia and end the Misery already !!! :iagree:

Gov is REPUB.
And OP is an asshole.

Stay classy.
Just stating a fact.
:2up: :bang3: :boohoo: We all know about the latest debt crisis going on on Illinois. No wonder 45 Million have already fled the state since 2008/09. And yet we have all of these Liberals and Democrats still trying to convince us that they are just so much smarter than Republicans when it comes to financing/creating jobs/balancing a budget/economic growth? :laugh2:
And now they are trying to convince us that about 93 Million People are going to die under the Trump Administration? :laugh:
So what are we going to do about Illinois?
Lets see,,,,option 1....Put it on Ebay? Opening Bid......$3.00
Maybe sell it to Canada for about $250,000 ??
Why not just sell it to China or Russia and end the Misery already !!! :iagree:

Gov is REPUB.
And OP is an asshole.

What part of Illinois do you live in?
I don't.
:2up: :bang3: :boohoo: We all know about the latest debt crisis going on on Illinois. No wonder 45 Million have already fled the state since 2008/09. And yet we have all of these Liberals and Democrats still trying to convince us that they are just so much smarter than Republicans when it comes to financing/creating jobs/balancing a budget/economic growth? :laugh2:
And now they are trying to convince us that about 93 Million People are going to die under the Trump Administration? :laugh:
So what are we going to do about Illinois?
Lets see,,,,option 1....Put it on Ebay? Opening Bid......$3.00
Maybe sell it to Canada for about $250,000 ??
Why not just sell it to China or Russia and end the Misery already !!! :iagree:

Gov is REPUB.
And OP is an asshole.

What part of Illinois do you live in?
I don't.

So that was just your normally mentality.
:2up: :bang3: :boohoo: We all know about the latest debt crisis going on on Illinois. No wonder 45 Million have already fled the state since 2008/09. And yet we have all of these Liberals and Democrats still trying to convince us that they are just so much smarter than Republicans when it comes to financing/creating jobs/balancing a budget/economic growth? :laugh2:
And now they are trying to convince us that about 93 Million People are going to die under the Trump Administration? :laugh:
So what are we going to do about Illinois?
Lets see,,,,option 1....Put it on Ebay? Opening Bid......$3.00
Maybe sell it to Canada for about $250,000 ??
Why not just sell it to China or Russia and end the Misery already !!! :iagree:

Gov is REPUB.
/---- That is the one thing that can save Illinois if the Dem legislature would allow him.
A top financial official just warned 100 percent of the state's monthly revenue will be eaten up by court-ordered payments. Rauner is calling a special session of the Democrat-led General Assembly in a bid to pass what he hopes will be the first full budget package in almost three years.

But the problems are years in the making, caused in large in part by the state’s poorly funded pension system— which led Moody’s Investors Services to downgrade the credit rating to the lowest of any state. The state currently has $130 billion in unfunded pension obligations, and a backlog of unpaid bills worth $13 billion.

“Gov. Rauner inherited this financial mess when he took office, and his proposals have been met by resentment from the speaker,” Deputy House Republican Leader Dan Brady said.

Illinois careens into financial meltdown – and not even the lottery is safe

Jim Thompson started the problem back in the 1980's and after him Edgar, Ryan, Blago and Quinn did little too fix the mess.
Gov is REPUB.

Yes, and obviously Rauner in the little over two years he has been governor should have fixed decades of malfeasance and irresponsibility even with a Democratic legislature that refuses to work with him on any of his reforms
:2up: :bang3: :boohoo: We all know about the latest debt crisis going on on Illinois. No wonder 45 Million have already fled the state since 2008/09. And yet we have all of these Liberals and Democrats still trying to convince us that they are just so much smarter than Republicans when it comes to financing/creating jobs/balancing a budget/economic growth? :laugh2:
And now they are trying to convince us that about 93 Million People are going to die under the Trump Administration? :laugh:
So what are we going to do about Illinois?
Lets see,,,,option 1....Put it on Ebay? Opening Bid......$3.00
Maybe sell it to Canada for about $250,000 ??
Why not just sell it to China or Russia and end the Misery already !!! :iagree:
43 million people have left a state with 11 million people? Are you fucking crazy?
:2up: :bang3: :boohoo: We all know about the latest debt crisis going on on Illinois. No wonder 45 Million have already fled the state since 2008/09. And yet we have all of these Liberals and Democrats still trying to convince us that they are just so much smarter than Republicans when it comes to financing/creating jobs/balancing a budget/economic growth? :laugh2:
And now they are trying to convince us that about 93 Million People are going to die under the Trump Administration? :laugh:
So what are we going to do about Illinois?
Lets see,,,,option 1....Put it on Ebay? Opening Bid......$3.00
Maybe sell it to Canada for about $250,000 ??
Why not just sell it to China or Russia and end the Misery already !!! :iagree:

Cut all government pensions in half.
Reduce government employment by 20%.
Deport all the illegals.

You really gonna mess with your GOP favs in the police department? Who do you think gets these sweetheart pensions ?
I know its a GOP Governor !!,, but who were the Governors before 2016? 2012?,,,,,,What happened in Illinois is a perfect example of what happens when you give 10/15% of your wages to Democrats!!! {over 10-30 years}

Thompson, Edgar and Ryan were Republican and the State Pension system they face was as far back as Thompson.

So I say both parties failled.
Gov is REPUB.

Yes, and obviously Rauner in the little over two years he has been governor should have fixed decades of malfeasance and irresponsibility even with a Democratic legislature that refuses to work with him on any of his reforms
What reforms? can you be specific?

Rauner’s reform demands: From 44 to 0
There is really no need to post a right wing blog to further your point. As it is, he refuses to sign a budget until his priorities are met. he is willing to bankrupt the state just to get his way. Politics is all about negotiation, he refuses to do so and says its his way or the highway. I realize that you will never grasp this, since republicans can do no wrong and democrats no right.

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