Illinois Meltdown: “The State Can No Longer Function”

:2up: :bang3: :boohoo: We all know about the latest debt crisis going on on Illinois. No wonder 45 Million have already fled the state since 2008/09. And yet we have all of these Liberals and Democrats still trying to convince us that they are just so much smarter than Republicans when it comes to financing/creating jobs/balancing a budget/economic growth? :laugh2:
And now they are trying to convince us that about 93 Million People are going to die under the Trump Administration? :laugh:
So what are we going to do about Illinois?
Lets see,,,,option 1....Put it on Ebay? Opening Bid......$3.00
Maybe sell it to Canada for about $250,000 ??
Why not just sell it to China or Russia and end the Misery already !!! :iagree:
45 million fled the state? So the state used to have 58 million?
All 50 states have been guilty of the same sin. Their entitlement systems have all assumed a higher return on investment than what is actually happening in the real world.

As a result, every single state's entitlement systems are underfunded. Some worse than others. Illinois is in the "worse" category.

But they are all underfunded. Every single state. Including yours.
:2up: :bang3: :boohoo: We all know about the latest debt crisis going on on Illinois. No wonder 45 Million have already fled the state since 2008/09. And yet we have all of these Liberals and Democrats still trying to convince us that they are just so much smarter than Republicans when it comes to financing/creating jobs/balancing a budget/economic growth? :laugh2:
And now they are trying to convince us that about 93 Million People are going to die under the Trump Administration? :laugh:
So what are we going to do about Illinois?
Lets see,,,,option 1....Put it on Ebay? Opening Bid......$3.00
Maybe sell it to Canada for about $250,000 ??
Why not just sell it to China or Russia and end the Misery already !!! :iagree:
45 million fled the state? So the state used to have 58 million?
I know its a GOP Governor !!,, but who were the Governors before 2016? 2012?,,,,,,What happened in Illinois is a perfect example of what happens when you give 10/15% of your wages to Democrats!!! {over 10-30 years}
and of course I am very aware of a similar mess in Cally and NY,,,,then again,,,,Run By Greedy Democrats !!!
and of course I am very aware of a similar mess in Cally and NY,,,,then again,,,,Run By Greedy Democrats !!!
California and New York are in much better shape than Alabama and Alaska and Louisiana and Mississippi and a lot of other red states.

Just look at the links I provided in my last post.
I dont know the exact order,,,but I do hear that its the larger deep blue states that have millions and millions leaving ASAP !!!
but I do recall hearing that Illinois was first on the list of states where residents were fleeing in the masses,,,especially when Obama was President !!
New York's pension system is 88.3% funded.

California's pension system is 73.3% funded.

Alabama's pension system is 66.0% funded.

Louisiana's pension system is 61.1% funded.

Mississippi's pension system is 61.0% funded.

Kansas' pension system is 59.9% funded. 46th on the list

Alaska's pension system is 52.2% funded. 47th on the list.

Connecticut's pension system is 51.9% funded. 48th on the list.

Kentucky's pension system is 48.9% funded. 49th on the list.

Illinois' pension system is 47.1% funded. 50th on the list.
:2up: :bang3: :boohoo: We all know about the latest debt crisis going on on Illinois. No wonder 45 Million have already fled the state since 2008/09. And yet we have all of these Liberals and Democrats still trying to convince us that they are just so much smarter than Republicans when it comes to financing/creating jobs/balancing a budget/economic growth? :laugh2:
And now they are trying to convince us that about 93 Million People are going to die under the Trump Administration? :laugh:
So what are we going to do about Illinois?
Lets see,,,,option 1....Put it on Ebay? Opening Bid......$3.00
Maybe sell it to Canada for about $250,000 ??
Why not just sell it to China or Russia and end the Misery already !!! :iagree:

Gov is REPUB.

The first in a few years, but the legislature is overwhelmingly Dem, just like Cali. The Governor, in that situation, has very little control. cal if the legislator dont like aint shit.....
South Dakota comes in at number 1 with their pension fund being 100% funded.

Wisconsin is number 2 at 99.9%.

Washington state is number 3 at 98.7%.

North Carolina is number 4 at 96.0%.

Oregon is number 5 at 95.9%.
:2up: :bang3: :boohoo: We all know about the latest debt crisis going on on Illinois. No wonder 45 Million have already fled the state since 2008/09. And yet we have all of these Liberals and Democrats still trying to convince us that they are just so much smarter than Republicans when it comes to financing/creating jobs/balancing a budget/economic growth? :laugh2:
And now they are trying to convince us that about 93 Million People are going to die under the Trump Administration? :laugh:
So what are we going to do about Illinois?
Lets see,,,,option 1....Put it on Ebay? Opening Bid......$3.00
Maybe sell it to Canada for about $250,000 ??
Why not just sell it to China or Russia and end the Misery already !!! :iagree:

Gov is REPUB.

The first in a few years, but the legislature is overwhelmingly Dem, just like Cali. The Governor, in that situation, has very little control. cal if the legislator dont like aint shit.....
this is like blaming the new Governor of Michigan for the bad water problem from old old pipes that were installed in 1885!,,,,,,right?
how lame! blaming a New GOP governor for the Billions of dollars gone missing in retirement plans over the decades.
:2up: :bang3: :boohoo: We all know about the latest debt crisis going on on Illinois. No wonder 45 Million have already fled the state since 2008/09. And yet we have all of these Liberals and Democrats still trying to convince us that they are just so much smarter than Republicans when it comes to financing/creating jobs/balancing a budget/economic growth? :laugh2:
And now they are trying to convince us that about 93 Million People are going to die under the Trump Administration? :laugh:
So what are we going to do about Illinois?
Lets see,,,,option 1....Put it on Ebay? Opening Bid......$3.00
Maybe sell it to Canada for about $250,000 ??
Why not just sell it to China or Russia and end the Misery already !!! :iagree:

Cut all government pensions in half.
Reduce government employment by 20%.
Deport all the illegals.
:2up: :bang3: :boohoo: We all know about the latest debt crisis going on on Illinois. No wonder 45 Million have already fled the state since 2008/09. And yet we have all of these Liberals and Democrats still trying to convince us that they are just so much smarter than Republicans when it comes to financing/creating jobs/balancing a budget/economic growth? :laugh2:
And now they are trying to convince us that about 93 Million People are going to die under the Trump Administration? :laugh:
So what are we going to do about Illinois?
Lets see,,,,option 1....Put it on Ebay? Opening Bid......$3.00
Maybe sell it to Canada for about $250,000 ??
Why not just sell it to China or Russia and end the Misery already !!! :iagree:

Cut all government pensions in half.
Reduce government employment by 20%.
Deport all the illegals.
im surprised Moon Head hasnt blamed the Bush family for all of the financial woes of Callyfornia
:2up: :bang3: :boohoo: We all know about the latest debt crisis going on on Illinois. No wonder 45 Million have already fled the state since 2008/09. And yet we have all of these Liberals and Democrats still trying to convince us that they are just so much smarter than Republicans when it comes to financing/creating jobs/balancing a budget/economic growth? :laugh2:
And now they are trying to convince us that about 93 Million People are going to die under the Trump Administration? :laugh:
So what are we going to do about Illinois?
Lets see,,,,option 1....Put it on Ebay? Opening Bid......$3.00
Maybe sell it to Canada for about $250,000 ??
Why not just sell it to China or Russia and end the Misery already !!! :iagree:
A good friend is a Police Officer in a small town in DeKalb County. He has been on the job for over 15 years. He has made rank and had a very good career. He lives with his wife and kids in his hometown. He has a nice house in a quiet neighborhood.
On the day he becomes fully vested in the pension, he is putting in his papers and hightailing it OUT of Illinois....Sad
:2up: :bang3: :boohoo: We all know about the latest debt crisis going on on Illinois. No wonder 45 Million have already fled the state since 2008/09. And yet we have all of these Liberals and Democrats still trying to convince us that they are just so much smarter than Republicans when it comes to financing/creating jobs/balancing a budget/economic growth? :laugh2:
And now they are trying to convince us that about 93 Million People are going to die under the Trump Administration? :laugh:
So what are we going to do about Illinois?
Lets see,,,,option 1....Put it on Ebay? Opening Bid......$3.00
Maybe sell it to Canada for about $250,000 ??
Why not just sell it to China or Russia and end the Misery already !!! :iagree:

Gov is REPUB.
The legislature is democrat. The Mayor of Chicago runs Illinois.....Always has. Always will be. The political power structure in Illinois is in Cook County. always will be.
New Jersey has the same set up. Republican Gov. Democrat legislature. Very much corrupt and very broke.
Anyone even conceptualizing the thought, "Illinois is being run by a Republican governor," should be disqualified from this discussion. This state has been run exclusively by Democrats for many decades. The voters chose a Republican governor this time around in a grudging acknowledgement of total Dem failure. His every proposal has been met with resistance, ridicule, etc. This pile of shit is totally the property of the Democrat Party of Illinois.

Having said that, the only solution is some form of quasi-bankruptcy - probably enabled by Federal Legislation - wherein the state is taken over by an appointed conservator, who would have absolute power to tear up any and all contracts, including public employee contracts and their associated pension provisions. No legislation could be passed without the approval of the Conservator, and a balanced budget would be an absolute requirement.

This crisis calls for a creative, drastic, painful solution. Then do the same thing in Puerto Rico.

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