Illinois Meltdown: “The State Can No Longer Function”

Barry Soetoro was an integral part of the Chicago Machine that has run Illinois for decades. With predictable results.
Didn't realize Obama was governor of Illinois

Just in case you weren't kidding yeah he was


No wonder you think Sharia law isn't being attempted in the US. Jesus Cripe . hahaha
Didn't realize Obama was governor of Illinois

You had to live there to know how much we hate and despise the Chicago Democrat machine.

Obama and Hillary tried to take it nation wide and they did infest the oval office with it.

Great liberal policies at work



CHICAGO (AP) — Illinois is on track to become the first U.S. state to have its credit rating downgraded to "junk" status, which would deepen its multibillion-dollar deficit and cost taxpayers more for years to come.

S&P Global Ratings has warned the agency will likely lower Illinois' creditworthiness to below investment grade if feuding lawmakers fail to agree on a state budget for a third straight year, increasing the amount the state will have to pay to borrow money for things such as building roads or refinancing existing debt.

The outlook for a deal wasn't good Saturday, as lawmakers meeting in Springfield for a special legislative session remained deadlocked with the July 1 start of the new fiscal year approaching.

That should alarm everyone, not just those at the Capitol, said Brian Battle, director at Performance Trust Capital Partners, a Chicago-based investment firm.

"It isn't a political show," he said. "Everyone in Illinois has a stake in what's happening here. One day everybody will wake up and say 'What happened? Why are my taxes going up so much?'"

Here's a look at what's happening and what a junk rating could mean:

Associated Press

Horrific that Illinoisans have to be subjected to real life. Let Obama spend his millions.
:2up: :bang3: :boohoo: We all know about the latest debt crisis going on on Illinois. No wonder 45 Million have already fled the state since 2008/09. And yet we have all of these Liberals and Democrats still trying to convince us that they are just so much smarter than Republicans when it comes to financing/creating jobs/balancing a budget/economic growth? :laugh2:
And now they are trying to convince us that about 93 Million People are going to die under the Trump Administration? :laugh:
So what are we going to do about Illinois?
Lets see,,,,option 1....Put it on Ebay? Opening Bid......$3.00
Maybe sell it to Canada for about $250,000 ??
Why not just sell it to China or Russia and end the Misery already !!! :iagree:
:2up: :bang3: :boohoo: We all know about the latest debt crisis going on on Illinois. No wonder 45 Million have already fled the state since 2008/09. And yet we have all of these Liberals and Democrats still trying to convince us that they are just so much smarter than Republicans when it comes to financing/creating jobs/balancing a budget/economic growth? :laugh2:
And now they are trying to convince us that about 93 Million People are going to die under the Trump Administration? :laugh:
So what are we going to do about Illinois?
Lets see,,,,option 1....Put it on Ebay? Opening Bid......$3.00
Maybe sell it to Canada for about $250,000 ??
Why not just sell it to China or Russia and end the Misery already !!! :iagree:

Gov is REPUB.
The Republican governor in Illinois is another who doesn't know how to run anything. He and Trump are kin.
:2up: :bang3: :boohoo: We all know about the latest debt crisis going on on Illinois. No wonder 45 Million have already fled the state since 2008/09. And yet we have all of these Liberals and Democrats still trying to convince us that they are just so much smarter than Republicans when it comes to financing/creating jobs/balancing a budget/economic growth? :laugh2:
And now they are trying to convince us that about 93 Million People are going to die under the Trump Administration? :laugh:
So what are we going to do about Illinois?
Lets see,,,,option 1....Put it on Ebay? Opening Bid......$3.00
Maybe sell it to Canada for about $250,000 ??
Why not just sell it to China or Russia and end the Misery already !!! :iagree:

Gov is REPUB.
And OP is an asshole.
:2up: :bang3: :boohoo: We all know about the latest debt crisis going on on Illinois. No wonder 45 Million have already fled the state since 2008/09. And yet we have all of these Liberals and Democrats still trying to convince us that they are just so much smarter than Republicans when it comes to financing/creating jobs/balancing a budget/economic growth? :laugh2:
And now they are trying to convince us that about 93 Million People are going to die under the Trump Administration? :laugh:
So what are we going to do about Illinois?
Lets see,,,,option 1....Put it on Ebay? Opening Bid......$3.00
Maybe sell it to Canada for about $250,000 ??
Why not just sell it to China or Russia and end the Misery already !!! :iagree:

Gov is REPUB.
/---- That is the one thing that can save Illinois if the Dem legislature would allow him.
A top financial official just warned 100 percent of the state's monthly revenue will be eaten up by court-ordered payments. Rauner is calling a special session of the Democrat-led General Assembly in a bid to pass what he hopes will be the first full budget package in almost three years.

But the problems are years in the making, caused in large in part by the state’s poorly funded pension system— which led Moody’s Investors Services to downgrade the credit rating to the lowest of any state. The state currently has $130 billion in unfunded pension obligations, and a backlog of unpaid bills worth $13 billion.

“Gov. Rauner inherited this financial mess when he took office, and his proposals have been met by resentment from the speaker,” Deputy House Republican Leader Dan Brady said.

Illinois careens into financial meltdown – and not even the lottery is safe
:2up: :bang3: :boohoo: We all know about the latest debt crisis going on on Illinois. No wonder 45 Million have already fled the state since 2008/09. And yet we have all of these Liberals and Democrats still trying to convince us that they are just so much smarter than Republicans when it comes to financing/creating jobs/balancing a budget/economic growth? :laugh2:
And now they are trying to convince us that about 93 Million People are going to die under the Trump Administration? :laugh:
So what are we going to do about Illinois?
Lets see,,,,option 1....Put it on Ebay? Opening Bid......$3.00
Maybe sell it to Canada for about $250,000 ??
Why not just sell it to China or Russia and end the Misery already !!! :iagree:

Gov is REPUB.
And OP is an asshole.

Stay classy.
:2up: :bang3: :boohoo: We all know about the latest debt crisis going on on Illinois. No wonder 45 Million have already fled the state since 2008/09. And yet we have all of these Liberals and Democrats still trying to convince us that they are just so much smarter than Republicans when it comes to financing/creating jobs/balancing a budget/economic growth? :laugh2:
And now they are trying to convince us that about 93 Million People are going to die under the Trump Administration? :laugh:
So what are we going to do about Illinois?
Lets see,,,,option 1....Put it on Ebay? Opening Bid......$3.00
Maybe sell it to Canada for about $250,000 ??
Why not just sell it to China or Russia and end the Misery already !!! :iagree:

Gov is REPUB.
Illinois governor's have no power
:2up: :bang3: :boohoo: We all know about the latest debt crisis going on on Illinois. No wonder 45 Million have already fled the state since 2008/09. And yet we have all of these Liberals and Democrats still trying to convince us that they are just so much smarter than Republicans when it comes to financing/creating jobs/balancing a budget/economic growth? :laugh2:
And now they are trying to convince us that about 93 Million People are going to die under the Trump Administration? :laugh:
So what are we going to do about Illinois?
Lets see,,,,option 1....Put it on Ebay? Opening Bid......$3.00
Maybe sell it to Canada for about $250,000 ??
Why not just sell it to China or Russia and end the Misery already !!! :iagree:

Gov is REPUB.
And OP is an asshole.

What part of Illinois do you live in?
:2up: :bang3: :boohoo: We all know about the latest debt crisis going on on Illinois. No wonder 45 Million have already fled the state since 2008/09. And yet we have all of these Liberals and Democrats still trying to convince us that they are just so much smarter than Republicans when it comes to financing/creating jobs/balancing a budget/economic growth? :laugh2:
And now they are trying to convince us that about 93 Million People are going to die under the Trump Administration? :laugh:
So what are we going to do about Illinois?
Lets see,,,,option 1....Put it on Ebay? Opening Bid......$3.00
Maybe sell it to Canada for about $250,000 ??
Why not just sell it to China or Russia and end the Misery already !!! :iagree:
Do you want to sell Kentucky, New Jersey, and Mass too? All run by Republicans... As is Illinois ya dummy

Kentucky, Illinois, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Connecticut rank in the bottom five states, largely owing to the low amounts of cash they have on hand and their large debt obligations.

  • Each state has massive debt obligations. Each of the bottom five states exhibits serious signs of fiscal distress. Though their economies may be stronger than Puerto Rico’s, allowing them to better navigate fiscal crises, their large liabilities still raise serious concerns.
  • Unfunded liabilities continue to be a problem. High deficits and debt obligations in the forms of unfunded pensions and healthcare benefits continue to drive each state into fiscal peril. Each holds tens, if not hundreds, of billions of dollars in unfunded liabilities—constituting a significant risk to taxpayers in both the short and the long term.
  • The bottom five states have changed since last year. Kentucky’s position has declined, placing it in the bottom five this year. New York is no longer in the bottom five. New Jersey and Illinois improved slightly, but remain in the bottom five. Connecticut and Massachusetts also remain in the bottom five, in slightly worse positions than last year.
Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition 2016 Edition
:2up: :bang3: :boohoo: We all know about the latest debt crisis going on on Illinois. No wonder 45 Million have already fled the state since 2008/09. And yet we have all of these Liberals and Democrats still trying to convince us that they are just so much smarter than Republicans when it comes to financing/creating jobs/balancing a budget/economic growth? :laugh2:
And now they are trying to convince us that about 93 Million People are going to die under the Trump Administration? :laugh:
So what are we going to do about Illinois?
Lets see,,,,option 1....Put it on Ebay? Opening Bid......$3.00
Maybe sell it to Canada for about $250,000 ??
Why not just sell it to China or Russia and end the Misery already !!! :iagree:
Do you want to sell Kentucky, New Jersey, and Mass too? All run by Republicans... As is Illinois ya dummy

Kentucky, Illinois, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Connecticut rank in the bottom five states, largely owing to the low amounts of cash they have on hand and their large debt obligations.

  • Each state has massive debt obligations. Each of the bottom five states exhibits serious signs of fiscal distress. Though their economies may be stronger than Puerto Rico’s, allowing them to better navigate fiscal crises, their large liabilities still raise serious concerns.
  • Unfunded liabilities continue to be a problem. High deficits and debt obligations in the forms of unfunded pensions and healthcare benefits continue to drive each state into fiscal peril. Each holds tens, if not hundreds, of billions of dollars in unfunded liabilities—constituting a significant risk to taxpayers in both the short and the long term.
  • The bottom five states have changed since last year. Kentucky’s position has declined, placing it in the bottom five this year. New York is no longer in the bottom five. New Jersey and Illinois improved slightly, but remain in the bottom five. Connecticut and Massachusetts also remain in the bottom five, in slightly worse positions than last year.
Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition 2016 Edition
They are run by career politicians… No wonder their failure
:2up: :bang3: :boohoo: We all know about the latest debt crisis going on on Illinois. No wonder 45 Million have already fled the state since 2008/09. And yet we have all of these Liberals and Democrats still trying to convince us that they are just so much smarter than Republicans when it comes to financing/creating jobs/balancing a budget/economic growth? :laugh2:
And now they are trying to convince us that about 93 Million People are going to die under the Trump Administration? :laugh:
So what are we going to do about Illinois?
Lets see,,,,option 1....Put it on Ebay? Opening Bid......$3.00
Maybe sell it to Canada for about $250,000 ??
Why not just sell it to China or Russia and end the Misery already !!! :iagree:

Gov is REPUB.

The first in a few years, but the legislature is overwhelmingly Dem, just like Cali. The Governor, in that situation, has very little control.
You do realize that you used a cherry picked rating? IL has decades of vendor defaults and CA has multiple incidents of using IOUs to scrape past insolvency. No other state is even close to that in the fiscal incompetence race. How long did you have to search to find a stud that matched your cherry picked study?

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