Trump renews call for negative U.S. interest rates

This is definitely an interesting thread that will need to be watched. . .

I've neglected this thread, honestly. There are so many relevant goings-on, both negative in terms of the attack on the Republic as well as positive with regard to efforts to combat them, but there hasn't seemed to be any interest.

And really, the way I titled the thread was wrong. Trump's relevance was/is only a single element.

I noticed that you specifically quoted the term judenvermögensabgabe, btw.

I've referenced that term a few times around here. Perhaps a site search for my use of the term elsewhere for other relevant context in all of this may be useful.
And really, the way I titled the thread was wrong. Trump's relevance was/is only a single element.

If you can think of a more appropriate, or different thread title, that will encompase the overall direction the thread has taken since the opening post, which will encompass the character of what those negative interest rates were part of, and would help folks in their searching, I will gladly change the thread title for you. Just respond with any ideas for a more inclusive title for all elements of this problem.
If you can think of a more appropriate, or different thread title, that will encompase the overall direction the thread has taken since the opening post, which will encompass the character of what those negative interest rates were part of, and would help folks in their searching, I will gladly change the thread title for you. Just respond with any ideas for a more inclusive title for all elements of this problem.

Alright. Thanks. I'll have to think on it. It's such a multifaceted affair.
Talk about economic lunacy. Gosh. It's just a matter of time when the bond bubble bursts as it is. There's around 17 trillion dollars worth. It's the biggest bubble in history. Lowering interest rates below the market level and then creating new credit is how bubbles are created. How do you sell a bond that has a negative interest rate? With so many different currencies in negative interest rates, this will crush the global economy.


Give me some of that: Trump renews call for negative U.S. interest rates
Countries such Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark and Japan, along with the euro area, have had negative rates. In the 300 plus years of the UK's Bank of England's life, we've had rates from as high as 17% in 1979, to as low as 0.1% in 2020. They mulled over the idea of a negative rate, but never implemented one.

Depends on the economy if a negative rate is required. If growth and or inflation is too low, a negative can help to stimulate both, plus, increase your exports because it helps your exchange rate.
Wyoming Senate Votes to Hold, Invest, and Receive Tax Payments in Gold and Silver

So...per the Wyoming legislation, for instance, it would require the Treasurer to implement the Legal Tender Act in the following ways, which I've touched on and emphasized relevance to previously in the thread, so not gonna explain that again here..

(i) Authorizing the use of specie and specie legal tender for the payment of mineral taxes, subject to authentication procedures as determined by the state treasurer that are consistent with precious metals industry standards;

(ii) Determining, maintaining and publishing market-based exchange rates between specie, specie legal tender and other legal tender currencies on a real‑time basis on the website of the state treasurer for the purpose of calculating tax payments to or from the state.

(iii) Exchanging specie and specie legal tender for other legal tender currencies;

(iv) Holding specie and specie legal tender;

(v) If market conditions warrant, investing in precious metal leases or bonds payable in precious metals.

Emphasis added on sections (ii) and (v) as I've just been reminded of the relevance while flipping through another thread where insider trading was mentioned, notwithstanding such things as the hidden bond market, particularly bearer bonds as there has been quite a bit of controversy and shenanigans with regard to those. And, of course, a lot of the manipulated data with regard to just how much bullion there is, which itself provides the means to keep and maintain paper securities markets based solely on the manipulated bullion data.

Anyway. The point there in the emphasizing sections (ii) and (v) is that Wyoming clearly gets what has been going on and more importantly where the cental bankers will likely try to interfere by way of their their efforts to couple their own digital currency to State level bullion depositories, setting up the evaporation of any genuine backing of the bullion when an exchange is attempted. Section (v) would be a way of getting around that dirty, rotten, filthy, stinking trick vis a vis physical possesion.
Very relevant reporting/listening...

Listen to Gov. Noem very carefully for a clear understanding of why we're seeing so many states take the recent actions they're taking in opposition to the federal government's assault on regional reserve currencies, many (though not all) of which have been referenced here in the thread thus far.
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Relevant goings-on...

''HELENA, Mont. (Feb. 27, 2023) – A bill introduced in the Montana Senate would create a “Constitution Settlement Commission of the States” by state compact to review, evaluate, and define the scope and power of the federal government. This would set the stage for states to take further action to refuse to cooperate with overreaching federal power.

Sen. Theresa Manzella (R) introduced Senate Bill 434 (SB434) on Feb. 20. The legislation would establish the Constitution Settlement Commission of the States through an interstate compact among participating states. Every state that adopted the compact would send a delegate to the commission. The commission would become active with a minimum of nine states adopting the interstate compact and appointing delegates to the commission.

“The purpose of the commission is to provide a mechanism for a consensus decision from the states concerning what powers the states have granted to the government of the United States in the United States constitution. The purpose is not to overthrow or supplant the government of the United States, but to define its scope, purpose, and power.”
The commission would render decisions about the nature and scope of power delegated to the federal government and set the stage to limit such power.

“A decision rendered by the commission is final and may not be amended or overturned by any agent or branch of any state, any agency or branch of the United States, or by any other nation or organization of nations.”
Under the agreement, any decision rendered by the commission could be implemented or disregarded by state members of this compact, and by any other state, “however or to whatever extent the state may choose.”

Because the compact confers no enforcement authority on the commission, congressional approval for the compact would not be necessary.''

Continued - Montana Bill Would Create a Constitution Settlement Commission of States to Review Federal Powers

So, anyway. All of these other previously referenced states have thus far moved to propose/establish commissions for the purpose of reviewing these Executive Orders, federal regulations and whatnot as Individual States.

Here Montana is introducing a bill which would establish a ''Constitution Settlement Commission of the States''

The significance here is the intent. Which is not so that the states can push back against the feds, because they already can, but for the purpose of establishing a mechanism for them to nullify any federal proposals in synergy. Or a combined effort, to put it country simple. (But...who would head such a ''settlement commission of the states,'' should it pass, is quite another discussion completely. And with its own set of terms of controversy)

Should be interesting to see which other states get in on it.
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:safetocomeoutff: sounds like a good time to be a 10ther.....~S~

It's certainly a good time to really pay attention to what's actually going on.

Because none of this stuff is being talked about on the idiot box where most folks get their news.

Everything we briefly talked about/predicted in post # 5 has, in some cases, either came to pass (like the minimum income/transaction reporting ''criteria'') , and in other cases other things are happening live and undisclosed in the mainstream, like what Gov. Noem discussed a few posts up with regard to the feds trying to literally ban local currencies.

That she said that she didn't even think that her state representatives even read that bill before she vetoed it is, while typical these days, very reflective of how the lobbyists have been able to dictate policy over time.

That we're seeing states maneuver to respond against this federal power grab in terms of competing currencies is probably the most important, yet least recognized and discussed series of current events.

The reason the Feds (and particularly the Federal Reserve) want to control digital currency and abolish any such voluntary local/state currencies and relevant depositories is because this will allow them to modify the value of currency at will. The implementation of centralized digital currencies free the central bank and speculators from having to use slower, clumsier means of manipulating stocks, bonds, commodities, and currencies in order to manipulate currency and other types of value. They'll be able to walk away from their generational crime and fraud at the convenience of a push of a button.

Clearly many states are onto what they're trying to do here, so it's good that they are showing signs that they will fight back against it.

And that's not even touching on physical mediums of exchange at the state/local level. But those specific relevant goings-on/endeavors have been brought up several time here already anyway.
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It's certainly a good time to really pay attention to what's actually going on.
It's the general concept that's hard to get one's head around Natural one

for example, how a fiat system operates in the first place isn't everyones cuppa tea

Now we have this federal digital fiat (for lack of a better term) looming on our horizon

Along with the Feds dictating valuation ....... :eek:

How the HE double hockey sticks does that seqway into the global fiscal gestalt ?

It's the general concept that's hard to get one's head around Natural one

for example, how a fiat system operates in the first place isn't everyones cuppa tea

Now we have this federal digital fiat (for lack of a better term) looming on our horizon

Along with the Feds dictating valuation ....... :eek:

How the HE double hockey sticks does that seqway into the global fiscal gestalt ?


That whole system is designed to fail. I'm surprised they were able to kick the can down the road for a century, to be honest.

Placing that aside, my perspective on what's going on over in the east right now is probably much, much different than the storyline being narrated and discussed in the mainstream. The timing of it all is impeccable, however, and relevant to your question, particularly with the BIS coming out of the woodwork and the WEF maneuvering at the same time central banks are on their last limbs simultaneously.

Not sure what I want to say about that, sparky. I just kind of watch and don't say much about it. It's kind of like watching cable news entertainment programming. Theres no real value in consuming/watching the smut other than to learn what kind of bullshit angle they're gonna try to hit you with to try to distract from reality.
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Very relevant reporting/listening...

Listen to Gov. Noem very carefully for a clear understanding of why we're seeing so many states take the recent actions they're taking in opposition to the federal government's assault on regional reserve currencies, many (though not all) of which have been referenced here in the thread thus far.

That this circled back to bank failures, as a way to shoe horn in CBDCs, and thus, to get the citizenry on board for all this, is, and then, should come to us as no great surprise. The MSM propaganda, Trump broke the economy, the Biden admin will save us with CBDCs. :cuckoo:

A thread was moved to the BL on this, some leftist was, blaming the right for all of this. . . not sure who moved it, I ended the thread with some information on this, and of course, with the a link to forum's CBDC thread. I don't don't recall if it has been linked in this thread, but I do know you have posted in it, so meh.

I do find it spooky, we had some new member, this, Ragnar Celine, post one thread in favor of CBDCs, and then leave. That was all. He hasn't been back.

(btw, I have always thought that Kristi Noem would have made the best candidate for President. She is the only one that truly opposed the WEF/WHO COVID scam.)
Should be interesting to see which other states get in on it.
:safetocomeoutff: sounds like a good time to be a 10ther.....~S~

Nullification - #SolutionsWatch​

Your usual informative post Mr B

but i can't help this 'divided we fall' feeling i'm getting.....

That this circled back to bank failures, as a way to shoe horn in CBDCs, and thus, to get the citizenry on board for all this, is, and then, should come to us as no great surprise. The MSM propaganda, Trump broke the economy, the Biden admin will save us with CBDCs. :cuckoo:
It all comes together if one just steps back and looks at the broader picture with regard to 1 - what's going down and 2 - how it's going down.

They're clearly looking to nationalize the entire banking system and they want one CBDC.

If you know the brakes are failing and you know you're gonna crash regardless, you try to steer the crash in your favor. And that's precisely what they're doing.

I don't think it was any accident that these particular banks were the ones that busted. As was mentioned elsewhere around here, these were a specific nich of people.

At this point, the states are the only real defense against that centralized agenda. For the most part, all of the other arguments and debate being guided in the mainstream and all over the www are basically just carrot and stick type dialogue. They're arguing over symtoms and completely missing the more relevant discussion.

That only favors the narrative of bad guys who are trying to steer a crash of their own doing in their favor.

But it's interesting that states are actually making legit moves to combat it.
It all comes together if one just steps back and looks at the broader picture with regard to 1 - what's going down and 2 - how it's going down.

They're clearly looking to nationalize the entire banking system and they want one CBDC.

If you know the brakes are failing and you know you're gonna crash regardless, you try to steer the crash in your favor. And that's precisely what they're doing.

I don't think it was any accident that these particular banks were the ones that busted. As was mentioned elsewhere around here, these were a specific nich of people.

At this point, the states are the only real defense against that centralized agenda. For the most part, all of the other arguments and debate being guided in the mainstream and all over the www are basically just carrot and stick type dialogue. They're arguing over symtoms and completely missing the more relevant discussion.

That only favors the narrative of bad guys who are trying to steer a crash of their own doing in their favor.

But it's interesting that states are actually making legit moves to combat it.

The offer is still open, to rename this thread, so that members can find it easier. It is, IMO, one of the three most important threads on the forum. This one, the Pivot Point thread, and the CBDC thread are the most important.

There are two other threads, where I keep track of these same developments, as they are interrelated.

This one I just updated, with another interview with Meryl Nass, M.D on the updates on the WHO’s IHR proposed amendments + Zero Draft Pandemic treaty. IMO, it is some of the most important information, that is so very closely tied, to this entire, CBDC global agenda.

It is here.

I think you understand how the WHO global treaty ties it all together, but if you don't, here is a short clip from Naomi Wolf that explains it;

Naomi Wolf - Why Vaccine Passports Equal Slavery Forever​

The feds are basically trying to set a precedent to nationalize the banking system with these so-called bailouts. Gov. Noem was just on my idiot box again talking about that very thing with the CBDC gag.

The fed's lobbyists have gotten into the ears of state reps and literally tried to redefine the meaning of money in that latest bill she vetoed. And the same lobbyists are trying the same thing in legislation going through other states. Hopefully their governors are wiser than the representatives who just send it to them to sign without reading it.

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