I’m a pedophile, but not a monster

Well I guess it sucks and hiding behind a rock makes it all go away. Rather than face the fact that this stuff goes on.
Climb under your rock like a good denier maybe it won't exist any more.
I guess I can now SEE IT BEING MOVED WHO GIVES A FKS it's still going to be seen.

I am full aware that these things go on.
Well if you don't want to see it hypocrite WTF are doing coming to it, and then continue to POST ON IT for...............

You must have been wanting a fight. Sure looks it. I do not. I just didn't feel it was a topic that was appropriate for here. Maybe I am wrong. Wouldn't be the first time.

Of course I saw it. I can't very well read anything here with my eyes closed. With a title like that you can't miss it. Only reason I am posting in it now is because I am being attacked over my POV.
You're being attacked because you're a stupid leftist bitch who wants to shut down any speech that doesn't meet your approval.

Like all leftist bitches.

That is pretty darn hysterical since I am about as conservative as they come. Read my posts if you want proof. You can also stop the name calling, if you do not mind.

Conservatives believe in free speech and don't try to shut it down like a stupid leftist bitch like you. Leftists try to win every argument by silencing all opposing thought.

Just like you do.
I was born without my right hand. As a child, this deformity quickly set me apart from my peers. In public I wore a prosthesis, an intimidating object to other youngsters because of its resemblance to a pirate’s hook. Even so, I wore it every day; I felt inadequate without it. I was shy, uncoordinated and terrible at sports, all of which put me on the outs with other boys my age. But I was good at drawing and making up stories for my own entertainment, and I spent more and more time in my own head, being a space adventurer or monster wrangler or whatever character I could think up. These would ultimately prove to be useful skills, but for now they only served to further alienate me from other kids. On top of it all, I still struggled with bladder control—likely due to my heaping pile of insecurities, to which this problem only added more—well into my elementary school years. .............................

I’m a pedophile, but not a monster
So this article has been out about a year or two. This is how indoctrination sets in to accept it. We keep warning the zombies they are setting the public up to legalize this sick fkn shit. Hollywood is another indoctrination point.

There is a web of cults out there indoctrinating ppl into accepting the abnormals, they will use PC issues to jump on the same bandwagon.

If you can't believe the Clintons can't be tied to child sex rings , you might want to rethink that.

A video posted on Salon’s Facebook page shows the leftist news organization’s resident pedophile, Todd Nickerson, explaining how he masturbated over a 5-year-old girl while romanticized video footage of a child is used to illustrate his sick fantasy.

Although Nickerson and Salon have tried to argue that ‘supporting’ pedophiles who manage to resist the urge to molest children is a positive thing, Nickerson has previously admitted that he “WOULD engage in sex play with a child that I loved if she wanted it and initiated it. I will never deny that.”

Salon Romanticizes Pedophile Masturbating Over 5-Year-Old Girl

Dear MindWars
I remember finding out there is a website for functioning pedophiles who don't act on this.
I still recommend they get help, just like how alcoholics under AA still seek help to make sure
they don't drink and drive since they know they still have the risk and/or tendency toward relapse.

When I read the part that this man was molested as a child,
if that is the sole cause of the pedophilia addiction,
the abuse can be healed and with it the addiction as well, if it is caused by external factor such as abuse in this lifetime.

See previous post on how spiritual healing is applied to help
people overcome unwanted homosexual orientation caused by unnatural abuse they are consciously aware of:

MindWars I would not judge people as to what can be cured or not,
until and unless they go through the deep spiritual and generational healing
that people have successfully used to overcome cases that are changeable.
Not all cases are.

The biggest wrong and cruelty I see with the LGBT movement is censoring
the people who have experienced spiritual healing and come out straight.
It's not fair but clearly discriminatory only to accept those who come out gay or transgender
when they make peace with their identity, and to reject people who have changed the other way.

And it is cruel to deprive people of the knowledge and help for spiritual healing,
which has not only been used to help people come to peace, whether as homosexual or heterosexual,
but has been used to save people's lives from cancer, mental and criminal illness
including extreme schizophrenia deemed incurable, suicidal depression, and any number of illnesses
that manifest because the spiritual blocks obstruct the natural healing process of mind and body.
So the spiritual healing works by identifying and removing the blocks to healing,
and this restored immunity and life energy can help overcome a wide range of ill conditions.
It isn't just to help people with abuse issues to heal, but also to heal of other diseases and disorder,
and even helps to heal relationships between people and whole communities applying the same methods.

So all this has been DENIED to people because of the secular rejection
and demonization of Christian faith and practice.
To me that is not only cruel, but dangerous and deadly.
it means for each person who could have gotten help to manage or cure
their mental or criminal illness, addiction or abuse,
people are suffering and at risk of suicide, homocide, sexual abuse,
and all manner of damages injury and death from sickness that could have been cured.
I am full aware that these things go on.
Well if you don't want to see it hypocrite WTF are doing coming to it, and then continue to POST ON IT for...............

You must have been wanting a fight. Sure looks it. I do not. I just didn't feel it was a topic that was appropriate for here. Maybe I am wrong. Wouldn't be the first time.

Of course I saw it. I can't very well read anything here with my eyes closed. With a title like that you can't miss it. Only reason I am posting in it now is because I am being attacked over my POV.
You're being attacked because you're a stupid leftist bitch who wants to shut down any speech that doesn't meet your approval.

Like all leftist bitches.

That is pretty darn hysterical since I am about as conservative as they come. Read my posts if you want proof. You can also stop the name calling, if you do not mind.

Conservatives believe in free speech and don't try to shut it down like a stupid leftist bitch like you. Leftists try to win every argument by silencing all opposing thought.

Just like you do.

saintmichaeldefendthem yes and no.
1. I remember when Sarah Palin was called hypocritical for arguing that people speaking out against someone for free speech constituted stifling free speech:

What separates Palin from many conservatives who have come out in support of Robertson is the way she approached her defense: mainly, she argued against his critics and the way they spoke out against him. In her argument, she made the case that those speaking out against Robertson (with criticism of his racist and anti-gay rhetoric) are stifling his freedom of speech.

I understand cutting off someone's facebook for what they say could be argued as not respecting free speech.
But private groups do have the right to exercise boycotts and responding to boycotts by advertisers.
So if you don't like their policies on handling free speech, you can boycott them also (or buy them out as I
think free speech groups ought to band up and do with yahoo and twitter and stop the censorship wars)

2. The DIFFERENCE saintmichaeldefendthem
is where Conservatives and Christians have faith in Constitutional petitioning and due process of law,
and will give and take rebukes back and forth, to keep the channels of free speech and press open
to address issues until they are resolved. People with faith that the truth governs the process
are more open to keep communicating.

So I DO find that the Conservatives tend to be more open to giving and taking rebuke,
whereas politicized liberals without this faith, who rely on govt and not on their own ability
to establish truth by consensus, will rely on party leaders and officials to bully for them.
So they give up when they don't want to take further responsibility "to fight against a bigger bully" they can't outshout or outargue and prefer to rely on govt and party leaders to speak for them.

Sadly I find it is the knowledge of Christian and Constitutional laws on the right that give this extra weight
and confidence in self-representation, which tend to be lacking on the left which is why they rely on party to act as that authority they don't have equal ability or experience to invoke as Christians and Constitutionalists on the right.

I would love to find more fellow Constitutionalists on the progressive left,
but most of the left are so "relative" and open to the ideas of others they are not the
authoritarian types to go around pontificating and establishing law for others.
Only the bigger bullies willing to mandate end up in positions of power in the party,
while the "relative liberal" types end up as followers and don't go around imposing on others.
The Greens and also the Occupy ran into this same problem with the "relative" approach to policy:
the loudest mouths and pushiest leaders were the bullies who obstruct, silence and dictate to others,
while the cooperative accommodating types were the moderators and followers who didn't impose.

I find the real leaders who believe in equal inclusion and consensus decisions are not going to found at the top of the totem pole, trumpeting their own commands and claiming authority to govern others, but are going to be at the bottom doing all the work with others as equals, and we don't see these in the media. Only the loudmouths like Trump or the people taking credit like Clinton who can outbully to get to the top. Of these two, I understand Trump is better at respecting equal free speech than Clinton who censors and controls all the press. Trump isn't afraid to go too far with free speech and make huge messes for himself, while Clinton takes the opposite approach and plays it safe.
I'm pretty open minded but Pedo is unacceptable because it fails the basis of consent.

Like I said if the shit the /pol/ folks are pushing is true, all bets are off. Everyone connected can rot in a cell. Or the ground if the "elites" turn on us "peasants" and you know what, the majority of the libs will be right there with the cons.
Pedophilia may be illegal. Just like robbing bank is illegal.

Is it natural? Well. Mary was 12 when she marry Joseph. In ancient time most people have sex young. We are descendant of those people.

So yea, it's actually normal to aim for 18 years old girl or even someone younger. Should you do it if it's below legal age is a different issue.

I honestly do not think sex is a big deal either way. Unless somebody get pregnant without proper financial support, then it's not a big deal. Even then we can just use abortion.

When I was a kid there was a beautiful math teacher. If that beautiful teacher have sex with me, I won't think I am a victim at all.
This thread needs to be dumped IMO. I don't come here to read things like this.
Yet you did. And responded. And you want every thread that doesn't meet your approval to be deleted.

What an asshole you are.

That is not true at all. How dumb to suggest that I want every thread I do not approve of to be deleted.

Fine. If USMB wants this kind of thing here......But my opinion stays the same.
It is disgusting but we do not engage in discussion of this problem well at all as we label "pedophile" all kinds of different people that have never molested a child and they get punished the rest of their lives for something that they have never done.

Meanwhile the real pedophiles that have been in jail and know the system and how to avoid more jail time do whatever the hell they want to and skip town once they are released from jail and then change their ID again and goon to molest some other kids.

We need to be smarter about how we handle these pervs and not waste resources on those who have never actually done anything to a kid.

How do we develop the language and concepts to distinguish harmful pedophiles from those who have never DONE anything unless we discuss the problem?

Or do we just go one continuing to jail pedos who have never touched a child and keep letting the predators go free playing the system?

You dont think this forum is appropriate for this topic, but what forum is?
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There needs to be an age. By law /IN AMERICA/ its 18. How about in the ME, how about in Haiti, how about Japan...

I mean... it's a mess.
I have in my minion collection a few LGBTs who believe in the constitution - though they are a hair sketchy on the "freedom of association in public business" bit. They're in the 25 range, OR, WA, and VI are the three I remember off hand.
This thread needs to be dumped IMO. I don't come here to read things like this.
Yet you did. And responded. And you want every thread that doesn't meet your approval to be deleted.

What an asshole you are.

That is not true at all. How dumb to suggest that I want every thread I do not approve of to be deleted.

Fine. If USMB wants this kind of thing here......But my opinion stays the same.
It is disgusting but we do not engage in discussion of this problem well at all as we label "pedophile" all kinds of different people that h ave never molested a child and they get punished the rest of their lives for something that they have never done.

Meanwhile the real pedophiles that have been in jail and no the system and how to avoid more jail time do whatever the hell they want to and skip town once they are released from jail and then change their ID again and goon to molest some other kids.

We need to be smarter about how we handle these pervs and not waste resources on those who have never actually done anything to a kid.

How do we develop the language and concepts to distinguish harmful pedophiles from those who have never DONE anything unless we discuss the problem?

Or do we just go one continuing to jail pedos who have never touched a child and keep letting the predators go free playing the system?

You dont think this forum is appropriate for this topic, but what forum is?
Good points JimBowie1958 Thank you for refocusing this discussion in this direction.
I'd say this issue is critical to "criminal justice reform"
so the "justice system" is a good place for it.

If we can master the medical and technical means of diagnosing WHICH cases
are dangerous/terminal and which are incidental occurrence and not chronic,
we can start treating these "criminal illnesses" as other deadly diseases we can diagnose early
before they lead to injury harm damage or death. Similar to diagnosing cancer or diabetes with different degrees
or stages, some curable some not.

This also ties in with affordable health care and effective mental health care.
Instead of relying on pharmaceutical interests and costs of research and medications,
if we study the methods of spiritual diagnosis, treatment and cure -- why and how these work --
this can lead to understanding and MONITORING the process medically, so these methods
can be proven through scientific means, replicated, and offered to the general public.

There is a link between reforming our criminal justice system
and streamlining our health care system to focus on prevention, correction and cure.

The solutions would impact both the criminal justice system
and health care budgets and programs per state.

So this discussion would fit under either justice and legal system
or under health care reforms. Because the solutions would impact both.
NO way that's flying Emily. American's are not cognizant enough to take each instance on a case by case basis - no way, no how.

You'd have one expert saying they are, the other saying they weren't it would be ENDLESS litigation. It has to be a set age.
NO way that's flying Emily. American's are not cognizant enough to take each instance on a case by case basis - no way, no how.
You'd have one expert saying they are, the other saying they weren't it would be ENDLESS litigation. It has to be a set age.

i am thinking that there is a huge difference between a pedo predator who literally hunts down his next victim then kills the kid when done,versus the pedos who only masturbate looking at child porn.

We need to execute the first and put the latter in a halfway house to get counseling.
I would love to find more fellow Constitutionalists on the progressive left,...
That is because you are looking for something that is an oxymoron.

Ha ha JimBowie1958 a lot of my friends say I can't be a Democrat and a Constitutionalist.
I guess it's like saying I can't be both Buddhist and Christian, prochoice and prolife, Unitarian and Universalist.
There are a lot of things I'm not supposed to be.

But in America, yes, you can be any two things crossed together, and just hyphenate it!

As for an oxymoron, I have been called many things, but not that!
An idiot and retarded for debating with people online. Maybe just a moron?

Most people resolve the paradox in their minds by saying I'm "not a REAL Democrat."
My argument to counter that is to explain I do vote for Sheila Jackson Lee, about every other time
when she is the best representative to work with out of the candidates running against her.
(I'd rather create jobs for all the candidates, since there's enough work to do in our district
for three people, why not hire them all?)

I don't know any Republicans who would vote for SJL.
So I use that as proof, I must be a Democrat!
What an Oxy-Moron! ;-)
Maybe should talk to Japan, they're at like age of consent 13 and might have insight on "predator" types idk

Creepy shit, but I mean if we're going to have Islam here... it's their thing isn't it >.<
This interview is strange because that man looks like a normal person. If I didn't misunderstood he says his family knows he's a pedophile and stands by him.
But, needless to say, he's not.
When you say you are sexual attracted to children there's something really wrong in your mind.
Even if you don't touch a kid if you like him in a sexual way you need to go to a psychiatrist.
I believe they're not criminals but psychopaths :(
I think people need to differentiate between abnormal and evil.

Evil is actually normal.

Corruption is actually normal.

We do not prohibit things because it's abnormal. We prohibit things because that's what people normally do if it's not prohibited.

And quite often conservatives seem to mess that up. As if only minority of people are selfish and evil.

As for pedophilia. In states where the state says the legal age is 15, men would fuck 15 years old. Should that be higher or lower? I don't know. However, we sort of know that if they don't go lower it's not because it's not "normal" to like younger girls. It's because it's illegal. Should it be illegal is another story.

Anyway, what's a libertarian view on this?
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I was born without my right hand. As a child, this deformity quickly set me apart from my peers. In public I wore a prosthesis, an intimidating object to other youngsters because of its resemblance to a pirate’s hook. Even so, I wore it every day; I felt inadequate without it. I was shy, uncoordinated and terrible at sports, all of which put me on the outs with other boys my age. But I was good at drawing and making up stories for my own entertainment, and I spent more and more time in my own head, being a space adventurer or monster wrangler or whatever character I could think up. These would ultimately prove to be useful skills, but for now they only served to further alienate me from other kids. On top of it all, I still struggled with bladder control—likely due to my heaping pile of insecurities, to which this problem only added more—well into my elementary school years. .............................

I’m a pedophile, but not a monster
So this article has been out about a year or two. This is how indoctrination sets in to accept it. We keep warning the zombies they are setting the public up to legalize this sick fkn shit. Hollywood is another indoctrination point.

There is a web of cults out there indoctrinating ppl into accepting the abnormals, they will use PC issues to jump on the same bandwagon.

If you can't believe the Clintons can't be tied to child sex rings , you might want to rethink that.

A video posted on Salon’s Facebook page shows the leftist news organization’s resident pedophile, Todd Nickerson, explaining how he masturbated over a 5-year-old girl while romanticized video footage of a child is used to illustrate his sick fantasy.

Although Nickerson and Salon have tried to argue that ‘supporting’ pedophiles who manage to resist the urge to molest children is a positive thing, Nickerson has previously admitted that he “WOULD engage in sex play with a child that I loved if she wanted it and initiated it. I will never deny that.”

Salon Romanticizes Pedophile Masturbating Over 5-Year-Old Girl

That guy needs to be executed by a firing squad. Trying to garner sympathy with the whole awkward childhood with a deformity card. He's human debris.
It's a bizarre situation. One one hand the guy is obviously fucked in the head. On the other hand he recognizes his problem, and tries to control it. His thoughts may be disgusting, but it's kinda hard to hate the guy.

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