I'm a soothsayer. "Would anyone be surprised to learn that Cohen skimmed from Trump?" Today: Cohen admits stealing tens of thousands from Trump Org

This is all quite expected at least from my vantage point.

Now the Trump legal team will discredit the witness. He probably tried to throw Trump under the bus to save his behind and he knew the political establishment would give anything to go after him.

Could this admission lead to charges for his former lawyer?

Former lawyer Michael Cohen admitted to stealing thousands of dollars from the Trump organization during former President Trump's New York City trial on Monday.

Cohen made the admission while facing cross examination from Todd Blanche, one of Trump's attorneys.

“You did steal from the Trump Organization based upon the expected reimbursement from Red Finch," Trump attorney Todd Blanche said, referencing the repayment plan in which he was supposed to pay Stormy Daniels $130,000, and tech company Red Finch $50,000.

"Yes, sir," Cohen replied.

Cohen testified that he went to the bank and withdrew cash over a couple of days, totaling $20,000, and kept it in a small brown paper bag and then gave it to Red Finch, but that he never gave the full $50,000 when the company failed to press him for the rest.

He testified that the Trump Organization thought he paid the full amount, for which he was still reimbursed despite not having actually paid it.

Cohen is the star witness for prosecutors and was the final witness they called to the stand.

Trump faces 43 counts of falsifying business records in relation to alleged hush money payments he made to pornography actress Stormy Daniels. Daniels herself also testified earlier on in the trial.
The guy has to be totally 100% honest to admit what a scum he is. Surely we can believe his testimony, can't we? How can there be any reasonable doubt?

Cohen is only there to tell the story as the guy in the room... Trump signed the checks, that was the game over...

Trump had Cohen as his right hand man and the guy was skimming of him... Ha ha, Trump is a fucking idiot, only the best people....

Trump had the likes of Cohen working for him, shows he shouldn't be President...

Could anyone imagine another President having someone that fucking bad working for them so closely...
So basically Cohen was Sammy The Bull?

I mean what in the...
That Cohen had no credibility at all coming in isn’t really in doubt.

How he managed to lose ground is staggering.

The big question now, is whether his obvious perjury and complete lack of credibility his exposed biases and his numerous criminal actions amount to a hill of beans in the mind of the deep blue NY county jury.

We shall see. But EVEN IF they convict, it’s all but certain that — at some level of appellate scrutiny — such a verdict would have to be reversed.
That Cohen had no credibility at all coming in isn’t really in doubt.

How he managed to lose ground is staggering.

The big question now, is whether his obvious perjury and complete lack of credibility his exposed biases and his numerous criminal actions amount to a hill of beans in the mind of the deep blue NY county jury.

We shall see. But EVEN IF they convict, it’s all but certain that — at some level of appellate scrutiny — such a verdict would have to be reversed.
But keep in mind, the pussy grabbing charity thief has even less credibility.

Gotti got put in jail in part behind the testimony of admitted murderers.
This is all quite expected at least from my vantage point.

Now the Trump legal team will discredit the witness. He probably tried to throw Trump under the bus to save his behind and he knew the political establishment would give anything to go after him.

Could this admission lead to charges for his former lawyer?

Former lawyer Michael Cohen admitted to stealing thousands of dollars from the Trump organization during former President Trump's New York City trial on Monday.

Cohen made the admission while facing cross examination from Todd Blanche, one of Trump's attorneys.

“You did steal from the Trump Organization based upon the expected reimbursement from Red Finch," Trump attorney Todd Blanche said, referencing the repayment plan in which he was supposed to pay Stormy Daniels $130,000, and tech company Red Finch $50,000.

"Yes, sir," Cohen replied.

Cohen testified that he went to the bank and withdrew cash over a couple of days, totaling $20,000, and kept it in a small brown paper bag and then gave it to Red Finch, but that he never gave the full $50,000 when the company failed to press him for the rest.

He testified that the Trump Organization thought he paid the full amount, for which he was still reimbursed despite not having actually paid it.

Cohen is the star witness for prosecutors and was the final witness they called to the stand.

Trump faces 43 counts of falsifying business records in relation to alleged hush money payments he made to pornography actress Stormy Daniels. Daniels herself also testified earlier on in the trial.

Absolutely no one is surprised that Cohen stole from the Trump family, not even the jury.

Everyone involved is a complete sleaze, including Trump. The jury knew that going in.

Donald Trump has been a criminal sleaze all of his adult life and it seems that only his diehard voters don’t know or understand that.

The only people who want to work for or even associate with criminal sleazes are other criminals sleazes.

The defence attorney should be attacking the written evidence, or the other witnesses who have all been witness and testified to Donald Trump’s involvement in the payoffs, the reimbursement, and the cover-up. David Pecker, Hope Hicks, Trump Corporation accounts payable staff, and White House staffers who confirmed Cohen’s testimony, an testified to Trump’s attention to financial details.

Trump has attacked 2 of the witnesses, but he hasn’t attacked the physical evidence, or the testimony of Pecker and Hicks, both of whom confirmed Cohen’s story and buried Trump.

Cohen and Daniels are sleazy. But Donald Trump picked both of them, hired both of them, paid both of them, and only disavowed either of them, when the story came out in the press.

This case will be decided on the evidence, not the criminality, or the reliability of the two witnesses Trump try to discredit. It will also be decided on the testimony of the witnesses that Trump never even questioned, who confirmed everything Cohen said.

Last, but not least, Trump dragged out this case, and forced the prosecution to put Stormy Daniels on the witness stand by have his lawyer falsely claim he never had sex with Ms. Daniels.

Trump could’ve avoided days of testimony from staffers and from Daniels if he had stipulated to any facts in the case.

If Trump had filed documents which said he signed the checks, The court could’ve been spared two days of testimony from former staffers as to Trump’s attention to financial details and obsession over every dollar he paid out of his personal accounts.

And it also demonstrates to the jury that Trump lying to the American people when he said that he was not involved in any of the day today operations of the Trump Corporation.

Whether Cohen stole from the Trump organization or not, is completely irrelevant to the facts of this case, or to the evidence presented.

The defence keeps trying to distract the jury with shiny objects. It’s working on you, but it doesn’t seem to be working on the jury.
But keep in mind, the pussy grabbing charity thief has even less credibility.
The former President said he “could” grab some pussy. He never said he did or ever had.

And his credibility isn’t at issue unless he testifies at trial, you dildo.
Gotti got put in jail in part behind the testimony of admitted murderers.
No shit. The operative phrase is “in part.”

In this charlatan Bragg case, legally, the sole witness which links Trump (supposedly) to any alleged “crime” is the perjurer scumbag thief and convict, Cohen.

And you dolts put a lot of stock in that nonsense.
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How could it not be overturned?

Unless... well, it has to go to a NY appeals court first

First — if the jury engages in rancid brain death in order to convict — the case goes to the NY Supreme Court Appellate Division, First Department.

If they decline to do their jobs honestly, then the next step would be NY’s highest Court, The Court of Appeals.

In the event that the NY Court of Appeals declines to do their job honestly, the very next step is the SCOTUS.

One way or another, this completely improper case will get shitcanned.
Sure. He stole money from Trump with Trump’s knowledge and at Trump’s behest. :cuckoo:

JoeyBitch, you’re a fucking imbecile and a joke. 😂
You mean he took money from Trump after Trump stiffed him on legal bills... as part of his payoff to a firm as part of the coverup to pay for a fake poll.
You mean he took money from Trump after Trump stiffed him on legal bills... as part of his payoff to a firm as part of the coverup to pay for a fake poll.
he didn't say that so, no!
You mean he took money from Trump after Trump stiffed him on legal bills... as part of his payoff to a firm as part of the coverup to pay for a fake poll.
No. I mean he admitted to having stolen money from Trump.

And your idiotic claim was that everything Cohen did was at the behest of Trump.

Spin it all you want. You're exposed again as a moron and a hack.

Carry on.
"...withdrew cash over a couple of days, totaling $20,000, and kept it in a small brown paper bag and then gave it to Red Finch, but that he never gave the full $50,000 when the company failed to press him for the rest."
From my neutral perch, such behavior as described above seems to be of a kind with each of those two men. Meaning, is it any wonder that Don Trump had a mind-meld with the likes of Cohen. As someone else has already posted...."Birds of a feather".

surely we can believe his testimony, can't we?
Well, if you are so inclined, you can believe all of it. Go for it.
For me, I'd go with those parts of his testimony that have been backed up by written docs, phone records, testimony of other witnesses.
And, it seems that is a fairly full shelf.

The only people who want to work for or even associate with criminal sleazes are other criminals sleazes.
A more frank and colloquial phrasing of that familiar 'Birds of a feather........".

The defense attorney should be attacking the written evidence, or the other witnesses who have all been witness and testified to Donald Trump’s involvement in the payoffs, the reimbursement, and the cover-up. David Pecker, Hope Hicks, Trump Corporation accounts payable staff, and White House staffers who confirmed Cohen’s testimony, an testified to Trump’s attention to financial details.
A more insightful take on my own view of IndependentThinker's mild snark of: "surely we can believe his testimony."
How could it not be overturned? Unless... well, it has to go to a NY appeals court
Sounds like the good poster 'fork' is already establishing his back-door, his excuse, his rationalization, his Trump-style:
"It was rigged."

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