I'm a teacher. Here's why I am cheering my new freedom from unions

Good counter points

1) Because they are the ones paid to teach. Like I said unions are a huge problem because they have rules along with adminstrators, that took almost any power of a teacher to control a classroom or how to present material. Without unions, the hope is teachers will be able to run their class as they see fit, as long as they stick to the basic curriculum.
2)Well that's the standardized tests, as well as maybe interviewing students and their parents.
3)HUH??? I know you're being abstract, but I'm not getting it, so we must be thinking of 2 very different things. Mine is making them behave, so the atmosphere is conducive to learning.
4)If that's the case, then good. But NYC is a major area and it needs to be cleaned up.
5)we agree
6)Promotions, raises. I know most stay teachers, but if they have any new titles or governmentish promotion opportunities, then good, if not, also ok, but at least let good teachers get raises, even if they don't want a promotion.

1) You obviously have never taught anyone anything. Ever hear the expression that you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink? How do I teach a kid with their head down and asleep because they played video games all night?
2) How would you grade teachers that teach special education students and low performers? To everyone outside education it all looks so easy, until you know the truth, which you never bother to learn.
3) Keeping the students quiet while lecturing is viewed as ineffective by most administrators. I ran afoul of my administrators all the time because to teach math, you explain while they listen, work problems together and then let them work alone. If they were not math teachers, they wanted some goofy "project" or applied learning activity.
4) NYC is a gnat's ass compared to flyover country.
5) Done
6) Those pay raises, called step increases, we got sometime amounted to less than $100 a year. Now there is an incentive to go the extra mile! In my 20 year career, I never made as much money in a year as I did my last year of active duty in the Navy. That's sad! What you don't seem to understand is that most teachers are good, and trying to figure out which teacher would be deserving of a promotion just denigrates the whole process down into politics. That's why unions existed. My oldest two kids went to the school where I taught, and I had numerous run-ins with my own boss about my kids. Do you think he would not hold that against me for being a parent first and an employee second?

ok so how do you solve 1) ? Unions don't do it.
Kids don't give a crap about school, because they aren't interested in it. I gave you a stories about how just one social studies teacher got me interested in subjects, school is for the most part boring. Teachers need to make it interesting. But your scenario is useless because what can you do with that? Fail them? Hold them back? I'm for those, but not the unions and admins, because again they don't care about students and are worried about parents. They need to get some balls, you hold a kid back, his parents(unless they are useless addicts or similar) will make sure things get done. They have to see a consequence for inaction.
2) Just like one, you are using leftwing attacks with very special cases, like on abortion, what about rape and incest? Well those don't happen that often, I'm worried about MOST of the students, the others have programs and classes for that.
3)HUH? what are they expecting then? And again I said the teachers should have control, not the admins or unions.
4) Yes, but it's also a huge school district and many of the poor and low performing students you talk about come from large districts like NYC. You have to deal with them.
6)Ok, then we need to retool the pay structure, I'm not sure what the argument is here?

Plenty of kids give a crap about school.
yes and they usually do well.......the ones that don't do well, generally don't care.......

And/or have no support at home.

And they can't find good teachers to teach in these schools

Detroit finally has money to hire teachers. Good luck finding them.

Michigan's average teacher salary drops for fifth consecutive year

Average pay was $61,875 in 2015-16
The average salary was $61,875 in 2014-16, down from $61,978 the previous year. Michigan's average teacher pay peaked at $63,024 in 2009-10, and dropped to $61,530 the next year, following a statewide retirement buyout offer in the spring of 2010.

What state do you teach in? I want to see how well teachers in your area are doing.
Imagine dealing with unruly disruptive kids all day. Kids that won't listen not put in any effort. their parents expect you to put up with unruly behavior. Then add to the public disdain for you. Then add to that the fact that you are told to take those kids who refuse to do anything...their progress is tied to your pay. To that what else can you say other than good luck. A no win situation. Now what is the quick fix?
1) You obviously have never taught anyone anything. Ever hear the expression that you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink? How do I teach a kid with their head down and asleep because they played video games all night?
2) How would you grade teachers that teach special education students and low performers? To everyone outside education it all looks so easy, until you know the truth, which you never bother to learn.
3) Keeping the students quiet while lecturing is viewed as ineffective by most administrators. I ran afoul of my administrators all the time because to teach math, you explain while they listen, work problems together and then let them work alone. If they were not math teachers, they wanted some goofy "project" or applied learning activity.
4) NYC is a gnat's ass compared to flyover country.
5) Done
6) Those pay raises, called step increases, we got sometime amounted to less than $100 a year. Now there is an incentive to go the extra mile! In my 20 year career, I never made as much money in a year as I did my last year of active duty in the Navy. That's sad! What you don't seem to understand is that most teachers are good, and trying to figure out which teacher would be deserving of a promotion just denigrates the whole process down into politics. That's why unions existed. My oldest two kids went to the school where I taught, and I had numerous run-ins with my own boss about my kids. Do you think he would not hold that against me for being a parent first and an employee second?

ok so how do you solve 1) ? Unions don't do it.
Kids don't give a crap about school, because they aren't interested in it. I gave you a stories about how just one social studies teacher got me interested in subjects, school is for the most part boring. Teachers need to make it interesting. But your scenario is useless because what can you do with that? Fail them? Hold them back? I'm for those, but not the unions and admins, because again they don't care about students and are worried about parents. They need to get some balls, you hold a kid back, his parents(unless they are useless addicts or similar) will make sure things get done. They have to see a consequence for inaction.
2) Just like one, you are using leftwing attacks with very special cases, like on abortion, what about rape and incest? Well those don't happen that often, I'm worried about MOST of the students, the others have programs and classes for that.
3)HUH? what are they expecting then? And again I said the teachers should have control, not the admins or unions.
4) Yes, but it's also a huge school district and many of the poor and low performing students you talk about come from large districts like NYC. You have to deal with them.
6)Ok, then we need to retool the pay structure, I'm not sure what the argument is here?

Plenty of kids give a crap about school.
yes and they usually do well.......the ones that don't do well, generally don't care.......

And/or have no support at home.
I couldn't agree more. But the thread is what can we do? I cant force parents to give a shit about their kids...if they don't...not sure what you can do.

Continue to try and engage parents and the wider community, and find creative, consistent new ways to do so.
I've noticed a few things from this post that are trendy...

1) Not a one poster puts one iota of responsibility on the kids. In your minds they just show up and a good teacher will make them a genius. No effort required by the kid. It's 100 percent in the teacher in every case.

2) Teachers should ask for lower wages and should never get a raise....but every other worker is exempt from that standard.

3) Many see it as easy and overpaid yet they chose not to be a teacher. But if someone complains about a CEO heck they will defend his or her bloated salary.

4) Bad teachers in most states are let go when the principal seems it necessary. Good productive teachers are also let go. Where I love teachers are let go from time to time and sometimes with no reason. I served on our school board for many years and have seen both happen.

5) Quit your kind and move to a troubled school and help fix the problem.

6) union's are going away and that might be good I guess. However when they are gone and things don't change much then who will you blame?

How many people on this thread have done #5?
.... I'm sure you will lie to us and pretend it's because you are this great person but we all know that's a lie.

Go whisper that to your boat and see if it makes the guilt go away.

Every guy you see in this picture makes well over $100K and they all LOVED going out on my boat. .....

I'm sure you 'serviced' them all quite enthusiastically, confirmed bachelor.
I've noticed a few things from this post that are trendy...

1) Not a one poster puts one iota of responsibility on the kids. In your minds they just show up and a good teacher will make them a genius. No effort required by the kid. It's 100 percent in the teacher in every case.

2) Teachers should ask for lower wages and should never get a raise....but every other worker is exempt from that standard.

3) Many see it as easy and overpaid yet they chose not to be a teacher. But if someone complains about a CEO heck they will defend his or her bloated salary.

4) Bad teachers in most states are let go when the principal seems it necessary. Good productive teachers are also let go. Where I love teachers are let go from time to time and sometimes with no reason. I served on our school board for many years and have seen both happen.

5) Quit your kind and move to a troubled school and help fix the problem.

6) union's are going away and that might be good I guess. However when they are gone and things don't change much then who will you blame?

How many people on this thread have done #5?
.... I'm sure you will lie to us and pretend it's because you are this great person but we all know that's a lie.

Go whisper that to your boat and see if it makes the guilt go away.

Every guy you see in this picture makes well over $100K and they all LOVED going out on my boat. .....

I'm sure you 'serviced' them all quite enthusiastically, confirmed bachelor.

The last time we got together last year was in Sarasota, FL. My boss booked us on a yacht and we all went out on the Gulf and had dinner on this yacht and watched the sunset. I told them when I get my boat we will do the same thing on my lake. I said, "it's just as beautiful on my lake as it is on the Gulf. They laughed. But the day after we went out this week they were all ranting and raving about how much fun they had. I think we had a better time on my little boat than we did on that yacht to be honest with you.

So we're in Florida and one of the guys who reminds me of you makes a joke about me being single. First of all, we all know he and his wife have separated a couple times so I know he's not happily married. Anyways, so I walk outside and sit down at one of the tables outside the restaurant/bar we are at after he makes that comment and next thing you know two girls come walking up and one of them sits on my lap. Next thing you know we are hugging and kissing. The guys inside the bar saw the whole thing. Needless to say they think I'm a pussy magnet and they are all jealous of my single life. Sure I'd like to be happily married but how many of you are actually happy? How many of your wives are actually happy?
This one time at band camp...

Trying too hard, Giovanni.
Dude, you are way too into the Jap stuff

Giovanni (Japanese: サカキ Sakaki) was the head of Team Rocket, and served as the secretive Gym Leader of Viridian City's Gym, known officially as the Viridian Gym. He handed out the Earth Badge to Trainers who defeated him. As a Gym Leader, he specialized in Ground-type Pokémon, but his master plan includes collecting rare Pokémon of all types. In Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, he makes a return appearance as the leader of Team Rainbow Rocket.

You must be a Jap. If not you have a weird fetish for all things Japanese.
How many people on this thread have done #5?
.... I'm sure you will lie to us and pretend it's because you are this great person but we all know that's a lie.

Go whisper that to your boat and see if it makes the guilt go away.

Every guy you see in this picture makes well over $100K and they all LOVED going out on my boat. .....

I'm sure you 'serviced' them all quite enthusiastically, confirmed bachelor.

The last time we got together last year was in Sarasota, FL. My boss booked us on a yacht and we all went out on the Gulf and had dinner on this yacht and watched the sunset. ....

And he rented you as the entertainment.
I'm expecting them to cut our social security benefits by about 25%. They will tell us, "in order to save it we have to make these cuts" and the American people will bend over and take it.

And the Democrat solution is to make people work later in life which many people can't do depending on the work they're in. People in construction trades barely make it to 65 now. Many retire yearly at 62 because their body can't take it any longer.

Will the private accounts pay more? For a lot of poor people they put in a little and there are hidden fees/administrative costs that end up eating away the gains. I had this myself on one small investment I had for about 10 years. I kept noticing that the $2000 never hardly ever grew. In 10 years it was still $2000. Why? Because there were fees the bank was charging me for managing this investment. Inactive fee. So to stop this I had to invest $50 every year to avoid the inactivity fee.

That's the idea of a growth fund. You keep putting in. My employer and I only contribute a third of what we have to put into SS every month, and my IRA is six figures now. We only had it about 20 years or so. I can only imagine what that account would be worth today if I invested all my (and my employers) SS contributions all these years. I would easily be a multi-millionaire today, and I'm still seven years until retirement age.
For poor people that’s a bad investment that shouldn’t even exist

And real liberals want it to be 62. So do I. Do you? Then you’re not a republican

Of course I do. That would only be four more years of working for me, and I'd be delighted. But liberals always want things they don't pay for.

If you want these programs, the solution is simple: pay for them. Increase SS contributions by about 20%. Increase Medicare contributions by 50%. Hey, if that's what you want, pay for it, but don't expect others to pay for these programs for you.
Do I pay enough into the program? I don't really know. Do you know? I think we probably pay our fair share. And a long time ago the rich and powerful politicians decided the rich had an obligation to pay a little more. It's just simply how the system works. Key word, WORKS. The way you want to do it, it doesn't work. That's why we came up with the New Deal. And it worked. But slowly over the decades since the rich and powerful have taken over our government and they're starving it. They've broken the social contract. And what they've convinced you is fair, does not work. It works for the rich but not you and I. And nothing you promote will make things better for the masses. For you and I. You've just been convinced that it's poor people and immigrants that have ruined your life. Sorry Ray, it's the rich that have fucked you.

And you seem to know it when you point at Democrats. What you don't seem to admit or believe is that the GOP are the real rich ruling class and you're a fool for supporting them. That is all.

There is no "social contract" there never was. And what have the rich ever done to me? I know they give me work. I know they are responsible for building developments and downtowns. I know they give the most to charities. I know they're responsible for all the technology that makes everybody's life easier and more entertaining.

What have the poor done for our country other than to leah off of it? What poor person ever provided you a job, or perhaps a place to live? I know poor people destroy neighborhoods. I know they are responsible for most of the crime. I know they are responsible for sinking our country further into debt.
I'm expecting them to cut our social security benefits by about 25%. They will tell us, "in order to save it we have to make these cuts" and the American people will bend over and take it.

And the Democrat solution is to make people work later in life which many people can't do depending on the work they're in. People in construction trades barely make it to 65 now. Many retire yearly at 62 because their body can't take it any longer.

Will the private accounts pay more? For a lot of poor people they put in a little and there are hidden fees/administrative costs that end up eating away the gains. I had this myself on one small investment I had for about 10 years. I kept noticing that the $2000 never hardly ever grew. In 10 years it was still $2000. Why? Because there were fees the bank was charging me for managing this investment. Inactive fee. So to stop this I had to invest $50 every year to avoid the inactivity fee.

That's the idea of a growth fund. You keep putting in. My employer and I only contribute a third of what we have to put into SS every month, and my IRA is six figures now. We only had it about 20 years or so. I can only imagine what that account would be worth today if I invested all my (and my employers) SS contributions all these years. I would easily be a multi-millionaire today, and I'm still seven years until retirement age.
For poor people that’s a bad investment that shouldn’t even exist

And real liberals want it to be 62. So do I. Do you? Then you’re not a republican

Of course I do. That would only be four more years of working for me, and I'd be delighted. But liberals always want things they don't pay for.

If you want these programs, the solution is simple: pay for them. Increase SS contributions by about 20%. Increase Medicare contributions by 50%. Hey, if that's what you want, pay for it, but don't expect others to pay for these programs for you.
Do I pay enough into the program? I don't really know. Do you know? I think we probably pay our fair share. And a long time ago the rich and powerful politicians decided the rich had an obligation to pay a little more. It's just simply how the system works. Key word, WORKS. The way you want to do it, it doesn't work. That's why we came up with the New Deal. And it worked. But slowly over the decades since the rich and powerful have taken over our government and they're starving it. They've broken the social contract. And what they've convinced you is fair, does not work. It works for the rich but not you and I. And nothing you promote will make things better for the masses. For you and I. You've just been convinced that it's poor people and immigrants that have ruined your life. Sorry Ray, it's the rich that have fucked you.

And you seem to know it when you point at Democrats. What you don't seem to admit or believe is that the GOP are the real rich ruling class and you're a fool for supporting them. That is all.

There is no "social contract" there never was. And what have the rich ever done to me? I know they give me work. I know they are responsible for building developments and downtowns. I know they give the most to charities. I know they're responsible for all the technology that makes everybody's life easier and more entertaining.

What have the poor done for our country other than to leah off of it? What poor person ever provided you a job, or perhaps a place to live? I know poor people destroy neighborhoods. I know they are responsible for most of the crime. I know they are responsible for sinking our country further into debt.
My brother just told me he makes over $1 million. Head of hr for a Fortune 500. The person he’s replacing is going to another company to make $2million. You are right there no longer is a social contract for American companies and workers. When unions had power they insisted if management got raises so did everyone else. There used to be a social contract Today the workers make less but the vps of America and the presidents are richer than ever. And it shows. The gap between the rich and poor has gotten wider and the middle class took a step back. This is what your way does. You don’t mind getting poorer so your boss can get richer but we do.
And the Democrat solution is to make people work later in life which many people can't do depending on the work they're in. People in construction trades barely make it to 65 now. Many retire yearly at 62 because their body can't take it any longer.

That's the idea of a growth fund. You keep putting in. My employer and I only contribute a third of what we have to put into SS every month, and my IRA is six figures now. We only had it about 20 years or so. I can only imagine what that account would be worth today if I invested all my (and my employers) SS contributions all these years. I would easily be a multi-millionaire today, and I'm still seven years until retirement age.
For poor people that’s a bad investment that shouldn’t even exist

And real liberals want it to be 62. So do I. Do you? Then you’re not a republican

Of course I do. That would only be four more years of working for me, and I'd be delighted. But liberals always want things they don't pay for.

If you want these programs, the solution is simple: pay for them. Increase SS contributions by about 20%. Increase Medicare contributions by 50%. Hey, if that's what you want, pay for it, but don't expect others to pay for these programs for you.
Do I pay enough into the program? I don't really know. Do you know? I think we probably pay our fair share. And a long time ago the rich and powerful politicians decided the rich had an obligation to pay a little more. It's just simply how the system works. Key word, WORKS. The way you want to do it, it doesn't work. That's why we came up with the New Deal. And it worked. But slowly over the decades since the rich and powerful have taken over our government and they're starving it. They've broken the social contract. And what they've convinced you is fair, does not work. It works for the rich but not you and I. And nothing you promote will make things better for the masses. For you and I. You've just been convinced that it's poor people and immigrants that have ruined your life. Sorry Ray, it's the rich that have fucked you.

And you seem to know it when you point at Democrats. What you don't seem to admit or believe is that the GOP are the real rich ruling class and you're a fool for supporting them. That is all.

There is no "social contract" there never was. And what have the rich ever done to me? I know they give me work. I know they are responsible for building developments and downtowns. I know they give the most to charities. I know they're responsible for all the technology that makes everybody's life easier and more entertaining.

What have the poor done for our country other than to leah off of it? What poor person ever provided you a job, or perhaps a place to live? I know poor people destroy neighborhoods. I know they are responsible for most of the crime. I know they are responsible for sinking our country further into debt.
My brother just told me he makes over $1 million. Head of hr for a Fortune 500. The person he’s replacing is going to another company to make $2million. You are right there no longer is a social contract for American companies and workers. When unions had power they insisted if management got raises so did everyone else. There used to be a social contract Today the workers make less but the vps of America and the presidents are richer than ever. And it shows. The gap between the rich and poor has gotten wider and the middle class took a step back. This is what your way does. You don’t mind getting poorer so your boss can get richer but we do.

In my opinion unions shouldn't be in the business of running companies; telling them how much they must pay; what benefits to provide'; who they must promote; how to divide up profit and pay, that's what the company is for.

If unions want to run companies, let the unions start their own, but don't blackmail other companies into running things their way.
For poor people that’s a bad investment that shouldn’t even exist

And real liberals want it to be 62. So do I. Do you? Then you’re not a republican

Of course I do. That would only be four more years of working for me, and I'd be delighted. But liberals always want things they don't pay for.

If you want these programs, the solution is simple: pay for them. Increase SS contributions by about 20%. Increase Medicare contributions by 50%. Hey, if that's what you want, pay for it, but don't expect others to pay for these programs for you.
Do I pay enough into the program? I don't really know. Do you know? I think we probably pay our fair share. And a long time ago the rich and powerful politicians decided the rich had an obligation to pay a little more. It's just simply how the system works. Key word, WORKS. The way you want to do it, it doesn't work. That's why we came up with the New Deal. And it worked. But slowly over the decades since the rich and powerful have taken over our government and they're starving it. They've broken the social contract. And what they've convinced you is fair, does not work. It works for the rich but not you and I. And nothing you promote will make things better for the masses. For you and I. You've just been convinced that it's poor people and immigrants that have ruined your life. Sorry Ray, it's the rich that have fucked you.

And you seem to know it when you point at Democrats. What you don't seem to admit or believe is that the GOP are the real rich ruling class and you're a fool for supporting them. That is all.

There is no "social contract" there never was. And what have the rich ever done to me? I know they give me work. I know they are responsible for building developments and downtowns. I know they give the most to charities. I know they're responsible for all the technology that makes everybody's life easier and more entertaining.

What have the poor done for our country other than to leah off of it? What poor person ever provided you a job, or perhaps a place to live? I know poor people destroy neighborhoods. I know they are responsible for most of the crime. I know they are responsible for sinking our country further into debt.
My brother just told me he makes over $1 million. Head of hr for a Fortune 500. The person he’s replacing is going to another company to make $2million. You are right there no longer is a social contract for American companies and workers. When unions had power they insisted if management got raises so did everyone else. There used to be a social contract Today the workers make less but the vps of America and the presidents are richer than ever. And it shows. The gap between the rich and poor has gotten wider and the middle class took a step back. This is what your way does. You don’t mind getting poorer so your boss can get richer but we do.

In my opinion unions shouldn't be in the business of running companies; telling them how much they must pay; what benefits to provide'; who they must promote; how to divide up profit and pay, that's what the company is for.

If unions want to run companies, let the unions start their own, but don't blackmail other companies into running things their way.

I agree with that. There should be a balance
Did anyone hear the hate that spewed from the mouths of Crooked Hillary and Indian Prince Liesalot at the filthy ass Teacher's Union hate rally this week? Why the teachers would invite those two Left Wing yoyos is beyond comprehension.

I guess unions, even teacher's union, are all communists at heart.

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