"I’m a veteran who was suicidal. It’s a good thing I didn’t have access to a gun."

A lot of things can be used to kill people. But guns don't fire themselves, somebody has to load it, point it, and pull the trigger. And let me tell you something else: if that veteran was really suicidal, he'd already be dead. You don't need a gun to off yourself, and I think you know that.
I was VERY suicidal for most of my life, Had it under control till Nov 1994 from then till April 2004 I was not under control and YES I owned Firearms. And yes I am a Veteran. My will power was greater then the desire to kill myself till we found the right meds to control the thoughts. Was it tough, ya sure was, there were days I could not get out of bed cause if I did I would have killed myself took all my will power to just lay there.
it requires a subscription and I'm not going to pay. However people have a right to choose whether they want to own a gun or not. A person may choose not to own a gun for many reasons and a person can also choose to own one for many reasons. The point is we all have a choice.
Clicky for it

So he's a member of a commie anti-2A orgasm. GOT IT! Like a typical commie he's just trying to play on emotions, not facts. Nuff said.

Even if I had a gun and was suicidal .i would never ever shoot myself
Maybe hang but I don’t like all the blood and splatter ..it creeps me out
There are lots of ways to off yourself without a gun. If he really wanted to do it...he would have found another way. I have 3 guns. Haven't used any one of them yet and probably won't. But I know where every large DEEP drop off is when driving my car. Can of gas. Light a cig on the way down. Boom.
Guns have very little to do with suicide...unless the person chooses to go out that way.
Ropes, knives and pills kill people if they are willing. Is it possible you are talking about a schizophrenic potential killer instead of a suicidal veteran?
Whether it's real or faked or just a political tool, PTSD is acknowledged to be a mental illness. If Veterans claim to be mentally impaired and have medical evidence to certify that they are so seriously afflicted with PTSD that they qualify for a disability pension, they should not be allowed to purchase a firearm. Common sense?
Whether it's real or faked or just a political tool, PTSD is acknowledged to be a mental illness. If Veterans claim to be mentally impaired and have medical evidence to certify that they are so seriously afflicted with PTSD that they qualify for a disability pension, they should not be allowed to purchase a firearm. Common sense?
No. Not every person with PTSD has problems associated with firearms or their ownership.
Whether it's real or faked or just a political tool, PTSD is acknowledged to be a mental illness. If Veterans claim to be mentally impaired and have medical evidence to certify that they are so seriously afflicted with PTSD that they qualify for a disability pension, they should not be allowed to purchase a firearm. Common sense?
No. Fascism.

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