I'm all conspiracied theoried out


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
I've grown tired, as the rest of the US has, concerning conspiracy theories.

This includes both parties. So until Dims can prove that Trump broke the law with his dealing with Russia or the GOP can prove that the Dims broke the law by wire tapping him and can successfully mount a legal challenge, I really don't give a damn anymore.

It's just monkeys in a cage slinging poo.
It's more like a soap opera than an organized government..

The US federal government is a failed entity. Congress has not had an approval rating over 20% in decades, yet the same people seem to never go away that polarize the country. If I have to see Nancy Pelosi or John McCan't on my TV one more time I may have to throw a brick through it.

Then every Presidential election you have half the country, liberal or conservative, pining for secession.

That is why states should rise up and reclaim the power originally given to them by the Constitution via the Article V movement. Liberal and Conservative states should have the right of self determination. The state of MA proved you don't need a federal government to enact health care.

Have you pissed off someone lately? Polonium 210 will make you tired. Have you been experiencing hair loss, blood in you toothpaste when you brush your teeth, or any other unusual symptoms?


I've grown tired, as the rest of the US has, concerning conspiracy theories.

This includes both parties. So until Dims can prove that Trump broke the law with his dealing with Russia or the GOP can prove that the Dims broke the law by wire tapping him and can successfully mount a legal challenge, I really don't give a damn anymore.

It's just monkeys in a cage slinging poo.
Welcome. I haven't given a shit since this all started. If & when proof surfaces I'll pay attention.
I've grown tired, as the rest of the US has, concerning conspiracy theories.

This includes both parties. So until Dims can prove that Trump broke the law with his dealing with Russia or the GOP can prove that the Dims broke the law by wire tapping him and can successfully mount a legal challenge, I really don't give a damn anymore.

It's just monkeys in a cage slinging poo.
But it is still important to find out if aliens had a role in the election.
I've grown tired, as the rest of the US has, concerning conspiracy theories.

This includes both parties. So until Dims can prove that Trump broke the law with his dealing with Russia or the GOP can prove that the Dims broke the law by wire tapping him and can successfully mount a legal challenge, I really don't give a damn anymore.

It's just monkeys in a cage slinging poo.
But it is still important to find out if aliens had a role in the election.
Are you referring to foreign powers or alien aliens? Are these depicted below considered to be foreign powers or just simply aliens?

But what if these conspiracy theories are true? What if a Secretary of State sold her influence for hundreds of millions of dollars and then laundered the money through a "nonprofit" corporation she had set up? What if FBI files containing personal/confidential information on political opponents were illegally sent to the White House? What if the IRS really did discriminate against conservative organizations? What if tax cheat Marc Rich was pardoned in exchange for a "contribution" of $100 million? What if the former Secretary of State deliberately violated national security protocols by conducting government business through a secret private server and then destroying its contents in violation of a subpoena? What if federal employees are illegally leaking confidential information to the press for the sole purpose of undermining a President's legal authority?

What if?
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I've grown tired, as the rest of the US has, concerning conspiracy theories.

This includes both parties. So until Dims can prove that Trump broke the law with his dealing with Russia or the GOP can prove that the Dims broke the law by wire tapping him and can successfully mount a legal challenge, I really don't give a damn anymore.

It's just monkeys in a cage slinging poo.
Then why did you elect the conspiracy theory candidate?

Is Education Tied To Conspiracy Theory Belief?
I've grown tired, as the rest of the US has, concerning conspiracy theories.

This includes both parties. So until Dims can prove that Trump broke the law with his dealing with Russia or the GOP can prove that the Dims broke the law by wire tapping him and can successfully mount a legal challenge, I really don't give a damn anymore.

It's just monkeys in a cage slinging poo.

I've grown tired, as the rest of the US has, concerning conspiracy theories.

This includes both parties. So until Dims can prove that Trump broke the law with his dealing with Russia or the GOP can prove that the Dims broke the law by wire tapping him and can successfully mount a legal challenge, I really don't give a damn anymore.

It's just monkeys in a cage slinging poo.
But it is still important to find out if aliens had a role in the election.
Are you referring to foreign powers or alien aliens? Are these depicted below considered to be foreign powers or just simply aliens?

View attachment 116230
The guy on the right is a Mexican immigrant. Got turned into dust. Alien aliens are a threat.

I've grown tired, as the rest of the US has, concerning conspiracy theories.

This includes both parties. So until Dims can prove that Trump broke the law with his dealing with Russia or the GOP can prove that the Dims broke the law by wire tapping him and can successfully mount a legal challenge, I really don't give a damn anymore.

It's just monkeys in a cage slinging poo.
Then why did you elect the conspiracy theory candidate?

Is Education Tied To Conspiracy Theory Belief?
Says the guy looking for Russians under his bed every night.
I've grown tired, as the rest of the US has, concerning conspiracy theories.

This includes both parties. So until Dims can prove that Trump broke the law with his dealing with Russia or the GOP can prove that the Dims broke the law by wire tapping him and can successfully mount a legal challenge, I really don't give a damn anymore.

It's just monkeys in a cage slinging poo.
That post was.
I've grown tired, as the rest of the US has, concerning conspiracy theories.

This includes both parties. So until Dims can prove that Trump broke the law with his dealing with Russia or the GOP can prove that the Dims broke the law by wire tapping him and can successfully mount a legal challenge, I really don't give a damn anymore.

It's just monkeys in a cage slinging poo.
That post was.
View attachment 116238

I'm all bumper stickered out.
I've grown tired, as the rest of the US has, concerning conspiracy theories.

This includes both parties. So until Dims can prove that Trump broke the law with his dealing with Russia or the GOP can prove that the Dims broke the law by wire tapping him and can successfully mount a legal challenge, I really don't give a damn anymore.

It's just monkeys in a cage slinging poo.
That post was.
View attachment 116238

I'm all bumper stickered out.
The media has reported so much shit and so many stories that turned out to be lies or fake or whatever that everything has become so convoluted that it makes the masses fatigued and eventually apathetic.

Apathy is the true sign that the death of a country is eminent.

I am with you. Of course as they say. Be careful what you wish for, you may get it.

The world has been trying sell this utopia since forever.

The question is, what is the answer? I think when historians (true historians and not ones who have political agendas) look back at our fall, they will see the assassination of JFK changed the nation's psyche from Nationalism to poisonous cynicism.

The true destruction of our world will connect the World Wide Web...

That cannot be a coincidence that it is called that, can it?
The media has reported so much shit and so many stories that turned out to be lies or fake or whatever that everything has become so convoluted that it makes the masses fatigued and eventually apathetic.

Apathy is the true sign that the death of a country is eminent.

I am with you. Of course as they say. Be careful what you wish for, you may get it.

The world has been trying sell this utopia since forever.

The question is, what is the answer? I think when historians (true historians and not ones who have political agendas) look back at our fall, they will see the assassination of JFK changed the nation's psyche from Nationalism to poisonous cynicism.

The true destruction of our world will connect the World Wide Web...

That cannot be a coincidence that it is called that, can it?

What is the answer? Jesus Christ, but then, they nailed him to a cross so...........
The media has reported so much shit and so many stories that turned out to be lies or fake or whatever that everything has become so convoluted that it makes the masses fatigued and eventually apathetic.

Apathy is the true sign that the death of a country is eminent.

I am with you. Of course as they say. Be careful what you wish for, you may get it.

The world has been trying sell this utopia since forever.

The question is, what is the answer? I think when historians (true historians and not ones who have political agendas) look back at our fall, they will see the assassination of JFK changed the nation's psyche from Nationalism to poisonous cynicism.

The true destruction of our world will connect the World Wide Web...

That cannot be a coincidence that it is called that, can it?

What is the answer? Jesus Christ, but then, they nailed him to a cross so...........
True, if He was not, then there would be no hope.

Tribulations around the corner.

Then again, I very very seriously doubt I will be among the chosen. I mean really. No way. I blew it big time.
I think when historians (true historians and not ones who have political agendas) look back at our fall, they will see the assassination of JFK changed the nation's psyche from Nationalism to poisonous cynicism.

The Founders of our Constitution wrestled with the inherent dangers of mobocracy and, instead, fashioned a "filtered" (local/state/federal) form of government to tamp down the hysteria of the moment. Unfortunately, we have just about dismantled this brilliant idea by filling the heads of the populace with fairy tales like Camelot.

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