I'm Amelia. I'm 35years old and I live in one of the US state. I will not be VOTING for BIDEN 🙅‍♀️❌

I'm OK with making peace in Ukraine and ending the WEF Hegemony


You're hurting your cause with this shit.

The only reason it's allowed to stay in here is because it's Anti-Trump.

BTW, how many Ukes died from Russian aggression while Trump was in Office vs how many since Sponge Brains Shits Pants told Russia a "Minor Incursion" into Ukraine would be okie-dokie with him?

Get your head on straight
You're hurting your cause with this shit.

The only reason it's allowed to stay in here is because it's Anti-Trump.

BTW, how many Ukes died from Russian aggression while Trump was in Office vs how many since Sponge Brains Shits Pants told Russia a "Minor Incursion" into Ukraine would be okie-dokie with him?

Get your head on straight
The far-left RADICALS are two sides of the same coin.

As if the Ukrainians don’t use bots and fake news stories to promote their bullshit war.

The Ghost of Kiev? LOL.

Litwin is so desperate to get Americans to fight in a war he is too much of pussy to fight in himself.

Nope. We aren’t falling for it. Not going to fight for some border that the Bolsheviks drew on a map. Half a million Ukrainian men fled the country when the Russians stepped in. If they aren’t willing to defend their own borders, why should we?

The war could end in a day, if peace negotiations were allowed to happen. Draw up new borders that separates Ukrainian speaking people from ethnic Russians in the east. The borders that should had been redrawn in the 1990’s instead of using Bolshevik USSR’s borders.
Sorry My Dude, but Conservatives in the US, Europe and Australia are just way hotter than liberals.

It's a scientific fact.

Believe the science.

Republicans' country of choice, Russia is up to their anti-America tricks again.
Yeah, Twitter has become a have of disinformation. I do like the very real possibility that the INCELs who have struck out 100% domestically will be catfished by Russian intel now.
Republicans will dutifully repost, broadcast and spread their propaganda.

Russia is COUNTING on it
Republicans' country of choice, Russia is up to their anti-America tricks again.
What Conservatives object to is; The only solution dimocrap scum ever seem to have for foreign relations seems to be War.

WW1, WW2, Korea, Viet Nam followed by RINOs like Bush I and Bush II in the Mideast. Trump hates War. So do I. I fought in one and I know how nasty they are. Nothing like what you see on TV. I think it's the music. We didn't have any background music when the fighting was going on. No Wagner, no Jim Morrison. Nothing. Just screaming and yelling in the dust, dirt, mud, explosions, the roar of small arms and smoke. And the smells. You don't get the smells on your TV.

Even our Civil War was the fault of dimocrap scum. They were the slavers, they were the party in power in the South that started it. Funny how that happens, huh? But I guess it's okay, I'm sure you're happy with your 30 pieces of silver.

I had direct family that died trying to free your people. You're welcome. Truth is, we didn't do it for you so much as we did it because slavery is an abomination. Great job you've done with your freedom. Siding now with the political party that enslaved you? How ironic

Sad that you're always so wrong about so much, so often.
I work for the WEF and I sold out my country for blood money

You're working with Russia, China and Iran in promoting propaganda and lies about American government. The nations which want to see the USA destroyed are parroting Republicans lies and propaganda about democracy, stolen elections.

TikTok, which is banned in China, is being controlled by the Chinese government and is being used to promote anti-gay, anti-trans, anti-semitic, and racist videos which undermine the US government, the education system, faith in elections, and minority rights.

Elon Musk blocked the Ukrainians from attacking Russian vessels blockading grain shipments, so we know that Musk is definitely opposing democracy here. Although Tesla is a US defence contractor, Musk has just concluded a deal with the Chinese government to manufacture EV's in China.

While fools like you applaud Musk's takeover of Twitter, Musk has now degraded Twitter's value, and invited the racists, sexists, and foreign propaganda and lies back onto the platform, rendering it worthless as a source of factual information.

Destroying the free press and internal communications media is the first thing authoritarians do to keep the public from learning the truth.

The second thing they do is to destroy the public's faith in elections so when they "steal" the election, people will believe they won when they didn't.

The billionaire media owners are all in favour of dictatorship, because they're make MORE money when the President doesn't have to go to Congress to get permission to do business with him. And they don't have to pay taxes.

Who stand to benefit most from a Trump Presidency. Trump and the oligarchs - just like last time.

Economic crashes which impoverish working and middle class Americans, while enriching the wealthiest 1%, are now a feature of Republican Presidencies, not a bug.

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