"I'm being deployed to where ?"

That and at this point Haiti does not qualify as a nation.....Small wonder the DR is walling themselves off from that gang-ran shithole.

Yes it isn't a real nation, but to let it collpase further will just add them to the waves of other refugees coming across the borders. I would rather as many of them stayed there as possible, it would be cheaper in the long run.

You quoted my post, and were apparently saying there was cholera in Atropia.

I think more people in the military are more concerned with the endless deployments to Atropia than what is going on in Haiti.

As far as people starving corruption, and gangs all over, one does not need to go to Haiti to see that. They just have to go to California.
Now that Israel refused to condemn the genocides of other peoples, we can add them to the ignore list; they can snivel to their New BFF's the Sunnis now.

Hmmm ... how many US soldiers have ever deployed to Israel to defend Israelis?

Oh yeah! Zero.

In fact, in the years between 1948 and 1967, when Israel was at greatest risk of destruction from surrounding Arab armies, the US had a strict arms embargo against Israel, but continued to sell weapons to Israel's neighbors.
Hmmm ... how many US soldiers have ever deployed to Israel to defend Israelis?
We have joint military exercises with Israel all the time. And we provide a great deal of arms to Israel.

We also provide military intelligence.
Never heard of it

Not surprised. Most people never heard of a lot of the places I have deployed to over the years.

Hmmm ... how many US soldiers have ever deployed to Israel to defend Israelis?

Oh yeah! Zero.

Actually, several thousand in 1990-1991.

Of course, that was the only time that Israel actually asked for direct US assistance.

We might have helped in earlier conflicts, if both:

1. Israel had actually asked for help.
2. The wars were not over so damned fast that no help would have gotten there before they were over.
In fact, in the years between 1948 and 1967, when Israel was at greatest risk of destruction from surrounding Arab armies, the US had a strict arms embargo against Israel, but continued to sell weapons to Israel's neighbors.

Actually, the US placed an embargo on all nations in the area. That is why almost all of the advanced weapons in the many Arab-Israel conflicts came from France and the USSR. The only nation that the US would sell weapons to openly in the entire region was Iran. Which remained completely out of the many wars with Israel.

And the embargo ended long before 1967. The US started to export the HAWK air defense system openly to Israel in 1962 (under the fiction that it would be used to defend the "Government Centers" where the US and other nations had their diplomatic stations). And the US government had been ignoring it's own laws by exporting weapons to Israel for since 1960, by going through West Germany. In 1960 the US agreed to sell over $80 million in weapons to Israel, but all shipments were sold to West Germany, which then sold them to Israel. And even earlier, the US was using France as the middleman. That is how

By 1967 the US just decided to throw out the old Truman Doctrine, and started to openly sell arms to Israel. But they had started doing that years earlier through France. That is how Israel got the M-50 Super Sherman after all. M4 Sherman tanks that had all of the gunnery upgrades the US had developed, with the newest Cummings or Continental diesel engines, and a new French gun. Kinda hard to imagine the US "losing" over 300 of those, only to have them show up in Israel a year or two later.

Hell, Israel had over 500 M48 Patton tanks by 1965. Where in the hell do you think they got them? It's not like the US was going to lose over 500 of their current tanks.
You seem to be confusing Saudi Arabia and Kuwait with Israel.

It's easy to tell them apart. Israelis are much better looking.

No, I am not.

Since the 1980s, United States has been a critical partner for Israel in missile defense technology research and financial assistance. During the Gulf War, the United States deployed two Patriot missile defense batteries to Israel to counter Saddam Hussein’s strategy of using ballistic missile attacks to draw Israel into the conflict and fracture the American coalition.

I know this, because I have served with people that were in Israel. You can't put PATRIOT in Saudi Arabia or anywhere else to protect Israel because they are short range and can really only be operated close to the area of expected impact. Missile batteries in SA could only have waved as the missiles flew overhead if they were targeting Israel.

Oh, and we had no PATRIOT batteries at all in Kuwait in 1990-1991. In case you did not know it, that was in enemy hands at the time.
Hmmm ... how many US soldiers have ever deployed to Israel to defend Israelis?

Oh yeah! Zero.

In fact, in the years between 1948 and 1967, when Israel was at greatest risk of destruction from surrounding Arab armies, the US had a strict arms embargo against Israel, but continued to sell weapons to Israel's neighbors.

So you won't miss us then and we don't need to worry about your problems. Your Orthodox racists can make Scary Faces and wag fingers at everybody.
Not surprised. Most people never heard of a lot of the places I have deployed to over the years.

I'm in the Real Illuminati and I pretend to be a wealthy tyrant.
Over a third of the population lacks access to clean water and two-thirds have limited or no sanitation service. More than a third of Haitians—4.4 million—live with food insecurity, international agencies report, and 217,000 children suffer moderate to severe malnutrition.

But miraculously they've all been vaccinated against covid-19.
The irony of being --in a tropical rain forest where fruits and vegetables practically grow wild on an island surrounded by an abundance of fresh seafood --and not having enough food or water.

Yet another completely fabricated report from a criminal that fled the country just ahead of a fraud indictment and has been living overseas for the last 3 years.

You should really stop posting garbage from conspiracy creators that can not return to their home country because they got caught doing multi-million dollar Ponzi schemes.

Oh, and there are no US forces in Haiti.

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