I'm curious: are repubs dumb enough to think Iran would roll over and do whatever the West wants?

What would the US have done if/when Iran said 'No, go fuck yourself'?

Told its partners not to make a deal? Yeah, right.

Cause Iran knows it's dealing with a bunch of retards who draw invisible red lines for the enemy, and then don't follow through. These clowns from the Obama administration were just about the worst people the U.S. Could have had representing us on the negotiating table.

we can make it relevant to any deal. arent you saying obama was able to convince them to the table?

so are you saying they will walk away if asked to free some hostages?
that doesnt even make sense clown.

UNLESS by "irrelevant" you mean our President just doesnt give a shit. that makes more sense
I'm saying the US' negotiating partners would have walked away in disgust and made their own deal excluding the US. Get a grip.

Yeah so? They'll come back crawling on their knees in six months after the sanctions have demolished their economy. A country with large population of unemployed youth will have no choice but to agree to terms the West dictates, otherwise their angry youth will take to the streets. Like I said, Obama gave up all the leverage we had in exchange for absolutely nothing.
If someone else were in charge of the deal? You know the one sponsored by 7 countries? They like to think Obama is weak which is why concessions were made, but it's completely stupid to think Iran, under any circumstance, would do whatever the fuck repubs want. It's so nauseatingly ignorant.

Enough with the whole "well if St. Reagan was in charge of that deal derp, derp, derp!"

This deal is better than no deal. Get over it.
How do you know that? Have you seen the deal?
Yeah so? They'll come back crawling on their knees in six months after the sanctions have demolished their economy. A country with large population of unemployed youth will have no choice but to agree to terms the West dictates, otherwise their angry youth will take to the streets. Like I said, Obama gave up all the leverage we had in exchange for absolutely nothing.
You think sanctions are leverage? The US started sanctioning Iran in '79. To what advantage? To listen to the hawks prior to this agreement, Iran was any day from having a bomb.
Yeah so? They'll come back crawling on their knees in six months after the sanctions have demolished their economy. A country with large population of unemployed youth will have no choice but to agree to terms the West dictates, otherwise their angry youth will take to the streets. Like I said, Obama gave up all the leverage we had in exchange for absolutely nothing.
You think sanctions are leverage? The US started sanctioning Iran in '79. To what advantage? To listen to the hawks prior to this agreement, Iran was any day from having a bomb.

There were no real sanctions on Iran until 2011 / 2012, when the U.S., Europeans, and the major imposed an unprecedented bank / wire / trade / oil embargo. You should know that.

Why the hell do you think the Iranians came to the table? Their economy was in free fall, the currency had devalued by 50%, inflation and unemployment were out of control, and public dissatisfaction was very high. The sanctions needed to be lifted soon otherwise Iran would turn into a failed state. The sanctions were driving the mullahs out of power and Obama lifted it. Good job.
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Yeah so? They'll come back crawling on their knees in six months after the sanctions have demolished their economy. A country with large population of unemployed youth will have no choice but to agree to terms the West dictates, otherwise their angry youth will take to the streets. Like I said, Obama gave up all the leverage we had in exchange for absolutely nothing.
You think sanctions are leverage? The US started sanctioning Iran in '79. To what advantage? To listen to the hawks prior to this agreement, Iran was any day from having a bomb.

There were no real sanctions on Iran until 2011 / 2012, when the U.S., Europeans, and the major imposed an unprecedented bank / wire / trade / oil embargo. You should know that.

Why the hell do you think the Iranians came to the table? Their economy was in free fall, the currency had devalued by 50%, inflation and unemployment were out of control, and public dissatisfaction was very high. The sanctions needed to be lifted soon otherwise Iran would turn into a failed state. The sanctions were driving the mullahs out of power and Obama lifted it. Good job.
So your reasoning is that despite sanctions dating back to '79 it wasn't until 2011/12 that sanctions were ratcheted up enough to persuade Iran to the negotiating table? You have to understand that your reasoning falls flat when one takes into consideration the actual timeline of events. Iran started making proposals in 2003 and started negotiations with the EU3 in 04/05. The US entered the negotiations in 06. I fail to see the relevance of 2011/12. I understand that sanctions were having an effect on Iran's economy but....failed state?
If someone else were in charge of the deal? You know the one sponsored by 7 countries? They like to think Obama is weak which is why concessions were made, but it's completely stupid to think Iran, under any circumstance, would do whatever the fuck repubs want. It's so nauseatingly ignorant.

Enough with the whole "well if St. Reagan was in charge of that deal derp, derp, derp!"

This deal is better than no deal. Get over it.

The deal isn't a deal. It was a huge favor for Iran. Obama just helped Iran get access to billions of dollars that they will use to speed up their nuclear program. Nothing else was accomplished.
How is it irrelevant?
US hostages have nothing to do with a nuclear treaty involving five other parties on one side.

God I hate liberals

We don't give a fuck about those four other countries

over a hostage(s)???


how do you know this????
Because they started the negotiations in the first place and the US jumped in so it wouldn't be isolated.

No, Obozo ran to Iran when he got stomped on by Putin over Syria and you are so damn delusional it will stabilize the ME when Iran funded terrorist over took Yemen, they will continue.
Yeah so? They'll come back crawling on their knees in six months after the sanctions have demolished their economy. A country with large population of unemployed youth will have no choice but to agree to terms the West dictates, otherwise their angry youth will take to the streets. Like I said, Obama gave up all the leverage we had in exchange for absolutely nothing.
You think sanctions are leverage? The US started sanctioning Iran in '79. To what advantage? To listen to the hawks prior to this agreement, Iran was any day from having a bomb.

There were no real sanctions on Iran until 2011 / 2012, when the U.S., Europeans, and the major imposed an unprecedented bank / wire / trade / oil embargo. You should know that.

Why the hell do you think the Iranians came to the table? Their economy was in free fall, the currency had devalued by 50%, inflation and unemployment were out of control, and public dissatisfaction was very high. The sanctions needed to be lifted soon otherwise Iran would turn into a failed state. The sanctions were driving the mullahs out of power and Obama lifted it. Good job.
So your reasoning is that despite sanctions dating back to '79 it wasn't until 2011/12 that sanctions were ratcheted up enough to persuade Iran to the negotiating table? You have to understand that your reasoning falls flat when one takes into consideration the actual timeline of events. Iran started making proposals in 2003 and started negotiations with the EU3 in 04/05. The US entered the negotiations in 06. I fail to see the relevance of 2011/12. I understand that sanctions were having an effect on Iran's economy but....failed state?

You don't know what you're talking about. The 79 sanctions had nothing to with Iran's nuclear program. It wasn't until 2011 when, because of the nuclear situation, they froze all financial bank wire / swift transactions and trade whatsoever, which caused the Iranian economy to go Into into a downward spiral. The Iranian Rial fell from 1000 Tomans per dollar to 2000 Tomans per dollar (in 1979 the Dollar was 7 Tomans, one Toman = one hundred Rials). That meant that nobody could get any money in or out of Iran, period. Nor could any business import or export anything. It is because of the harsh sanctions that the Mullahs allowed a moderate (puppet) to run and loosened up on the Islamic decency laws in order for the frustrated youth to let off some frustration and steam.

The Iranians wanted a deal more than the West, but Obama gave all that pressure and leverage up for what? Absolutely nothing. We don't have a deal, what we have is capitulation and appeasement.
The Iranians wanted a deal more than the West, but Obama gave all that pressure and leverage up for what? Absolutely nothing. We don't have a deal, what we have is capitulation and appeasement.
You appear to conflate the US with the west. But what's your beef with Iran having nuclear weapons when you don't appear to care that the US facilitated Pakistan's nuclear programme?
The Iranians wanted a deal more than the West, but Obama gave all that pressure and leverage up for what? Absolutely nothing. We don't have a deal, what we have is capitulation and appeasement.
What's your beef with Iran having nuclear weapons when you don't appear to care that the US facilitated Pakistan's nuclear programme?

Know your history, It was not the US it was Sudia arabia
CNM you are pretty bad on knowing what's happening in the world...

Saudi Arabia financed the paki nuclear program not America.
The Iranians wanted a deal more than the West, but Obama gave all that pressure and leverage up for what? Absolutely nothing. We don't have a deal, what we have is capitulation and appeasement.

What we have is more cheap oil, persian rugs, hundreds of $billions in lucrative contracts, an Iran focussed on business instead of nukes and a major ally against psychotic, beheading jihadis.

What Netanyahoo and his zionist buddies have is a major competitor in the region free of sanctions and no more excuse to bomb, bomb, bomb Iran.

Sounds like a good deal

The Iranians wanted a deal more than the West, but Obama gave all that pressure and leverage up for what? Absolutely nothing. We don't have a deal, what we have is capitulation and appeasement.

What we have is more cheap oil, persian rugs, hundreds of $billions in lucrative contracts, an Iran focussed on business instead of nukes and a major ally against psychotic, beheading jihadis.

What Netanyahoo and his zionist buddies have is a major competitor in the region free of sanctions and no more excuse to bomb, bomb, bomb Iran.

Sounds like a good deal


Sounds to me like full retardville

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