I'm curious: are repubs dumb enough to think Iran would roll over and do whatever the West wants?

They think Trump will scare them into doing what he demands........:badgrin:
Why would Trump fail when Reagan got them to fold on inauguration day?

Because Regan went against Congress and an Amendment he signed himself and disregarded the Constitution you all claim to love so much. So, what is Trump going to do for Iran?

Oh, and the last statement bolded in red....you all have the audacity to be whining about Hillary's e-mails......:eek:

The Iran–Contra affair (Persian: ایران-کنترا‎, Spanish: caso Irán-Contra), also referred to as Irangate,[1] Contragate[2] or the Iran–Contra scandal, was a political scandal in the United States that occurred during the second term of the Reagan Administration. Senior administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran, which was the subject of an arms embargo.[3] They hoped thereby to secure the release of several US hostages, and to fund the Contras in Nicaragua. Under the Boland Amendment, further funding of the Contras by the government had been prohibited by Congress.

The investigation was impeded when large volumes of documents relating to the scandal were destroyed or withheld from investigators by Reagan administration officials.

And, as usual, Republicans continue to against the will of the people of the United States.

Although the President continued to favor support of the contras, opinion polls indicated that a majority of the public was not supportive.
Iran Contra Committee Key Findings
What Amendment did Reagan violate? How did he go against Congress on inauguration day. Are you drunk so early in the day?

Do you have trouble reading? I posted the Wiki explanation for you. Reagan was wheeling and dealing before election day, and negotiating with terrorists....something the GOP accuses Obama of doing when clearly he's not, but hypocritical because Reagan did negotiate with terrorists and the GOP looked the other way.

Here it is again....have someone explain it to you.

Senior administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran, which was the subject of an arms embargo.[3] They hoped thereby to secure the release of several US hostages, and to fund the Contras in Nicaragua. Under the Boland Amendment, further funding of the Contras by the government had been prohibited by Congress.

Show me the time line.
Q. Was the Iran-Contra operation conceived for personal or political gain?

A. No, it was an attempt to free American hostages and keep the Contras alive after the Democrats cut them off at the knees, just like they did to South Viet Nam.
It's totally irrelevant to ask a country that's going to get $150 billion and lifting of sanctions which will bring further of hundreds of billions to their economy to release hostage which are being held for no reason whatsoever? You are a moron.
The money is their own. The hostages are irrelevant to the deal and to the interests of the other parties on one side of the deal. That you would think to employ hostages as some sort of deal breaker shows the fantasy world you live in.
It's totally irrelevant to ask a country that's going to get $150 billion and lifting of sanctions which will bring further of hundreds of billions to their economy to release hostage which are being held for no reason whatsoever? You are a moron.
The money is their own. The hostages are irrelevant to the deal and to the interests of the other parties on one side of the deal. That you would think to employ hostages as some sort of deal breaker shows the fantasy world you live in.

and there you have it; the cold-hearted "facts" of left-wingnuts hell bent on ANY kind of deal just so obama can pretend to have a legacy of success

we can make it relevant to any deal. arent you saying obama was able to convince them to the table?

so are you saying they will walk away if asked to free some hostages?
that doesnt even make sense clown.

UNLESS by "irrelevant" you mean our President just doesnt give a shit. that makes more sense
and there you have it; the cold-hearted "facts" of left-wingnuts hell bent on ANY kind of deal just so obama can pretend to have a legacy of success
You really are ignorant. I don't give a fuck about Obama's legacy of success. I want the ME normalised so that some stability can take root there after the US's giant clusterfucks of the last few decades. Stopping the phony war with Iran is a positive step.
and there you have it; the cold-hearted "facts" of left-wingnuts hell bent on ANY kind of deal just so obama can pretend to have a legacy of success
You really are ignorant. I don't give a fuck about Obama's legacy of success. I want the ME normalised so that some stability can take root there after the US's giant clusterfucks of the last few decades. Stopping the phony war with Iran is a positive step.

you are delusional

and an angry loser. go cry

we can make it relevant to any deal. arent you saying obama was able to convince them to the table?

so are you saying they will walk away if asked to free some hostages?
that doesnt even make sense clown.

UNLESS by "irrelevant" you mean our President just doesnt give a shit. that makes more sense
I'm saying the US' negotiating partners would have walked away in disgust and made their own deal excluding the US. Get a grip.
seriously what kind if moron thinks this deal will "normalize" anything?
did Iran agree to stop exporting terrorism in exchange for their money?

we can make it relevant to any deal. arent you saying obama was able to convince them to the table?

so are you saying they will walk away if asked to free some hostages?
that doesnt even make sense clown.

UNLESS by "irrelevant" you mean our President just doesnt give a shit. that makes more sense
I'm saying the US' negotiating partners would have walked away in disgust and made their own deal excluding the US. Get a grip.

over a hostage(s)???


how do you know this????
If you think the US hasn't brought off major clusterfucks in the region you are deluding yourself.
What would the US have done if/when Iran said 'No, go fuck yourself'?

Told its partners not to make a deal? Yeah, right.

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