I'm Curious: Can Someone Explain Why 70% of Whites Vote Republican?

Whites wrote the Constitution, and whites want to preserve it, as do some others. Blacks, browns, and yellows came later. Also, blacks and browns tend to want Santa Claus, so they vote Dimocrat.
Because the Democratic party does not represent them.

Well said. The Democratic party nowadays are such pandering sell outs, they don't represent anything. Why bring up race here? isn't that..."racist"? Only white people understand, we have a secret handshake and everything. Yeah. I find the original post offensive.
Statistics are the last bastion of the anal retentive. I am sure I could find stats to prove any point. Truth isn't beholden to anyone. 90 percent of 50 percent of ALL Americans knew that already. It's a fact. I have statistics and web sites to back it up!
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I find this thread offensive in the extreme. Can someone explain to me why anyone voted for OBAMA except for white guilt and pandering? It's in the eye of the beholder, isn't it? McCain may not have been the best selection, but OBAMA? Something isn't adding up here. Something isn't adding up here.
I find this thread offensive in the extreme. Can someone explain to me why anyone voted for OBAMA except for white guilt and pandering? It's in the eye of the beholder, isn't it? McCain may not have been the best selection, but OBAMA? Something isn't adding up here. Something isn't adding up here.

you need to turn on your sarcasm meter
When the War on Poverty declared in 1964 and the civil rights laws passed in 1964, 1965, and 1968 were followed by five years of black ghetto rioting from 1964 to 1968 the Republican Party became the party of the white majority.

White voters noticed that the black ghetto riots ended abruptly with the presidency of Richard Nixon. They rewarded him with a landslide victory in 1972.

Ronald Reagan made appeals to anti black sentiment that were polite enough to be accepted by country club Republicans and yet candid enough to be understood in white working class bars. Everybody knew that the welfare queen of Chicago and "strapping young bucks buying t bone steak with food stamps" were black, even though they never existed.
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They don't want free shit!

Democratic economic policies are in the interests of lower income whites. They would benefit from a single payer health plan modeled after that of Canada. They do not benefit from tax cuts for the rich.

They will not benefit from entitlement reform. When Republicans talk about "entitlement reform" they mean reducing benefits for Social Security and Medicare. When lower income whites retire they Social Security and Medicare are all they have.
Perhaps rdean can shed some light...:eusa_whistle:

How Race Shaped American Party Politics
It's a given that the GOP attracts more whites and the Democrats attract more blacks, but it wasn't always so.
By: Paul Delaney | Posted: December 31, 2011 at 12:

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President Lyndon B. Johnson was on target when he said in 1965 that with the passage of the Voting Rights Act, the Democrats had lost Southern white voters for a generation. He was off a bit and too optimistic. The loss has lasted longer than a generation, and the reason for it goes deep into our nation's history.

Since the 1860s, many whites in the Southern states have harbored a special, deep dislike for any of their brethren, anywhere on the continent, who took up the cause of former slaves. Think of the reactions to Abraham Lincoln, John Brown, Ulysses S. Grant, Viola Liuzzo, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner.

The civil rights movement jump-started a change in American politics that led to today's alignment of blacks voting heavily for Democrats and many whites supporting Republicans. It used to be the reverse -- after all, the GOP was the party of Lincoln, who signed the proclamation that freed African Americans from slavery. It was also the party of the black politicians of the post-Civil War Reconstruction era.

What happened? The switch in party loyalties, which happened in two stages, was based purely on racism.**

At a conference I covered in Louisville, Ky., on school integration in 1976, a Southern white attorney who was an unwavering supporter of desegregation stunned the audience by declaring flatly that the problem they were having integrating the schools was simply, "White folks don't like *******."*

I accepted that observation from such an expert, since it complemented the above-mentioned statement by Johnson about the Democrats losing Southern white voters. It's a dynamic you can trace back to slavery, the Civil War, Reconstruction and the interminable, unceasing fight against civil rights and whatever was proposed to assist blacks from their consignment to the basement of the American economic, social and political structure.****

Eroding Rights

When Abraham Lincoln's Republicans gave ex-slaves access to the ballot, Southerners' war against those rights was on. Bit by bit, during the Reconstruction period and throughout the 19th century, they chipped away at blacks' newly gained rights.

Entire article in the following link:
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