I'm curious. Why do Republicans think they are better than the rest of the world?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
This is something I just don't understand.

GOP stronghold Appalachia is a cess pool.

Republicans don't invent.

They don't build.

The don't create.

They aren't good at science.

They are hated by everyone but Nazi's

So where do they get this inflated idea that they are better than everyone else in the world?

You would think their states would be the wealthiest with their inflated ego. But they aren't. So what is it?
This is something I just don't understand.

GOP stronghold Appalachia is a cess pool.

Republicans don't invent.

They don't build.

The don't create.

They aren't good at science.

They are hated by everyone but Nazi's

So where do they get this inflated idea that they are better than everyone else in the world?

You would think their states would be the wealthiest with their inflated ego. But they aren't. So what is it?

That's a progressive trait. Not a repub, or liberal Democrat trait, just progressives. And they are almost always wrong.
This is something I just don't understand.

GOP stronghold Appalachia is a cess pool.

Republicans don't invent.

They don't build.

The don't create.

They aren't good at science.

They are hated by everyone but Nazi's

So where do they get this inflated idea that they are better than everyone else in the world?

You would think their states would be the wealthiest with their inflated ego. But they aren't. So what is it?

But the red states are not fiscally unstable like the blue states are they?
This is something I just don't understand.

GOP stronghold Appalachia is a cess pool.

Republicans don't invent.

They don't build.

The don't create.

They aren't good at science.

They are hated by everyone but Nazi's

So where do they get this inflated idea that they are better than everyone else in the world?

You would think their states would be the wealthiest with their inflated ego. But they aren't. So what is it?

They are the ignorants of the population. Ignorant people generally don't know they are ignorant. They don't know what they don't know so it doesn't exist. Conservative media knows this so they play to this ignorance. 'We report, you decide' is meant to allow viewers to believe their opinion is above anything else. That fact isn't important, their opinions are more important than fact, and when you are ignorant you believe a long list of insane shit. Conservative media nurtures this to in fact keep these people stupid and a herd of voters that they can keep penned up and goosed to vote for whatever their masters want them to vote for.
This is something I just don't understand.

GOP stronghold Appalachia is a cess pool.

Republicans don't invent.

They don't build.

The don't create.

They aren't good at science.

They are hated by everyone but Nazi's

So where do they get this inflated idea that they are better than everyone else in the world?

You would think their states would be the wealthiest with their inflated ego. But they aren't. So what is it?

They are the ignorants of the population. Ignorant people generally don't know they are ignorant. They don't know what they don't know so it doesn't exist. Conservative media knows this so they play to this ignorance. 'We report, you decide' is meant to allow viewers to believe their opinion is above anything else. That fact isn't important, their opinions are more important than fact, and when you are ignorant you believe a long list of insane shit. Conservative media nurtures this to in fact keep these people stupid and a herd of voters that they can keep penned up and goosed to vote for whatever their masters want them to vote for.

Yet Republicans voted in 2016 and ignorant uninformed Democrats did not..

So who is the stupid ones?
Republicans don't expect a check for nothuing each month. They stand by the values we've had in the past when America was great and people worked for a wage and a home.
As an American I feel I am better than the rest of the world because we are exceptional in so many ways but it's got nothing to do with being a conservative. Being tuned in to what's going on elsewhere and fortunate enough to have visited many countries of the world is all it takes to know there's us and there's them, and for lots of what makes us exceptional millions of them wanna come here. Not vice versa.

And I'd wager there are lots of fine Democrats who feel likewise.
This is something I just don't understand.

GOP stronghold Appalachia is a cess pool.

Republicans don't invent.

They don't build.

The don't create.

They aren't good at science.

They are hated by everyone but Nazi's

So where do they get this inflated idea that they are better than everyone else in the world?

You would think their states would be the wealthiest with their inflated ego. But they aren't. So what is it?
^Clinically insane.
This is something I just don't understand.

GOP stronghold Appalachia is a cess pool.

Republicans don't invent.

They don't build.

The don't create.

They aren't good at science.

They are hated by everyone but Nazi's

So where do they get this inflated idea that they are better than everyone else in the world?

You would think their states would be the wealthiest with their inflated ego. But they aren't. So what is it?

Logical fail is fail.

This is something I just don't understand.

GOP stronghold Appalachia is a cess pool.

Republicans don't invent.

They don't build.

The don't create.

They aren't good at science.

They are hated by everyone but Nazi's

So where do they get this inflated idea that they are better than everyone else in the world?

You would think their states would be the wealthiest with their inflated ego. But they aren't. So what is it?

They are the ignorants of the population. Ignorant people generally don't know they are ignorant. They don't know what they don't know so it doesn't exist. Conservative media knows this so they play to this ignorance. 'We report, you decide' is meant to allow viewers to believe their opinion is above anything else. That fact isn't important, their opinions are more important than fact, and when you are ignorant you believe a long list of insane shit. Conservative media nurtures this to in fact keep these people stupid and a herd of voters that they can keep penned up and goosed to vote for whatever their masters want them to vote for.

Lol. Being "woke" is not the same as being knowledgeable.

Having progressive lemmings call anyone ignorant is the height of hypocrisy.
This is something I just don't understand.

GOP stronghold Appalachia is a cess pool.

Republicans don't invent.

They don't build.

The don't create.

They aren't good at science.

They are hated by everyone but Nazi's

So where do they get this inflated idea that they are better than everyone else in the world?

You would think their states would be the wealthiest with their inflated ego. But they aren't. So what is it?

So liberals are the only ones who "create"? That's your new narrative, R-Derp?

Hate to point this out, little buddy...but the better the economy gets under Trump...the stupider you look with your daily rants about "evil Republicans!"

The Private Sector is what has always invented, created and built in this country. People chasing the American dream of building their own business, creating their own product...that's what has made America the country that others wanted to live in. The problem that you liberals have always had is that deep down...you think anyone making a profit is somehow gouging "the people"...and that government should step in and either take over that business or tax it until there is no profit!
This is something I just don't understand.

GOP stronghold Appalachia is a cess pool.

Republicans don't invent.

They don't build.

The don't create.

They aren't good at science.

They are hated by everyone but Nazi's

So where do they get this inflated idea that they are better than everyone else in the world?

You would think their states would be the wealthiest with their inflated ego. But they aren't. So what is it?

But the red states are not fiscally unstable like the blue states are they?
They are way worse.
Stop raping blue states to prop up red state economies.
This is something I just don't understand.

GOP stronghold Appalachia is a cess pool.

Republicans don't invent.

They don't build.

The don't create.

They aren't good at science.

They are hated by everyone but Nazi's

So where do they get this inflated idea that they are better than everyone else in the world?

You would think their states would be the wealthiest with their inflated ego. But they aren't. So what is it?

But the red states are not fiscally unstable like the blue states are they?
They are way worse.
Stop raping blue states to prop up red state economies.

We got the majority of blacks , either pay for their welfare or we will shipping them to you .
This is something I just don't understand.

GOP stronghold Appalachia is a cess pool.

Republicans don't invent.

They don't build.

The don't create.

They aren't good at science.

They are hated by everyone but Nazi's

So where do they get this inflated idea that they are better than everyone else in the world?

You would think their states would be the wealthiest with their inflated ego. But they aren't. So what is it?

So liberals are the only ones who "create"? That's your new narrative, R-Derp?

Hate to point this out, little buddy...but the better the economy gets under Trump...the stupider you look with your daily rants about "evil Republicans!"

The Private Sector is what has always invented, created and built in this country. People chasing the American dream of building their own business, creating their own product...that's what has made America the country that others wanted to live in. The problem that you liberals have always had is that deep down...you think anyone making a profit is somehow gouging "the people"...and that government should step in and either take over that business or tax it until there is no profit!
Hilarious. And where are these new businesses being created. Do I need to go look that up again? And what percentage of these startups are by immigrants? Do I really need to go look that up again too.
The reason you guys are so angry with me is because I have proven again and again my assertions unlike you guys.
Look at the right wing posts here in this thread. There’s no facts there. Just blanket denial.
This is something I just don't understand.

GOP stronghold Appalachia is a cess pool.

Republicans don't invent.

They don't build.

The don't create.

They aren't good at science.

They are hated by everyone but Nazi's

So where do they get this inflated idea that they are better than everyone else in the world?

You would think their states would be the wealthiest with their inflated ego. But they aren't. So what is it?

But the red states are not fiscally unstable like the blue states are they?
They are way worse.
Stop raping blue states to prop up red state economies.

We got the majority of blacks , either pay for their welfare or we will shipping them to you .
What about the millions of poor whites living in.Appalachia?

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