I'm curious. Why do Republicans think they are better than the rest of the world?

“Why do Republicans think they are better than the rest of the world?”

It’s the consequence of being ideologues.

Most on the right adhere blindly to failed, wrongheaded conservative doctrine and dogma – to he exclusion of facts and the truth.

Such blind devotion to rightist ideology results in arrogance.
This is something I just don't understand.

GOP stronghold Appalachia is a cess pool.

Republicans don't invent.

They don't build.

The don't create.

They aren't good at science.

They are hated by everyone but Nazi's

So where do they get this inflated idea that they are better than everyone else in the world?

You would think their states would be the wealthiest with their inflated ego. But they aren't. So what is it?

As always, you have it EXACTLY wrong. It's the opposite. "Flyover Country", "Deplorables", "Clinging to their Bibles and Guns", etc., etc., etc.
It's the left that wants to tell us how to think, what to think, what to say, what not to say, what we should believe, and why? Because THEY think they are smarter than everyone else and that everyone needs to think the way they do.
Most on the right adhere blindly to failed, wrongheaded conservative doctrine and dogma – to he exclusion of facts and the truth.
When have the Liberals / Democrats ever concerned themselves with "facts and truth"?? .... :dunno:

Yeah never. They like it when in the rare occasions the truth is on their side, but they use lies like a mechanic uses tools. They actually worship liars.
This is something I just don't understand.

GOP stronghold Appalachia is a cess pool.

Republicans don't invent.

They don't build.

The don't create.

They aren't good at science.

They are hated by everyone but Nazi's

So where do they get this inflated idea that they are better than everyone else in the world?

You would think their states would be the wealthiest with their inflated ego. But they aren't. So what is it?

Republicans are mainstream middle class people who work hard, pay their taxes and who don't cause problems.
They are who the Democrats have a vicious fanatical hatred for.
They are not poor hillbillies or the klan or the nazis.
This is something I just don't understand.

GOP stronghold Appalachia is a cess pool.

Republicans don't invent.

They don't build.

The don't create.

They aren't good at science.

They are hated by everyone but Nazi's

So where do they get this inflated idea that they are better than everyone else in the world?

You would think their states would be the wealthiest with their inflated ego. But they aren't. So what is it?

So liberals are the only ones who "create"? That's your new narrative, R-Derp?

Hate to point this out, little buddy...but the better the economy gets under Trump...the stupider you look with your daily rants about "evil Republicans!"

The Private Sector is what has always invented, created and built in this country. People chasing the American dream of building their own business, creating their own product...that's what has made America the country that others wanted to live in. The problem that you liberals have always had is that deep down...you think anyone making a profit is somehow gouging "the people"...and that government should step in and either take over that business or tax it until there is no profit!
Hilarious. And where are these new businesses being created. Do I need to go look that up again? And what percentage of these startups are by immigrants? Do I really need to go look that up again too.
The reason you guys are so angry with me is because I have proven again and again my assertions unlike you guys.
Look at the right wing posts here in this thread. There’s no facts there. Just blanket denial.

You don't "prove" assertions, R-Derp! You troll the internet looking for negative stories about the GOP and Trump...cut and paste them...and post them here...usually without even reading the story past the headline! We're not "angry" with you...we're amused by you! You're the board's progressive village idiot...spamming the same posts over and over and over again! You're the "gold standard" for liberal trolls!
As for Appalachia? Yes, it's a poor region and has been a poor region for hundreds of years. The people of Appalachia however have resisted taking government handouts like so many of the poor in other areas have. That baffles liberals like yourself. You can't understand why they won't jump on the dole as soon as possible and stay as long as they can. You can't understand the pride that comes from self reliance.
This is something I just don't understand.

GOP stronghold Appalachia is a cess pool.

Republicans don't invent.

They don't build.

The don't create.

They aren't good at science.

They are hated by everyone but Nazi's

So where do they get this inflated idea that they are better than everyone else in the world?

You would think their states would be the wealthiest with their inflated ego. But they aren't. So what is it?
Don’t you ever run out of ad hominems
This is something I just don't understand.

GOP stronghold Appalachia is a cess pool.

Republicans don't invent.

They don't build.

The don't create.

They aren't good at science.

They are hated by everyone but Nazi's

So where do they get this inflated idea that they are better than everyone else in the world?

You would think their states would be the wealthiest with their inflated ego. But they aren't. So what is it?

for the same reason that fundie christians think THEY are better than everyone else.... and disregard everyone else's beliefs.
This is something I just don't understand.

GOP stronghold Appalachia is a cess pool.

Republicans don't invent.

They don't build.

The don't create.

They aren't good at science.

They are hated by everyone but Nazi's

So where do they get this inflated idea that they are better than everyone else in the world?

You would think their states would be the wealthiest with their inflated ego. But they aren't. So what is it?

They are the ignorants of the population. Ignorant people generally don't know they are ignorant. They don't know what they don't know so it doesn't exist. Conservative media knows this so they play to this ignorance. 'We report, you decide' is meant to allow viewers to believe their opinion is above anything else. That fact isn't important, their opinions are more important than fact, and when you are ignorant you believe a long list of insane shit. Conservative media nurtures this to in fact keep these people stupid and a herd of voters that they can keep penned up and goosed to vote for whatever their masters want them to vote for.

Yet Republicans voted in 2016 and ignorant uninformed Democrats did not..

So who is the stupid ones?

who are, you mindless dolt, not who is

As for Appalachia? Yes, it's a poor region and has been a poor region for hundreds of years. The people of Appalachia however have resisted taking government handouts like so many of the poor in other areas have. That baffles liberals like yourself. You can't understand why they won't jump on the dole as soon as possible and stay as long as they can. You can't understand the pride that comes from self reliance.

they just keep voting against their own interests because G-d, guns and gays.
This is something I just don't understand.

GOP stronghold Appalachia is a cess pool.

Republicans don't invent.

They don't build.

The don't create.

They aren't good at science.

They are hated by everyone but Nazi's

So where do they get this inflated idea that they are better than everyone else in the world?

You would think their states would be the wealthiest with their inflated ego. But they aren't. So what is it?

They are the ignorants of the population. Ignorant people generally don't know they are ignorant. They don't know what they don't know so it doesn't exist. Conservative media knows this so they play to this ignorance. 'We report, you decide' is meant to allow viewers to believe their opinion is above anything else. That fact isn't important, their opinions are more important than fact, and when you are ignorant you believe a long list of insane shit. Conservative media nurtures this to in fact keep these people stupid and a herd of voters that they can keep penned up and goosed to vote for whatever their masters want them to vote for.

Yet Republicans voted in 2016 and ignorant uninformed Democrats did not..

So who is the stupid ones?

who are, you mindless dolt, not who is

WB Mal
As for Appalachia? Yes, it's a poor region and has been a poor region for hundreds of years. The people of Appalachia however have resisted taking government handouts like so many of the poor in other areas have. That baffles liberals like yourself. You can't understand why they won't jump on the dole as soon as possible and stay as long as they can. You can't understand the pride that comes from self reliance.

they just keep voting against their own interests because G-d, guns and gays.
yes, just look at all the good Democrats have done for their inner cities
As for Appalachia? Yes, it's a poor region and has been a poor region for hundreds of years. The people of Appalachia however have resisted taking government handouts like so many of the poor in other areas have. That baffles liberals like yourself. You can't understand why they won't jump on the dole as soon as possible and stay as long as they can. You can't understand the pride that comes from self reliance.

they just keep voting against their own interests because G-d, guns and gays.

They don't want handouts, Jillian. Many of them are coal miners who simply want to be able to do the job they know how to do. They vote for Republicans because you liberals have declared war on fossil fuels. Why WOULD they vote for you? Because you promise them free stuff? That might work with other demographics but not with most of the people of Appalachia!
As for Appalachia? Yes, it's a poor region and has been a poor region for hundreds of years. The people of Appalachia however have resisted taking government handouts like so many of the poor in other areas have. That baffles liberals like yourself. You can't understand why they won't jump on the dole as soon as possible and stay as long as they can. You can't understand the pride that comes from self reliance.

they just keep voting against their own interests because G-d, guns and gays.

They don't want handouts, Jillian. Many of them are coal miners who simply want to be able to do the job they know how to do. They vote for Republicans because you liberals have declared war on fossil fuels. Why WOULD they vote for you? Because you promise them free stuff? That might work with other demographics but not with most of the people of Appalachia!

it has zero to do with handouts. if you're actually curious about this subject, you might want to read a wonderful book called Deer Hunting With Jesus by the late Joe Bageamt. It talks about both the issues that the coal people care about, why they vote against their own economic self-interest and how democrats are doing a horrible job reaching those people. (that should make you feel better).

if they had any sense, they wouldn't vote for people who don't get them medical care/coverage for black lung and the other chronic diseases that kill them.

Zero to do with not wanting handouts.... everything to do with what I said.
As for Appalachia? Yes, it's a poor region and has been a poor region for hundreds of years. The people of Appalachia however have resisted taking government handouts like so many of the poor in other areas have. That baffles liberals like yourself. You can't understand why they won't jump on the dole as soon as possible and stay as long as they can. You can't understand the pride that comes from self reliance.

they just keep voting against their own interests because G-d, guns and gays.

They don't want handouts, Jillian. Many of them are coal miners who simply want to be able to do the job they know how to do. They vote for Republicans because you liberals have declared war on fossil fuels. Why WOULD they vote for you? Because you promise them free stuff? That might work with other demographics but not with most of the people of Appalachia!

Because the people in Appalachia are doing so well.

People who live in rural Appalachia are being left behind

A new study shows infant mortality is 16 percent higher in Appalachia than the rest of the country
This is something I just don't understand.

GOP stronghold Appalachia is a cess pool.

Republicans don't invent.

They don't build.

The don't create.

They aren't good at science.

They are hated by everyone but Nazi's

So where do they get this inflated idea that they are better than everyone else in the world?

You would think their states would be the wealthiest with their inflated ego. But they aren't. So what is it?
Not better than the rest of the world. JUST YOU

how pathetic do you have to be to not be better than you?
Here are a few more.

Hate education

Hate Truth

Hate poor people

Hate people of color

Hate compromise

Hate change

Hate smart people

Hate people with different opinions

Fear the future

Hate everyone but other racists

Hate helping people

Cheat in elections

Don’t know how to govern

Will support perverts & harassers as political 'leaders'
Here are a few more.

Hate education

Hate Truth

Hate poor people

Hate people of color

Hate compromise

Hate change

Hate smart people

Hate people with different opinions

Fear the future

Hate everyone but other racists

Hate helping people

Cheat in elections

Don’t know how to govern

Will support perverts & harassers as political 'leaders'

Liberals have so screwed up our education system that despite spending more per student then just about any other nation on earth our kids learn less and can't compete with children from other countries!

Liberals have turned once proud news organizations like The New York Times, CNN & Time into journalistic jokes that don't even pretend to report what's happening around them without a blatant political slant!

Liberals have promised poor people a better life in return for their votes and then kept them on a political "plantation" for the better part of half a century! You don't help the poor...you USE the poor to make your political leaders rich!

Liberals use the "race card" and accuse conservatives of being racists to keep part of their "base" fixated on something other than how little their liberal leaders have done to better their lot in life!

Liberals don't compromise. And if you compromise with them...they will ALWAYS demand more compromise!

Change? Why would you "change" the things that made this country great in the first place?

You may have noticed here that Liberals constantly need to reassure themselves that they are the "smart" ones. One would think that if they really were so much "smarter" than everyone else that it would be obvious in all of the successful policies that they implement but usually when they're declaring themselves to be "smart" it's because something they've done has failed miserably!

Liberals don't allow different opinions. They protest against them. They shut down city streets over them. They shut down college class rooms over them!

Again with the "racist" charge? It's a knee jerk reaction from the left these days. You're all like Pavlov's dog. Ring a bell and you all yell "RACIST!"

Liberals elect people like the Kennedy's and the Clinton's who talk about "helping" people but then make millions for themselves by giving political favors in return for cash.

Liberals have been cheating in elections since JFK ran for President back in the 60's! What Clinton and Obama did in this last election was something that Tricky Dick Nixon could have only DREAMED of pulling off!

Liberals know how to govern? Really? So why have our large cities that have been run by liberals for decades turned into such problems for the nation?

Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, Al Franken, "Carlos Danger"? Don't make me laugh!

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