'I’m deadly serious': Michael Moore doubles down on his prediction of a blue 'tsunami' in the midterms


A trump bootlicker
A sheep in the trump kkkult

I get it,
you LOVE trump, just say it rather than dance around and improve your lie.
An ad hominem...how mature.

I posted the platform, not the man.

I know you are an open borders snob who needs lower class people to surround you to make you feel better.

A trump bootlicker
A sheep in the trump kkkult

I get it,
you LOVE trump, just say it rather than dance around and improve your lie.
Prove you don't belong to a cult by listing where you disagree with the Democrat Platform.
I'm not expecting a response.
Not at all.
You teach and heaven help a student who states that he/she will vote R.
I have relatives in academia and they are as intolerant as you come across to be.
Again, you know shit.
We don't talk politics, but you think I'd discriminate against a student that professed his/her political choice?
Again, you know shit.
We don't talk politics, but you think I'd discriminate against a student that professed his/her political choice?
I posted the platform I support and you gave the typical mentally ill “TrumpBot” reply, so don’t try to appear anything but intolerant.
Well fatso was wrong, there was no blue tsunami.
As I posted days ago he almost always is.

The red tsumani did not materialize but neither did a blue.

Moore is good at making very dishonest and fraudulent crockumentary films but other than that he is a moron.

Every electoral or political prediction he has made for the last few decades has been 100% wrong with exception of Trump 2016. He is right the way a broken clock tells the correct time

With his average he might accurately predict an election in 2054.

If you want to bet on how an election will turn out listen to his predictiions and endoresements and bet on the opposite.
We don't love trump, we love what he stood for, Americans.
Seriously, replace TRUMP! with another person espousing the same ideals and fighting for the same things, and he or she will get the same support.

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