I'm for gutting the whole government system

With the extention of the patriot act we can see our government is broken. Even the majority of TEA party members sent to D.C. voted for extending the patriot act. Voting no longer works, so when voting no longer works whats the next step to take?

44 'Tea Party Caucus' Members voted to renew Patriot Act - Los Angeles LA County Libertarian | Examiner.com

Voting works perfectly fine. You knew these guys supported it when you voted them in.

Politics is a dirty game. A lot of these clowns in DC extort votes from one another.

Its like - "if you don't vote for A, I wont vote for B, however If you vote for C, D is out of the question."

The only sane ones in our congress are the true libertarians. They're looking out for the best interests of the people and a free society. They're not out there trading legislative votes... A real libertarian would never trade a vote, as a matter of fact we find that sort of wheeling and dealing repulsive and absolutely disrespectful to democracy.

Fuck compromise - compromise is why this country is so fucked up, both socially and economically.

Trading votes isn't compromise either - its tyranny...

If I were Ron Paul and I were elected commander and chief I would impeach half of congress on charges of treason - both republicans and democrats.
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Hit a sore spot huh?

Slam dunk....:lol:

One more time I was a cop I don't lie, as for the slam dunk, at least I am something you will never be, an awake citizen you will always be one of those lookng in wishing you could bve.:lol:

You were not a real cop. You were a deputy sheriff - if that....hardly a real cop...

and we have far more freedoms than you'll ever have....shrug...
No I was not deputy sheriff. But you do realize the sheriff department has enough authority to kick any Law Enforcemnet out of his county juridiction?

and we have far more freedoms than you'll ever have

No wonder you so fucking cranky :eusa_liar:
One more time I was a cop I don't lie, as for the slam dunk, at least I am something you will never be, an awake citizen you will always be one of those lookng in wishing you could bve.:lol:

You were not a real cop. You were a deputy sheriff - if that....hardly a real cop...

and we have far more freedoms than you'll ever have....shrug...
No I was not deputy sheriff. But you do realize the sheriff department has enough authority to kick any Law Enforcemnet out of his county juridiction?

and we have far more freedoms than you'll ever have

No wonder you so fucking cranky :eusa_liar:

Well, what sort of cop were you? As for the authority they have, another reason why sheriff's are a joke..

Hey, more than happy to go toe-to-toe with you over your freedoms vs ours. Remember, I'm talking reality, NOT what is written down on paper. We'll start with the Patriot Act if you like - which literally makes it game over...
You were not a real cop. You were a deputy sheriff - if that....hardly a real cop...

and we have far more freedoms than you'll ever have....shrug...
No I was not deputy sheriff. But you do realize the sheriff department has enough authority to kick any Law Enforcemnet out of his county juridiction?

and we have far more freedoms than you'll ever have

No wonder you so fucking cranky :eusa_liar:

Well, what sort of cop were you? As for the authority they have, another reason why sheriff's are a joke..

Hey, more than happy to go toe-to-toe with you over your freedoms vs ours. Remember, I'm talking reality, NOT what is written down on paper. We'll start with the Patriot Act if you like - which literally makes it game over...

Crickets' Chirping....:eusa_whistle:
No I was not deputy sheriff. But you do realize the sheriff department has enough authority to kick any Law Enforcemnet out of his county juridiction?

No wonder you so fucking cranky :eusa_liar:

Well, what sort of cop were you? As for the authority they have, another reason why sheriff's are a joke..

Hey, more than happy to go toe-to-toe with you over your freedoms vs ours. Remember, I'm talking reality, NOT what is written down on paper. We'll start with the Patriot Act if you like - which literally makes it game over...

Crickets' Chirping....:eusa_whistle:

I was a city cop. And yes the Sheriff can kick any Law Enforcment agency out of his county and that includes the fed.

In America we have something no other country has The right to keep and bears arms. You don't have that. You have limited permission from your government You are a subject to the crown. Citizen vs. subject
I being a citizen you being a subject.
As for asnything else as long as I am armed the rest of my rights are protected and cannot be taken away. You on the other hand are fucked.
If I were Ron Paul and I were elected commander and chief I would impeach half of congress on charges of treason - both republicans and democrats.

What you’re advocating is a dictator and tyranny.

And by what authority would the Executive ‘impeach’ Congress.
If I were Ron Paul and I were elected commander and chief I would impeach half of congress on charges of treason - both republicans and democrats.

Mr. Nick, according to Article Two, (Section 4) of the Constitution, "The House of Representatives has the sole power of impeaching, while the United States Senate has the sole power to try all impeachments. The removal of impeached officials is automatic upon conviction in the Senate."

The Commander in Chief is the President, and it's not his job to impeach, try, or convict anyone of impeachment in the United States of America.
Mr. Nick, according to Article Two, (Section 4) of the Constitution, "The House of Representatives has the sole power of impeaching, while the United States Senate has the sole power to try all impeachments. The removal of impeached officials is automatic upon conviction in the Senate."

The Commander in Chief is the President, and it's not his job to impeach, try, or convict anyone of impeachment in the United States of America.
I don’t believe any of that matters to Mr. Nick – he’s too angry for facts.
With the extention of the patriot act we can see our government is broken. Even the majority of TEA party members sent to D.C. voted for extending the patriot act. Voting no longer works, so when voting no longer works whats the next step to take?

44 'Tea Party Caucus' Members voted to renew Patriot Act - Los Angeles LA County Libertarian | Examiner.com

You're for getting rid of govt, period...Go live on an island somewhere...anywhere...just make sure it is uninhabited....
With the extention of the patriot act we can see our government is broken. Even the majority of TEA party members sent to D.C. voted for extending the patriot act. Voting no longer works, so when voting no longer works whats the next step to take?

44 'Tea Party Caucus' Members voted to renew Patriot Act - Los Angeles LA County Libertarian | Examiner.com

You're for getting rid of govt, period...Go live on an island somewhere...anywhere...just make sure it is uninhabited....

It's my government not your's so shut the fuck up non American.
When did the Tea Party ever say they oppose the Patriot act?

You cannot not be for a small and effective government and support the partiot act. It just desn't work that way. The Patriot act gose against the core value of the TEA party
Well, what sort of cop were you? As for the authority they have, another reason why sheriff's are a joke..

Hey, more than happy to go toe-to-toe with you over your freedoms vs ours. Remember, I'm talking reality, NOT what is written down on paper. We'll start with the Patriot Act if you like - which literally makes it game over...

Crickets' Chirping....:eusa_whistle:

I was a city cop. And yes the Sheriff can kick any Law Enforcment agency out of his county and that includes the fed.

In America we have something no other country has The right to keep and bears arms. You don't have that. You have limited permission from your government You are a subject to the crown. Citizen vs. subject
I being a citizen you being a subject.
As for asnything else as long as I am armed the rest of my rights are protected and cannot be taken away. You on the other hand are fucked.

Crickets' Chirping....:eusa_whistle:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQFEY9RIRJA]YouTube - ‪Cricket Chirping‬‏[/ame]
Violent revolution is not the answer. We aren't victim of a dictatorship, we are victim of Corporate sponsored elections with corporate sponsored Candidates, who once in office keep the Corporate Agenda at the top of the list.

Forget changing Washington DC. Focus your attention to who financially backs the people in Washington. Big Corporations do... By a large margin. Unions have their share too and I am not excusing them completely... but, when you have the financial juggernaut of big money trying to take away power from the people, at least Unions are fighting to try to keep SOME of that power in the people's hands....and losing the battle.

I know... I am a broken record when it comes to the Conglomerate and the Financial sector. But that is where the problem lies. Our "Public Servants" go with who got them there, and it wasn't our votes. It was the entities that paid for our votes.

We need a New Age Teddy Roosevelt to come in and kick their asses. But we won't get one. Why do I say this? Because even Teddy Roosevelt would have to cow down and accept their money to get elected.

We need Campaign reform in a bad way.
Violent revolution is not the answer. We aren't victim of a dictatorship, we are victim of Corporate sponsored elections with corporate sponsored Candidates, who once in office keep the Corporate Agenda at the top of the list.

Forget changing Washington DC. Focus your attention to who financially backs the people in Washington. Big Corporations do... By a large margin. Unions have their share too and I am not excusing them completely... but, when you have the financial juggernaut of big money trying to take away power from the people, at least Unions are fighting to try to keep SOME of that power in the people's hands....and losing the battle.

I know... I am a broken record when it comes to the Conglomerate and the Financial sector. But that is where the problem lies. Our "Public Servants" go with who got them there, and it wasn't our votes. It was the entities that paid for our votes.

We need a New Age Teddy Roosevelt to come in and kick their asses. But we won't get one. Why do I say this? Because even Teddy Roosevelt would have to cow down and accept their money to get elected.

We need Campaign reform in a bad way.

So when can you tell we have a dictatorship? After the fact or the warning signs and what history has shown us?
Ignoring all the f***ing ignorant bullpoop, the Constitution never indicated what all the various executive agencies were to be. It was Washington who appointed a Secretary of State, Treasury, War and Attorney General.
I don't see why in the hell we need any more than that!!!!!

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