I'm guessing based on the CNN panel reaction that they didn't get the smoking gun they wanted

Thank you for this observation. I have not been watching CNN so I don't know how they are handling this. Keep me informed!
And the russian investigation, the collusion investigation the obstruction investigation.....slips through their fingers....
Since there's nothing THERE it shouldn't shock anyone that Comey's testimony isn't a "smoking gun"!

Comey comes across as a bit of a wimp in my estimation. He seems to have thought Trump was doing something that was inappropriate when Trump said he hoped Comey could let Flynn off the hook because Flynn is a good guy...thought it was inappropriate enough to make notes of exactly what was said...yet he never looked Trump in the eye and said "Mr President...I don't think we should be having this conversation."? Instead Comey told Trump that he thought Flynn was a good guy too? Seriously? That's it, James? That was your response to something that you now have decided might have been an attempt to obstruct justice?

Comey should have been fired simply because he doesn't have the stones to BE the FBI's Director!
I was struck by how many times Comey said "I could be wrong..." before he commented on something! If you weren't SURE, James...YOU ASK FOR CLARIFICATION! You look at the person sitting across from you and ask them exactly what it is that they're asking you to do! You don't make inane conversation...get up and leave...not knowing what the exact intent was of the person you just spoke to! I can't believe THAT guy has been running the FBI! It explains a lot...
Since there's nothing THERE it shouldn't shock anyone that Comey's testimony isn't a "smoking gun"!

Comey comes across as a bit of a wimp in my estimation. He seems to have thought Trump was doing something that was inappropriate when Trump said he hoped Comey could let Flynn off the hook because Flynn is a good guy...thought it was inappropriate enough to make notes of exactly what was said...yet he never looked Trump in the eye and said "Mr President...I don't think we should be having this conversation."? Instead Comey told Trump that he thought Flynn was a good guy too? Seriously? That's it, James? That was your response to something that you now have decided might have been an attempt to obstruct justice?

Comey should have been fired simply because he doesn't have the stones to BE the FBI's Director!
OldStyle I agree with what you say. But I believe he was in uncharted waters when asked several times, "Do you want to stay in your job..." Can you let this thing go?..."Flynn is a good guy...
It's not obstruction but getting close to that line. He should have known, but he was too timid to step in and tell Trump that he was asking things that were inappropriate. He should have, but he was afraid of losing his job.
Since there's nothing THERE it shouldn't shock anyone that Comey's testimony isn't a "smoking gun"!

Comey comes across as a bit of a wimp in my estimation. He seems to have thought Trump was doing something that was inappropriate when Trump said he hoped Comey could let Flynn off the hook because Flynn is a good guy...thought it was inappropriate enough to make notes of exactly what was said...yet he never looked Trump in the eye and said "Mr President...I don't think we should be having this conversation."? Instead Comey told Trump that he thought Flynn was a good guy too? Seriously? That's it, James? That was your response to something that you now have decided might have been an attempt to obstruct justice?

Comey should have been fired simply because he doesn't have the stones to BE the FBI's Director!
OldStyle I agree with what you say. But I believe he was in uncharted waters when asked several times, "Do you want to stay in your job..." Can you let this thing go?..."Flynn is a good guy...
It's not obstruction but getting close to that line. He should have known, but he was too timid to step in and tell Trump that he was asking things that were inappropriate. He should have, but he was afraid of losing his job.

He was afraid of losing his job because he's an incompetent moron. He testified that Hillary committed felonies with her email shit, yet let her off the hook because of...."intent". He should had been afraid because he knew he was a pathetic excuse of a law man.
Since there's nothing THERE it shouldn't shock anyone that Comey's testimony isn't a "smoking gun"!

Comey comes across as a bit of a wimp in my estimation. He seems to have thought Trump was doing something that was inappropriate when Trump said he hoped Comey could let Flynn off the hook because Flynn is a good guy...thought it was inappropriate enough to make notes of exactly what was said...yet he never looked Trump in the eye and said "Mr President...I don't think we should be having this conversation."? Instead Comey told Trump that he thought Flynn was a good guy too? Seriously? That's it, James? That was your response to something that you now have decided might have been an attempt to obstruct justice?

Comey should have been fired simply because he doesn't have the stones to BE the FBI's Director!
OldStyle I agree with what you say. But I believe he was in uncharted waters when asked several times, "Do you want to stay in your job..." Can you let this thing go?..."Flynn is a good guy...
It's not obstruction but getting close to that line. He should have known, but he was too timid to step in and tell Trump that he was asking things that were inappropriate. He should have, but he was afraid of losing his job.

His "job" was telling the President that Trump was asking things that bordered on the illegal if that was the way that he interpreted what Trump said, Jackson! Those aren't uncharted waters.

Director of the FBI? If you're that timid...you shouldn't be directing ANYTHING let alone the FBI!
Since there's nothing THERE it shouldn't shock anyone that Comey's testimony isn't a "smoking gun"!

Comey comes across as a bit of a wimp in my estimation. He seems to have thought Trump was doing something that was inappropriate when Trump said he hoped Comey could let Flynn off the hook because Flynn is a good guy...thought it was inappropriate enough to make notes of exactly what was said...yet he never looked Trump in the eye and said "Mr President...I don't think we should be having this conversation."? Instead Comey told Trump that he thought Flynn was a good guy too? Seriously? That's it, James? That was your response to something that you now have decided might have been an attempt to obstruct justice?

Comey should have been fired simply because he doesn't have the stones to BE the FBI's Director!
OldStyle I agree with what you say. But I believe he was in uncharted waters when asked several times, "Do you want to stay in your job..." Can you let this thing go?..."Flynn is a good guy...
It's not obstruction but getting close to that line. He should have known, but he was too timid to step in and tell Trump that he was asking things that were inappropriate. He should have, but he was afraid of losing his job.

His "job" was telling the President that Trump was asking things that bordered on the illegal if that was the way that he interpreted what Trump said, Jackson! Those aren't uncharted waters.

Director of the FBI? If you're that timid...you shouldn't be directing ANYTHING let alone the FBI!
Good points, Oldstyle. He even said in testimony today that he may have been too timid. I don't think he is a bad guy, just became unsure of himself when he was becoming part and parcel of an investigation.
And the russian investigation, the collusion investigation the obstruction investigation.....slips through their fingers....
I agree. It should be interesting to see how the media is going to play this.
Ok...so now that this one is a dud as anyone with common sense could have told you a few million dollars ago.....

Can't wait to see what the NEXT fake scandal the Dims come up with (and they WILL) to interfere with a good Presidents term
Trump's not gonna be gone any time soon despite the implied promise from CNN's Comey Count Down Clock.
Rioting tonight after six, any central city ghetto. Soros has his check books out. Bob Creamer's on the phone ordering up the buses.
As the old WWII sniper said during his interview on the telly this weekend "You dont aim for the head, you aim for the body"
Since there's nothing THERE it shouldn't shock anyone that Comey's testimony isn't a "smoking gun"!

Comey comes across as a bit of a wimp in my estimation. He seems to have thought Trump was doing something that was inappropriate when Trump said he hoped Comey could let Flynn off the hook because Flynn is a good guy...thought it was inappropriate enough to make notes of exactly what was said...yet he never looked Trump in the eye and said "Mr President...I don't think we should be having this conversation."? Instead Comey told Trump that he thought Flynn was a good guy too? Seriously? That's it, James? That was your response to something that you now have decided might have been an attempt to obstruct justice?

Comey should have been fired simply because he doesn't have the stones to BE the FBI's Director!
OldStyle I agree with what you say. But I believe he was in uncharted waters when asked several times, "Do you want to stay in your job..." Can you let this thing go?..."Flynn is a good guy...
It's not obstruction but getting close to that line. He should have known, but he was too timid to step in and tell Trump that he was asking things that were inappropriate. He should have, but he was afraid of losing his job.

His "job" was telling the President that Trump was asking things that bordered on the illegal if that was the way that he interpreted what Trump said, Jackson! Those aren't uncharted waters.

Director of the FBI? If you're that timid...you shouldn't be directing ANYTHING let alone the FBI!

I see him as not a very aggressive person, he's analytical. Which, in and of itself is a very important characteristic, especially as Director of the FBI. I prefer some uncertainty to being a power hungry a-hole (see Canadian policing if you want to see that, there are MANY innocent people who's lives have been ruined or who are sitting in prison due to the RCMP, OPP and TPS actions).

Regardless. In the end, you want to know why Comey didn't take these steps? His policing and legal instincts told him at that time that he was NOT obstructing. Trump was "hoping", in fact, Trump even used that word and it was recorded by Comey himself.

Any administration, president, government wants such incidents to go away. Especially when these investigations are not about him. I am guessing, if Comey would have simply stated to the world "President Trump is NOT a target of our investigation at this time, nor has any evidence suggested otherwise. If things change in the future, as with any investigation of government, I will update the government". If he did that, I am confident Comey doesn't get fired. Trump felt he was not being loyal to the country by misleading or failing to clarify the substance of the investigation and because of this it's been Russia, Russia Russia 24/7. He could have extinguished much of this narrative with a simple conference call, something he did for Clinton.

In the end, who wants to be accused of something they are not guilty of? After a year investigation it's clear it was just a witch hunt to feed the media, it has been and is handcuffing the government.
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Ok...so now that this one is a dud as anyone with common sense could have told you a few million dollars ago.....

Can't wait to see what the NEXT fake scandal the Dims come up with (and they WILL) to interfere with a good Presidents term
Love your avatar! I think it was a mistake for Trump to say some of the things he did, but not illegal. One of the most positive things Trump said to Comey was "I look forward to working with you." after Comey did not say that he gave loyalty to Trump and hoped the Flynn investigation exonerated Flynn.
I was struck by how many times Comey said "I could be wrong..." before he commented on something! If you weren't SURE, James...YOU ASK FOR CLARIFICATION! You look at the person sitting across from you and ask them exactly what it is that they're asking you to do! You don't make inane conversation...get up and leave...not knowing what the exact intent was of the person you just spoke to! I can't believe THAT guy has been running the FBI! It explains a lot...
Now we know why the Obama administration was running the government like a Banana Republic and terrorism skyrocketed on his watch.
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Didn't take long....

Here we go......can you see that the Left will NEVER, EVER allow anyone to legally become President unless it's their own?
Obstructionist morons....I'm telling ya folks....there is (unfortunately) only one way to deal with this.
Continue to roll over while they pervert the Constitution and legal /political system......or civil war.
The cannot be reasoned with and they will not stop until our nation is destroyed (they've already done an incredible job towards that....not a whole lot left)

Trump Impeachment Process Set to Begin As Democrat Al Green Files Articles of Impeachment
Trump Impeachment Process Set to Begin As Democrat Al Green Files Articles

Of Course it's not going anywhere...but it keeps the President and his staff busy fighting their endless charades
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The panel is outside and they look like they are attending a funeral.

Did said gun look something like this?


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