I'm just saying... if the Confederate Flag represents what happened 150 years

No, you're whining.

You're whining because Nikki didn't get in front of the cameras and issue an Executive Order violating written law to lower the flag, either all the way down, or at lest to half mast.

Instead, she followed the law as written.

Unlike some I could name.
If you buy that excuse then fine, it sped the final takedown by years. I'm just glad it finally happened.
I am still upset over what my grandfather went thru in England during the 1600's. I plan on revolting in my spare time.
Well, I understand that Guy Fawkes masks are available.

No doubt. If you can get an Arthur Bremer mask you can get anybody.

(1972, after George Wallace was shot by Arthur Bremer but recovered enough to resume campaigning, hecklers showed up wearing Arthur Bremer masks. Now that's creative)
No, you're whining.

You're whining because Nikki didn't get in front of the cameras and issue an Executive Order violating written law to lower the flag, either all the way down, or at lest to half mast.

Instead, she followed the law as written.

Unlike some I could name.
If you buy that excuse then fine, it sped the final takedown by years. I'm just glad it finally happened.

It may not be written in granite, but it is, or was, the law.

But, keep thinking, like your president, that what matters is what you want, not the law.
It probably should be noted that the flag on Malcolm X college is the Pan-Africa flag.

In recent years the New Black Panther party is using it so I guess I could relate that to how blacks would feel living under a segregationist society as being the same thing as a couple of yahoos whose agenda will never see the light of day. I won't be participating but if you want the flag taken down you have every right to protest, lobby and promote its removal. Nothing will be accomplished here and this thread was only created to attempt to demonstrate that having the conservative battle flag removed was hypocritical. Go fuck yourself, you want the PA flag removed then do something real about it.
Every time the Klan did any of their white supremacist shit for over a hundred years that flag was with them, who gives a fuck what it meant for four years during civil war? Nazis ruined the swastika for all time, the Klan ruined the confederate flag, deal with it.

Actually the Klan had their own flag, though they didn't fly it much. More often it was the Stars and Stripes.


The "South-based" Klan lasted less than 15 years; the big one, as pictured above, the one founded in 1915, always crowed about being for "100% Americanism".
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No, you're whining.

You're whining because Nikki didn't get in front of the cameras and issue an Executive Order violating written law to lower the flag, either all the way down, or at lest to half mast.

Instead, she followed the law as written.

Unlike some I could name.
If you buy that excuse then fine, it sped the final takedown by years. I'm just glad it finally happened.
No, you're whining.

You're whining because Nikki didn't get in front of the cameras and issue an Executive Order violating written law to lower the flag, either all the way down, or at lest to half mast.

Instead, she followed the law as written.

Unlike some I could name.
If you buy that excuse then fine, it sped the final takedown by years. I'm just glad it finally happened.

It may not be written in granite, but it is, or was, the law.

But, keep thinking, like your president, that what matters is what you want, not the law.
Broken record mode is boring, you have anything else to say other than the law is the law Obama.
No, you're whining.

You're whining because Nikki didn't get in front of the cameras and issue an Executive Order violating written law to lower the flag, either all the way down, or at lest to half mast.

Instead, she followed the law as written.

Unlike some I could name.
If you buy that excuse then fine, it sped the final takedown by years. I'm just glad it finally happened.

It may not be written in granite, but it is, or was, the law.

But, keep thinking, like your president, that what matters is what you want, not the law.
Broken record mode is boring, you have anything else to say other than the law is the law Obama.

Yes, your broken record IS boring.

but you keep spinning it and spinning it, even tho, by now, even YOU should know the truth.

Nikki followed the law.
No, you're whining.

You're whining because Nikki didn't get in front of the cameras and issue an Executive Order violating written law to lower the flag, either all the way down, or at lest to half mast.

Instead, she followed the law as written.

Unlike some I could name.
If you buy that excuse then fine, it sped the final takedown by years. I'm just glad it finally happened.

It may not be written in granite, but it is, or was, the law.

But, keep thinking, like your president, that what matters is what you want, not the law.
Broken record mode is boring, you have anything else to say other than the law is the law Obama.

Yes, your broken record IS boring.

but you keep spinning it and spinning it, even tho, by now, even YOU should know the truth.

Nikki followed the law.
You forgot to mention Obama this time around, you're slipping.
It was only needed once.

Unless you're completely dense, (the jury is still out on that), you got the point.
No, you're whining.

You're whining because Nikki didn't get in front of the cameras and issue an Executive Order violating written law to lower the flag, either all the way down, or at lest to half mast.

Instead, she followed the law as written.

Unlike some I could name.
If you buy that excuse then fine, it sped the final takedown by years. I'm just glad it finally happened.

It may not be written in granite, but it is, or was, the law.

But, keep thinking, like your president, that what matters is what you want, not the law.
Broken record mode is boring, you have anything else to say other than the law is the law Obama.

Yes, your broken record IS boring.

but you keep spinning it and spinning it, even tho, by now, even YOU should know the truth.

Nikki followed the law.
Something Obama has NOT done though!
A more recent study by Jessica Vaughan at the Center for Immigration Studies found, of 8,000 criminal aliens released by sanctuary cities in 2014, almost 2,000 were arrested again within eight months on charges including domestic violence and murder.
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"Just saying", huh?

When Cliven Bundy and his followers arm themselves, they are American heroes who are protecting themselves. Please come on Fox News so we can fellate you, Cliven! GOD BLESS THE SECOND AMENDMENT, AMEN!

When negroes do it, they are scary bad men. Booga! Booga! Booga! Why don't they stay down on the cotton plantation where they were happy?

I seeeeeeee...

Such an intelligent response which is to be expected by totally unfeeling insensitive person with absolutely NOT ONE IOTA of common sense!
For many Americans, the Confederate battle flag is an unmistakable symbol of slavery and oppression.

But for Karen Cooper, a black woman who was born in New York but later settled in Virginia, the flag embodies something else entirely.

“I actually think that it represents freedom,” the ardent tea party supporter says in a video interview that’s been making the rounds online. “It represents a people who stood up to tyranny.”

[I am a black South Carolinian. Here’s why I support the Confederate flag.]

Cooper is a member of the Virginia Flaggers, an activist group that rejects the idea that the Confederate flag is a symbol of racism and hate.

The group was formed in response to a decision to remove Confederate flags from public view in several locations, including a Confederate memorial chapel on the grounds of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond and city light poles in Lexington, The Washington Post’s Susan Svrluga reported last year.

Like the rest of the Flaggers’ 40 or so members, Cooper feels pride and reverence each time she displays the flag in public.

If the flag was a racist symbol, Cooper argues in the video, she wouldn’t be an accepted member of a group composed primarily of white Southerners.

Why this black defender of the Confederate flag says slavery was a choice - The Washington Post

"Just saying", huh?

When Cliven Bundy and his followers arm themselves, they are American heroes who are protecting themselves. Please come on Fox News so we can fellate you, Cliven! GOD BLESS THE SECOND AMENDMENT, AMEN!

When negroes do it, they are scary bad men. Booga! Booga! Booga! Why don't they stay down on the cotton plantation where they were happy?

I seeeeeeee...

Such an intelligent response which is to be expected by totally unfeeling insensitive person with absolutely NOT ONE IOTA of common sense!
Hypocrisy is what hypocrisy does, dipshit. Everyone can see it.
For many Americans, the Confederate battle flag is an unmistakable symbol of slavery and oppression.

But for Karen Cooper, a black woman who was born in New York but later settled in Virginia, the flag embodies something else entirely.

“I actually think that it represents freedom,” the ardent tea party supporter says in a video interview that’s been making the rounds online. “It represents a people who stood up to tyranny.”

[I am a black South Carolinian. Here’s why I support the Confederate flag.]

Cooper is a member of the Virginia Flaggers, an activist group that rejects the idea that the Confederate flag is a symbol of racism and hate.

The group was formed in response to a decision to remove Confederate flags from public view in several locations, including a Confederate memorial chapel on the grounds of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond and city light poles in Lexington, The Washington Post’s Susan Svrluga reported last year.

Like the rest of the Flaggers’ 40 or so members, Cooper feels pride and reverence each time she displays the flag in public.

If the flag was a racist symbol, Cooper argues in the video, she wouldn’t be an accepted member of a group composed primarily of white Southerners.

Why this black defender of the Confederate flag says slavery was a choice - The Washington Post
Congratulations for finding the exception which proves the rule.
For many Americans, the Confederate battle flag is an unmistakable symbol of slavery and oppression.

But for Karen Cooper, a black woman who was born in New York but later settled in Virginia, the flag embodies something else entirely.

“I actually think that it represents freedom,” the ardent tea party supporter says in a video interview that’s been making the rounds online. “It represents a people who stood up to tyranny.”

[I am a black South Carolinian. Here’s why I support the Confederate flag.]

Cooper is a member of the Virginia Flaggers, an activist group that rejects the idea that the Confederate flag is a symbol of racism and hate.

The group was formed in response to a decision to remove Confederate flags from public view in several locations, including a Confederate memorial chapel on the grounds of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond and city light poles in Lexington, The Washington Post’s Susan Svrluga reported last year.

Like the rest of the Flaggers’ 40 or so members, Cooper feels pride and reverence each time she displays the flag in public.

If the flag was a racist symbol, Cooper argues in the video, she wouldn’t be an accepted member of a group composed primarily of white Southerners.

Why this black defender of the Confederate flag says slavery was a choice - The Washington Post
Congratulations for finding the exception which proves the rule.

So you are calling Ms. Cooper an "Aunt Tom"????
Just as most biased people like you who call Justice Thomas an "Uncle Tom" ... a House Negro"...is that what you think of people who IGNORE the mass hysteria
witch hunts going on regarding the Confederate Flag.
YUP round up the brooms and pitchforks and go after the "exceptions" as they are the non-conformists...i.e. Ms. Cooper being black can't think for herself!
But of course 57% of the people polled ARE THE EXCEPTIONS right???

Washington (CNN)American public opinion on the Confederate flag remains about where it was 15 years ago, with most describing the flag as a symbol of Southern pride more than one of racism, according to a new CNN/ORC poll. And questions about how far to go to remove references to the Confederacy from public life prompt broad racial divides.

The poll shows that 57% of Americans see the flag more as a symbol of Southern pride than as a symbol of racism, about the same as in 2000 when 59% said they viewed it as a symbol of pride. Opinions of the flag are sharply divided by race, and among whites, views are split by education.

Among African-Americans, 72% see the Confederate flag as a symbol of racism, just 25% of whites agree. In the South, the racial divide is even broader. While 75% of Southern whites describe the flag as a symbol of pride and 18% call it a symbol of racism, those figures are almost exactly reversed among Southern African-Americans, with just 11% seeing it as a sign of pride and 75% viewing it as a symbol of racism.

Among whites, there's a sharp divide by education, and those with more formal education are less apt to see the flag as a symbol of pride. Among whites with a college degree, 51% say it's a symbol of pride, 41% one of racism. Among those whites who do not have a college degree, 73% say it's a sign of Southern pride, 18% racism.
Poll Majority sees Confederate flag as Southern pride - CNNPolitics.com
Another Exception!!!

Black leader defends Confederate Flag, responds to violent attackers

Confederate Flag defender, political activist, former President of the Asheville chapter of the NAACP and 52-year-old black man, H.K. Edgerton was recently accosted by two black men while standing by his confederate flag in front of Asheville High School. Though he was appalled by the alleged violent actions of 19-year-old high school drop-out Andre Dewayne and 32-year-old Kevin Miller, he concedes, "I know and understand their pain because they've been lied to for so long. A lot of people know nothing about that time in history."

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