I'm not American, but...

Oct 19, 2018
this seemed like a nice online community and I decided to check it out and sign up. There are a lot of interesting topics and I might enjoy engaging in discussions with you awesome people. I hope you're friendly. See you around the forums! :113:
Welcome, Lucian, you won't be the only one from Eastern Europe here. Your last name seems to be Serbian (or some other country of former Yugoslavia) or Czech.
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If you are not a communist I'm friendly.

If you are a communist I pledge eternal hostility towards you, you are my mortal enemy and I seek to completely eradicate your DNA from the face of the planet.

Otherwise enjoy the forum.
If you are not a communist I'm friendly.

If you are a communist I pledge eternal hostility towards you, you are my mortal enemy and I seek to completely eradicate your DNA from the face of the planet.

Otherwise enjoy the forum.
Don't worry about this guy Lucian. There are a lot of goofy nobodies here who pretend to be somebodies or importance or stature. They rely on insult posting and crudeness. Just get used to dealing with our dregs and bottom of the barrel morons and you will have fun.
this seemed like a nice online community and I decided to check it out and sign up. There are a lot of interesting topics and I might enjoy engaging in discussions with you awesome people. I hope you're friendly. See you around the forums! :113:
Welcome to the USMB Gambling Casino for the Insane. :thup:
this seemed like a nice online community and I decided to check it out and sign up. There are a lot of interesting topics and I might enjoy engaging in discussions with you awesome people. I hope you're friendly. See you around the forums! :113:
Hi, Lucian! Hope you find friendly folks here to discuss things with. There are a lot of forums to choose from if US politics doesn't mean much to you.

Have a snack and get comfortable!
this seemed like a nice online community and I decided to check it out and sign up. There are a lot of interesting topics and I might enjoy engaging in discussions with you awesome people. I hope you're friendly. See you around the forums! :113:

nice online community

Whoa bro...... back up the trailer, think you made a wrong turn at the dry gulch! didn't you see the skulls bleaching under the warning sign?

Ahhh just kidding, its not too bad here all except for the Extreme Leftists..... and the Extreme Rightists,.... and probably the Extreme Centrists as well...... other than that though, just a walk in the park
this seemed like a nice online community and I decided to check it out and sign up. There are a lot of interesting topics and I might enjoy engaging in discussions with you awesome people. I hope you're friendly. See you around the forums! :113:
Welcome to the USMB Gambling Casino for the Insane. :thup:

Who are you call'in a Casino?
Hedley Lamarr.........
She got chased out for counting cards at Blackjack
this seemed like a nice online community and I decided to check it out and sign up. There are a lot of interesting topics and I might enjoy engaging in discussions with you awesome people. I hope you're friendly. See you around the forums! :113:
Welcome to the USMB Gambling Casino for the Insane. :thup:

Who are you call'in a Casino?
Hedley Lamarr.........
She got chased out for counting cards at Blackjack
Welcome! By far the nicest place to post is in the Flame Zone. Drop by after a hundred posts and I’ll pour us some internet shots. Cheers!
this seemed like a nice online community and I decided to check it out and sign up. There are a lot of interesting topics and I might enjoy engaging in discussions with you awesome people. I hope you're friendly. See you around the forums! :113:
Welcome to the USMB Gambling Casino for the Insane. :thup:

Who are you call'in a Casino?
Hedley Lamarr.........
She got chased out for counting cards at Blackjack

this seemed like a nice online community and I decided to check it out and sign up. There are a lot of interesting topics and I might enjoy engaging in discussions with you awesome people. I hope you're friendly. See you around the forums! :113:

What's gawn awn.

You look like Brian Cox.


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