I'm not leaving the Catholic Church, the Catholic Church is leaving me


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Now the Pope is saying we should have civil unions so homosexuals can form families, though he is still against same-sex marriage and homosexual couples adopting children.

What the Pope doesn't understand is that supporting civil unions is a capitulation that the Catholic Church can't afford to make.

The more the Catholic Church abandons its values and adopts the ways of the world, the more Catholics see the Church as pointless because it doesn't stand for anything anymore.
The Catholic Church can fight the corruption and evil of the world, or it can give into the corruption and evil of the world and become one with it.

It seems that this Pope has chosen the latter path, and the price the Catholic Church will pay is loss of souls.
Now the Pope is saying we should have civil unions so homosexuals can form families, though he is still against same-sex marriage and homosexual couples adopting children.

What the Pope doesn't understand is that supporting civil unions is a capitulation that the Catholic Church can't afford to make.

The more the Catholic Church abandons its values and adopts the ways of the world, the more Catholics see the Church as pointless because it doesn't stand for anything anymore.
Fairly certain this is a compromised Church, infiltrated by marxists. This the first time since 1407 there are TWO POPES.

I believe the Church was blackmailed after reports of mass banking fraud I believe in 2011. Whenever it was that Benedict stepped down. They just so happen to choose a person from South America where LIBERATION THEOLOGY rules the continent. Francis is a Jesuit, who have a definitive affinity for socialism.

I saw Francis accept a crucifix in form of a hammer and sickle from communist leader evo morales. Francis invited evo morales and bernie sanders to be guests at the Vatican and we know sanders is an absolute marxist.

I saw Francis yucking it up with fidel castro and Francis said nothing about the dissidents in prison for the faith and seemed to not care all that much about the thousands of imprisoned priests and nuns over the last 60 years.

Here is the verse. What you are experiencing are the floods and winds. Remember Jesus said those who put my words to practice are like a wise man that builds his house on a ROCK. That when the winds and floods come, they buffet the house but the house remains.

There is a great chastisement happening and this has all been prophecy anyway. The children at Lourdes foretold things at the turn of the 20th century.

Keep practicing the Sacraments. That way you will remain and you will endure.
Now the Pope is saying we should have civil unions so homosexuals can form families, though he is still against same-sex marriage and homosexual couples adopting children.

What the Pope doesn't understand is that supporting civil unions is a capitulation that the Catholic Church can't afford to make.

The more the Catholic Church abandons its values and adopts the ways of the world, the more Catholics see the Church as pointless because it doesn't stand for anything anymore.

Paul warned of exactly this, in a letter to Timothy. 2 Timothy 3-4…
  1. I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
  2. Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
  3. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
  4. And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
There will always be those who prefer churches and ministers that tell them what they want to hear, rather than the hard truth that they need to hear, and there will be churches and ministers who will put aside the word of God in order to pander to that audience.

It's sad to see the Catholic church headed down that path. I'm not a Catholic, and have significant disagreements with much of the doctrine and practices of the Catholic church, but I've long seen them as one of the staunchest stalwarts against this sort of nonsense. Perhaps your next Pope will turn your church back in the right direction.
when given a chance to right their wrongs the more destitute would rather leave than make amends ... good riddance to the crucifiers.

writing correctly the events of liberation theology that occurred in the 1st century is the only way for justice to again be redeemed.
liberation theology is bullshit. :lol:
as though whatever you think you have has ever had a meaningful outcome - over centuries of uninterrupted persecution and victimization of the innocent.
Western Civilization says otherwise, dummy.
Western Civilization says otherwise, dummy.
oh, hows that -

you are equating western civilization to your desert religion - - try the truth someday, in spite of - is the correct answer.
liberation theology is bullshit. :lol:
as though whatever you think you have has ever had a meaningful outcome - over centuries of uninterrupted persecution and victimization of the innocent.
Western Civilization says otherwise, dummy.
Western Civilization says otherwise, dummy.
oh, hows that -
View attachment 415378
you are equating western civilization to your desert religion - - try the truth someday, in spite of - is the correct answer.
Western Civilization was built upon Christian values and principles, dummy.

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