I'm not paying your "tax"

Ahhh, so you must have supported a public option then.

After Obama was elected, I more or less acquiesced to the idea of some kind of nationalized health insurance (single-payer or at least the public option). As a libertarian, I didn't like the idea of more government dependency, but I figured I could live with it - especially if it meant getting the neo-cons out of office.

But after Obama went along with the plan to turn the whole thing into a corporate giveaway to the insurance industry, I lost any hope I had for anything positive coming out of his administration.
That is a possibility, I agree, but not necessarily a probability. What Romney is going to try to do when elected will lever a reform and revise effort. Whether Boehner remains Speaker (as I think) and whether McConnell becomes Majority Leader (possible, not probable, imo), they will find Romney much tougher to guide than Reid and Pelosi with the president.

Romney will make no substantial changes to ACA. He's owned by the insurance industry every bit as much as Obama. They've stacked the deck and our leaders have sold us out. All that's left is details.
Ahhh, so you must have supported a public option then.

After Obama was elected, I more or less acquiesced to the idea of some kind of nationalized health insurance (single-payer or at least the public option). As a libertarian, I didn't like the idea of more government dependency, but I figured I could live with it - especially if it meant getting the neo-cons out of office.

But after Obama went along with the plan to turn the whole thing into a corporate giveaway to the insurance industry, I lost any hope I had for anything positive coming out of his administration.

But wingnuts still can't grasp that Obama is a center-right president.
Ahhh, so you must have supported a public option then.

After Obama was elected, I more or less acquiesced to the idea of some kind of nationalized health insurance (single-payer or at least the public option). As a libertarian, I didn't like the idea of more government dependency, but I figured I could live with it - especially if it meant getting the neo-cons out of office.

But after Obama went along with the plan to turn the whole thing into a corporate giveaway to the insurance industry, I lost any hope I had for anything positive coming out of his administration.

But wingnuts still can't grasp that Obama is a center-right president.

He's an authoritarian corporatist.
Ahhh, so you must have supported a public option then.

After Obama was elected, I more or less acquiesced to the idea of some kind of nationalized health insurance (single-payer or at least the public option). As a libertarian, I didn't like the idea of more government dependency, but I figured I could live with it - especially if it meant getting the neo-cons out of office.

But after Obama went along with the plan to turn the whole thing into a corporate giveaway to the insurance industry, I lost any hope I had for anything positive coming out of his administration.

I wish he had more of a backbone and stuck with what he originally wanted. Then we could have had some true choice in the marketplace and potentially brought costs down in a meaningful way, not this lip service bullshit that we have now.
Seriously. Slap fees on me. Go ahead. You will never see a dime you tyrannical clowns.

I take it you don't have health insurance and you expect everyone else to cover your medical bills if you get sick. Scumbag.

Nope. I do have insurance. And guess what? I intend to drop it in protest if this bullshit isn't repealed by 2014. Integrity and principle will win out for this guy.

Dumbass post of the century right there....expose you and your family to a catastrophic health event that will financially cripple your kids and perhaps their kids just to purposefully act like a moron.

Intelligence loses for "this guy"
Seriously. Slap fees on me. Go ahead. You will never see a dime you tyrannical clowns.

I'm just curious. Why don't you want health insurance? Are you young and immortal? Are you poor?

I know the word 'principle' is an alien term to you, so I will let your pitiful comment slide.

You're putting yourself in the position of being bankrupted by a catastrophic illness for you or someone in your family, or in the position of not even being able to get medical treatment,

on 'principle'?

What principle is that?
I'm just curious. Why don't you want health insurance? Are you young and immortal? Are you poor?

I know the word 'principle' is an alien term to you, so I will let your pitiful comment slide.

You're putting yourself in the position of being bankrupted by a catastrophic illness for you or someone in your family, or in the position of not even being able to get medical treatment,

on 'principle'?

What principle is that?

The principle that the insurance companies don't own us.
Ahhh, so you must have supported a public option then.

After Obama was elected, I more or less acquiesced to the idea of some kind of nationalized health insurance (single-payer or at least the public option). As a libertarian, I didn't like the idea of more government dependency, but I figured I could live with it - especially if it meant getting the neo-cons out of office.

But after Obama went along with the plan to turn the whole thing into a corporate giveaway to the insurance industry, I lost any hope I had for anything positive coming out of his administration.

I wish he had more of a backbone and stuck with what he originally wanted. Then we could have had some true choice in the marketplace and potentially brought costs down in a meaningful way, not this lip service bullshit that we have now.

Your avatar is very offensive.
After Obama was elected, I more or less acquiesced to the idea of some kind of nationalized health insurance (single-payer or at least the public option). As a libertarian, I didn't like the idea of more government dependency, but I figured I could live with it - especially if it meant getting the neo-cons out of office.

But after Obama went along with the plan to turn the whole thing into a corporate giveaway to the insurance industry, I lost any hope I had for anything positive coming out of his administration.

I wish he had more of a backbone and stuck with what he originally wanted. Then we could have had some true choice in the marketplace and potentially brought costs down in a meaningful way, not this lip service bullshit that we have now.

Your avatar is very offensive.

Why? Is Batman your uncle?
Lackota said:
Ah, so you're a freeloader?

Whoa whoa whoa! Nice trick there!

Trying to redefine 'freeloading' as a desire to NOT depend on the government!

:clap: Very slick. Almost got away with that one! Not quite, but nice try. :thup:
Which part of you are a moocher, don't you understand?

Your complete and utter failure to act like a grown-up... That's what I don't understand.
When you FORCED into a UNIVERSAL anything -- you have no choice. EVERYONE participates. If I hadn't been FORCED into it -- I would have another plan..

Ahhh, so you must have supported a public option then.

Just like it took 2 or 3 posts to explain how self-insuring works to a brain-numbed leftist, you need to understand something else. MOST folks don't sit around waiting for the govt to fix their problems.

Except that when a revolutionary progressive admin holds the energy sector, the healthcare sector, the financial sector, taxation policy and many others hostage to legislative threats and uncertainty --- I tend to withdraw ALL of my investments and hunker down til the adults take charge again..
Your complete and utter failure to act like a grown-up... That's what I don't understand.
When you FORCED into a UNIVERSAL anything -- you have no choice. EVERYONE participates. If I hadn't been FORCED into it -- I would have another plan..

Ahhh, so you must have supported a public option then.

Just like it took 2 or 3 posts to explain how self-insuring works to a brain-numbed leftist, you need to understand something else. MOST folks don't sit around waiting for the govt to fix their problems.

Except that when a revolutionary progressive admin holds the energy sector, the healthcare sector, the financial sector, taxation policy and many others hostage to legislative threats and uncertainty --- I tend to withdraw ALL of my investments and hunker down til the adults take charge again..

No you expect me and all the other non-free loaders to be your insurance plan because you choose not to have insurance. Typical hypocrite.

Let's see if I can remember all of my conservative talking points

- Why don't you work harder so that you don't have to leech off the rest of us?
- Why do you expect all of us hard workers to carry you who obviously don't work hard enough to support yourself?

Did I miss any?
Ahhh, so you must have supported a public option then.

Just like it took 2 or 3 posts to explain how self-insuring works to a brain-numbed leftist, you need to understand something else. MOST folks don't sit around waiting for the govt to fix their problems.

Except that when a revolutionary progressive admin holds the energy sector, the healthcare sector, the financial sector, taxation policy and many others hostage to legislative threats and uncertainty --- I tend to withdraw ALL of my investments and hunker down til the adults take charge again..

No you expect me and all the other non-free loaders to be your insurance plan because you choose not to have insurance. Typical hypocrite.

Let's see if I can remember all of my conservative talking points

- Why don't you work harder so that you don't have to leech off the rest of us?
- Why do you expect all of us hard workers to carry you who obviously don't work hard enough to support yourself?

Did I miss any?

Show me where I said I would not pay for myself... Or not carry a high deductible policy.

When you start making shit up and arguing with phantom posters -- it's time to take a break because you are making no contribution.. Or did you just have to distract from my comments about keeping most of the economy hostage to uncertainty for all these years?

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