I'm Not Really Sure Why I Have Received Comments That This Is Blasphemous

Take a look around in the mirror, corncob. You are arguing against something obviously so far over your head you simply cannot understand it, so attack it.
:abgg2q.jpg: When you have no method to defend your argument......what does the idiot do? He/she engages in personal ad hominem insults. Yeah......its over MY HEAD:auiqs.jpg: You have overwhelmed everyone with your great scriptural knowledge.
When you have no method to defend your argument......

IDIOT. What I told you that you are so feverishly been disputing has been known by man 3,000 years before Christ was even born! :lmao:

You lost the argument son before you even joined it.
IDIOT. What I told you that you are so feverishly been disputing has been known by man 3,000 years before Christ was even born! :lmao:

You lost the argument son before you even joined it.

Last word: "For the dream comes through much effort; and the voice of the fool through many empty words." -- Eccl. 5:3
Attempting to reason with the fool: Because the fool does not use his reason, he is often lead through his emotions (can everyone say.....dumbed down liberal?) He trusts his emotions (Pr. 28:6) He focuses on pleasure only (Eccl. 7:4) He ACTS self confident but is easily angered in demonstration of the lie (Pr. 14:6, Eccl. 7:9) Why? Anger is a much easier response than REASON (Pr. 20:3) He enjoys picking fights void of reason (Pr. 18:6-7) He attempts to hide his anger but would much rather engage in BACK STABBING (Pr. 10:18) Any means to an end sound familiar? The liberal bible.

The fool mocks sin (Pr. 14:9) He pretends to be religious (new age mystic...etc.) but can't live a righteous life (Luke 11:39-40)

The supposed "libertarian": a dumb downed liberal.
Yeah, let's try that. Maybe you can come down off your exhaulted cardboard throne to tell me just what I said that you disagree with?
Empty words? Thanks for the demonstration. :cool: God has you characters pegged to perfection. Its amazing, the wisdom that can be obtained from simply reading from the Bible instead of making up your own content.

"Neither be ye idolaters.......as where some of them; as it is written; The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play." -- 1 Cor. 10:7
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God has you characters pegged to perfection.
Gee, the imbecile even thinks he speaks for God now! Know any card tricks as well?

the wisdom that can be obtained from simply reading from the Bible
Never mind that most of the Bible was written hundreds of years after Christ lived.

instead of making up your own content
No need to make anything up, doofus, like I said, everything I said goes back thousands of years before the Bible, and the fact that you ignore my points and questions show that even you know you haven't a leg to stand on! Typical Bible-thumping bully the kind which only drives people from religion.
Ahha. So when it comes down to who the "believer" really is, we find out that it isn't you.

Tsk, tsk, Sue, and here you were going around pointing fingers accusing others.

You believe a lot of things in which you have no direct experience. Unless your IQ is around 50--which it demonstrably is not.

You're also spouting a lot of stuff below your education and intelligence level here. It's peculiar that unbelievers do that when it comes to faith. I thought Hitchens was a ponderous bloviating dunderhead when he wrote about God. And not just because I disagreed with him--he was. When he wrote about other topics his words absolutely sang.
Gee, the imbecile even thinks he speaks for God now! Know any card tricks as well?

Never mind that most of the Bible was written hundreds of years after Christ lived.

No need to make anything up, doofus, like I said, everything I said goes back thousands of years before the Bible, and the fact that you ignore my points and questions show that even you know you haven't a leg to stand on! Typical Bible-thumping bully the kind which only drives people from religion.

MOST of the Bible was written "hundreds of years" after Christ lived?!?!

Um...then...what was Christ even quoting when He quoted it?

WHOA....and lol
Gee, the imbecile even thinks he speaks for God now! Know any card tricks as well?

Never mind that most of the Bible was written hundreds of years after Christ lived.

No need to make anything up, doofus, like I said, everything I said goes back thousands of years before the Bible, and the fact that you ignore my points and questions show that even you know you haven't a leg to stand on! Typical Bible-thumping bully the kind which only drives people from religion.
Yeah.........you did not MAKE up your idiotic statement about "everything" existing in Heaven. Its in the Holy Scriptures.
Demonstrate to us how SIN can be imagined and acted on by man in heaven. Just show us the book, chapter and verse that you did not make up. My Bad! You know more than God about His abode. :abgg2q.jpg:
You're also spouting a lot of stuff below your education and intelligence level here.
Now you are just getting offensive, rude, stupid and pretentious Sue to suppose YOU know my background, knowledge, experience, education and intelligence. That disqualifies you from all further serious consideration and opinion here. It's a really cheap shot that when you can't even prove your point so try to go all ad hominem now attacking the messenger. I thought you were better than that.
MOST of the Bible was written "hundreds of years" after Christ lived?!?!

Gee Sue, you sure are ignorant of something you've stuck you nose into professing being an expert in. You can look up on a dozen websites that the books of the Bible were written over about a 1500 year period starting long before Jesus's birth to up to a couple centuries after his death, not to mention the various versions and revisions to the Bible done through the years to translate it. I have one Bible here with maybe a dozen books in it that my other Bibles don't even have! So which is right?

Then there is the question of who kept all this stuff over the years and kept adding to it and why and whether they altered, added to or revised any of it? Lastly, the Bible is the work of 40 different people; are we to assume all of these people were inspired and driven by God himself to write them? Why would someone be inspired 1400 to 2000 years before Christ to write Job or Genesis? How would they even know Christ would be born in another millennium?

And if we are to trust that all these people could be inspired by God, then I really don't get all the hatred and animus spewed towards FJB here just because she said she's writing children stories to bring christian concepts better to them? Who are you to say what inspired her much less to attack it?
Yeah.........you did not MAKE up your idiotic statement about "everything" existing in Heaven. Its in the Holy Scriptures.
Oh wait. First, you can't even quote me right. I said the IDEA of a chair must come before the reality of ever making one. Second, you attacked me saying it was all BS and an "idiotic statement." NOW you are claiming above it's all in the scriptures anyway? Wow, what a fucking idiot you are. Another bible-thumping moron. Now you try to make up fallacious crap as challenges for me to overcome to prove myself based on things I never claimed nor said so that I can't meet them so that you can then present it as "proof" of my folly? What an 24K asshole.
Now you are just getting offensive, rude, stupid and pretentious Sue to suppose YOU know my background, knowledge, experience, education and intelligence. That disqualifies you from all further serious consideration and opinion here. It's a really cheap shot that when you can't even prove your point so try to go all ad hominem now attacking the messenger. I thought you were better than that.

Oh. You missed the point.
Gee Sue, you sure are ignorant of something you've stuck you nose into professing being an expert in. You can look up on a dozen websites that the books of the Bible were written over about a 1500 year period starting long before Jesus's birth to up to a couple centuries after his death, not to mention the various versions and revisions to the Bible done through the years to translate it. I have one Bible here with maybe a dozen books in it that my other Bibles don't even have! So which is right?

Then there is the question of who kept all this stuff over the years and kept adding to it and why and whether they altered, added to or revised any of it? Lastly, the Bible is the work of 40 different people; are we to assume all of these people were inspired and driven by God himself to write them? Why would someone be inspired 1400 to 2000 years before Christ to write Job or Genesis? How would they even know Christ would be born in another millennium?

And if we are to trust that all these people could be inspired by God, then I really don't get all the hatred and animus spewed towards FJB here just because she said she's writing children stories to bring christian concepts better to them? Who are you to say what inspired her much less to attack it?

Let's start here:

what Book of the Bible was written a "couple centuries" after Jesus' death?

That would be year 233 for those playing along at home
what Book of the Bible was written a "couple centuries" after Jesus' death?

The book of Esdras appears to be. But that book was never accepted into the official writings of the Bible. But then, it appears that the whole of the old testament was written long before Christ and all of the new testament was written between 30 to 60 years after he died.

Kinda like if you were to write about the assassination of JFK now, based on childhood memories.
I was just talking about in another thread of mine missionary work that I do in my writing where I have turned God into a funny character who loves rock and roll music. That's only to get the youngsters interested because I designed him to turn people onto God by using scripture in my writing and turning Him from a reputation where He is often seen as hot tempered and angry and people are afraid of Him to somebody who is kind, loving, forgiving, and understanding.

I also added the rock and roll and goofy stuff because 1. I believe God has a sense of humor. 2. He gave me permission to use it as long as I focus on the primary focus of turning people to Him. 3. There's no reason why one can't learn and have fun at the same time. So ladies and gents, I give you a face claim (Chris Hemsworth) of David James!!! :D (DJ/The Deej. ;) )

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Just don't use any racial slurz and all is fucking peachy
The book of Esdras appears to be. But that book was never accepted into the official writings of the Bible. But then, it appears that the whole of the old testament was written long before Christ and all of the new testament was written between 30 to 60 years after he died.

Kinda like if you were to write about the assassination of JFK now, based on childhood memories.

And maybe that's why it wasn't accepted into canon, you think?

Maybe if you made the statement that the Bible was written "hundreds of years" after Christ lived--and made that statement more than once--you don't know as much as you think you do. Maybe?

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