i'm really scared of a trade war with China


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
so Trump places tariffs on China.

The brutal Chinese government retaliates , stops buying our crap, and raises the price on manufacturing for us.

Now, we have to start making crap here again, people are employed, and the money stays in the country.

all the Chinese that moved to the big city...go back to working in the rice fields.

...really scared.
so Trump places tariffs on China.

The brutal Chinese government retaliates , stops buying our crap, and raises the price on manufacturing for us.

Now, we have to start making crap here again, people are employed, and the money stays in the country.

all the Chinese that moved to the big city...go back to working in the rice fields.

...really scared.
People freaked out when the Japanese purchased large portions of Manhattan on the upper east side and the Rockefeller rink.
America and China have become economic Siamese twins. You can't hurt your twin without hurting yourself. Neither country is suicidal so there will not be a trade war. Just a long LONG overdue trade dispute and re-negotiation.
i'm really scared of a trade war with China

Yeah, so is the stock market.
You should be far more afraid of Chinese hackers, espionage and spying within the U.S military in all divisions. Furthermore, the continued expansion of the Chinese economy to support the military ambitions of a Communist government in an effort to replace the U.S greenback as the global standard.

Time to take on the Chinese economic and trade abuses before they become "too big to fail". Other allied nations who believe putting one over on America and her workers while not supporting their own military will wish they had been more honest capitalists when American military can no longer guarantee protection of said nation(s).
so Trump places tariffs on China.

The brutal Chinese government retaliates , stops buying our crap, and raises the price on manufacturing for us.

Now, we have to start making crap here again, people are employed, and the money stays in the country.

all the Chinese that moved to the big city...go back to working in the rice fields.

...really scared.
I wish it were that simple.

If a trade war actually starts IT WILL BE PAINFUL.

It's not like we have all these factories lying around just waiting for someone to flip the light switch on. Many of the key factories went out of business decades ago and would need to be completely retooled to get up to snuff.

This shit really isn't a game. You may be old and "established" but their are millions of Americans who are still just getting by from week to week. Smack them with higher prices for a year or two until things stabilize and watch shit go back down as fast as it came up.
so Trump places tariffs on China.

The brutal Chinese government retaliates , stops buying our crap, and raises the price on manufacturing for us.

Now, we have to start making crap here again, people are employed, and the money stays in the country.

all the Chinese that moved to the big city...go back to working in the rice fields.

...really scared.
The US and Europe used to make their own products. If China stops making them, we'll go back to making them, converting make-work service and government jobs into manufacturing jobs. It's China that's going to be up shit's creek without a paddle if they stop buying our "crap" (machinery and electronics too sophisticated for them to make, also: food).
i'm really scared of a trade war with China

Yeah, so is the stock market.

Of course the corporations are scared they will have to move jobs back, it’s more work for them and less profits using slave labor.

Glad to see regressives so concerned for the “one percenters”.
I wish it were that simple.

If a trade war actually starts IT WILL BE PAINFUL.

It's not like we have all these factories lying around just waiting for someone to flip the light switch on. Many of the key factories went out of business decades ago and would need to be completely retooled to get up to snuff.

This shit really isn't a game. You may be old and "established" but their are millions of Americans who are still just getting by from week to week. Smack them with higher prices for a year or two until things stabilize and watch shit go back down as fast as it came up.
No more painful than a lidocaine needle at the dentist. You hate that, but after you get home, you're glad you went.

China is bluffing. They can't do a trade war with the US. They need us.
We don't need them.
We have the big, wealthy market to which they sell all their goods. And what do they have ? A billion penniless paupers (even the employed ones, who work for peanuts) .

China knows this. That's why they pushed Kim Jong Un into doing his nuclear missle tirade. When Trump announced the tariffs, China had no more need for the big missle bluster, and it ended.

China's economic rampage is coming to an end. All it took was a business smart POTUS, after having 4 dopes.

As for "higher prices", nah. How do you think a price is determined? If you knew, you wouldn't be scared at all. If they raise their prices, their sales drop. They gain nothing by raising prices, and it would even cause them to lose money.
so Trump places tariffs on China.

The brutal Chinese government retaliates , stops buying our crap, and raises the price on manufacturing for us.

Now, we have to start making crap here again, people are employed, and the money stays in the country.

all the Chinese that moved to the big city...go back to working in the rice fields.

...really scared.
You have no clue...stick to watching NASCAR.
Meanwhile; China Just Announced It's Imposing Tariffs On 128 Products From The US - On Sunday, China announced new tariffs on 128 products from the US, escalating fears of an all-out trade war. China's finance ministry said in a statement that the country is imposing tariffs on 128 products imported from the US including pork, berries, almonds, and apples., effective Monday.
HA HA HA. That's like the Cleveland Browns telling the Philadelphia Eagles, we're going to whup your butts. Give me a break.

China has no cards. USA is holding all of them. We have THE MARKET.

128 products huh? Looks like they're going to make this easy for us. Trump couldn't be happier.
so Trump places tariffs on China.

The brutal Chinese government retaliates , stops buying our crap, and raises the price on manufacturing for us.

Now, we have to start making crap here again, people are employed, and the money stays in the country.

all the Chinese that moved to the big city...go back to working in the rice fields.

...really scared.
The US and Europe used to make their own products. If China stops making them, we'll go back to making them, converting make-work service and government jobs into manufacturing jobs. It's China that's going to be up shit's creek without a paddle if they stop buying our "crap" (machinery and electronics too sophisticated for them to make, also: food).
Make stuff here and you'll pay triple the price that people can afford. That boat sailed long time ago....America is a consumer and not a manufacturer.
Make stuff here and you'll pay triple the price that people can afford. That boat sailed long time ago....America is a consumer and not a manufacturer.
They're ALREADY making stuff here. Lots of companies are moving BACK into the US - GM, IBM, Hyundai, Kia, WalMart, Bayer AG, Monsanto, Carrier, Ford, Amazon, Sprint, Broadcom Limited, Lockheed Martin, etc.

10 Companies That Are Bringing Jobs Back to America

Trump Effect? Companies Announce Billions in U.S. Investments, New Jobs
I wish it were that simple.

If a trade war actually starts IT WILL BE PAINFUL.

It's not like we have all these factories lying around just waiting for someone to flip the light switch on. Many of the key factories went out of business decades ago and would need to be completely retooled to get up to snuff.

This shit really isn't a game. You may be old and "established" but their are millions of Americans who are still just getting by from week to week. Smack them with higher prices for a year or two until things stabilize and watch shit go back down as fast as it came up.
No more painful than a lidocaine needle at the dentist. You hate that, but after you get home, you're glad you went.

China is bluffing. They can't do a trade war with the US. They need us.
We don't need them.
We have the big, wealthy market to which they sell all their goods. And what do they have ? A billion penniless paupers (even the employed ones, who work for peanuts) .

China knows this. That's why they pushed Kim Jong Un into doing his nuclear missle tirade. When Trump announced the tariffs, China had no more need for the big missle bluster, and it ended.

China's economic rampage is coming to an end. All it took was a business smart POTUS, after having 4 dopes.

As for "higher prices", nah. How do you think a price is determined? If you knew, you wouldn't be scared at all. If they raise their prices, their sales drop. They gain nothing by raising prices, and it would even cause them to lose money.
China Now Has More Millionaires Than Any Country but the U.S.
It seems the Chinese have a different opinion

China hits the United States with $3 billion in tariffs

It's not matter of opinion. It's a matter of fact. We have an enormous MARKET of hundreds of millions of people with money in pockets to buy things. That's why China exports to us. And they need that US market. If we tariff them (and we're going to), they're sunk. Where else are they gong to find a market even a 1/10 as big as ours ? Nowhere.

China hitting the US with tariffs ? Looks like they're going to make this easy for Trump. Now he has a free path to really sock them with some tariffs. Bad move by China. Really stupid.

Oh, so they're going to hit us with $3 Billion in tariffs, huh ? Well, we're hitting them with $61 Billion in tariffs, and that's just the beginning. We are witnessing the downfall of China, like few countries have ever dropped throughout history. Keep watching.
so Trump places tariffs on China.

The brutal Chinese government retaliates , stops buying our crap, and raises the price on manufacturing for us.

Now, we have to start making crap here again, people are employed, and the money stays in the country.

all the Chinese that moved to the big city...go back to working in the rice fields.

...really scared.

Yeah, economics for primary school.

If only it were that simple.

Yes, the US might start making stuff again, at a higher price, which means less people buy stuff, China's not buy things from the US, which means other products gain center stage at an important time to be gaining brand awareness in a country getting richer and richer every year.
Yeah, economics for primary school.

If only it were that simple.

Yes, the US might start making stuff again, at a higher price, which means less people buy stuff, China's not buy things from the US, which means other products gain center stage at an important time to be gaining brand awareness in a country getting richer and richer every year.
The crux of it all isn't China buying things from the US. It is China needing to sell things to the US. This is why they can't win a trade war with the US.

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