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I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired: Jacob Blake and the content of his character

Being anti-semite is immaterial- there's lots of stories about jews being pedophiles- they're not as pubished as the ones about catholics, but, they exist.
Black rapist killed: TRUMPS FAULT
China invented a virus that kills millions: TRUMPS FAULT
The sky is cloudy today: TRUMPS FAULT
I stubbed my toe and it hurts: TRUMPS FAULT
IN RE: Jacob Blake, Sr. and his son, who is at the center of this division right now.

He said "I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." That's what Martin Luther King said on the steps of the Washington Monument in late August of 1963. When I first had the wherewithal to understand the nuance of that statement, I figured that by that logic, I should judge people by how they act, not by how they look.

Today, I do the same thing. I don't see white people or black people, I see character and actions. And when I read about who Jacob Blake, Sr. and his son were and what they did, when I see people using their race to justify their errant behavior, I came to one simple conclusion:

Jacob Blake, Sr. is a anti-Semite. His son, the one you are all deifying RIGHT NOW, is a sexual predator! You completely ignore the fact he sexually assaulted his girlfriend, and had a restraining order filed against him to stay away from her and her children, which as you can clearly see in the now infamous footage HE VIOLATED!

If you are propping these two up for ANY REASON, you are trash. You are absolute human garbage. You reside with the dregs and scum of our society. You show that your aim is not social justice or racial equality, but a personally driven agenda that does not take your fellows into account. You do more harm than good.

You should do some self introspection before you EVER lecture anyone else about their morality or their intentions. For that matter, refrain from lecturing anyone about the content of their character, because you have none.

Yes, I saw cops suffocate a black man to death, yes, I heard about an 18 year old black boy being shot as he ran from police, but the outrage you hold over those injustices now rings hollow, and it forever will. When you propped up Blake Sr. and his son, YOU SAW THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN, NOT THE CONTENT OF THEIR CHARACTER.
Winner winner chicken FEAST
Okay then.

You voted for a sexual predator, I think anyone who votes a sexual predator are trash.

I ask how did he assault his girlfriend. Tramp first wife said he raped her, yet you don't believe her.

And you exemplify my point, Penelope. You aren't worried about what Jacob did, just that he's black and that some evil police pigs shot him in the back.

Spare me your false moral outrage. Please. Before I tear into you like a 16 ounce ribeye steak.

You heard the Accent Hollywood tape and his rape stories, anyone who votes for the sexual predator is human trash.

So, you don't know the meaning of the word, "let"?

You are quite retarded, aren't ya?
The communist democrats make a hero out of every two bit worthless algea criminal as long as he's black. This is royalty by skin color. The 18 year old that was killed in a shoot out with police isn't a good boy. He's a worthless thug. Jake Blake isn't a good hearted family man. He's an abuser. The naked fool threatening and spitting isn't a sick man in need of help. He's an out of control drug addict. The med report said he was on PCP. I doubt that. He's classic synthetic marijuana, spice or bath salts. Their blood literally boils in their veins. They are so hot they take off their clothes.

Don't ask me to make heroes of of these worthless bags of skin. Don't ask me to feel sorry for their families. Their parents raised them to be this way.
..they are jackass criminals that would rob and rape you without a second thought...and people are glorifying and going apeshit for them???!!!!!

He should of not been shot repeatedly close up in his back.
...how would you like it, or anyone, if this jackass raped and robbed you or a loved one??? I know I would want him dead
....people do not think in realistic terms...these jackass criminals that steal cars/break windows/rob/etc fk up people's LIVES!!!!!!! and not just the victim ..

I think tramp is a rapist and you guys voted for him and he is above the law.
you THINK hahhahahahah
it's on VIDEO--Blake is resisting

This is who you voted for:
Like that's any worse than Joe Biden's list. You're still an asshole
IN RE: Jacob Blake, Sr. and his son, who is at the center of this division right now.

He said "I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." That's what Martin Luther King said on the steps of the Washington Monument in late August of 1963. When I first had the wherewithal to understand the nuance of that statement, I figured that by that logic, I should judge people by how they act, not by how they look.

Today, I do the same thing. I don't see white people or black people, I see character and actions. And when I read about who Jacob Blake, Sr. and his son were and what they did, when I see people using their race to justify their errant behavior, I came to one simple conclusion:

Jacob Blake, Sr. is a anti-Semite. His son, the one you are all deifying RIGHT NOW, is a sexual predator! You completely ignore the fact he sexually assaulted his girlfriend, and had a restraining order filed against him to stay away from her and her children, which as you can clearly see in the now infamous footage HE VIOLATED!

If you are propping these two up for ANY REASON, you are trash. You are absolute human garbage. You reside with the dregs and scum of our society. You show that your aim is not social justice or racial equality, but a personally driven agenda that does not take your fellows into account. You do more harm than good.

You should do some self introspection before you EVER lecture anyone else about their morality or their intentions. For that matter, refrain from lecturing anyone about the content of their character, because you have none.

Yes, I saw cops suffocate a black man to death, yes, I heard about an 18 year old black boy being shot as he ran from police, but the outrage you hold over those injustices now rings hollow, and it forever will. When you propped up Blake Sr. and his son, YOU SAW THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN, NOT THE CONTENT OF THEIR CHARACTER.

Nonsense. Absolute Garbage.

First. If we accept that lethal force must be an available option we must also agree that it should be used only as a last resort. When lives are at stake. Not may be at stake. Not could possibly be at stake. Are.

Not because the victim is black. But because the victim is. John Geer was White. He was shot and the police department spent two years covering up the shooting and dragging the investigation on as long as possible. When the Prosecutors Office asked for the files she was told no. It was still under investigation. The Feds were told no. Finally a Judge ordered the files turned over as part of a wrongful death lawsuit.

Then the family took the files to the Prosecutor who filed charges. The shooting was wrong and everyone knew it ten minutes after the corpse hit the ground.

It was wrong because it was wrong. Not because he was White. If he had been Black It would still be wrong.

Walter Scott was shot in the back. The cop prettied the scene up. He knew it was not a good shooting. Not because Scott was Black. Because the shooting was wrong.

Content of the Character works both ways. When the police use inappropriate force they are wrong. All you see is a “good guy” no matter how wrong he was. You know that the police lie regularly. That is Perjury. A felony. Yet they are the good guys. Somehow your determination to judge based only on character misses that point.
IN RE: Jacob Blake, Sr. and his son, who is at the center of this division right now.

He said "I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." That's what Martin Luther King said on the steps of the Washington Monument in late August of 1963. When I first had the wherewithal to understand the nuance of that statement, I figured that by that logic, I should judge people by how they act, not by how they look.

Today, I do the same thing. I don't see white people or black people, I see character and actions. And when I read about who Jacob Blake, Sr. and his son were and what they did, when I see people using their race to justify their errant behavior, I came to one simple conclusion:

Jacob Blake, Sr. is a anti-Semite. His son, the one you are all deifying RIGHT NOW, is a sexual predator! You completely ignore the fact he sexually assaulted his girlfriend, and had a restraining order filed against him to stay away from her and her children, which as you can clearly see in the now infamous footage HE VIOLATED!

If you are propping these two up for ANY REASON, you are trash. You are absolute human garbage. You reside with the dregs and scum of our society. You show that your aim is not social justice or racial equality, but a personally driven agenda that does not take your fellows into account. You do more harm than good.

You should do some self introspection before you EVER lecture anyone else about their morality or their intentions. For that matter, refrain from lecturing anyone about the content of their character, because you have none.

Yes, I saw cops suffocate a black man to death, yes, I heard about an 18 year old black boy being shot as he ran from police, but the outrage you hold over those injustices now rings hollow, and it forever will. When you propped up Blake Sr. and his son, YOU SAW THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN, NOT THE CONTENT OF THEIR CHARACTER.

Nonsense. Absolute Garbage.

First. If we accept that lethal force must be an available option we must also agree that it should be used only as a last resort. When lives are at stake. Not may be at stake. Not could possibly be at stake. Are.

Not because the victim is black. But because the victim is. John Geer was White. He was shot and the police department spent two years covering up the shooting and dragging the investigation on as long as possible. When the Prosecutors Office asked for the files she was told no. It was still under investigation. The Feds were told no. Finally a Judge ordered the files turned over as part of a wrongful death lawsuit.

Then the family took the files to the Prosecutor who filed charges. The shooting was wrong and everyone knew it ten minutes after the corpse hit the ground.

It was wrong because it was wrong. Not because he was White. If he had been Black It would still be wrong.

Walter Scott was shot in the back. The cop prettied the scene up. He knew it was not a good shooting. Not because Scott was Black. Because the shooting was wrong.

Content of the Character works both ways. When the police use inappropriate force they are wrong. All you see is a “good guy” no matter how wrong he was. You know that the police lie regularly. That is Perjury. A felony. Yet they are the good guys. Somehow your determination to judge based only on character misses that point.

I read over your post. The one thing I notice is how you are continually trying to divert the subject or outright change it.

First, I don't give a damn who John Geer is.

Second, you are under the mistaken impression that I always agree with what the cops do or with the methods they employ. No.

Third, what happened to Walter Scott was wrong.

Lastly, we are talking about Jacob Blake. If you can't stick to the topic, you may go from whence you came.
IN RE: Jacob Blake, Sr. and his son, who is at the center of this division right now.

He said "I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." That's what Martin Luther King said on the steps of the Washington Monument in late August of 1963. When I first had the wherewithal to understand the nuance of that statement, I figured that by that logic, I should judge people by how they act, not by how they look.

Today, I do the same thing. I don't see white people or black people, I see character and actions. And when I read about who Jacob Blake, Sr. and his son were and what they did, when I see people using their race to justify their errant behavior, I came to one simple conclusion:

Jacob Blake, Sr. is a anti-Semite. His son, the one you are all deifying RIGHT NOW, is a sexual predator! You completely ignore the fact he sexually assaulted his girlfriend, and had a restraining order filed against him to stay away from her and her children, which as you can clearly see in the now infamous footage HE VIOLATED!

If you are propping these two up for ANY REASON, you are trash. You are absolute human garbage. You reside with the dregs and scum of our society. You show that your aim is not social justice or racial equality, but a personally driven agenda that does not take your fellows into account. You do more harm than good.

You should do some self introspection before you EVER lecture anyone else about their morality or their intentions. For that matter, refrain from lecturing anyone about the content of their character, because you have none.

Yes, I saw cops suffocate a black man to death, yes, I heard about an 18 year old black boy being shot as he ran from police, but the outrage you hold over those injustices now rings hollow, and it forever will. When you propped up Blake Sr. and his son, YOU SAW THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN, NOT THE CONTENT OF THEIR CHARACTER.

Nonsense. Absolute Garbage.

First. If we accept that lethal force must be an available option we must also agree that it should be used only as a last resort. When lives are at stake. Not may be at stake. Not could possibly be at stake. Are.

Not because the victim is black. But because the victim is. John Geer was White. He was shot and the police department spent two years covering up the shooting and dragging the investigation on as long as possible. When the Prosecutors Office asked for the files she was told no. It was still under investigation. The Feds were told no. Finally a Judge ordered the files turned over as part of a wrongful death lawsuit.

Then the family took the files to the Prosecutor who filed charges. The shooting was wrong and everyone knew it ten minutes after the corpse hit the ground.

It was wrong because it was wrong. Not because he was White. If he had been Black It would still be wrong.

Walter Scott was shot in the back. The cop prettied the scene up. He knew it was not a good shooting. Not because Scott was Black. Because the shooting was wrong.

Content of the Character works both ways. When the police use inappropriate force they are wrong. All you see is a “good guy” no matter how wrong he was. You know that the police lie regularly. That is Perjury. A felony. Yet they are the good guys. Somehow your determination to judge based only on character misses that point.

I read over your post. The one thing I notice is how you are continually trying to divert the subject or outright change it.

First, I don't give a damn who John Geer is.

Second, you are under the mistaken impression that I always agree with what the cops do or with the methods they employ. No.

Third, what happened to Walter Scott was wrong.

Lastly, we are talking about Jacob Blake. If you can't stick to the topic, you may go from whence you came.

Three cops at least. Three in the video. Each one larger. That is to say talker and heavier. Yet now we are supposed to think the only option was the gun. Bullshit.

If you are going to tell me that three is not enough to take someone into custody I’ll ask how they manage to get people restrained and into cells in Prisons.

They were wrong. They were wrong and what you are doing is character assassination.

What I was doing in the previous thread is demonstrating a pattern of behavior by the “good guys”.
You voted for a sexual predator, I think anyone who votes a sexual predator are trash.

I ask how did he assault his girlfriend. Tramp first wife said he raped her, yet you don't believe her.

And you exemplify my point, Penelope. You aren't worried about what Jacob did, just that he's black and that some evil police pigs shot him in the back.

Spare me your false moral outrage. Please. Before I tear into you like a 16 ounce ribeye steak.

You heard the Accent Hollywood tape and his rape stories, anyone who votes for the sexual predator is human trash.
Perhaps if you actually listened to the tapes, you’d realize he was merely talking about gold digger sluts that show up at parties that Hollywood elite and politicians throw all the time. And his assessment of them is spot on.
IN RE: Jacob Blake, Sr. and his son, who is at the center of this division right now.

He said "I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." That's what Martin Luther King said on the steps of the Washington Monument in late August of 1963. When I first had the wherewithal to understand the nuance of that statement, I figured that by that logic, I should judge people by how they act, not by how they look.

Today, I do the same thing. I don't see white people or black people, I see character and actions. And when I read about who Jacob Blake, Sr. and his son were and what they did, when I see people using their race to justify their errant behavior, I came to one simple conclusion:

Jacob Blake, Sr. is a anti-Semite. His son, the one you are all deifying RIGHT NOW, is a sexual predator! You completely ignore the fact he sexually assaulted his girlfriend, and had a restraining order filed against him to stay away from her and her children, which as you can clearly see in the now infamous footage HE VIOLATED!

If you are propping these two up for ANY REASON, you are trash. You are absolute human garbage. You reside with the dregs and scum of our society. You show that your aim is not social justice or racial equality, but a personally driven agenda that does not take your fellows into account. You do more harm than good.

You should do some self introspection before you EVER lecture anyone else about their morality or their intentions. For that matter, refrain from lecturing anyone about the content of their character, because you have none.

Yes, I saw cops suffocate a black man to death, yes, I heard about an 18 year old black boy being shot as he ran from police, but the outrage you hold over those injustices now rings hollow, and it forever will. When you propped up Blake Sr. and his son, YOU SAW THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN, NOT THE CONTENT OF THEIR CHARACTER.

Nonsense. Absolute Garbage.

First. If we accept that lethal force must be an available option we must also agree that it should be used only as a last resort. When lives are at stake. Not may be at stake. Not could possibly be at stake. Are.

Not because the victim is black. But because the victim is. John Geer was White. He was shot and the police department spent two years covering up the shooting and dragging the investigation on as long as possible. When the Prosecutors Office asked for the files she was told no. It was still under investigation. The Feds were told no. Finally a Judge ordered the files turned over as part of a wrongful death lawsuit.

Then the family took the files to the Prosecutor who filed charges. The shooting was wrong and everyone knew it ten minutes after the corpse hit the ground.

It was wrong because it was wrong. Not because he was White. If he had been Black It would still be wrong.

Walter Scott was shot in the back. The cop prettied the scene up. He knew it was not a good shooting. Not because Scott was Black. Because the shooting was wrong.

Content of the Character works both ways. When the police use inappropriate force they are wrong. All you see is a “good guy” no matter how wrong he was. You know that the police lie regularly. That is Perjury. A felony. Yet they are the good guys. Somehow your determination to judge based only on character misses that point.

I read over your post. The one thing I notice is how you are continually trying to divert the subject or outright change it.

First, I don't give a damn who John Geer is.

Second, you are under the mistaken impression that I always agree with what the cops do or with the methods they employ. No.

Third, what happened to Walter Scott was wrong.

Lastly, we are talking about Jacob Blake. If you can't stick to the topic, you may go from whence you came.

Three cops at least. Three in the video. Each one larger. That is to say talker and heavier. Yet now we are supposed to think the only option was the gun. Bullshit.

If you are going to tell me that three is not enough to take someone into custody I’ll ask how they manage to get people restrained and into cells in Prisons.

They were wrong. They were wrong and what you are doing is character assassination.

What I was doing in the previous thread is demonstrating a pattern of behavior by the “good guys”.

"What you are doing is character assassination"

No. What you are doing is justifying his criminal behavior, and defending an anti-Semite. What you have done is assassinated your own character by mounting this frivolous, ham-fisted defense. You no longer have any credibility on this board as far as I am concerned.

"What I was doing in the previous thread is demonstrating a pattern of behavior by the “good guys”.

Hold your tongue, charlatan. You are, in fact, not demonstrating a damned thing, save your own colossal ignorance.

THIS, what you are doing right now, is a blatant attempt at character assassination. The main difference between the cops who shot Blake and Blake's father is that we have established behavioral patterns associated with his father, an anti-Semite and a blatant, bigoted racist. That has already been established. And to further the point, we also have established that Blake, Jr. is a sex offender. You only assail the cops for doing their jobs. That's all.

Now, unless you are trained in the field, namely that of law enforcement procedure, you are grossly unqualified to be giving opinions on the tactics police use to subdue an assailant.

Oh and to redress the previous point: one "assassinates" their own character by doing harm to others and committing actions that are universally condemned by others as evil. One assassinates his character by being a rampant anti-Semite and a virulent racist. Their skin color is meaningless. Their character and behavior are the focus. And their characters were eviscerated the moment the facts about them came out.

This should have been something you learned as a child. But you are too completely ruled by emotions and political fervor to care. You paint a picture of yourself for others to see based on your actions. By the way, the whole idea of racial equality is to judge everyone, of any skin color or ethnicity, equally. It is not the ability to stand there and value one person or another over someone else based on their skin color, title, or standing.

Good day.
Last edited:
..they are jackass criminals that would rob and rape you without a second thought...and people are glorifying and going apeshit for them???!!!!!

He should of not been shot repeatedly close up in his back.
...how would you like it, or anyone, if this jackass raped and robbed you or a loved one??? I know I would want him dead
....people do not think in realistic terms...these jackass criminals that steal cars/break windows/rob/etc fk up people's LIVES!!!!!!! and not just the victim ..

I think tramp is a rapist and you guys voted for him and he is above the law.
Give the "rape" thing a rest, Penny! Nobody except the most rabid Trump haters ever believed that nonsense when it was first trotted out. Now it's become farce...
IN RE: Jacob Blake, Sr. and his son, who is at the center of this division right now.

He said "I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." That's what Martin Luther King said on the steps of the Washington Monument in late August of 1963. When I first had the wherewithal to understand the nuance of that statement, I figured that by that logic, I should judge people by how they act, not by how they look.

Today, I do the same thing. I don't see white people or black people, I see character and actions. And when I read about who Jacob Blake, Sr. and his son were and what they did, when I see people using their race to justify their errant behavior, I came to one simple conclusion:

Jacob Blake, Sr. is a anti-Semite. His son, the one you are all deifying RIGHT NOW, is a sexual predator! You completely ignore the fact he sexually assaulted his girlfriend, and had a restraining order filed against him to stay away from her and her children, which as you can clearly see in the now infamous footage HE VIOLATED!

If you are propping these two up for ANY REASON, you are trash. You are absolute human garbage. You reside with the dregs and scum of our society. You show that your aim is not social justice or racial equality, but a personally driven agenda that does not take your fellows into account. You do more harm than good.

You should do some self introspection before you EVER lecture anyone else about their morality or their intentions. For that matter, refrain from lecturing anyone about the content of their character, because you have none.

Yes, I saw cops suffocate a black man to death, yes, I heard about an 18 year old black boy being shot as he ran from police, but the outrage you hold over those injustices now rings hollow, and it forever will. When you propped up Blake Sr. and his son, YOU SAW THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN, NOT THE CONTENT OF THEIR CHARACTER.

Nonsense. Absolute Garbage.

First. If we accept that lethal force must be an available option we must also agree that it should be used only as a last resort. When lives are at stake. Not may be at stake. Not could possibly be at stake. Are.

Not because the victim is black. But because the victim is. John Geer was White. He was shot and the police department spent two years covering up the shooting and dragging the investigation on as long as possible. When the Prosecutors Office asked for the files she was told no. It was still under investigation. The Feds were told no. Finally a Judge ordered the files turned over as part of a wrongful death lawsuit.

Then the family took the files to the Prosecutor who filed charges. The shooting was wrong and everyone knew it ten minutes after the corpse hit the ground.

It was wrong because it was wrong. Not because he was White. If he had been Black It would still be wrong.

Walter Scott was shot in the back. The cop prettied the scene up. He knew it was not a good shooting. Not because Scott was Black. Because the shooting was wrong.

Content of the Character works both ways. When the police use inappropriate force they are wrong. All you see is a “good guy” no matter how wrong he was. You know that the police lie regularly. That is Perjury. A felony. Yet they are the good guys. Somehow your determination to judge based only on character misses that point.

I read over your post. The one thing I notice is how you are continually trying to divert the subject or outright change it.

First, I don't give a damn who John Geer is.

Second, you are under the mistaken impression that I always agree with what the cops do or with the methods they employ. No.

Third, what happened to Walter Scott was wrong.

Lastly, we are talking about Jacob Blake. If you can't stick to the topic, you may go from whence you came.

Three cops at least. Three in the video. Each one larger. That is to say talker and heavier. Yet now we are supposed to think the only option was the gun. Bullshit.

If you are going to tell me that three is not enough to take someone into custody I’ll ask how they manage to get people restrained and into cells in Prisons.

They were wrong. They were wrong and what you are doing is character assassination.

What I was doing in the previous thread is demonstrating a pattern of behavior by the “good guys”.

"What you are doing is character assassination"

No. What you are doing is justifying his criminal behavior, and defending an anti-Semite. What you have done is assassinated your own character by mounting this frivolous, ham-fisted defense. You no longer have any credibility on this board as far as I am concerned.

"What I was doing in the previous thread is demonstrating a pattern of behavior by the “good guys”.

Hold your tongue, charlatan. You are, in fact, not demonstrating a damned thing, save your own colossal ignorance.

THIS, what you are doing right now, is a blatant attempt at character assassination. The main difference between the cops who shot Blake and Blake's father is that we have established behavioral patterns associated with his father, an anti-Semite and a blatant, bigoted racist. That has already been established. And to further the point, we also have established that Blake, Jr. is a sex offender. You only assail the cops for doing their jobs. That's all.

Now, unless you are trained in the field, namely that of law enforcement procedure, you are grossly unqualified to be giving opinions on the tactics police use to subdue an assailant.

Oh and to redress the previous point: one "assassinates" their own character by doing harm to others and committing actions that are universally condemned by others as evil. One assassinates his character by being a rampant anti-Semite and a virulent racist. Their skin color is meaningless. Their character and behavior are the focus. And their characters were eviscerated the moment the facts about them came out.

This should have been something you learned as a child. But you are too completely ruled by emotions and political fervor to care. You paint a picture of yourself for others to see based on your actions. By the way, the whole idea of racial equality is to judge everyone, of any skin color or ethnicity, equally. It is not the ability to stand there and value one person or another over someone else based on their skin color, title, or standing.

Good day.

Again. Nonsense. Your position is that he deserved it because he was accused of a crime. He deserved it because his Father is an anti Semite. My position is that nobody deserves it ever. It is unnecessary. It is excessive. It is indefensible.

You have no answer as to how Prison Guards manage to take someone into custody without shooting them using only pepper spray and numbers.

Worse the guards are surrounded by literally nothing but other violent criminals. Yet somehow they manage.

Then you whip out the last weak defense. You just do not understand.

I grew up in a minority neighborhood. One of the only Whites in the entire neighborhood. Yet somehow I do not understand what is going on.

An absolutely true statement from Gun Rights advocates is that the baddie is there when the cops are not. When there are seconds the cops are minutes away. Yet somehow I just do not get it.

But let’s turn this around. Let’s say that our Baddie shot the cop seven times and left him paralyzed. And we discover the cop was a domestic abuser. Does that mean using your argument that the cop deserved it?

The end result is that you use lethal force only when it is necessary. And it was not. The charges ended up being dropped.

But let’s consider those charges. Both Trump and Biden have been similarly accused. Are you suggesting that the content of their characters means they should be shot too?
..they are jackass criminals that would rob and rape you without a second thought...and people are glorifying and going apeshit for them???!!!!!

He should of not been shot repeatedly close up in his back.
...how would you like it, or anyone, if this jackass raped and robbed you or a loved one??? I know I would want him dead
....people do not think in realistic terms...these jackass criminals that steal cars/break windows/rob/etc fk up people's LIVES!!!!!!! and not just the victim ..

I think tramp is a rapist and you guys voted for him and he is above the law.
Give the "rape" thing a rest, Penny! Nobody except the most rabid Trump haters ever believed that nonsense when it was first trotted out. Now it's become farce...
..typical leftist logic:
...comparing a successful NON criminal to a loser, shithead father who RESISTS arrests and commits crimes
..they compare police doing their jobs to jackass criminals
He should of not been shot repeatedly close up in his back.
1) He should not have went to his girlfriends house and sexually assaulted her
2) He should not have returned there the next day
3) He should not have resisted arrest repeatedly
4) He should not have walked away with his hands down, and attempt to get into his car when 3 police officers had their guns drawn

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