‘I’m Sorry I Wished Violent Death to Children Just Because They Wore MAGA Hats’

I did hear them chant that,,,but isnt it ironic that a liberal complains about chanting??? or is the word a hypocrite???

and beside if the indians would have built a wall then us whites wouldnt be here
So "chanting" is the problem? It has nothing to do with "what" they were chanting, or "why" they were chanting?
God damn the fucking idiots here. The Black Isralites said Build the Wall to the Indians. There is video and audio backing it up. The kids never said that. Quit getting your fucking facts from Twitter.
That doesn't make any sense coming from them. It does coming from the MAGA kids.
You mean like the black israelites? Nope, they seem to be doing just fine, so your hypothetical prediction is untrue.
It's not hypocritical. Show me one MAGA hat kid in that crowd that didn't have the standard "white boy" pigmentation. Or show me one post of yours where you defend kids of color.

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