‘I’m Sorry I Wished Violent Death to Children Just Because They Wore MAGA Hats’

A lawyer has given any news outlet, social media sites and celebrity Twitter accounts who has defamed these young men 48 hour retract and apologize. If not, the lawsuits will commence and all they have to prove is negligence, not malice. $300,000 and up will be sought.

I would suggest that the MODs take a look at some of the comments made here and decide if USMB wants to take a chance of not being noticed. These are children. The law doesn't take too kindly in abuse of minors.
MAGA Hat = KKK Hood
Oh. Shut up with the NPC programmed soundbites.

I wonder why that made you so upset?
It makes no point other than to broadbrush which the troll is only capable of.
Do you support the idiot of the site?

Oh. It’s the broadbrushing that you don’t like! Cool.

Do you think “the left” gets sexual gratification from watching white kids suffer? Cuz, you didn’t comment on that absurd broadbrushing that took place earlier in this thread.
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So let's see.

A small incident occurs. Someone records and posts it. It goes national. Shallow, simplistic assumptions are made by people who sense political advantage. Personal insults and character attacks begin flying. The press goes gaga. We're screaming at each other in the street. More information comes out, later, that mitigates some of the story. Doesn't matter, the personal insults and character attacks continue.

And no one appears to be embarrassed that we keep doing this.

And we wonder why we haven't been visited by aliens.
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A lawyer has given any news outlet, social media sites and celebrity Twitter accounts who has defamed these young men 48 hour retract and apologize. If not, the lawsuits will commence and all they have to prove is negligence, not malice. $300,000 and up will be sought.

I would suggest that the MODs take a look at some of the comments made here and decide if USMB wants to take a chance of not being noticed. These are children. The law doesn't take too kindly in abuse of minors.
There' a whole lot of people out there that need to make some apologies.
Including about a dozen on this site who condoned violence against the kids.

A dozen? That’s a lot. Who are they?

Still waiting. Can you tell us who the dozen are? Or was that an exaggeration that you cannot support? petro
Those posts have been pulled.
Several that I directly responded to have disappeared. Several said they would beat the kid himself.
Posts inciting violence are against the rules.
The trash knows who they are , and so do those of us who saw the original posts.
Better question.
Do you support the continued life threats on a kid who dared a smile and wore a harmless red hat?
A lawyer has given any news outlet, social media sites and celebrity Twitter accounts who has defamed these young men 48 hour retract and apologize. If not, the lawsuits will commence and all they have to prove is negligence, not malice. $300,000 and up will be sought.

I would suggest that the MODs take a look at some of the comments made here and decide if USMB wants to take a chance of not being noticed. These are children. The law doesn't take too kindly in abuse of minors.
There' a whole lot of people out there that need to make some apologies.
Including about a dozen on this site who condoned violence against the kids.

A dozen? That’s a lot. Who are they?

Still waiting. Can you tell us who the dozen are? Or was that an exaggeration that you cannot support? petro
Those posts have been pulled.
Several that I directly responded to have disappeared. Several said they would beat the kid himself.
Posts inciting violence are against the rules.
The trash knows who they are , and so do those of us who saw the original posts.
Better question.
Do you support the continued life threats on a kid who dared a smile and wore a harmless red hat?

You ask that question because you need some kind of way to save face. I get it. Now, a person who has never supported violence of any kind against anyone, me, gets to suggest that you look inward. Don’t make claims that you cannot support. It makes you seem like a broadbrusher. You can’t point me to a dozen USMB members threatening violence against those kids. You should not make the claim.

You can call the expression that kid did put forth a smile if you want to. But you know that it wasn’t a smile. You can call the hat he wore harmless. But then you’d have to say that all symbols are harmless....regardless of how people might see them. Think about that for a while. Maybe you’ll come to a place of understanding.
A lawyer has given any news outlet, social media sites and celebrity Twitter accounts who has defamed these young men 48 hour retract and apologize. If not, the lawsuits will commence and all they have to prove is negligence, not malice. $300,000 and up will be sought.

I would suggest that the MODs take a look at some of the comments made here and decide if USMB wants to take a chance of not being noticed. These are children. The law doesn't take too kindly in abuse of minors.
There' a whole lot of people out there that need to make some apologies.
Including about a dozen on this site who condoned violence against the kids.

A dozen? That’s a lot. Who are they?

Still waiting. Can you tell us who the dozen are? Or was that an exaggeration that you cannot support? petro
Those posts have been pulled.
Several that I directly responded to have disappeared. Several said they would beat the kid himself.
Posts inciting violence are against the rules.
The trash knows who they are , and so do those of us who saw the original posts.
Better question.
Do you support the continued life threats on a kid who dared a smile and wore a harmless red hat?

You ask that question because you need some kind of way to save face. I get it. Now, a person who has never supported violence of any kind against anyone, me, gets to suggest that you look inward. Don’t make claims that you cannot support. It makes you seem like a broadbrusher. You can’t point me to a dozen USMB members threatening violence against those kids. You should not make the claim.

You can call the expression that kid did put forth a smile if you want to. But you know that it wasn’t a smile. You can call the hat he wore harmless. But then you’d have to say that all symbols are harmless....regardless of how people might see them. Think about that for a while. Maybe you’ll come to a place of understanding.
Don't support violence?
Then that is where you should concentrate. The death threats. No symbol is worthy of that.
Yet you concentrate on the kids.
Maybe you should think of that.
A lawyer has given any news outlet, social media sites and celebrity Twitter accounts who has defamed these young men 48 hour retract and apologize. If not, the lawsuits will commence and all they have to prove is negligence, not malice. $300,000 and up will be sought.

I would suggest that the MODs take a look at some of the comments made here and decide if USMB wants to take a chance of not being noticed. These are children. The law doesn't take too kindly in abuse of minors.
Including about a dozen on this site who condoned violence against the kids.

A dozen? That’s a lot. Who are they?

Still waiting. Can you tell us who the dozen are? Or was that an exaggeration that you cannot support? petro
Those posts have been pulled.
Several that I directly responded to have disappeared. Several said they would beat the kid himself.
Posts inciting violence are against the rules.
The trash knows who they are , and so do those of us who saw the original posts.
Better question.
Do you support the continued life threats on a kid who dared a smile and wore a harmless red hat?

You ask that question because you need some kind of way to save face. I get it. Now, a person who has never supported violence of any kind against anyone, me, gets to suggest that you look inward. Don’t make claims that you cannot support. It makes you seem like a broadbrusher. You can’t point me to a dozen USMB members threatening violence against those kids. You should not make the claim.

You can call the expression that kid did put forth a smile if you want to. But you know that it wasn’t a smile. You can call the hat he wore harmless. But then you’d have to say that all symbols are harmless....regardless of how people might see them. Think about that for a while. Maybe you’ll come to a place of understanding.
Don't support violence?
Then that is where you should concentrate. The death threats. No symbol is worthy of that.
Yet you concentrate on the kids.
Maybe you should think of that.

You have not shown me a death threat to concentrate on.

I love your resolute strength here. No symbols are worthy of death threats. That’s quite a statement.
Even if that kid yelled obscenities at that man do you publicly state all the kids wearing red hats should be tossed into a wood chipper.

The Left are really sick and deranged.
I haven't seen one post of yours condemning those kids actions, talk about sick and deranged. The were chanting "build the wall" to a man whose ancestors were here 13,000 years before they were.

Nope. The forked tonged dude lied.

Even if that kid yelled obscenities at that man do you publicly state all the kids wearing red hats should be tossed into a wood chipper.

The Left are really sick and deranged.
I haven't seen one post of yours condemning those kids actions, talk about sick and deranged. The were chanting "build the wall" to a man whose ancestors were here 13,000 years before they were.

Where is the proof that they chanted that?

Nope, they never chanted that.

Another lie by the left wing assholes.
I did hear them chant that,,,but isnt it ironic that a liberal complains about chanting??? or is the word a hypocrite???

and beside if the indians would have built a wall then us whites wouldnt be here

Where? what cut?
Why is everyone blaming the white kids, Seems nobody want to blame the black "Israelites" who started the whole incident.

Yeah! Nobody! Zero people blame the black Israelites. You nailed it!

It took a couple of days - and the conservative media - to even get the presence of the Black Israelites MENTIONED. And there might be somebody in the MSM mildly blaming the BI for what happened, but I personally haven't seen it yet.
A lawyer has given any news outlet, social media sites and celebrity Twitter accounts who has defamed these young men 48 hour retract and apologize. If not, the lawsuits will commence and all they have to prove is negligence, not malice. $300,000 and up will be sought.

I would suggest that the MODs take a look at some of the comments made here and decide if USMB wants to take a chance of not being noticed. These are children. The law doesn't take too kindly in abuse of minors.

At a guess, I'd say USMB isn't liable for what posters say, because it's an open platform and doesn't pick and choose what's said, beyond basic rules.

Facebook and Twitter, on the other hand, have kinda screwed themselves with their recent descent into becoming publishers instead of platforms.
Even if that kid yelled obscenities at that man do you publicly state all the kids wearing red hats should be tossed into a wood chipper.

The Left are really sick and deranged.
I haven't seen one post of yours condemning those kids actions, talk about sick and deranged. The were chanting "build the wall" to a man whose ancestors were here 13,000 years before they were.

Where is the proof that they chanted that?

Nope, they never chanted that.

Another lie by the left wing assholes.
I did hear them chant that,,,but isnt it ironic that a liberal complains about chanting??? or is the word a hypocrite???

and beside if the indians would have built a wall then us whites wouldnt be here

Where? what cut?
Even if that kid yelled obscenities at that man do you publicly state all the kids wearing red hats should be tossed into a wood chipper.

The Left are really sick and deranged.
I haven't seen one post of yours condemning those kids actions, talk about sick and deranged. The were chanting "build the wall" to a man whose ancestors were here 13,000 years before they were.

Where is the proof that they chanted that?

Nope, they never chanted that.

Another lie by the left wing assholes.
I did hear them chant that,,,but isnt it ironic that a liberal complains about chanting??? or is the word a hypocrite???

and beside if the indians would have built a wall then us whites wouldnt be here

Where? what cut?

I haven't seen one post of yours condemning those kids actions, talk about sick and deranged. The were chanting "build the wall" to a man whose ancestors were here 13,000 years before they were.

Where is the proof that they chanted that?

Nope, they never chanted that.

Another lie by the left wing assholes.
I did hear them chant that,,,but isnt it ironic that a liberal complains about chanting??? or is the word a hypocrite???

and beside if the indians would have built a wall then us whites wouldnt be here

Where? what cut?
I haven't seen one post of yours condemning those kids actions, talk about sick and deranged. The were chanting "build the wall" to a man whose ancestors were here 13,000 years before they were.

Where is the proof that they chanted that?

Nope, they never chanted that.

Another lie by the left wing assholes.
I did hear them chant that,,,but isnt it ironic that a liberal complains about chanting??? or is the word a hypocrite???

and beside if the indians would have built a wall then us whites wouldnt be here

Where? what cut?

A 23 minute video I have to dig through?

Can you at least give a time reference?
Why is everyone blaming the white kids, Seems nobody want to blame the black "Israelites" who started the whole incident.

Yeah! Nobody! Zero people blame the black Israelites. You nailed it!

It took a couple of days - and the conservative media - to even get the presence of the Black Israelites MENTIONED. And there might be somebody in the MSM mildly blaming the BI for what happened, but I personally haven't seen it yet.

Bullshit. I saw the long video taken by the group the same day that I saw the first video. The black Israelites have been named as the shit stirrers by all media outlets.

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